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Research & Development

Tenaris follows a continuous process of designing, testing and improving

TenarisHydril technology to meet the needs of each customer.

The exhaustive finite-element analysis is necessarily complemented with full-scale performance

testing, a critical step to fully verify some critical
performance features such as galling resistance and
sealability performance. These experiments include
make-and-break testing to guarantee makeup,
and extensive functional tests to verify sealability
response. This test validates the reliability of our
connections structural design and performance,
based upon testing that simulates the specific conditions in the oil field where it will be run.

Finite element analysis

and full-scale testing at
Tenariss R&D centers.


Finite element analysis is a key design element

that helps not only in producing strength visualization and indicating the distribution of stresses
and strains on our products but also provides
a detailed mapping of sealing performance
under the most varied and extreme operating
and geometrical conditions. This allows the
premium connection design to be generated,
refined and optimized even before it is manufactured. Through our R&D activities, we have
the capacity to verify our premium connections
performance according to each customers specifications or to qualify connections for a new
environment where different operational loading
conditions will be observed.

All of our technology is not only tested in our

laboratories but also in the field. Experience in the
field guarantees the performance of TenarisHydril
premium connections and simultaneously acts as
the origin for future R&D initiatives to improve
our technologies.


Our R&D centers present enhanced capacity in

full-scale testing, conditioned to test and qualify
premium connections in accordance with the
most demanding procedures including the newest
version of the ISO 13679 standard and the forthcoming API RP 5C5 protocol. Our state-of-theart finite element analysis capabilities are used
to design and analyze premium connections. We
carry out full-scale testing in Argentina, Mexico,
Italy, Japan and Brazil while basic and new design
take place mainly at our center in Campana,
Argentina and our facilities in Houston, USA.

The Tenaris R&D network provides support

for premium connection development through
specific areas and also through the generation
of basic knowledge and solutions originated in
departments as Surfaces and Coatings, Structural
Integrity, Metallurgy, Non Destructive Testing,
Dopeless technology and others that impact
not only on the connection design but also on
its manufacturing process, control and gauging technology, surface treatment, and quality.
This integrated approach helps to ensure Tenaris
maintains its leading position in terms of product
and process innovation in premium connections.


With research laboratories and specialized premium connection testing facilities in Argentina,
Italy, Japan, Mexico and Brazil, Tenaris has a
research staff of more than 200 scientists and
engineers and the resources required to support
the needs of our customers in designing, testing
and qualifying our premium connections.

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