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Students will create and sketch the properties of plains, plateaus and mesas by creating a
flipbook to identify these properties.


Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special needs, explain
how you will meet the needs of all learners.
In this first grade classroom, there are fifteen male students and fifteen female
students. One student in this classroom have been diagnosed with an IEP. The needs of all
learners will be addressed in number five.


What are your expectations for this lesson? What do you want students to learn and be
able to do with the knowledge?
Students will create and sketch the properties of plains, plateaus and mesas by
creating a flipbook to identify their properties. The students will work in groups to
draw what each type of landform looks like.


Why are these expectations suitable for this group of students?

This group of students are mainly visual and tactile learners. As a result, I have
planned more activities for those students. The lesson will give the students plenty of
opportunities to view and manipulate different items on landforms to further their
understanding on the topic. Using the posters around the room, will help the students
recognize and decipher the three types of landforms. This class works well in groups.
Social learning is a big part in this lesson because the students will need to cooperate to
design their flipbooks.

How do these expectations support the school districts curriculum, state standards, and
content standards?
These expectations support the PDE state standards for
7.2.K.B - Identify land and water forms.


Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this lesson.

All four learning styles will be address in this lesson. Visual learners needs will
be met through the numerous posters of different landforms on the board. Visual
learners will also have the PowerPoint slides to reference. To appeal to the audio


I will repeat the directions frequently to ensure their understanding. The

kinesthetic and

tactile learners will be addressed during this lesson by coloring in

the three landforms

in their flipbook.



Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little or no loss of
instructional time.
Social Studies class occurs right after lunch recess. To ensure that there is no loss
in instruction time, I will have all the needed materials at each group before the lesson
begins. The desks will also be arranged into group formations allowing each group
member to have access to the necessary materials for this lesson. The students will enter
the classroom quietly, put their belongings away and take their seats. This lesson involves

the students to be grouped, which involves a lot of thought! Due to the behavior of my
students in past lessons, I know which students cannot work together. Grouping students
is a good opportunity to make sure that a struggling student is grouped with a student that
knows the material. With that, the two students will have a chance to help each other to
complete the task. To make sure all of the students are staying on task, I will walk around
the classroom and offer assistance where needed!

Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior management of
student behavior.
The classroom rules, which are emphasized daily, are always followed by this
group of students. These rules are stressed when the class is in groups. If a student
misbehaves a behavior plan is in place. I will have a back up materials for the student
who does not stay on task. At first, the student will receive a warning that he/she will
have to work alone if the disruptive behavior continues. If it continues, I will move the
student to a separate area so he/she can complete the tasks as well.


Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student achievement.

For my lesson, I will distribute paper to each group. As a group, students will
work together to achieve their goal. I will also tell them that I expect their best work for
todays lesson. I will also walk around the room and see if there are any problems.



What will you do to motivate students?

To motivate my students, I will have the posters of the three landforms in front of
the room. These posters will be the motivators because they will incorporate our prior
lesson that the students enjoyed. This group of students loves to work in groups, which is
another motivator because the desks will be arranged before they reenter the classroom.


What will you do to activate prior knowledge?

The questions asked will be a continuation of our previous lesson. To activate prior
knowledge, I will ask the students:
1. Recall a flat land. Identify what landform it is. (Knowledge)
2. Compare a flat land to a hill (Analysis)

How do you plan to engage students in the content? What will you do? What will
students do?
During the lesson I will need the following materials:
-Posters of our three landforms
To begin the lesson, I will:
-Let my students know the expectations I have for them
-Activate the prior knowledge with questions (found in #10)
-Start talking about landforms (plain, plateau and mesa)
-I will discuss the information that is present on the slides
-I will inform the students of the different properties they possess
-I will ask students to raise a hand if they have seen any of the three pictured
-These students will have the pictures on the board as a model
-Stress the classroom rules
-Reference the three landforms on the board
During the lesson, I will:
-Model how to draw each
-Walk around and observe various answers
-If I see a student going in the opposite direction, I will strategically redirect them
-Tell the students to complete the next objects
-Walk around to see if anyone is having trouble
-Check students progress by observing their drawings
-Ask if any questions

-Informally assess the students

-If time permits, allow a Gallery Walk
-I will then begin my closure

Describe the use of questioning and discussion strategies that will encourage students
to participate in class.
The levels of Blooms Taxonomy that I have used in my prior knowledge
questions are Knowledge and Analysis. During the lesson, the levels of Bloom that I
am using are Analysis, Comprehension and Knowledge. This lesson involves the
students grouped with five to six other students. Other questions I will ask my students
during this lesson are:
1. Differentiate which landform is which. (Analysis)
2. Recall yesterdays lesson, predict what we will do today.
3. List where you see plains. (Comprehension)


What difficulties do students typically experience in this area, and how do you plan to
adapt/modify to meet their needs?
This first grade class has difficulty reading. That being said, these students will
experience a few difficulties during this lesson. To help these students, I plan to have
images of the different landforms present at all times. This way, students will be able
to know what the word above says. Another way I could help the students is to walk
around the classroom and observe how the students are working together.


Identify what informal and/or formal assessments you will use to monitor student
I will informally assess my students learning during this lesson. I will do this
by walking around the classroom and observing each students flipbook. I will see if
the students were able to correctly decipher which landform is which. I will ask the
student which landform they are currently drawing and if they could tell me one of its


What will you do to bring closure to the lesson?

I will bring closure to my lesson by recapping the three landforms covered in
class today. We will recap on what each landform is and what they look like. I will tell
the students that tomorrows science lesson will complete our flipbook and introduce
two new landforms, a butte and a mountain.
Lesson adapted from:

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