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we a McoKAY CHESS LIBRARY | MCO-14 - re 2 » MODERN BICHESSSOPENINGS COMPLETELY REVISED an - ; Nick de. Firmian, Unitegstates Chess Champion FOURTEENTH EDITION MODERN CHESS OPENINGS MCO-14 ComPLereLy REVISED BY NICK DE FIRMIAN DAVID McKAY GOMPANY, ING NEW YORK (Copyright ©1999 by Nick de Firmian A rights recorved under International and Pan-American Copyright Ganventions Pblished in the United States by David McKay Company. 2 ‘of Random House, inc, New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random Houee of Canada Limited, Toront Portons ofthis work were previously published, in diffrent form, in Modeon Chees Openings. 13th Editon. by Nick de nd Water Kom, published by avid Mckay Company, « division of Random House, ine, 1a 1990. Hardcover: 0:120-2083-5, Paperback 0.8129-2088-3 Random House website dress: www-xandombouse-com Prine in the United States of Ameria on aeld-ee paper 705492 Fourteenth Edition ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘Modern Chess Openings, 14 ed., was an enormous task to complete, con- suming twenty months of long hours by your author. Still there was much more that needed to be done and I wish to gratefully acknowledge the con- Uuibutions of the following people. Grandmaster John Fedorowicz [last teamed up with John in proparing Deep Blue's openings for its successful match against Kasparov, and was very pleased he was able to contribute the sections on the Indian Defenses in which he specializes. John wrote the chapters on the Benko Gambit, the Bogo- Indian Defense, the Grinfold Defense, and the King’s Indian De- fense. International Master John Donaldson ‘The Chess Director of San Francisco's Mechanic's Institute con- tributed the Accelerated Dragon and coauthored the Slav and Semi- Slav chapter with de Firmian, International Master Elliott Winslow and National Master Stephan Brandwein Contributed the long chapter on the Queen's Gambit Declined and most of the work on the romantic-era double king pawn openings (The King's Gambit, Giuoco Piano, Four Knights’ Defense, Philidor's Defense, Bishop’s Opening, atc.) Senior Master Bruce Leverett Gontributed the English Opening, his specialty. This long chapter cavers many systems thet Dr. Leverett explored with a year of pains- taking care. Although I edited and checked the contributions to conform to the rest of the book, the reader may still note a small difference in the style of these sections. Graham Hillyard Ensured @ high technical standard by doing most of the arduous job of proofreading and checking transliteration. He also contributed historical information and researched chess games. John MacArthur Collected and organized more than a million games in creating the database I used in the production of MCO-14, Many thanks to Random House editors Mark Gottlieb and Stanley New- man and production manager Eli Hausknecht, who took this mass of ‘material and produced a finished book. Special thanks to David Stanford Burr, who diligently reviewed the typeset pages. Nick be Fieaian Current US Chess Champion ‘August 1909 INTRODUCTIO ‘Modern Chess Openings (MOO) has been the standard English language work on chess openings for almost a century, each new edition presenting the latest strategies, The book seeks to give the reader a clear and concise presentation of whichever chess opening he (she) chooses, using the sim- ple algebraic chess notation. The book is divided into five sections of major openings groups, each section containing chapters of the specific openings (or major variations of the openings). The chapter introductions give an overview of the strategic concepts and some historical informa- tion, The major content of the book isthe tables and notes of chess varia- tions. The best play (as is currently known) is usually the main variation, and sidelines are either clever traps and tricks that are good to know, in- teresting but litle tested plans or enticing mistaken strategies along with their refutation. Some pages are dense material, reflecting the current focus on these oponings, while others are less dense and more suitable for beginners. thas been ten years since I wrote MCO-13 (my first effort in this Jong series), and there have been changes in not only the chess openings, but in the approach to chess itself, as many players now study with com- puters and consult large databases of grandmaster and othor games. ‘The databases allow grandmasters and tournament players the ability to re- search potential opponents or view thousands of games on an opening vai The commercial computer programs are excellent sparing part- ners for most players and work well calculating three- to five-move vari- ations. Yet the use of computer technology has not really changed the ancient game of chess. This is not well understood, and even Kasparov has been confused by this, losing a match to IBM's super computer Doop Blue 3.5-2.5. Lest history evaluate this epic “Man vs. Machine” contest incorrectly, Kasparov played much worse than usual, trying a faulty anti- computer strategy when he would likely have won by normal play. I had 4 special perspective in this match as I worked with IBM on this project and set Deep Blue’s opening moves for its two victories. In these gamos the computer emerged with a large opening advantage (before it even began to “think"), which put Kasparov in a hole, Chess openings are very difficult for computers unless they simply ropeat human moves. Imagi- nation and strategic thinking will always be two strengths humans have over computers. Some of my grandmaster colleagues have queried me whether MCO-14 is a book just for “average” chess players, as it covers the whole spectrum of openings in one volume. This has definitely NOT been my aim during its production. The openings are covered in a concise fashion that is easy to follow, but the content is cutting-edge ideas that I play myself ‘The raw material comes from o million-plus game database, over one hun- dred books on specific openings, unpublished analyses from the World Championship cycle, US Championships and other tournaments, months of super-computer calculations, chess magazines and letters with sugges- tions from readers. I spent more than a year and a half sifting and evaluat- ing this material, assisted by the Fritz computer program checking for tactical errors. This was not enough time to properly cover all the open- ings, so | engaged specialists in a number of openings to research and write about them. These contributions are specified in the Acknowledgments. Nick be FiRwian Current US Chess Champion ‘August 1999 CONTENTS Acknowledgments Introduction Bibliogrephy nnn + ait Explanatory Notes ose ips forthe Novice 1. DOUBLE KING PAWN OPENINGS BE King Gambil a 2.NEQ Neb 9 et Bes 2 Givoee Piano 18 NIG Neb 9 Bes Bes 4 3 Evans Gambit 2% 2NIGNe® 3 Bes NIG. 4 Two Knights’ Defense 2 2 NFa Neb 9 Bs. Ruy Lopee, 0 ‘A. Varitions wi 6 a Includes Classical Defonse, Hein Defense, CCozio Dolense, Bird's Defense, Old Stinits Defense, 23-46, Schliemann Defense B, Variants on Moves 4-6 fer 3.96, 5 Includes Exchange Veriation, Modern Stenite Dafne, Lines with 3... a6and . Bs, ‘Arkangel Variation, Fith-Move Variant th: Move Variants, Open Variation G. Main Lines, 3-084 Baa NI6 50-0 Bo (Rot bs 7 bba do a3 00 (and Marabell Attack 7... 00) a Inclades Closed Defense (minor systems) CChigorn Variation, Braver Variation, Smyslov Variation, Zaitsv Variation, Mershell Attack ANE Nfj—nnnenn G Potrov's Dense o 2NI9 Nob 2d exdt-—--— 7 Seateh Game rot B Neder 6 Vionna Game. a BINT Now 9 Ne Nes. 9 Four Knights Gamo 8 BNI Neb 9 Neewene—-—— 40 The Knights” Game, us BND dm 11 Philidor Delonte INE Nob 9 en 12 Ponsians Opening 2.NEa Nob 9 dex # 02-19 GBring Gambit 2.44 exdd 3.) nese M4 Danish Gambit 2Nf (5 95 Latelan Gambit 2 Ronn 6 Bishop's Opening 2d 17 Genter Game, 16 Unusual Double King Pawn Openings 8 II, SEMLOPEN GAMES tet 1 ———-= 1 Alokhine's Defense 185 1 gg 2 Cato Kann Dons 167 10 fenennananon Franch Defense, 11 1 legen Selah Defense 22 ‘A Nojdoe Variation 2 2, Dragon Variation including the Accolrated ANE, 2.922 g2, te, ~~ 3 King Indian Attack. m0 Dragon) 267 1 nner Latraan's Opening. 75 . Scheveningen Variation 27 ro 5 Bin's Opening na D. Variations with 2.06. 300 6 Miscellanoous Flank Openings ma Inches Taimenor, Paulsen and Four Knights ry a Variations . Cassia Sicilian V 37 Includes Richter Razer Attack, Boleslavsky sand Sozin Variations, Vlimluovie Attack F 1nd Boece 386 ‘alishnikow be) G.Non-open Sicilians (variations without 2 NES and 3.48) 3 Includes Cioed Silian, 2 9,3 BOS Vetations, {4 Attack, Unusual Second Moves 1.8 2d4 NIB 5 PireDofonse 280 4 ye 2d Bg Robatsch Defense, 370 1s 2 Canter Counter Defense 2375 10 Neg ‘8 Nimzovich Defense... 378 10 various Unustal King's Pawn Defenses aot IL, DOUBLE QUEEN PAWN OPENINGS tae 1s d5 264 eben Queen's Gambit Declined... 307 Inchudes Orthodox Dafens,Petrosian Variation, Lasker's Defense, Cambridge Springs Defen Tartakower Variation, Exchange Variation, Ragozin ‘System, Vienna Varition, Som-Tareasch Defense 1.1.45 2.64 26 3 Ned o8---~ 2 Tarasch Defense 434 $0048 2d dyed enn 3 Quoan’s Gambit Accoptod 40 1 ds 204 4 Slav and Somi Slav Defense 4 ws , Tim- rman-Piket, Brussels 1992, The column is B. Lalié-Hebden, Hastings 1996/97. {1} Black has no difficultios after 8 Nes {6 6 d3 Bd6 7 Bos c5 6 Ne2 Ne7 9Ng3 Be6 103 Qa7 11 0-0 0-0 =, Romanovsky-Botvinnik, Moscow 1938. (u) Black also has no troubles after 7... Bd6 8 Bos No7 © Nd2 cS 10 No2 Bes 11 Nid Uxft 12 Bxt4 0.0.0, Keitlinghaus-Kindermann, Prague 1992. The col ‘umn is Pottorson~Alekhine, Orobro 1935. palov, Madrid 1997, 87 RUY LOPEZ Modern Steinitz Defense 104 65 2.NP3 NeG 3 BS a6 4 Bad d6 5 c3 7 8 9 10 a 12 . Nib Nee7{f) — Nb8 56 Bo7 ds es le) 7 ps8 Bo Nis 9.0.0 (0b Bg? 20 BUD Gr 1.0.0 NE 12 BS exe Oda aa Noo Ku Nico tc 10 Db te 17 BOC 5 = Kinde anne Mokry, Trnava 1967) 9... Bg7 10 h3 0-0= 11 Qh3#?!N s eth is Bac Rab? Kamsky- Wo New Yor 988 : (hyo, Np 10348 18h Nor 128 NMG 19 Bb lens Block sore, Wiad Smstov, Moe 190. (9 (8) On 10 Ret not 10-11 Bred 2 be 0 at (een ns Nh 12 N48 BUST Ny» Klan “oat do des 1 Bes Rod 12 Bad Qed 18 Bet 2 (ay eons R60 15 N28 16 Nok Qse4 17 bt rb 18 Rate 9 RE Me Rae ns the lated pawn, Chandlr-Aameiparshl, changing in the coter—# dues inno), White gus wry ie rom exchenging ; ea Kt Go (0-114 be 1B 139816 1 8 RU se ins Aut Neo ope, Garman 19 58 (0 8... NbO 9 Bxd7t Nxd7 10 04 h6 11 Net Ne7 12 Ne3 0-0 13 Nd3 f5 14 3, Z ‘Almasi-Zsinka, Cattolics 1993, White is alittle better as the position is like ¢ main line King’s indian Defense with the exchange of Whites bad bishop. (g) 12 oxf5 gxf5 13 Nh Nib 14 f4 64 15 Bod 05 16 dxc6 Qxo6 17 Ret 0-0 18 ha Kh7 19 Ri2 d5 =, Kholmov-Komasiewicz, Warsaw 1989 (h) 14 Nad 06 15 a4 Reco 16 Qb3 fed 17 fet exd5 18 exds Qe7 Giorgadze-Oms, Vendrell 1996, ( (A) An excellent alternative is 7 Be3!? Ngo @ ha! hs 0 g3 Bor 10 ds Nbs 11. Bxd7+ Nxd7 42 Nfd2 NIG 13 £3 0-0 14 4, leaving Black with only passive places, Topalov-Yusupov, Novgorod 1995. (B) 7 Bb3 h6 & Nbd2 Ngo 9 Nes Bo? 40 Ned Bg5! 11 Nags hhxg5 12 g3 exd4 13 exda KiB 14 0-0 (14 NdS Bh3 =) Qfo! 35 Nd5 Quda gives Black active play on the weakened kingside light squares, ‘Short-Portisch, Linares 1990, (i) 14 Ned Qf0 15 Kgz h6 16 Bes QA7 17 Nfd2 , Anand-Short, Monaco (blind- fold) 1903. White has a powerful knight on ef (6) (A)7... xed 8 Rot £5 9 dxes dyes (9 Nxo9? 10 Nxes dxe5 11 Rxed! xed 12 Qh5t) 10 Nbd2 Nx 11 Nae! =, (8) 7 Be? 8 Rel 0-0 9 Nhd2 =. () 10 Bxc6 Bxc6 11 Nos Nxed 12 d5 Bbs 13 Rxo4 {5 14 BgS BI6 15 Bxf6 Quio 16 Nxdot exd6 =, Ulassson-Grétarsson, Icelandic Chp. 1996, (m) 14 Ne3 Ne7 15 Qad2 16 16 hs Be6 17 c4 *, Ribli-Kavalek, Amsterdam 1973 (on) 5... NfO 6 dé b5 (6... Bd7 is column 4) 7 Bb3 Bgd 8 dS NDB 9 h3 Bhs 10 a4 £, Keres-Rootare, Tallinn 1948, (o} 6 d4 fxed 7 Nxes dixe5 8 Qh5t Ko7! 9 Bxc6 bxc6 10 BgSt NIG 11 dxes Qds 32 Bh Kd? 19 Qgs ho 14 QISt KoB 18 Qgot QI7 16 Qxt7t Kxi7 17 oxf0 gxl6-F (Copablanca} (p) 9 RoSI? 04 10 Net Bg5 11 Rh3 Nho 12 Nxda exd3 19 Qott Kd7 14 Red3 RIB 15 Na3 Nga 16 Bxcot bxo6 17 £3 Qo8 18 Qs hs with an attack the for mate. tial, van der Tak-Nederkoomn, core 1986, (q) 14 Ne6 Qa7 15 Nuz (15 NxfO?! Qpd with attack) 15...e9 16 Rees Nxds 17 Nef NxoS 18 Qxh7t Kxl6 19 fke3 Ret 20 Nos Qgt 21 Bd2 +, 2. Almasi-Winants, Wijk aan Zee 1995. (2) 8 5 oxfd 9 Qefd (9 dxc6? b5 10 Qxfs Bxb1 11 Bb9 Bg6 =, Capablanca H, Steiner, New York 1931) 9... Qo7t (9... BxbiI? =) 10 Kd Bet 11 Qh3 QU” 42 dxc6 Bixc6 13 Ret? Be7 =, Kasparov-Lautier, Lyon 1984, Two World Cha pions had no luck with the White pieces, 08 d5 is not recommended. 18) 14 NIt ReB 15 Qe? Rxo7t 16 Kfz NfG 17 g3 RhoB with on attack despite the trade of quoens, Dvoirys-Frosch, Grez 1994, 59 RUY LOPEZ Modern Steinitz Defense Led 05 2 NIB Ne6 3 BbS a6 4 Bas dG 13 4 15 16 7 18 5 00. Brest ca as Bigs baz bxc6 Barto) bs 6 hs date) da Nes bs sta) BS 6 exda go xa 7 4ate) —Bbs Beal) —Qxda(l) da xa bs Nedatf) Nev 3 exit exd 8 bs Neds Nes aus Neds Basip) Nxda(c) oxdé—NgO. soem) Bg Ra 9 beget 8ig)— Gea) Nes Bos Best hxgt xc} Bo? Bg? Nee? BA? 10 Nas hs: 000 Bf 00 Bxd7t Nhe Qo7 Ba? Nev 0 Qxd7 a1 Bds Nees ha uz ha Qxds 6 Nis hs 00 Neds NIB aaa Qa Net Bho Bxd7 Nea cxdstd)—c6(5) QA) -Bgdin)—Nezt= —_Be7(q) (0) 6... BhS 7 c3 Qf6 (7... NIG 6 d4 bs 9 Bbs 2) 8 g4 Bys 9 da! Bxes 10 Nbdz. with a terrific initiative for the pawn, Fischer-Geller, led 1961, (b) A noteworthy alternative is 7 BxcHt bxo8 8 4 QIG (6... Bxf3 9 Qxfa exdd 40 Rd Be? 11 05 dxes 12 Qxc6t Ki8 13 c3 2, Geller—Hansson, Reykjavik +1990) 9 dxes dxeS 10 Nbd2 Ne7 11 Net Ng6 12 Qda Bxf3 13 Qxf3 Qxf3 14 axf3 , Moiseev-Biro, Keeskomot 1990, (6) 8... Bxf3 9 Qf QIG 10 Qed Ngo? 11 dxe5 dies 12 Bed g5 13 a4 =, Nikolaevsky-Shiyanovsky, USSR 1962. (4) 19 cxd4 Be7, Hollsten-Winants, Antworp 1994; now instead of 14 dxe5 BxgS = ‘White can play 14 Qd2 with advantage, {e} 6 ¢9 NI67 d4 transposes into column 11. (0.7... exd4 8.63 dxc3 (8... .d3 9 Qxd3 +) 9 Qds! Qe7 9 Nxcd NIG 10 Qt also ‘gives White fine play for the pawn, Kindermann-Gohring, Germany 1986. (@ A well known trap is 9 Qxda? 65 10 Qds c4 winning a piece. (h) 13 Ret BeG 14 BgS h6 15 Nds! with a strong initiative for the pewn, Amnason-Grétarsson, Reykjavik 1095 ( On 7 Nea Bgs 8 Bes Qbs is sufficient for equality 60 () 9 Qa Be7 10 ha HS 11 0-00 a5 12 Qos BA7 13 dees bres 14 Nas Bags 15 Bxg5 Qbs =, Kotsonias-Hubner, Yerevan OL 1996. (&) 13 g9 Qb4 14 £2 Rbs 15 Nas Qes =, Anand-Yusupov, match 1994, () 7 Nudd c5 8 No2 Bb? 9 Nba g6 10 Bed Bg? 11 Qdz NIB 12 £9 Nd7 13 Bigs Bto 14 ba ho =, Schmittdiel-Tisdall, Gausdal 1990, (im) 8... Ne7 9 Nea RB 10 b3 Ng6 11 0-0 Bo7 12 Nd5 #, Mecking-Keres, Petrop- olis int, 1973. (n) 12.0-0-0 Nes 14 NAS RDB 15 BRT Kxg7 16 Qest fo with sides, Hollers-Goldin, New York 1993. (0) Also resonable is 5... Bg4 6 3 Bxfd 7 Qxi3 NOG 8 d3 Nd7 9 Bed Be7 40 0-0 0-0 11 Ne3 Ros 12 N45 NcS with roughly equal chances, Brodsky Yandemiroy, Kstovo 1994. The column is Keres-Capablanca, Buenos Aires 1, 1939, (p) 8 ca2! dca 9 QhS Qa7 10 Nxe3 NIG 11 Qe2 Be7 32 0-0 0.0 13 h3 Bb? leaves White little compensation for the pawn, de Firmian-Habner, San Francisco 1095. es for bath (@) 19 0-0 0-0. with equal chances, Stoltz-Alekhine, Bled 1931. 61 RUY LOPEZ 0) (A) 8... Bb7 transposes into column 26 of tho Arka 8-09 Bg5 h6 10 Bha gs 11 gs dé 12.3 ©, Koglin-Pultk, Daa a. 3... a6und... Bes uljek, Dresden 1998 (0 13 3 QI6 14 5 Ne7, Milos-Shieow, Groningen 1907 1.e4 e5 2 NPB No6 3 BBS a6 4 Bad NIG 5 0-0 16 Bc2 Ng6 17 ba gives White an edge (Milos) a as aa aa 7 2 2 (9 8... Nxe4? 9 des wins mate lal, Garcia-Steph tephenson, Dubai OL. 1986. (k) Black was threatening 10... 65, 41 " a a 1103 Bb? 1205 Net 13 Qod Nab Isaqual Sem babee On 10 Neo os er (m) 6... Ba77d4N; * ae 3. a3 Nxe5 Bea{n) de xe 8 Rel £5 9 Nbd2.0-0 (9. , . Nxd2 10 NxeS! = Ba SEER NS da) Baty 15 Qob 12 Reed do 13 dues" Capatlanca Mooney Ae eee eee (0) 7 8b tansposes ina column 2. In his nds of nove, Ween axd5 Beal) Ros Bxd4(j) BLS Nxed spportunity to guard his e-pawn with the bishop. aed (0) 7... d52 84 dxeg oat) swt 7-82 844 duet 905 Nes 10 dab Cu a Nd 14 Bee ee cea) pe ay se {ORB Ke? 14 B55t with pay agains the king, Shirov Ivencak Moen 10 dé ha Bes alk) as Bas(u) (p) 8 a4 B yo Se ee Svle-Bojami, Word oan Chg anges 17 F880 Cah 19 a3 Na 11 bate) xfs Nbd2 Qda axbs, Rxf2 33 Nai ' 00 bg oo ads Nx (a) sad WA (13... Bd 14 Qo2 =) 14oxb4 00 35a Teaves White on top (Deep Pa er ee er obscn ner Bin My Sh Bey Gis i ech ae 010 Na 18.092 a eee wice-Gi 7 xed Ng6 10 C4 0-0 11 Ne3 ct 4, (0) An important alternative is 7... Bb7 6 d3 transposing into col. 28 of the ‘icz-Gulko, US Chp. 1988, 12 Bo? , Fedoro- Manito Bod though is? ba ONaeS Need 98 (0 8t0 ta 9 Qxa de aneposes nt caumn 22 Wijk san Zee 1997) 11... Kxt7 x03 Rafe 16 g3 0-0, Stofansson-Hector, Reykjavik 1997. 16 05 NIdS ~) 14... .0-0 15 Ned c5 16 Nxb5 Nxod 17 Qxe Rebs 18 Ra ct! 12 Qud7+ Ky6 19 Nxod Bre: 49 Bxc4 d5 20 Qxe? dxc4 and the bishops of opposite color allowed Black to eee “414 Bod Bros 15 «draw with litle trouble, Kasparov-Topalov, Novgorod 1997. 1 Bxds 14 Qxas White may do better with 11 NaS 0-0 12 Nxb5 Bgd 13 Rot (19 Bed exda 14 oxd4 Need 15 Bd5 Qo6 =, Nijboer-Piket, Wijk aan Zev 1998) 13... Bxfd (13... d5 14 exds Nad5 15 hi! Bh5 16 ga Bg6 17 Ne3 +, Anand-Oll, Belgrade 1090) 14 gxf8 Nhs 15 Kb1! Qf 16 Rgi Nid 17 Bed 2, Svidier-Shirov, Linares 1998. (@) 19 Naa exd4 14 exds Na 15 Be2 ba 16 Nbt c5 17 Bg5 exda (Anamd-Shirov, ‘Wijk aan Zee 1998) 18 Nxda b3! 19 Nxb3 Nxb3 20 Bxb3 g5 21 Bg3 Nxod © (6) 8 4 Bb6 9 dxes (9 Bgs h6 10 BAS Bd7 =) 9...Nxe5 10 Ned died 11 QudBt Keds 12 Bxf7 Rive, (8) 8... Rb8 9 axb5 axbs would tronspose into the provious colums. The text ‘move is safer, preventing d2-d4, 19 Nd2 Rbs 14 Qe2 RoB 15 NFB bxc3 16 bxc3 Nba 17 Bxb3 Rxb3 18 dd exdla 19 cxda Rxf3! with chancas for both sides, Anand-Karpoy, FIDE World Chop. 1998, @ 62 wn RUY LOPEZ Arkangel Variation (and 4... b5, 5 114 e5 2 NFB No6 3 BbS a6 4 Bad NaS) 25 26 27 28 29 30 Nie mn 08 5 00 bs. bs Nas, 6 Bbs ool) Bb7{a) as 7 Ret B.eceendstm) dd Bes Nxedig)BeS{n)—Nxb3.......exda(t) ao aa a aba Nudd fapeee eto) Nash) 0-00) Bb7(u) 9 as as Bez Nes Nhat) Baz bs. be exdd—Na5i?. Ne? Nxbatv) 10 Bath) Basle) Nada) xb Neb oof) he cs) Nxb3 Bb? Nie 11 Nbd2 Bhs NeS obs ds Ret he Res Qk) ads 6 Be7 2 hs gaa Nd2! Rast Nas Rata) a6(f)—— x51) “Bxaa(p)—exfals)—_RDBLw) (6) Black can still play the closed variations with 6... dO 7 3 Be7 8 Ret since 7 NgS ds 8 oxds Né4 9 Rel?! BcS! 10 Rxest Kis 11 ¢3 Nga 12 cxd4 Bxd is trouble for White. (6) White has two serious alternatives. (A) 10 Bg5 h6 11 Bh4 Qe7 (11. ...0-0 12 Qd3 gh? 19 Nxg5! hygs 14 Bxgs exdd 15 05! NxeS 16 Rxed threatening 17 Qgot wins, Diaz—Valdes, Cuba 1988) 12 a4 g5 19 Bg3 h5 14 axb6 axb5 15 RaaBt Bead 16 ha hd 17 Bh2 gé =, Emst-Jepson, Haninge 1997. (B) 10 a4 hG 11 Nh4 exd4 12 NIB dyo3 13 Nagrt KiB 14 NES cxb2 15 Bxb2 Ne5 =, ‘Maller-Lang, Tallinn 1997. {e) Not 10... .Nxe4? 11 ds winning a ploce. 10... Nga? loses time to 11 BgS. {(@) Better than 12. Qb82! 19 dS Ne7 14 Bxb6 cxb6 15 Bo2 Nd7 16 Nha! *, ‘Anand-Kamsky, match 1905. After 12... . Rb White cannot play 19 d5 Bxed {4 dxc6 Bxd2 15 cxb7 Bxel as the rook on a8 is not attacked, so Kir Goorgiev-Beliavsky, Budva 1996, continued 13 Bc2 Rot 14 a3 Na7 15 a4 NeB 16 axbs axbs 17 Bds bé (o) 10 Bes exd4 11 oxd$ Nab 12 BgS Nxb3 13 exb3 h6 14 Bhé g5 15 Nxgs Nxed! =, ‘Anand-lvancbuk, Belgrade 1997, 4 (13 Nbd2 NaS 14 Bc2 65 15 d5 04 16 Qe2 Kh7 17 ba #, Savon-Gipslis, USSR chp. 1970. (@) 7...d5 8 oxd5 Nxd5 9 4 oxds 10 NaS! Qa7 11 Qf Nda 12 cxd4 Be7 18 No3 #, Arencibla-Lugo, Uboda 1997, (h) 8... exd4 9 Rot d5?t 10 Ng6! threatens 11 Reed, i) White’ attempt to win a piece allows counterplay—10 ba Nos 11 Bed Bxed 32 Ret d5 13 Nxd4 c5! 14 bxoS Bxc5 18 £3 000 16 Fed dxed 17 Rxed Qd5 18 QF Nes 19 QPS Rae 20 Nd2 bé 21 Rha g6 22 Noa! Bxd4t 23 oxd# Qxdat 24 Qfa =, Hellers-Shiroy, Stockholm 1990. (10... Ng5 1 ads, (0 In another Z. AlmasiBeliavsky game from Belgrade 1998 Black played 11... d51?7 which worked out well after 12 £37! Ng5, but White should try 12 Qol Qd7 13 13 oF 12... g6-19.Ng3 Qo? 14 1, (0) Or 12... d5 19 Nxod dees 14 Ng3 2, Z, Almasi-Beliavsky, Dortmund 1998. After 12... . Qxf5 13 Nxod Qa (Onischuk-Lin Weiguo, Beijing 1998) 14 Ret! leaves Black in some trouble mecting the threatened double check (14... Qud1 15 Na6+ KdB 16 Nxf74, oF 14 «Be? 15 BS), Z. Aimasi-Onischuk, Parana 1991) 12 Rel NeG 13 Nf +. (ou) 7 d4 Nxdé 8 Nucl (0 BaI7t Kal? 9 NxoSt Kgs 10 Qxdé cB 11. Qd1 Qos 8... exd4 8 5 Ned 10 c3 dxc3 11 Qf3 d5 12 exd6 Qlo! 19 d7# (van der Wiel-Gonzalez, Biel 1985) 13...Kdal 14 Qxf6 Nx{6 15 Nxcd Kxd? = (Ligterink) (n) The strange looking 7... Bd6 ie not so bad—@ c3 0-0 9 NIxl2 NaS 10 Be? ReB 11 Ret BiB 12 d4 =, W. Watson-Hellers, Oslo 1991. (0) 8... d6 9 Ne3 ba (9... Nas 10 Baz ba 11 Nez 10Nd5 N 1095, ‘Short-Lalié, Pula 1997) 5 11 Nxf6t Qxl6 12 Ba2 h6 13 Be3 =, Kasparov-Anand, World Chp, (p) 18 Nxes d5 14 Bg5 Bo7 15 Nxbs dxoa 16 dxos Bxos 17 Ned (17 Qxdat?) 17... Bb7 18 Ret h6 19 Bla Boa 20 Nga Negd 21 Qxgd Reb 22 Rxett draw agreed, Kesparov-Shirow, Linares 1998, (q) Tempting but dubious is the sacrifice 6 Bxf7t Kxf?7 7 Nxebt Ke7 @ d4 NIG 9.Qf3 Bb? 5. (f) Also good is 9 c4 Bb7 10 Ne3 No7 11 Qo2 of 12 Rd1 Qo? 19 Bed Ngo 44 Racl =, Fischer-Johannessen, Havana Ol. 1966, (6) 19 Rafa gS 14 Qh5t Ka? 15 Rxf6 =, Arnason-Agdestein, Gausdal 1087; after 415... gxh White hase strong attack forthe piece. (0 8... {6 9 Nh¢ will usually transpose into the previous column since Black will eventually have to take on b3 (u) (A) 8.65? 9 Bd5! (B) 8...Nxb3 9 axb3 Bb7 10 Rel go 11 Nea Bg? 12.Qd3 No7 13 BgS =, Kotronias-Stoin, Gausdal 1900. (©) 9... c5 10 Bd! Buds 11 exds cxdd 12 Qett Qo7 13 Brat Havana 1964, Smyslov-Evans, (0) 13 Nxb7 Rxb7 14 Qa Qos 15 Nes +, smagin-Kupreichik, Minsk 1985, 65 RUY LOPEZ Fifih-Move Variants (and 6... 46) 19a es 2.NPS Neb 3 BbS a6 4 Bad NIG 31 32 33 34 35 36 5 00. = Qed. eeseriNeBeoceeneed EP Bor as sg) btm) «dS 6 Ret Brecceeer RONG) — BL bs. aq) a8 Baza) BS Berk) — Bevin) 88! 7 cate) at bs <3 as Nod2 Bat Qerte) Nas a! 6 Bg? 8 dsib) Ret aa a Nas, Nant) 00 86 Nxb3 0-0 Nas, 00 9 Nbd2—-Nodz2—axbs_ Ba ) Ro8 Bg? Borthy deed eT S 10 Nf Nf gs axes 0-0 bs Bie 00 46 Naz 00 Nas uw Bes Bha Be3 gs Bed Ba? bo 88 Nas, be 3 12 Ngs Bh Be Bea Bhi oo Nee Gantt) Nxes) Newt) aslo) ROOF {o) White has a good alternative in 7 Bxcbt buco 8 A417 cexd4 Bada Ha eed Nb 11 Nas Ba7 12 Qu? Nob 13 Bea Qbs 14 at (preventing {Qbs) =, Lobron-Kavalek, Reggie Emilia 1988/86. {b) 6 i3 Bhs 9 Bxc6t (9 43 Qa7 10 Nod gS! mises ITED Oe Kots-Spassky. 8 eo eco 10 4 exdd 11 cxds 0-0 12.Ne3 Re8 19 BIA Is also ame what better for White, Tal-Kuijpers, Moscow 1963- {c) 13.44 Bg7 14 03 &, Gufeld-A. Petrosian, USSR 1979. a) 6, Naod 7 ves Block more than a pave’s worth of Probl (0) (A) 7. Be7 8 Rot 040 9 Nhd2 Rot 10 NFt h6 AL NEES Tal-Rellstab, Hast: {age 1973/74, (B) 7. .g6 8 Ret bs 9 Bb3 Bg7 10 Pa = i) Or 12... Rlon 19 dees dxgs_ 14 Nos &. Aft 12-08 Te ict NBS Or 12. Rio tayo 6 ho Bob 17 04 RGB 18 b4 Whit is sig be RiblicKavalek, Amsterdam 1973. (a) 6 Brcot Is aguin «good alterative-6.bseS 7 Os (7 ext 8 oacte ab Bo? 10 Ned, Smystov-Botvinnik, World Chp 1954) 8 dxe5 8Ned4 ch NE Met da Bgl 11/Ro UhS 12 Ret cS 19 Dé BDO 14 60 2: Bellin-Bisguier, Hastings 1975/76. 66 (h) 9... exd8 10 Nada Ba? 1 ixd4 Bd7 11 05 dxe5 12 Rxest Bot ! 15 bg@ 2 Hiboor-KeveloTbung 1980 MND Bee (0 1201 das 14 es 5 14s 15 ht Kd7 10 Gast {9 Quo wih gond pay forte pee Gio AeA G) Sharper and equall 27 Naas 00 80.0 Gor Nd Hal Tilaov-1 Sool, Line 198. (k) Also 6... Be5 7 a4 Rbé theo ts T2005, Aline Dray St. etesburg 1013 MBAS () 19 Bet Bor 14 Nba Nia 1 Bales (ms ‘Tiviakov-Adams, G or , Groningen 1997 cS can be played since on 6 Bxes dxc6 7 Nxes both 7 son. Qist and 7... Qd4 8 Nd3 Ba7 are fine for Black. See § 0-0 Bes for compari (6 eS 7 NKoS Nneb 8 44 Bub 8 x05 Bx 1205 Neu 0 dS 14 Qge Qt = Blur Tures Now YORK ABBD. (0) 19 Bg3 Bgé 14 ha Bhs =, Benjamin-Kaidanov, US Chp. 1997 Ww, ”. tp) Bac oF 8 Get Nis Net ot oa fm lbh Kon 107 or 88 sSNet 70.0NB =, Morphy-Lowenl Losdon 1858 (q) The old Duras line ( Duros line is 6 o4 g6 7 da exda 8 Nxd4 Bd7 9 Nxc6 bxc6 10.0.0 Bg7 ud 5 0-0 12 Nc3 Qo? 13 exd6 cxd6 14 9 d5 =, Duras-Gobn, Carlsbad 1911, (8) White pay slow, so he sh fe slow, s0 be should opt for equa Colom SneZ: Anas HongrionChp. 197s ODO 8 REE The 67 RUY LOPEZ Sixth-Move Variants 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3 BDS a6 4 Bas NIG 5 0-0 Be7 37 38 39 40. 4a 42 © — Qo2 (Worrall Attack) d4 (Genter Variation) Bxe6(p) Exchange bata) exdag) «bxco Variation Deferred 7 pbs ROR vec ne0 as --Qerlu) o-otb) bs) New Na7(q) 5! 8 calc) el) Nxd@— dz Nixes ds a6 Neos Ndi) 0-0 Qua 9 as Rail) Rees Qd4#_ Neat) Bord) Nasth) 6 Nes: fsls) xo 10 Bgsle) Bez Ret Nes Nba Qxet Nas! cs, beet 00 Nes. Nxed MM Boo aa Ned7 Bs a6 Ret Naz! Qor Bas Bxes Be iste) 12 Ber ds ots Qs Ne ba Qe? Ba? a5 Be? 36 be 13 Nbd2 = Nbd2_—Nc3 es Qg3 Boa 5) cal) 0-04mm)—dBfo) Kha) —_—BeBtw) (a) 6...Bd6 7 3 0-0 8 dé Bd7 9 RAI? Neda! 10 exd4 Brad 5, Lasker Willigerode, (simul) 1909, White can gain an edge though with 9 dxes Nxes 10 Bxd. (0) Black found a tricky equalizing line in Tiviakov-Ibragimov, USSR 1991— 7....d6 8 a4 Bgt 9 c3 0-0 10 hd NaS! 11 Bez Boo 12 axb5 axb5 13 da Bot 14 Bd3 Bxd3 15 Qud3 Ned 16 RxaB Qua 17 bs Qa2t draw agroed. (6) 8 a4 Rbs 9 axb5 axbo 10 Ne3 do! 11 ha Bd7 =, Treybal~Alekhine, Pistyan 1022, (4) The older line is also alright—9 .. .Re8 10 Re1 Bb7 11 Nbd2 Qd7 12 NF Rada 12 Bg5 NaS 14 Be2 dxed 15 dxes Nod =, Keros-Geller, Budapest 1952. (6) 10 Radi Re8 11 Nbd2 Ba 12 Nft ho 13 a3 Nba =, Anand-Bhilvest, Riga 1895. (f) 14 exds Bd 15 Rot Raed 16 d4 cxds 17 exd4 Nef leaves Black at loast even chances, Vidarsson—Hector, Reykjavik 1008, (@) 9 d4 Bes 10 Rat oxds 11 exd4 dS 12 05 Nos 13 No3 Nxcd 14 bxc3 QU7 = Folgo-van Riomsdijk, Argentina 1907. (h) A good alternative is 9. Be6 10 Be2 d5 11 d3 Re8 12 Nbd2 Bds 13 Nf h6=, Barlov-Velimirovié, Vitae 1983. 68 () 44 NM Nb7 15 Ngs RfeB 16 ha Nes 17 Bes Raba =, Short-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1997, (6... Nxe4 7 Ret bs (7... £5 8 dx0S st) 8 Rod ds 0 Nxo5! Nxo5 10 Rxes bxas 11 cf &, Smirin-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1994, (k) 7...0-0 8 65 Ne8 (8...Nd5 9 Bb3 Nb6 10 c3 =) 9 c3 dxca 10 Nxcd do 11 exd6 Nxd6 12 Nd5 Res is also oqual, P. Cramling-Korchnoi, London 1982, () 8 Bbs d6 9 Bds Nxds (9... Bb7 10 Nudd NxdS 11 Nxc6! Bxc6 12 exis +) 10 oxd5 Nob 11 Nxdid 0-0 12 No3 Ro8 =, Timman-Spassky, match 1963. (mm) 14 Nxds Nxd5 15 Qxd5 BIG 16 Qes Qhs =, Romanovich-Yemilin, St, Peters- burg 1997. Black can also play 12... 0-013 Nxcb Bxc6 = (0) Equally satisfactory is 8...0-0 9 NES d5 10 Bxo6 bxc6 11 Nxo7t Qxe7 12 Ret [6 (0) 14 Radi ¢6 15 Ne2 Qos 16 bbs Bg! () The moves 6 Ne3 and 6 d3 (both solid but unambitious) are covered under Fifth Move Variants (@) 7... Qa8 has boon rogularly used by Karpov, e.g, 8 Nbd2 Bes 9 bs 10 Noa Bxot 11 dxe4 Qxd1 12 Rudi Na? =, Hjarlarson-Karpov, match 1989. (©) 9 b3 f6 10 Bbz NeS 11 dé exdd 12 Nxd4Re8 13 Qe? Ne6 14 NI5 BIB leaves Black with a solid game, Niiboer-van der Wiel, Dutch Chp. 1994 (5) 9... Bf6?! 10 b3 Re8 11 Bb2 cS 12 hd DS 19 Ned NbG 14 a4 Bonko-Rossolimo, US Chp. 1968. () 14 ba BIT 15 14 exf4 16 Rela Nob! (16... Bd6 17 Bbz Bxls 18 Qxfs Na? 10 Nga!) 17 fz Bds =, Wedborg-Reshevsky, Reykjavik 1964 Honfi-Krogius, Hamburg 1965. (u) The latest fashion is 7 Qo2 Bg4 8 h3 BhS 9 d3 (9 g4 Bg6 10 NxeS Bred 11 go? Rga! 12 d3 Bf %, McDonald-Wells, London 1996) 9... Nd7 10 Bes (10 Nbd2 Bigs! =) 10... 0-0 11 Nbd2 ReB 12 Rfet Bie 13 Nf1 with perhaps 8 slight edge, G. Herndndez-Fernandez Garcia, Zaragoza 1996 (0) Black got into trouble in Christiansen-Nunn, Germany 1989 after 11... Na6 12 Ne3 Kd8 13 d4 c& 14 Bf4 Ret 15 b3 oxb3 16 axb3 = Bga?! 17 Nes BIS 16 Nat Bxc2? 19 Ract Bxb3 20 NxI7¢! Resigns, as 20... NxI? 21 Bxc7t Kd? 22 Nb6 is mate, (w) 14 Ngs Bd7 15 c4 KiB 16 d4 Re8 17 Nfs (Anand-Short, Tilburg 1991) 17. exda = 69 RUY LOPEZ Open Variation 4. e8 e5 2. NIB Nc 3 BbS a6 4 Bad NEB 5 0-0 Ned : ‘Nes5(a) ta (Dilworth *° Bali), oo ae " Gees() Bor) BIS 5 2 of Ret Nb3 ‘Nbatr) i " 0-0-0(g) — Qd7{k) Bg6tn) Bb6 - oe * Qdst ‘Nes at cS " a oe og, eo eee, Qxdt ve. ea tet 12 cd Bes 19 nb 0.0 1 Neo 0 18 Nn Gad Be? 11 RA) Diether, ie ct Sst oan 7 i 2 cleo Caper ren ser ance a 1909, oF 18 ee 4 GP RN 15 QeDE QUT 16 Qe Ce a co mn ie yaaa NAS Wee a wacom at 70 (@) Alternatives leave WI 417 axb5 axb5 10 gs Rxal 19 Bxdd (6) 18 Ra3! with attacking chances (A. Rodriguez). (1) Black has two serious alternatives: (A) 11 ... dX 12 Nxeb fxe6 13 bxe3 Qd3 was tested in the 1995 World Championship. Kasparov-Anand, game 10, con. inued brilliantly 14 Bo2! Qxe3 15 Nba! Nxb3 16 Bxb3 Nea (16... Qxal 17 Qhst 6 18 Qf3 Nda 19 Rdi +) 17 Qgd Qxat 18 Bxe6 RdB 19 Hho! ed 20 Bg? Qds 21 Bxhd Qgo 22 Bf6 with a winning position, (B) 11... BdS!? 12 Bxds Qxdb 13 Nb3 Nxbs 14 axb3 Be7 15 NEB d3 16 Bod 0-0 17 Bue Ride 16 Ques Qub3 =, Onischuk-t. Sokolov, Wijk aan Zee 1987 (@) 12, ...Bd7? 19 Bxfrt Ko7 14 BdS Nes 15 Qe2 d3 16 Qot 66 17 4 Qhe 18 BE3 Kd8 19 fxe5 +, Wolff-Flear, London 1990, (hy A sharp endgame has arisen in which Black has advanced passed d+ and c- pawns fora knight. Shirov—Timman, Wijk asn Zee 1996 continued 18 Nba dé 19 Be3 g6 20 Bb4 Bg7 21 a4 Ka7 with chances for both sides, () (A) 10... Be7 11 Be2 Bg4 is just transposition of moves. (B) 10... Nxbo 41. Nba Bo7 12 Nida! Nxila (12 ... NyeS 13 Rel Ng6 14 Nxe6 fxe6 15 Nds 2, Kuzmin-Beliavsky, USSR Chp. 1977) 13 exd4 0-0 14 Bd2 16 18 exld Bufo 16 Bi = GAA) 11... Qa7 12 Ret da 13 NBS?! dxca 14 Qxd7t Bxd7 15 bxc3 NdB =, Leko-Anand, Linares 1999, but White should play 13 h3 so that 13... Bhs 14 Nba improves the variation, (B) 11....NeG 12 Rel BcS 13 Nit Bhs 14 Ng3 Bg6 15 hé 0-07t (15... Bxe2 #) 16 Bb h6 17 hS Bh? 16 Bads =, 7, ‘Almasi-Yusupov, Ubede 1997, (4) 12... .0-0 13 NF Reb 14 h3 Bhs 15 Ngs Bg6 16 Nf5 Nos 17 Nxe7 Rxe7 18 Bf Qd7 19 Nh Ne5 20 Ngo hg 21 Bed Nob 22 £4 d4 23 Bes Rad 24 Bf2! Root (24... Naf 25 Qf Nd5 26 cxd +) 25 Qe No? 26 Radi =, Svidlee-Adianto, Groningen 1997, () Or 17...h5 18 ha =. Alter 17.0.0 18 af d4 19 axbS axbS 20 Beg Ried 21 Qd9 Nbs 22 exdé White has a spatial advantage, Haba-Marin, Budapest 1993. (im) 10 Qs merits serious attontion. 10... 0-0 11 Nbd2 (11 Bod f6! 12 ex" Oxo 39 Nbd2—13 Bixd5 Rad8 = —13 ...Bxo3 14 Qxe3 Nxd2 15 Qud2 Redd -, Kamsky-Anand, match 1995) 11... 5 12 exf6 Nxf6 13 a4 Rb8 14 exbs axbe 15 Ng6 (15 Ra6 Bb6 =) 15... . NeS 16 Qg3 Qd6 17 Be2 Bd7 18 Nba Bb6 19 Bf (19 Naa he 20 Bs Bxda! 21 oxd4 NhS =, A. Sokolov-Sulkis, Geneva 1903) 19. « RbeB 20 Nelé Nhs 21 BxeS xo 22 Bxh7t Kh8 23 Qha g6 with roughly equal chances in this complex position, A. Sokolov-Timman, Reykjavik 1988, (0) White gets « better ending afer 12... Bg4 19 h3 Bh5 (13... Bxf3 14 gxfa! ) 14 g4 Bg6 15 Bred dxot 16 Nxc5 ext 17 BEA Qxdt 18 Raxdt Nd@ 19 Ra? Karpov-Korchnoi, World Chp, (G24) 1978, (o) 14 Nudé Qa? 15 f4 Nxds 10 cx £6 17 Bod fx05 18 fxeS Refit 19 Qxft RED Leko-Korchnoi, Leon 1994. (P) 16 Net a3 17 ba {6 10 N43 fie5 19 Nes Nxe5 20 Bred dxot =, Fvanchuk—Tiawinan, Rigo 1995, (q) 18 Rot Bxes 19 Rxb2 Qad7 20 Bds! Beds 21 Qxdd bs 22 Ret +, Hellors Wedborg, Sweden 1993, rat (1) Leading only to equality is 12 exf6 Nxf6 13 Nb3 Bbo 14 Nes Qd7 16 Naot Qxob 16 Nd Neda 17 exdd Res = (Larsen (6) 14... Qa7 15 £9 NoS 16 Kh1 Nb7 17 Bod +, Stein-Keres, Moscow 1967, (8) 18 Bea Red 19 Qd2 a5 20 Rad? Qo? 21 Bb1 Kh8 22 Rfet *, Short—Timman, match 1998, (u) Taking the rook imediotely is beter than 13... Qxf6?! 14 Qf! Bgd 15 h Bhs 16 Nas «. (6) 17 Kgt Nxfat 20 gxf9 Qeta 19 Qxf9 RxfS 20 BE2 Bb is a roughly even ending ‘Aseey-Loko, Moscow 1988. uw) 18 gxft REZ 10 Kg? (19 Ng3 Bgd 20 Kgi Qxfo 21 Qxf3 RxfS =} 19... dal? 20 Buds Qgst 21 Ng3 cS 22 Bl2 Reis! 23 Kxf2 Bgst 24 Kg? Bxd =, Kudrin-Kaidanov, US Chp, 1997. The Dilworth Attack isa promising choice for Black. 72 RUY LOPEZ Open Variation 1 e4 e5 2 NIB Nc6 3 BbS a6 4 Bas NIG 5 0-0 Nxea 6 da bS 7 Bb3 ds 8 dxes Bes 9 c3 Be7{a) 49 50 51 52 53 54 10 NMR Bosth) sesso BOR eeeeeee ROU) o-0tb) Nes: 0-0() 800) 0-0 TE Qed ease eB Bez Nbd2 Qua Naa Neste) BS Nai) Qd7 Qa Nxo5if6) 12 Naa Nba Ret Retim) — Ndsip) Qu) Qd7Nées Rad Ba 13 Bea Rei) NxeS—— Bez 6 feo 6 RedB = Nxes Nas. Dg “4 ob Qee Baa exis Bes gaz Naa Ries Ngo) Nxt Qhe 15 NzfsNidé Bag? Qh sp hs NxddNxdaRgb ho By °s 16 Nxdd | Nxds go Naz Qe 6 Reg? Neb. hs 17 exis Nee xe aba Ret Rxfole) — Qeeblg) —agolk) Niwa) BgBlq) xa) (a) 9... NeS 10 Be2 Bgé 14 Nbd2 transposes into column 45, (b) 10... Nes 11 Bo2 d4 12 Nos ds 13 Nxc5 dxc2 14 QxdBt RxdB 15 Nxe6 FxeB 16 Bed RAS 17 Ract NxeS 18 NxeS RxoS 19 Rxcz KI7 20 o4 ba 21 RAI RAB 22 Rxd8 Bxds 23 Kft Bg5 24 Ba7! =, Xie Jun-Zsu. Polgar, Women's World hp. 1996. This slightly worse ending may be Black's best choice. (o) 11... Nxd2 12 Qxd2 NaS 19 Bo2 Nod 14 Qds g6 15 Bh6 gave White strong ingside play in Tal-Korchnol, USSR 1985. (@) 12... .Nxbo 19 Nxo6 Net 14 Raxet Qa7 15 Nxo7t Que? 16 f4 = (6) 18 Nx06 Qxes 19 Qds Rg6 20 BTA RIB 21 Rael with strong play on the light squares, Short-Unaicker, Germany 1989, (Also 13 Nid& Nxd4 14 Nudd 65 15 Nxe6 Qeo8 16 £1 NgS 17 af ‘A. Rodriguez-Passorolti, Malta Ol. 1980. (@) 10 £9 Ng5 19 a4 &, Nunn-Wedberg, Novi Sad Ol. 1990, (2) This position is often reached by the order of moves 9 Be Be? 10 63 in ontor to avoid 9.63 BeS, 73 (11, ., Bgs 12 Nod2. Ne6 13 QbiE Bhs 14 bt QU7 15 94 RDB 16 axb5 axb5 a7 BB () 14... Nos 15 Bxg? Rep 16 exchange in Morozevich-vanchu 18 Bxh? nls a pawn. (k) 18 Re2 Kfo 19 Naz Reo 20 Nia BIG 21 Qd2 Que =, Khalifman-Korchnot, Ueda 1997. {Qd7 11 Nbd2 Ras 12 Ret 0.0 13 Bo? BIS 14 Nxot Bxod 15 Bxos hs Qd6 17 Bh6? Bgs 18 Qh4 0-0-0 won Black the Ik, New York 1995, but 17 Qh6! 0-0-0 (ay 10 xed. 16. Qud7 Rxd7 17 06! fxe6 18 Nd2 with the better endgame, Rotronins-Lirindzakis, Greece 1997. (B) 10, ..Nab 11 Nida 0-0 12, Nd2 1 +, Unaicker-Buwe, Nud2 13 Qxd2 Ne# 14 Bnet dxcd 15 14 Bd5 16 Radi Dubrovnik Ol. 1950, Lim) 12 Bo2 £5 19 exf6 Nxf6 14 Qbt Kh8 15 NgS#! Nes! lets Black take over the jnilstive since 16 Nxh7 Qd6 17 gi Need 18 fxed Rxfit leaves the knight ‘on b7 stranded, Z, Almasi-L Sokolov, Wijk aan Zee 1996 18NcS Qe8 19 Nxt Qxe6 with chances for both sides, Kr. Georgiev-tvanchuk, Manila Ol. 1992, [o) 10, ., Bgé 11 h3 Bufo (11... BRS 12 g4 Bg6 13 Bb3 +, Fischer-Olafsson, Havana Ol, 1966) 12 gxf3 Nc5 13M Qd7 14 QI s, J. Polgar-Habner, Munich 199 (p) 12 Rat f5 13 Noda Kh8 14 Nbo BI7 15 Noda BhS =, Tal-Keres, Moscow 1966 =, Byrne-Unzicker, Hastings 1971 Qot d3. 14 Nad Qos 15 Bb1 Bds and Black stands well (Euwe). oy (q) 18 Bug lnxg6 19 Ren Noxdd 20 exc a5 (©) 10 Qez Nes 11 Be2 dd 12 Rd Bet 19 16 Bxd3 Bxf3 17 gxf3 Nadd 18 Rudd QI! | Nxda?l 12 exd 6 13 {9 Ng6 14 Nes o5 15 f4 with attacking prospects, Hubner-Piket, Dortmund 1992. The old column continuation is better! (0 18 hxge Negs 19 Rho Qxh3 20 Qxt7+ Ril? 21 Bxi7t Kxf7 22 gxh9 cxdé 23 xg Bo5 draw agreed, Tofchmann-fohner, Broslau 1913. on 74 RUY LOPEZ Open Variation 1. e4 5 2 NIB Neb 3 BDS a6 4 Bad Nf 5 0.0 Nxed 6 dala) as S 8 db 5 Be6 NxeS ‘Bde oe Nxda(d) —Na5(h) he: 0-0{n) ba= ft) ol sy equity alter 6 Rex? NeS 7B (7 Naa Nes 7... dxc6 8 Nxe5 Be7 9 d4 Ne6 10 Be3 0- S12 NS Ret oo 10 bod 00 11 Ne Soler-Mitchell, England 1932. eee ee (CA) 14... Be? 12 Nd rangpotsSnto column 3 (his is probably Black’ best choice now). (B) 11... Qd7 12 Nbd2 Re 7 5 Bees 15 Qd3 +, Petrosian—Kochiev, Riga 1973. Go 13 Nos Bo7 14 Nes Bucs (6) 19, Nvo6-14 Bod, Gutkins-Klavns, USSK 1968, (2) 16 Qhst g6 17 Bxgot hg 18 Qxh8 Nea ql 10 Qhst go 17 Bagh hago 18 QB Nez 19 Bhs witha winning edvantge UO White gui an edge ater 10...NeS 14 0 ° tiles 10...NeB AM ef 4 (1. xe 12 Bre 13 Nea 2) 42 exo (12. Nxb2 13 axa xs 14 Riad Qua 15 gs BAO 75 {16 Ret Bugs 17 Nxps ho 18 Nd2! =, A. Rodriguez—Agzamov, Cienfuegos 1984) {OOF Nabo 14 axb3 Nb# 15 Bd2.No2 16 Roxas Rxa0 17 bxad Bxbs 18 Bags! Bet (16... Bugs 19 Rd) 19 Bxe7 Que? 20 87 0-0 21 Nbd2 =, Greenfeld-Pernik, Israel 1983 (g) 12... Qd7 39 No3 Nxcd 14 bxe3 16 19 exf6 Bxfo 16 NaS Bag 17 Brg No {Bed Nos 19 Bb3 Qds 20 Rad c5 21 RF, Brodsky-Sorin, Groningen 1995 White's bishops provide him with some initiative. (b) 16 Nbd2 Qa7 17 Nd4 Nxd2 18 Qxd2 Qb6 19 Be2 5 =, Kavalek-Karpov, Montreal 1979. 0 White gots vory litle from 10 Nbd2 Nxd2 11 Bxd2 0-0 12 Radt Ne 13.63 Qd7, Kindermann-Slobodjan, Nussloch 1996. {9 10...0.0 11 Rd1 Bxed 12 Qeed NaS 13 Nbd2 Nxd2 14 Red2 06 15 03 Hiartarson-Korneev, Linares 1995. (k) Black has no trouble after 9 a4 bé 10 a8 No5 11 BgS Qd7 12 Nbdz h6 13 Bhé Be? 14 Bxe7 Que? =, Ljubojevié-Hiactarson, Amsterdam 1991, (0 (A) 9....Bo7 10 c3 transposes into column 51. (B) 9... Be5 10 Qd3 0-0 {Neo Nbé 12 Qez Nxc3 12 bxc3 Bxed 14 Qxed NoG (Stefansson-Piket. Moscow Ol, 1994) 15 24 gives White a pull. (0m) 10 2 Nxb3 11 axb3 Be7 12 Nobd2 0-0 19 ba da 14 Nada Nudd 15 Bxd Bxbe 16 Net algo gives White an edge, Bronsteln-Sorokon, Argentina 1996 (Bron- stein has aged, but still plays fine chess) (n) 16 Nob Rfos 17 Qc2 +, Emst-Wedberg, Copenhagen 1991, White has pressure on the cle. {o) 8 a4 Nxda 9 Nxdé exd4 10 axb5 Be5 11 63 0-0 12 exds BbO 13 Ned Bb7 = Lasker-Schlechter, World Chp. (G8) 1910. {p) Now 9... Be6 10.62 Be5 11 Qe2 0-012 Be3 is good for White (Keres). The cal- ‘umn is Fischer-Addison, US Chp. 1966. (q) White may profer the simpler line 6 Bg5 Bo7 9 Bxe? Qxe7 10 Nxd4 0-0 Bi Bucs becd 12 £3 05 13 Nos Qd6 14 Qxd5! NI6 Qxd6 with a good endgame, Karastoichev-Paskaley, Silven 1961 (0 16 Nco Ker 17 gt! with an endgame edge, Capablanca-Ed. Lasker, New York 1015, 76 RUY LOPEZ MAIN LINES— CLOSED VARIATIONS AND THE MARSHALL ATTACK 7 setataamsseaimogoane ori mae St ofa sioting opening ral whore both sider are ble devslop and build thelr potions toward tons and dynamic Sian: dof is cabcapr ie al tach te Masaya ign wh 0. bring eet wih7d8 (dan nl) hich cnt he Crd Columns 1-6 cover lines in the Closed Defense that are not ma systems. The minor variations 9 ho Nd7 (columns 1-2) and 9 hd Be6 (col umn 3) can be difficult to mest, although accurate play leaves Whit shea The impant 9 de witout tn poate hi covered in columns 48. Blak allright in these lines. 9d (column 6) is slow and ‘The most common defense after the usual 9 hs is still the Yana, 8.-- NA 10 Bee 144 ely 718) Dine has the st rats onthe cle nthe main continuation 1, Qe7 1 Nbdz cx 13 exd4 (columns 7-12), which slows White's development. Black is quickly ready for action, oa White would hold the advantage {ho is abe to deploy his pieces without trouble. The other continuations after 12 Nbd2 are 12... Neb (column 13) and 12... Bd7 (column 14), These do not pres- sure White as much asthe main continuation, Other eleventh moves for jack are 11....Nc6 (column 15), 11...Nd7 (columns 16-17) and 11... Bb7 (column 18), White may be able to gain an edge in these lines, but the rich and complex positions offer opportunities to the better player. 77 In tho Bravn Vaan, 93 NDB columns 19-24, Black redevelons suven's knight at d7, contralizing his pioces and maintaining control tful'contor "this allows White time to choos us plon of play om the kKingside, queenside or both. Column 19 is probably White's best line, "Tho Suvsiov Vasari, 9 h3 hf (columns 25-30), has been somewhat out of fashion for some tine. Kasparov's oso Deep ue in the econ mi of their 1997 match did litle to bolster the varition’s image, ao ac 93 BT 10 en (cai 3-30 sk some of ts shine since Karpov abandoned it as his regular defonse in favor Of the Caro-Kann. It still leads to sharp, complicated positions that are very difficult to handle, but some games of Anand have indicated that White should have a theoretical edge. sera as swing White's development. There is no diet forcing line that ther eae Ant: Matsall Systems, 7.08 eolumn 41) and 7 0-0 78 RUY LOPEZ Closed Defense 1 e4 65 2 Nf3 Ne6 3 BbS a6 4 Bad Nfb 5 0-0 Be7 6 Ret b5 7 Bb3 d6 8 c3 0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 hs crore Na?’ Booth) Bgs 10 data) aa Bes as Bea Bie Nbs Bxb3——oxdd(m) Nas 6 11 eat) Nid ach) exe Nixie Bbr{c) —exdse)—exda{i).—Nasin) esl) Res 12 Nag edt exdd Bez Nod2 NEL exda Nba 5k) os 6 Neb 130 exdé NAL «8 axcs(o) hs hs Nas: 3 Not xcs BAT hs 14 axa Nes Nod2 dees Nga axbs Neb 6 Res Bxc6ie) Boo 15 Bez Bes(f) —oxf6 bt Nfl as ba ct Bxie Ndr Net oxds 16 Nb Bea Nxot 05 Nes. exds Res(d) dig) dxea{l)_—Nfaip)—— gis). ——exdatyy (a) 10 24 Ne5 11 Bas Bb7 12 axbS axbs 19 Rxad QxaB 14 dé Nad 15 Nad b4 16 NDS Qas =, Adorjan-Beliavsky, Frankfurt 1998, (b) 11 Bed Nas 12 Bez Nea 13 Bot Bb7 14 a4 exd4 15 Nx i {or White, Popovié-Lengyel, Pecs 1980. Iso slightly better (6) (A) 11... NaS 12 Be2 Bb7 13 d5 Bo? 14 Nad o6 15 b4! Nod 16 Nxcd bxct 17 dxof Bxc6 18 Nd2 +, Leko-Pinter, Hungarian Chp. 1997. (B) 11... Rbé 12 axb3 axbS 13 Be3 No? 14 Nbdz 5 15 Nit xd 16 cxdé Spassky-Smyslov, Bugojno 1984, (d) 17 BIA cS 18 Nbd2 exd4 19 Bxd6 Nos 20 Bad *, Oll-Wells, Hungary 1997, (o} 11... BMG 12 Nf1 ReG 13 Ng3 g6 14 Bh NaS 15 Be2 eS 16 ds 1 Ivanov, US Chp. 1996. de Firmian~ (8) White must respect the wave of Black pawris on the queenside, After the nat tural 15 Ng3 c4 16 Bo2 d5 17 5 a5 18 BoS b4 19 axbs axb# 20 Rxal NxaB Black's chances are a least equal, Svidler-Adems, Groningen 1997. (@) 17 Nes! Qe7 18 Ngs g6 19 QIs Bes 20 Nxe6 Qxo6 21 Bh6 Rfes 22 65 a5 23 Nh6! with the atack, Topalov-Peng, Elista Ol. 1998, (b) (A) 8... Qu7 10 4 Ros 11 Nbd2 BMS 12 a3 go 14 Bo? Bg7 15 b4 Nhs: 79 15 Nft &, Kuzmin-Smyslov, USSR 1974. (B) 9. .a5 10 a4 be #1 ca bxc3 12 bec exdd 13 cad d5 14 NeS! Nba 15 Nc3 Bb7 (Gufeld-Dlatny, Hawaii 1992) 16 exd5 Nbxd5 17 Nxd5 NxdS 18 QS with attacking chances. () On 11 Qxbs Black has two reasonable choices: (A) 11... Qd7 12 Nbd2 Nas 13 Qc2 exdé 14 exdé of (Matanovi6-Pfleger, Hamburg 1965) 15 dS is» smatl fodge for White. (B) 11... d5 12 exd5 Na5 13 Qe? oxd4 14 oxdé Nxd8 15 Ne3 C6! 16 Ned ReB 17 NoS Bxc5 18 dxcS Qf6 with roughly equal chances ‘Timman-P. Nikoli¢, Tiburg 1980. () 11... Reb 12.45 NDB 13 04 o6 14 dxc6 Nxc6 15 Bgs gives Black trouble on the light squares, Dolmatov-P. Nikolié, Hastings 1989/90. (ky 12... Nb4 13 Ned 5 14 BEA c4 15 bxed bxct 16 Bgs Nd 17 Rez Nhs 18 Bed <, Ivenchuk-Agdestoin, Tilburg 1909. (0) 17 Reed Qds 16 Rgé! h5 19 R/4 RadB 20 Bed Nba 21 Qb1 Qxb3 22 RIS =, ‘Anand-Kamsky, match 1994 my 10....d5 11 exds exd4 12 Bxda Nxd4 13 exd4 Re8 14 Ne} BU6 15 Qd3 + Fishbein-Rios, Philadelphia 1992, () Black can also play 11 ..d5 12 05 Ne4 13 h3 BhS 14 Ne3 Nxc3 15 bxc3 QU7! 16 Bea £5 17 ext Bxf6 =, Pantchenko-T, Sokolov, Palma de Mallorca 1989. Unzicker-Keres, match 1956, 21 Byes Nxb2 =, (o) 13 Nbdz exds 14 Bxd4 Neb 15 Bed ds (p) 17 BIS BxlS 18 QxI5 Qe8 19 Qh5 Qos 20 Net Ne Habo-Foisor, Bad Wérishofen 1992. (q) Tho older 11... allows White some chances for advantage after 12 h3 BeB, (12... Bxf3 13 Oxf oxds 14 oxds Nes 15 Nd2 Nb6 16 Nf Nbxds 17 Nes ‘with good play forthe pawn; 12 ,.. Bd7?! 13 Nxo5 dxes 14 do +) 13 dxcb Qe7 14 Nbd2 Qxc8 15 Nfl Ned 16 Ngi g6 17 a4 Bb7 18 Qe2 #, Sutovsky-Gabriel Bad Homburg 1907, (9) Also 14... Qxc6 15 NE Rac8 16 Ng3 Ries 17 a4 Bd 16 axbs oxbs 19 Qe2 Qbe 19 Bds Qhs =, Movsesian-Adams, Bundesliga 1998. (6) 17 Qe2 Qb7 16 a4 Ries 19 b3 NOG =, Adams-vanchuk, Linares 1997. (0) 9 04 Bgs 10 ho Bxf3. 11. Qxfl NaS 12 Baz ba! 13 exba Noo 14 Qed Qa7 415 Nag d5 16 bS axbs 17 axbs Nad 18 exd5 Nud5 produces a sharp position with chances for both sides, Ljubojevié-Smejkal, Dubai OL. 1986. {u) 8... Be6 is another good way to play against this slow system—10 Nbd2 Bxb3 11 Qaba Na? 12 NFL Nes 13 Qo2 ds (w) 17 Now (17 Nxda Nxds 18 Qxda ReB F) 17... Nb4 10 Bb1 d3 19 Neds BP 20 Bd2 Ne2 =, Psakhis-Khalifinan, European club match 1997. 80 RUY LOPEZ Chigorin Variation 1 e4 e5 2 Nf NoG 3 BbS a6 4 Baa NIG 5 0-0 Be7 6 Rei b5 7 Bb3 dG 8 3 0-0 9 h3 NaS 10 Bc2 o5 11 d4 Qc7 12 Nbd2 exda 13 cxda 7 8 ° 10 n 12 br seennsNB, a7 ua Ni NBS ea wh Rca) Race Raa YS BOND) ReznnnbAG) Bed d5(q-—_~Nesls) Nave) Nholf) onda! at Nes) Neat 36 NAL aig) Nude) Nod Nas fla) sod Re Bam) NAB 17 exes Ng} Ret es Gs 18 Ng Ng} oxdstk). eal) Neda Beds go Bot Rab go Neo 19 Nes dat Bz Biz bat Qb7le) Neath) —Badatty Reto) —Baal)—_-golu) (a) 14... BoB 15 bal Ne& 16 Nxe4 Quod (16...bxct 17 Rea Bd7 18 4 17 Res at 2) 17 Rbt Bd7 (17... Qxaz? 18 Nd2 traps the queen) 16 Bd3 Qc7 19 Bed Nes 20 Nd2 Que 21 Nb3 ©, Tseshkovsky-van Riemsdifk, Riga 1978 (b) 15 Baa Na? 16 Nit £5 17 Bgs (17 exfS Bxds =) 17. .Nc5 18 exf5 Ne 19 Boa bbxc4 20 Bxe? Qxe7 21 Ne Nd3 22 Rez ReS! 23 ba e4 with chances for both ides, Dela Villa-Pinter, Spain 199. (0) 15...NhS 16 NEV N47 Khe QU7 18 Ngt Not 1 fot 19 go Ng6 20 bs 21 No3 =, van Riemsdijk-Matsuura, Curitiba 1992. “ ne (8) 16... Not 47 Ret Nob 18 Rez Qh 10 Nes 618 ogo 20 Bg2 Nad 21s 2, TH Petron, USSR chp 950 (0) 20 Rene (20... BoB ) 21 Bdz Bd 22 BDA, Shio¥-Alds, Borden 1998. ae (0-15... d9 16 Nes de 17 Ngo Ra 18 NIB BaD 18 Nad Onc ‘ 6 Qu 20 Bo 21 Qd2 *, Stefansson—Pinter, France 1994. ° 2 (16 Baa 112 17 dueS does 18 Ree QUO 10 Rach Rcd 20 Nees Qo 21 Qxh5 Qd4 22 Qez fxed =, Ivanovié-Kovatevic, Zagreb 1985. oe (h) 20 he Rian 21 Ret Ob 22 6) 15 Bao dst 1 dh Nod 17 Nyt 18 ox Ba 19 N04 dae 20 Bard Re 21 Qe on 2 Nd2 Cod with compensation forthe pawn, Fecir-fensevle Belgrade 1958, " , we : Prandstetter-Pintor, Barcelona 1993, a1 17 Bia Nes 18 Qxd4 NAF Bac ot spensates for his iso {) White can matfain equity with 16 Nis RO 17 Oe 19 Bgs BIB 20 NES NeS (Honf lated d-pawn. . pa 19 Bd2 Bud2 20 Qed2 Nos wins a pawn, Rig = c qe Bon a5 16 NO BA7 17 BD (0s gh aae ‘Adams-Ivanchuk, Lucerne 1989. ‘Almasi, Austria 1995, coh axbid 28 axb3 BAB with, 998) 21 dxos dxes 22 Bos 1g 18 Ne Na6 19 Nh2 Nes eae Sturua, Yerevan Ol, we fan ogo with 15 Rez Rfob 36 63 Neb 17 Bb? BIS .‘Chandler-Thipsay. London 1969. 14 Bio 10 Bbz Qda 19 NUIS =, (9) White may also get 48 Ret Qb7 19 Bbt (0) More passive is 15 « .Rfeb 16 b3 exdd 17 Nad Spassky-Kares, match 1965, suse mune {oy 20 Bd2 Nhs 21 B49 NA 22 Bf 23 ex nf 24 RE}. Mako“ Lass 093. White is slightly botter in this complex po 82 RUY LOPEZ Chigorin Variation 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 No6 3 Bb a6 4 Bad Nfb 5 0-0 Be7 G Ret bs 9 h3 NaS 10 Be2 e511 d4 13 4 15 16 7 18 or. NOB ocseteeNG7 netKeres BB? Variation) 12 Nbd2la) 5(K)—Nbd2..w.dxc5 5) Nos. wd7tg) Nas) exdd dc Not 13° asi) Nf Nbd2exdd = Nbd2 at Nds(o) Neath) et Nesta) Bb7{s)_ NB 14 asd) Nn Nb3to)_Qez Node) Roa Nos Nov 05 Red 36 15 bs Nea Nes Bes(p) bs as Nove) ot Nes. a Bes! = Nbd7 16 axbs Bas Bes Nod2 NI Nit axbs—RleB_ Qe fo(q) Nb? Nhs: 7 oN gaa Naa as ba Bho Ba? a Rot Nis Ndb Rew 18 Bes bxct ba Ret! Rada Ras(f) —Nxca{i) —cxbatm)—Bb7Ie)—BMalt) Baw) (a) 12 b& exba 13 cxb4 No 14 Nod? Bb7 15 Nxct bxch 16 dS a5 17 bS ad! 18 Bxad QaS 19 Bc2 Qxbs =, Tal-Sanguinetti, Munich OI. 1958, (b) The older fing, 13 dxes dxcs 14 NEI Bob 15 Nog Radé 16 Qo2 o4 17 NI Rios 18 Bgs Nd? 20 Bxe7 Nxe7 21 Ng5 Nfs, is simply equal, Rubinetti-Fiip, Palma do Mallorca Int. 1970, (6) 13...Na5 14 b3 Bd7 15 Nf_Nb7 16 c# RMB 17 Ne3 BIB 18 Ni5 NdB 119 Nhz 5, Karpov-Andersson, Stockholm 1969, (@) Playing only on the kingside is not so promising—14 NF Ne@ 15 g¢ g6 16 Ng3 Ng? 17 Kh2 {6 18 Bo3 Bd7 19 Qd2 NI? =, Robatsch-Padoveky, Am- stordam 1972. White has more space, but Black's position is solid (6) 15....c4 18 NEL Nes 17 axbs axb5 18 Nah2 #6 19 f4 USSR Chp. 1973 (0 19 Qaz Rfes 20 Bds g6 21 Ngo Bs 22 Raz and White hes the advantage on both sides of the board, Karpov-Unzicker, Nice Ol. 1974, (@) 12....Res 13 NM BIB 14 Bes NA7 15 b3 Nb6 16 Rot Nob 17 Bb Nev 18 Nga, R Byme-lvkoy, Skopje Ol. 1972, Karpov-Spassky, 83 (i) 19... RfeB 14 bat tkeeping the knight from c4) 14... 96 15 fg5 NhB 16 Bxo Rxe? 17 Ne3 Nf6 18 Ret Nb7 19 b4 c4 20 a4 with a distinct advaniog Stein-Matanovié, Tel Aviv Ol. 1964, (i) 14 Neg Nxea 15 Bxe3 Rfo® 16 Ret Bb 17 Naz exds 18 cxdé Qb7 19 dB Bod =, Karpov-Petrosian, Milan 1975. () 19 Nxcé bxe4, Shirov-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1998; now simply 20 Rad is an tndge for White th) (A) 12. Nbd2 ond 19 oxdd xcs 14 NDB Nba 15 Nbxda (15 bt ds =) 35... Nxc2 16 Qxe2 BU? 17 NI5 Rod =, Matulovic-Abromovie. Yugoslavia 41096. (B) 12 Be3!? exd4 13 oxd4 Nos 14 Bbd is interesting, intonding 14. Nxed? 15 03 Neb 16 BAS. () 12... Na7 19 a4 Nd7 14 Bed Qe7 15 Nod2 NbG 16 a8 #, Nunn-van der Wiel Amsterdam 1988, (um) 10 axb3 Nb7 20 Bd3! Bd7 21 Ret =, Jansa-Bellin, Wrexham 1997. (n) Black should not yet give up bis strongpoint in the center—13... .exd 14 Nudd Bf6 15 NF Nes 16 Ned go 17 NaS Bg? 18 a4 leaves White in control, Kotkov-Zhukhovitavky, USSR 1964. (o} (A) 14 Nfl exdé 15 Nxda Nxds 16 Qxda Ned (thr 47 Qa BIG 18 Ne3 BeG 19 24 Ne6 20 Nd5 Bxd5 21 exd5 Nb4 Tilburg 1997. (B) 14 dS Nb 15 Bb1 a5 16 a3 Na6 17 bé Nb6! USSR Chp. 1968. (p) Also 15 Bd3 Bab 16 d5 Nbé 17 Bf ad 18 Nbd4 exda 19 03 Nxds 20 exd5 86 21 Nudd Ne5 22 Ne6 Qb6 23 BIS! Res 24 Qc2 &, Anand-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 090, (q) 26... exd 17 Nudd Nxd4 18 Bxd4 NeS 19 NF1 BeG 20 Nes Bas 21 bs ‘Tarjon-Karklins, US Chp. 1973. (0) 19 Bb Qb6 20 NEI Ric# 21 Qa2 +, Gufeld-Romanishin, Vilnius 1975, (6) (A) 13.16 14 Nh¢ NbG 15 NIG Re7 16 QE Kho 17 h4 Boo 16 ho & TTringov-Barle, Yugoslavia 1974, (B) 13... Qe7 14 Nft_ Nhe 15 Neo Ras 16 Qe2 Bob 17 NaS! Nxd6 16 exds Bxd 19 Nxes Ra7 20 Bf4 with the inti tive, Fischer~Keres, Curagao Candidates 1962. (0) 19 Nes Qbs 20 c4 Qh7 21 Nez Rad 22 £9 g6 23 Bo8 ba 24 Bb2 Bg? 25 QI2 NIB 26 Nd5 Ne6 27 Nfi Nd4 and Black's careful maneuvering has equalized the game, both sides having strongly posted knights, Short-Nenashev. Calcutta 10998, (u) 12 Nbd2 oxda 19 exdé oxd4! 14 Neds Re8 15 NIL BIB 16 Ng3 go 17 b3 Nd7_ 18 Bb2 ReB 19 Qd2 fg? 20 Radi Nes =, Wagner-Romanishin, Munich 1993, (0) 14 Qaz Nxad 15 Brad bxad 16 Read N47 17 c4 NDB 18 Rad a5 19 Ned « ‘Topalov-Piket, Groningen 1997. soning 17... Bxh3!) Shirov-Piket, tinTal (2) 10 Bed of 20 g¢ 2, de Firmian-Spangenberg, Elista Ol. 1998, Ba RUY LOPEZ Breyer Variation 1 e4 €5 2 NIB Nc6 3 BbS a6 4 Baa NfG 5 0-0 Be7 6 Ret bS 7 Bb3 dG 8 c3 0-0 9 h3 NbB 2 a wu as Nazi Sar a Nod Nhé nelle) Nba hor pol) tbe 1 hea Bie eal) wen ye 19 Mfhevnntdinnrnenbal) Nn) ex Bea ieee in ese cag ese 14g dna bd Ng ch) Nok) Be cat Doo to oo eo sid) go Nb Bbr ger fog ee oa a ee) omc tes cafe) Qb6. Rb Nb6 Nes " 86 Moe a Ty en hai) Nose) Bano) Beh Ral) Bart (@) Counterattacking the White e-pawn works badly—10 ..Bb77! 11 dxes! dxes, (11... Nxod 12 06 fxo6 13 Bxost Kh8 14 Bds *, Gligarid-Benko, Bled Candi- dates Tournament 1959) 12 Quis Bxds 13 Nxo5 Nxod 14 Bed BIG 15 Ngé Nd 16 Nd2 Nud2 17 Bxd2 Rfo8 18 Bfs +, Keres-Benko, Bled Candidates 1959, (0) 13... dS? 14 Nxe5 Nes 15 dxe5 Nxod 16 {3 NgS (16 ....No5 17 ba 17 Nga Best 18 Kh2 {6 19 Bags fxg5 20 Qbi! hs 21 Qdi =, Lobron-Portisch, Wijk aan Zoo 1988. (6) White noods play on both the queenside and the kingside to gein an ad- vantage. On 15 b3 Bg7 16 d5 Nb6 17 Be3 Re8 18 Qe? c6 19 e4 exd 20 exd5 Noxd5! 21 exd5 Nxd5 Black has full compensation for his_knight, Kamsky-van dor Sterren, match 1994, (4) 15... . By? 16 Bd3 06 (16... d57117:Bg5 =) 17 ByS h6 (17 ... RbB 18 Qd2 Bow 19 Red c5 20 bé 2, Popovié-Abramovié, Yugoslav Chp. 1996) 18 Bd2 Qc7 1963 ds! =, de Firmian-Zaitdanov, San Francisco 1999, More promising is 19 Qet Kh7 20 he prossuring the kingside, (6) 16. ... Nb6 17 Qo2 Nxad 18 Bxad bxad 19 Rad structure, ue to White's botter pawn, (8 16 Bes Nes 19 Qdl2 6 20 tgs He? 21 Rad leaves White slightly hetter in a 85 lox, multifaceted position, Shirov-van dor Sterren, Wijk aan Zee 1998, compl Khali (g) 14, ..b4 15 05 d5 16 exd5 oxdé 17 Rxob Quod 18 c4 NeS 19 Nb rman-Beliavsky, USSR Chp. 1990. (hy 15 Nf1 ds 16 BgS dxed 17 Rxos Bo7 18 Re2 oxda 19 Nxdé Bf8 20 Rd2 Qe? 21 BIS oS 22 NEB NeS Is just a minimal edge for White, Anand-Boliavsky. Linares 1992. (i) 16 Bit exda! 19 oxda dS 20 05 Ni4 21 Nhz Noo 22 NUfs cB =, Ehivest~ Krivonosov, Tallinn 1998. (i) 1363 Bf 14 d5 6 15 64 Qe7 16 NFL Rec8 17 Ned (Ljubojovi javik 1991) 37 ... bxod 18 bxcé oxds 19 cxd5 @ (ky 14.,.a5 15 bxaS Rea5 16 Rbt Bob 17 d5 Qad 16 Bas +, Beliavsky~ ‘A, Petrosion, USSR 1973, (1) 18 Bat go 19 04 bres 20 dxes NxeS 21 NxoS dies 22 Be3 Bob =, Browne— Karpov, Amsterdam 1976, (im) (A) Risky is the pawn grab 11... . Nxed 12.Nf5 Nao 13 Nxo7t Qxe7 14 Re2t {Bronstein) planning 15 Qet and 16 (3, (B) 11... Nobo 12 Na2 es 13 dxcs dxcs V4 NIB cé also offers reasonable chances for Black, Browne-Ivkov, Amsterdam 1972, n) 19 F4 cSt 14 NED e4 15 Bea Bb7 16 Nbd2 BIB 17 BxfA =, and actually agreed Grawn in R. Bymne-Portisch, Amsterdam 1969, The column is R. Byrne Unzicker, Ljubljana 1969. (o) 11 Bgs Bb? 12 Nbd2 ho 13 Bh4 Reb 14 Bez 05 15 853 BEB =, Zapata-S Salamanca 1991 (—) 1265 is most energetic, but White may do better with the rarely played (A) 12 Gea Bb? 13 Ne3 bd 14 Nod exd4 25 Noxdd Re 16 NfS +, Hartarson~ Beliavaky, Linares 1989. (B) 12 a3 bxct 19 Bxot Nxed! =, Howell-van der Sterren, London 1983. {q) Worse is 16 Nxds Nos 17 Qh6 Bhat 18 Khi Nd3! 19 Rez Bes F, Milos ‘Timman, Manila Ol. 1992. (4) 18 Qes Nd3 19 Qh6 BEA 20 Oxf Rd6 21 Qa Nxed 22 Rxot Que wit {for both sides, Fischor-Portisch, Senta Monica 1966. (0) 15 Nh2 Nes 16 NIS h6 17 Ngt Nag 18 Qxgt Kh7 draw agreed, Matanovié-Ivkov, Palma de Mallorca 1966. (i) 10 Bd3 bxad 19 dxes Nxo5 20 Nxod Rx = (Matanovic) sek, chances a6 RUY LOPEZ Smyslov Variation 1Le8 5 2 NPB Nc 3 BDS a6 4 Bad NP 5 0-0 Be7 6 Rei bs 7 BS d6 8 c3 0.0 9 h3 h6 10 da Reb 7 = @ Seco ee = a Se Ry 2S Se ee ae on eee (6) Nol 12... exd4 19 exdé Nxes? 14 Bd winning a knight. (b) Simplification with 13 dxe5 Nxo5 14 Nxo5 dxeS 15 Qf3 05 16 Ra cA results {in complote equality, Keres-Spassky, match 1965, (6) 16 Bes cxda 17 xed Ref 18 Rel exdd 19 NxdA dB », 1093, (@) Ort8... .Qc7 19NI51:t, After 18... Nh7 1984 Whitehas.aspatial advantage, Deep Blue-Kasparov, match 1997, continued 19... Nha?! 20 Nxh Qxhé 24 Qo Quit 22 bt Qo? 23 Rect eA 24 Rad Rec8 25 Rest +, and White won fo Jun-Geller, Vienna (6) Initiating quoenside play gives no advantage here: 15 a4 no advantage here: 15 a4 c5 16 b3 Nas 17 axb5 axb§ 18 d5 Qo7 19 Bed Ra7 20 Nd2 Read 21 £4 Nb7 =, Kavalek- Reshevsky, Netanya 1960, (0,10 Bes 5 17 d5 05 18 Nd2 Qe7 19 Qe? af =, van der Doel- to naa Qe7 10 Qo2 a4 =, van der Doel-Xie Jun, Wijk san (g) 19 NI3.Qe7 20 Baa exd4 21 Bb2 with strong play ‘Skople vs. Ohrid 1968. in the center, 87 (hy 14.6818 ot leaves both the bishop on 7 and the knighton a tml paca 6) 26 Bia e517 duos deo 1 4 Nb = Wetrinen-Gligoi Belin 197 dos Niet 20-Niot dot () 16..-43! 17 t8 obs 18 Riad Bas 19 | 21 Qxd8 Rxd8 22 Bxe4 Bxed 23 Rxed bé (Kindermann-Lukacs, Austria 1994) mena (k 105847 20 865 and White ues of Black’ god bishop, raining more tpuce and activity; Anand Kank vate 1994 (a5 at d5! 16 bo dict 17 Not Mot 19 Raed Buoe 10 Bxot NOs 20 aoe Stl Rhy, La Angel 1907, tn) 39 RO Be? 20 ext 2 Belt gS with equal ehances, Mather-Davies, cor, to) a2 99 867 19 Bad a6 14 NIL of 19 Nga NAB 46 Bed 6! 17 Ret Reb 42 Bao Rab = Kern Portes, Moscow 1907 or 144015 0) 12. Bo7 19.2 (19 ais th Zs Varaton) 13... Ne7 14. ° ‘Topalov-Piket, Amsterdam 1995. Black may do better with 13... . NbB. (p10 Rao des 204 21 Ra ovr bth dsc in his sharp po Sion Erst-elle Helin! 1962 12) 14 os dam 15 dees nes 12 Bb? 19 Qbtt QM? (13, -NA 18 a6 2) 14 09 dt 15 @ 16 Nxe5 RxeS 17 Bd4 Re6 18 eS RaeS 19 4 cS 20 Be3 +, Murey-Balashov, Moscow tt , os Whitin god sap 5) 18. 45111465 Nar 18 9 18 obs cx 17 of lenvos Whiting a ‘Tseshkovsky-Smyslov, USSR 1974, The column is Hort-Pietzsch, Havana Ol. 88 RUY LOPEZ Zaitsev (Fianchetto) Variation 1 e4 e5 2 NIB Nc6 3 BbS a6 4 Bad NfB 5 0-0 Be7 6 Ret bs 7 Bb3 dé 6 3 0-0 9 h3 Bb7 10 dafa) Rea(b) 31 2 33 34 35 36 Mo thn INDAB sosssesse Nes hte) Bia RIB 12 Noda Bea as a3(q) au) Bia(a) g6(k)Nbsin)g6ir) xt 13 Bez a5 NA Bags) xf exdale) Nbs Nod7 Bez. Nas. 14 exda ba Nahz{o) ba Bez Nos ro Nest Nas, 15 Bb of Bea as exds aif) Bho) oe Ne7 Bugs 1 ds a axe Nts ahs Naz ba Bxcé axbs he 17 Ras Nn Bgs cxbt—Ndz Che eececef Bxct he Nxet! Bad 18 axbsig) gall), «Rect, «Bx Reo Net axbs(h) {4 exds(m) — Qxfslp)—Bxd5{t)—_Bxta(v) (@) 10 ds Re6 11 Nbd2 h6 12 Nf BOB 13 NgS Nb8 14 Nhs d5 15 exds Bxds =, Kasparov-Svidler, Linares 1998, () 10... Qd7 11 Nbd2 Race 12 Nit exd4 19 exd4 NaS 14 Be2 d5 15 05 Nos 16 Ned :, Dimitrov-Svidler, Linares 1094, (0) 11... Bia 12 dS lands Black in difficulties after both 12... . NbB 13 axbs exbs 14 RxaB Bxs6 15 Nad c6 16 Bg5 Nbd? 17 dxc6 BxcG 18 Ned Qa8 19 Bxfé Nx 20 Nis! Axed 21 Rod! Qxed 22 NyS +, and 12... . Nab 13 Bad 6 14 Na3 cxds 15 exd5 brad 16 Quad Nxd5 17 NgSl Re7 18 bd Nxc3 19 Qc2 +, Kerpov-Miles, London 1984, (2) 12... . exd¢ 19 cxd4 Nb4 14 axbs axbs 15 RxaB Qxn8 16 05 dxoS 17 dxes NidS 18 Nos c5 19 66! fob 20 No5 =, de Firmian-Nikolig, Tunis Int. 1985, (A solid, though passive, plan is 13...Nb8 14 Bd3 6 15 Nit Nbd7 16 Ng2 Qe? 17 Bdz go 18 Qet Kh7 10 b3 Bg7 20 Qc2 NFB 21 Bed Neb 22 Redt Rac8 23 BAL t, Kasparov-Karpov, World Chp. 1985, (8) (A) 18... bxad 16 Read a5 17 Ra3 Rab 16 Nhz! g6 19 £9 QU7 20 Net Qhs 21 Re3 &, Kasparov-Kerpov, World Ghp. (G2) 1990, (B) 15... g6 16 Rad Bg? 17 e6! dxS 18 dxes Nh5 19 axb5 axh5 20 Qha c5 21 Ned Bros 22 Nacé =, ‘Anand-Kamsky, match 1995, 89 (@) 10 Nas Qfo 19 N2E Naa 20 Budd bal 21 Brod bxad 22 b9 NoS 29 Qe2 Ops = ‘Anand-Kamsky, match 1995. (h) 10 Naa with three choices for Black: (A) 19... Qb6T! 20NI5 g6 21 NIit =. (B) Jo Reed 20 baad Nad 21 Bxd3 cxd3 22 Red Ne5 (22....Ne5 23 NAf9 &) 23 Bb2 Bed (23... Qa5 = is probably better) 24 Nes Qhé 25 Bas ‘Anand-Beliavsky, Madrid 1998, (C) 19... NeS 20 Rxa® Qxa8 21 Nxbs ReB (de Firmian~A. Ivanov, US Chp. 1996) 22 Re’ =. i) Other moves ate woaker. (A) 18 Nhz NI6 19 g4 (19 RF Ros co) fre 20 Nxed Nbxd5 =, Leko-Z. Almasi, Dortmund 1998, (B) 18 exf5 NIG 19 Nes finds 20 Nxf6t Qxfb 21 Bd2 Qxb2 22 Bxbt BI7! =, Kesparov-Karpov, World chp. (G4) 1990. () Both 10... kg 19 hxgé and 18... feed 19 Nxed allow White @ strong at tack. Affer 18+, {4 18 Nba of (19... g5 20 axbs axb 21 Bdz +, de Fir. Inian~A. Ivano¥, Philadelphia 1991) White can play 21 exbS axbs 22, Rx® BxaB 23 Nxb5 Nbd3 24 Bxd3 Nad3 25 Red =, instead of 21 Bxft QI6 =. Hellers~Almast, Malmé 1994, (k) 12... Nb6 is often played, similar to the Breyer Variation, 14 Bd 06 15 NIL eaves White an edge. (1) 45... 95 16 dxcb Bxc6 17 exb5 BxbS 18 No# Na6 19 Bg5 Nb4 20 Nes Be7 21 Bxf6 Bxl6 22 a3 =, Anand-Kamsky, match 1994, (im) 19 exd5 Nod? 20 Qd2 a5 =, Wags-Lambert, corr 1988, (0) 12....Ne7 19 NAt Ng6 14 Nab2 Nd7 15 93 NoS 16 Baz Nit 17 of 6 418 xb exb5 19 Bhi a5 20 ha gi 21 g3 :, Topalov-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1996. {o) 14 Ng3 6 15 BS Bg7 16 Qd2 Qo7 17 Nh2 HS! 18 Radi QS =, Leko-Piket, Dortmund 1995, (p) 19 Ngs Qgs 20 Q'3 QF4! with chances for both sides, Nijboet-Karpoy, Wijk ‘aan Zoo 1998. (q) 1204 h6 isa common route into column 1. With this move order Black has the option of 12 a4 Qd7 13 axb5 {13 ds Ne7 14 c4 Ng6 18 Bc2 6 16 b3 Qe 3B. axbS 14 Read BuaB 15 d5 Nd8 16 Baz c6 17 ba Nb7 18 NEL = Krzyston-Sokolav, corr, 1988. (12... h6 13 Bea Noa 14 ba Nbd7 15 Bb2 go 16 #4 6 17 Qb1 #, Shor Hijartarson, Reykjavik 1987. (6) 13 Bez Nb8 14 ba Nbd7 15 Bb2 Ret 16 Qb1 c5 =, Smyslov-Reshevsky, Moscow 1992. These two legends had battles for over half a century. [t) 19 Ret 64 20 Nida c5 21 bxcS dees 22 NxcS Bxaz 28 Real Oxd4 =, danidze-A. Ivanov, USSR 1980. {(u) Many games have ended 12 Nf Red 13 NgS RF8 14 Nf3 Draw. This is a prob- Jem With the Zaitsev Variation if Black must play to win. (0) 19 QF5 gO 20 Nor Kg7 21 NhS# Kh8 22 Qxf4 Qys 23 Qugs xg 24 NFB Bes ‘with roughly even chances, Gruonfeld-P. Nikolié, Lugano 3987. but 13 94 Nbd7 =» Chibur- 90 RUY LOPEZ Marshall Attack (and Anti-Marshall Systems) 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb a6 4 Bad NfG 5 0-0 Be7 6 Ret b5 7 Bb3 0-0(a) a. hy) as ; ta) Bri) 0 oxdst) na) ar wes se) Neate hat) Re 1 be we Node ma Nov be aw sea eed) NN co ar) Mh = cre ey | Qs hat Qh hs Geral 18° bese) ds Rt yt exis Qa) Gy) as Sy aon) fh) QI) Gave) Shey By (0) Soden’ Jonny Hector has cha : lot has championed 7. Hb, intending 8 63 ds 9x Nias 10 Nued Nis 1 Res Ala = Whi’ best response i poly (8 d4 Nxd4 9 Bxf7t! Kf 10 Bd5 *, Timman—Hector, Malmé 1997. =o {b) 9 d4 exds 10 05 Nos 11 cxd4 Bet Revucki}-Farkas, Hungary 1998. (0) 9...09 10 dxcs ext 11 dat acai” 10.3 Is! fxg2 12 Qf9 Be6 13 BFA Nd 14 ga as (@) Other moves aco simply infor: (A) 11 14hs Qh 19 QI Wal oot 2 capblaca- Mahal New York fe 11h? Te dd Blo 2 Qi? 12 Ne Nit t4 Nod age 13 Kage BD 16 Git =, Gindl-ongor core. 1900) 18 Rel Reb 14 Nae bi 15 84 NIV 10 ds Nas'17 Reed Que 30 Bed do Phra Kreiman, US Chp. since 18... Nxb2 19 Bxb2 Bxb2 20 Bxh7#! holds the pawn. . aes (0) 48 Rett g5 16 Qi (6 Bags? 3 1a Rl TS Tb 1091 PRES 48 18 Ret Rae () Instnd, 20.6 17 4 Kh 18 Buds ex , 10 Buds cus 19 Nea g5 20 QM Qh 21 ost 22 fxs f4 23 Bxfa Rxf4 24 gxft RIB 25 Re5 Bx: 5 atl 2, ‘Sax-Ehivest, Skelleftea 1900" eeneenirere o1 ‘Aftor 16... Rao 17 Né2 we have the main line ofthe Marshall Attack, an ex- tremely complicated position that may slightly favor White, but offers win- ning chances for both sides. Two examples: (A) 17...Qh5 16 a4 BIS 10 Qft Bhs 20 Bela QI 21 Qo2 c5 22 NIB +, Morovié-Adams, match 1997. (B) 17. RoG 18 af £5 19 QM Qhs 20 f4 bxad 21 Rxo4 RfoB 22 QI2 g5 23 Rab (23 fxgs £4 24 pata Bhd is ory sharp) 23... gxf4 24 gxf4 Khe 25 Buds cxds 26 Nt Rg® 27 Ngo BES 26 Ra with perhaps a slight edge to White. Thoory in this main variation has not changed! much for years as players with White seeking clearer positions, have concentrated their efforts on other lines. ‘Also 13... Qh4 14 g3 Qh3 (14....Qh8 15 Nd2 Bgs 16 (3 Bxf3 17 Nxf +) 15 Na2 BIS 16 a4 Red 17 Rxo8 Reet 18 NI h5! gives Black sufficient coun- torplay, de Firmian-Adams, Now York 1996. (8) 47 Qb3 Re8 (better thon 17... BI7 16 f4 BxF4 19 NIS:!) 18 Rxo8t Qxe8 10 NOL (19 Qudst? BI7 20 Oxds Qost 21 Kft Res etc.) 19... BI7 20 Hel2 4 with full compensation for the pawn, Kotronias-Nunn, Kavala 1991. 14,15 15 Nd2 £4 16 Re1 Qys 17 NES Qhs 18 Nes 1 19 gxf3 BH 20 44 nab. (i) There are two sharp alternatives. (A) 15 ...g5 16 Q'3 Bob 17 Qf Rios 18 Nd2 (18 Naa Qhs 19 Bd2 Be7 20 Qf3 Qy6 21 Ract gé =, Hubner-Nunn, Haifa 1989) 18, QF4 19 Qxf Bxfe 20 Rel Bxh3 21 NE3 Ror 22 Nxo1 BIS 23 Bla gel 24 Nf Re8 25 Ret £, de Firmian-Imanaliev, Blista OL. 1998. (B) 15... 1 Qf Bb? 17 Ne2 g5 18 Qo2 f4 19 NIB Qh5 20 Nxg5t =, Habner-Nunn, Skelleftes 1989, @ (ky 17 Ret Qg6 18 QF BIS 19 Bed Bes (other movos have been tried, but this seems best) 20 Qga hs 21 Qxg® Bxy6 22 Nd2 +, Tal-Spasshy, match 1965. ‘This ending is difficult to win, however, (0) 12 g3 Bd 13 Ret Qa7!14 d3 Qhs transposes back into the column. (0m) 19... BES 14 QPS Qh4 15 99 Qhi 16 Bxds exd5 17 BIs Bela 18 Qxfa Beds 19 Nd2 Rade 20 Red =, A. Rodriquez—Peng, Lucerne 1993, (n) (A015... . NIG 16 Rhs QfS 17 Naz! gs 18 RhG Ngé 19 Noa Nxh6 20 Nado =, Svidler-Adams, lista Ol. 1998, (B) 15...QU? 16 Ndz Bb7 17 Ret cb 18 Ned He7 19 94 b4 20 figs Bxgs 21 Nxgs =, Leko-Slobodjan, Groningen 3997. (6) 17 Rel {5 18 NB (18 f4Bx!4 19 Qs Bbs 20 Bxdst oxds 21 NbI—21 Qxdst Kho 22 Qxu8 Qb6+ and 23... Bb7—21 .. .QI7 22 Nu Ba? =, Leko~Adams, Linares 1999} 18... f4 19 NS Exes 20 Rao fxg 21 hxgd Bet 22 Qat BIS =, Loko Svidlet, Dortmund 1998 (p) OF the Anti-Marshall «ystems, only 8 h3 and 8 4 aro serious attempts for adGantage, On 8 da Neds (or 8 ...d6! 9 c3 Bga) 9 Nudd exdd 10 5 New dxe3 12 Nxe3 dB 13 Qf3 Bes 14 Nes Ro8 15 BFs Bgs chances are even, |. Gurevich-Nunn, Hastings 1992/98. (@) &...d6 9 €3 is back in normal closed channels, but White has avoided the Marshall Attack (0) 10 3 NaS 11 B2 5 12 Nbd2 Qe? 13 NPI RfoB 14 Ngs Rad8 = Tel-Goller. Kislovodsk 1986. oz (6) (A) 10... Qd7 has fered poorly of lato—11 Ne3 Rae® 12 94! bf (12....NaS, 19 Bxf74! Ref? 14 axb5 wins a pawn) 19 Nd5 Nxd5 14 Bxd5. Nas 15 Bxb7 Nxb? 16 d4 with adistinet edge, J Polgar-Adams, Wijk aan Zee 1998, (B) 10...NaS 11 Baz c5 12 Ne Neb 19 Bgs Qd7 14 Nh2 Neb, Kasparov-Adams, Linares 1999, Although Adams lost the game his position is reasonable at this point, (0 12... ReB 13 Ngs of (19. h6 14 Ng3 Ro 15 NES BEB 16 Nh2 =) 14 NIS BIB 15 Nh2 ds 10 Qf8 +, Shiov-Adams, Wijk aan Zee 1998. (u) 17 Baz RoB 18 Radt d5 10 oxd5 Bxds 20 dxc$ bxc4 21 Bx{6 NxfG 22 Nees gO with fair play fora paven, Shizov-I. Sokolov, Groningen 1996, (0) 8... ba.9.9 do 10 d3 Be6 11 Nbdz RDB 12 Bos Qet 13 NEI Bro 14 dc ho 15 Ned Qe6 10 Nd5 Bd8 17 Qd3 No7 18 Bd2 #, Z. Almasi-Pong, Groningen 1997, (w) 9... ReB 10 Nbd2 MB 11 ©3 h6 12 Ba2 dB 13 Nh4 QU7 14 Ng6 +, Kas parov-Short, World Chp. 199, (6) 10 Nbd2 Ret 11 2 NaS 12 Baz o5 13 Ngo RAM 14 NEL ct 15 Ned he 16 NES Rod =, Svidler-Adamis, Groningen 1997. (y) 17 Bg5 Nb7 18 Bes Qas 19 Qe4 Nga draw agreed, Nunn-van der Wiel, Am sterdam 1990, 93 PETROV DEFENSE 14 05 2 NIB NIB nov ne na for th nntsntcetry Rsson mat P [sn pod tr our lain sats worknen pe opoing at ppaientwih na srt, dos re im Tong ofp Ines sd seam sow imginin by #819 108 oes move There are olla no lana os itr te som for lily ht, comeing 1 aerate lens mee Wiest ale oro ao tm ave Ii t,o stanly fe 8 by Wag sre tesa Syme endgane, at het aners hb See stad ie equate cance The Pes popularity ate PUSH act nhac thre do arog coma se fe ie uate fx pressions lye oem i Pent at ning some o he rest World Chnpen in i 6 (columns 1-6), see above ‘The main line is 3 NxoS d6 4 Ni3 Nxed 5 da (coh eabove diagram. Black’s 5 ...d5 (columns 1-5) supports the knight on o4 and 04 ‘equalizes the amount of territory. White’s usual plan is to try to under the Ne& with Bd3 and c4 or Rel. If White forces Black to retreat without too many exchanges he will have the initiative. White plays a risky strategy in column 2—c3 and Qb3. He wins a pawn at the cost of al- Jowing Black a strongpoint on e4. Column 6, 5 .. . Bo7, is an old line that allows White a spatial advantage. White's fifth-move alternatives in columns 7 and 8 have little promise of advantage. Column 7 is the drawing line where queens are oxchanged early. The only serious winning alternative to the main line is the sharp 4 dai? (columns 9-12), which has sen much use in the last twenty years from players looking to unbalance the game. Black's most reliable continu: ation is 3... Nxed 4 Bd3 dS (columns 9-10), although Murey’s starting 4... Ne6!? (column 11) is not so bad. Column 12, 3...exd4 4 e5 Net leads toa symmetical pawn structure, but White can develop aggressively. 95 PETROV’S DEFENSE 114 €5 2 NPS NIG 3 Nxes d6 4 NIB Nxed 5 dd 7 2 3 4 8 6 as ber . 6 nas 3s a7 Ne BA : 7 00 catty 00 ms neo Bet) 00 ue 8 channel otk : ‘Nba Bgslg) NIG 6 Reb yeah) exdSim) exo) neat a a sig) wos Ge Qa Bey ot) ds Nese 3 oN) Rel 11 ote) Nga Qutb Bie) Ree Ber By Ner BI Rot ee Fe , 1 ie) Be) tay boty) Berle) Cent ee EE eeeeeees=:; Ned Nae 19. Qsed Het fo 9 oxds Nid3 10 Qedd QedS 11 Rex BE 12 se (9 oe Nis 18 Gor 00 16 B42 BIS with enough pay for he paw, Hun Simple, etch 1903 Nast 19 Nsed 12 bed NB 12 od Qed 14 BAB 4. (20 at Rath © Sider Shar, Raeian Chp 1008) 16 cf Qo 16 Bed Rad 1B Rabo Rot Heo 10 Get Remy Yue, Moscow 108 os 12 Naot dod 19 dS B40 140 Bus la iNest dese ttn 1916 12 Neo no 95.806 4.9 Bas 5 aso Bu7 ao bac Qe? 17 Be Bat 18 Kh, Wa : Toon Cras ste 42 Bp et 19 Bren Rac 14 15 Qe 1 ped uy bee) 9--oxda 10 Nad Rod =, Anand-Kramnk fat 198 (a) 14.1249 Neca 19 bed Ne 34 Qe 41 Bo Kh 16 RE 7 32 (A) 12 Ret dk 19 Bue e 14 Nes Nad 15 bcd NBS 10 Bo 17 BA © (estan Novgorod 1006, (B) 12 Ne! 1SN63 Nard abcd Na cee it imple edge with 9 Bf. (B) 96 19 Reb =) 12 Bxcd 0-0 (12... Ne2 19 Nh) 19 a8 No6 14 d5 +, Kerpov-Por tisch, Tilburg 1982, (h) 9 4 NIE 10 cxd5 Bxf3 11 Qxf3 Qxds 12 Qxd5 (12 Qg3 Quid 13 Ned 00 14 Nb5 ge =, Sax-Yusupov, Thessaloniki Ol. 1984) 12... Nxd5 19 Bet 04-0 14 Nc3 Bbé =, Ljubojovie-Tal, Bugojno 1984, (@) 10... Qa6 11 Nfd2! 0-0-0 12 £3 Bhs 13 REL Bho 14 Qe2! Qg6 15 Nba RhiB 16 Na3 repulses the atack, Ivanchuk-Anand, Reggio Emilia 1966/69, ) 13.Qbs Rbs 14 Ges Bas 15 ho BS 16 Bo2 Rg 17 KF1 and White made use of his extra pawn in Iwanchuk-Shirov, Dortmund 1998. The position is very complicated and most players will have trouble defending against Black's at- tack, but ¢ precise defense should gain White some advantage, (y) Timid play is 713 Be? 80.0 0-09 Ret BIS (0) 7... Bo? transposes into column 1. (on) (A) 9 Nea Bxf3 10 Qxf3 Nxd4 11 Qeat NaG 12 exds NxdS 13 Nxds Qxd5 14 Bos Qbs 15 a4 Qab 16 Rd1 Be7 17 b4 0-0 18 Qha g6 19 Bb2 Qe4! =, Kas. parov-Karpov, World Chp. 1986. (B) Noteworthy is the simple 9 Be3, which oops play in the position. (x) 12... Qud4?t 19. Ned gives White a powerful initiative. After 12... Qu6 13 Nc3 0.0 14 Bxc6 bxc6 15 Bos Nd5 16 Rac Ried 17 Nxd5 Qxds 18 Qca Bao, ‘Timman-Yusupov, match 1986; now 19 43 gains White a slight edge (6) If White fails to exchange in the contor he enters a long, sharp drawing varia: tion—9 No3 Nxc3 10 bxc3 dxcs! 11 Bxos Bga 12 Qd3 Nd7 13 Ngs NIG 14 9 Bho 19 14 HO 16 gs hxgs 17 fagS b5 18 Bhd Nags 19 bgt Qd7! 20 gxhS Qgét 21 Kf2 Raed 22 Rgl Qhst 23 Kez Qh2t 24 Kft Blt 25 Of Ret? 26 Kxet Qugit 27 Ke2 Bxcl 28 Rxct Qxct 29 g6 Rest 20 Kd3 Qbit with por petual check, A. Sokolov-Oll, USSR Chp. 1989. (p) Equally good is 12....Nd7 13 h3 BhS 14 RbS Nb6 15 of Bxf9 16 Qxf3 dxct 17 Bc2 Qd7 18 ad go 19 Bd2 (19 Bos!?) e3 20 Bxcd RacB 21 Bed Red =, Topalov-Akopian, Madrid 1997. After 12...b6 13 RDS Bc? 14 hd ad) 15 Rxds Qxd3 16 hxgé White has compensation for the exchange. but proba. bly no mote than that. (q) 10 Bxed dxod 11 Quod ReB 12 Qds Bgé gives Black good play for the pawn, (0) Sharp tactics follow after 10... Bg 11. NeS Bxes 12 dxeS Nacé 13 £9 Nxd3 ‘Qud3 NoS 15 Qas Nb3 16 Quge Nxal 17 Bh6 g6 18 cxds Quis 19 Ned Qest 20 Kht Nba 21 Qf Rle6 22 Nes Qxes 23 Ni6t Kh8 24 Qh4 Reb =, Giaceio-Ginzburg, Argentinian Chp. 1998, This may be Black's objectively best continuation, but he must defend coolly (6) 19 Nez Neb 14 ba Bio 15 Bb2 a6 16 a4 g6 17 NeS =, Kaspustin-Kuzonkow, corr. 1986, (© Slightly better is 9... Nbd7 10 Nos NEB 11 d5 Ng6 12 Ret =, Tal-Smysloy, USSR Chp. 1981. in any case Black has & passive position. (w) 19 Bl4 Bd7 14 Qaz with advantago in both space and mobility, Fischer Choorghiu, Buenos Aires 1968, 97 PETROV’S DEFENSE >-ETROV'S DEFENSI fees te cise 10s es 2 NC NE eee TTF eC : (a nee exda(t) * ein Set “ 4 No saa ae Net i res) xe ies Beh Nicnetde 5 ! exd6 wary 00 6 RP gaan” bo ima nis Na oF Lr we es dws 00 rn rs ooo senso) BBS ° oS Bebé rs Qxd5, exd3. igi 0 0-0-0 cat) eat 10 900 pyr Ne BEB 08 i ha Bk Ratt sh 2 4.Ged Qo7 6 Quot dB 44 wana pon (a) Bt 452 67 - Monty iea Nea not 4 dS BND BO” B48 3 4-0 Dd wh eget anon Shilo, Perkin 1487. (8) Spcav bu etrrig San Re eb ices Ba es eat 8 Hot ub 7 Brat Kath a acs Neo wt chnes fo bth sds, Tops ti 19. Against rea- «,Spasty-Ptvosian, Worl Cp 1968. ie ray dudpradces avant. Whi two tempi aed Santa deta 82 pens no eben SWhelopmont but a oak no i 2 er Ba B15 wi re net ea at a 7 NE DOL 8 ez Qe 0 Bed BIS with het) (et ey Ber Bb igh 0 Bot QU? 10 Bed BE = 7 . mich 4086. Ss wp 0 2 Nar 9 0-00 Neb 10 NAA Rap 1118 Neb 22 Bed Be 1 ato vosopo, USSR Chp. 183. me bot Bis 11 00.0 2, Nunn act ck 9 Quit Heb 10 2, Ma aS epettothl OL toes) Sl goods the od ps 98 8 Qu2 Bags! © Bez Qa7 10 0-0.0 0.0 =, Nimzovich-Marshall, St. Petersburg 1914, '—12 b3 Bxfl 19 Rhxft BIB 14 b3 Qa? 15 ga No6 16 NIS a5 ‘Amason-Makerichey, Reykjavik 1990, (h) White has no serious alternatives to 3 NxeS and 9d, but he can play for sur- Priso value: (A) 3 Ne Bba (3... Ne6 transposes to the Four Knights’ Defense) 4 Nxes 0-0 5 Nd3 Bxc3 6 dxcs Nxos 7 Be2 d5 8 0-0 c6 9 Nia BIS 10 ca dd 11 Bd3 Red 12 £9 Nd6 =, Adams-Rozentalis, Aarhus 1997. (B) 3 Bes Nxed 4 Nc3 Nucd 5 dxca f6! 6 Nha 7 (6 NxeS? Qo7 wins, 6 0-0 d6 7 Nha go 8 f4 Qo? 9 £5 Qu7 =) 6... 96 7 {4 co! 8 5 d5 =, Estay-Araya, Santiago 1008 (i) 4 dxes d8 5 Nbdz Nxd2 6 Bxd2 Bey 7 BI4 cS 8 c3 Nob 9 BUS Be6 Short-Soirawon, Lugano 1986. (1) (A) 6 Qez Nx05 7 Bros dxes 8 Qxed Bo6 9 Qxe5 Qad7 10 Bed Bhat 11 3 Bd6 sivos Black fair play for the pawn. (B) 6 Nxf7 Kxf7 (6... Qe? =) 7 Qh5# Ko? 8 Qe2 Ki7 =, Nunn-Belashov, Malta Ol, 1980. (X) The most active move, Other choices are: (A) 7... BUS B c4 c6 9 cxd5 exds 10 Qhs 0-0 11 Quads Hc6 12 Qh5 g6 13 Qha Ngs (13... Bb4t2) 14 Qed Noo 15 Bh6 Red 16 Ne BE (16... Nxd# 17 Radi leaves White a small initiative} 17 Bxf4 Qxd4 18 Bed f5 19 Qat Qxdi 20 Réxdi fxe4 21 Bed =, Kasparov Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1909. (B) 7... Bo? & c4 Nf® 9 Ne3 Bo6 10 e8 0.0 11 BI oo 12h Re8 13 Ret :, Svidler-Yusupov, Kazan 1997, (0 (A) 10 Bes Rew 11. Nez Bg7 12 NFB QHS 13 Nags bbrecen 1992, but Black could try 11 1 Gurevich-t Kasparov-Ivanchuk, De- Nxd2 of 10... NIB 11 Nd2 Rg8 =, un, Hastings 1993, (B) 10 £3 No 11 Bed ReB 12 Qd2 Rgd = (im) 12 Nxod dxed 19 Bxed BOS 14 BxgS Rud 15 gz Qf5 16 Qbs 6 17 Bed Bxft 18 Rxft, Hracek-Haba, Czech Republic 1996; now instead of 18... Rd? 19 Qa4 a6 20 Bxcs!, Black should play Alex Ivanov's 18... Rha! with equality (n) 7... 661 allows White to build his initiative easly—8 Ne3 Nxc3 9 bxc3 Bxes (else 10 £4 with a strong attack) 10 dxes dxct 11 Bxct Quit 12 Rxdt BIS 15 Ba3 with a cloar advantage in the endgame, Maréiczy-Marshall, Paris 1900, (0) 9 Bf4 Nbé 10 Na3 Nes 11 Bb1 dxe4 12 Nxot Be6 = (van der Wiel) (p) 12 Bxd5 BOs! 13 gat Bugs 14 Bos Nxat 15 BIA 15 16 BdSt Kh8 17 Ret ob 18 Bee Rida 19 Nd2 Red2 (19... 62 20 h4 Rd3? 21 BI! dd 22 Bed Rds 23 Rxat =) 20 Bxd2 Rd 21 Bes Rdi # 22 Rxd1 Bxdi and though a drav is likely, White has some winning chances in the endgame because ofthe knight on at, eg. 29 14 Ned 24 KfZ Kg@ 25 a4 a5 26 BI1!? Nba?! 27 Bxba axbs 28 Bost Ki8 29 a5! +, Nielson-Viksma, corr. 1995, (@) (A)5 Nx05 Nxes 6 Bxed d5 7 dxo8 dxed 6 Qxdét Kxd8 9 Nc3 Bbd 10 Bgst Kes 11.0-0-0 Bgé 12 Rda Bxcd 13 bxcd h6 14 Reed Bhs! tan Zee 1998, (B) 5 d5 Nos 6 dxcs of (9) (A) 6... 162 7 Nes dxed 6 Qh5t =. (B) 6... Qd6 7 dxe5! Qbst 8 Nes dxed 8.49 Qa5 10 Nd4 NxeS 11 0.0 with attacking chances {albeit in a sharp pos! tion), Palac-Kos, Austria 1995. hiov-Timman, Wijk 99 (s) 12 Qd2 Rie 19 Ne3 Bbé 14 Roz , Milu-fonescu, Romania 1995; 10 90-0 Bet eds oxi 8 BUSH of 6OaBt Be? 7 dob incb 0 Bot 0.0 80-0 Bg (0 ats ett ter pew suc, ros Bus, co, 180 +&, Ivanchuk-Akopian, Luceme 110.63! leaves White tl (u) 12 BS Beb 13 BbS a6 14 Bxcb bxof 15 Bdé 1997. 100 SCOTCH GAME 1 ed 05 2 NE3 Nc6 3 da exda TT | tence match brveon toodon snd Etnbugh 1836 huge cose the tno oping mover lr in acter oping hates nto mney arya thon mare tly soned itn trentth ety Te Seach ferent hough ease t has bon renee toy siptanc of otury ses Cay Kasparov he ed the sve, playing tints sucesso Wel Chan Plonhip matches (990100, 1005 and lnprog er guanine a Sint copa “he ove? demo or le fre lack o give up the cnt th 2... ea Back mut hen eld tor oatack hs ope wie thot Noor tonto fo develop fled or aot rove Colvin 18 a with th ld maa nn wie lack lise oee'Nib and tere, pin wh Bb Clune tt hve sa Gino“ asa caer fwnon hile phir ena the ingrid Th oxchonge tin column 2s atypia Sonch ean White hash ter jw sare, Blache oops Columns 5-6 feature early divergences by White and Black, Columns 1-8 tuisn te moon van Hac folowel by 6 oT foros ptr, tae cro sons to able el is oe Sine tocte shows. Behm by nce Kepee e sedis Cela 1-18 tei la at wil 17a thence ao No. Peston ahr than tcl tts dominate hs pgs Cols 15-20 show et dois hy bth Wht and Blac, Coles 3-24 os Aizen o 4h, Ts arp pag as trun or over acetun doan thong Back poten ete ok Broun nowy lw rations knwe Finally, cls 3524 ee Sosch Gant Sak en ase tor dodge wh rue spo 104 SCOTCH GAME 1. €5 2 NEY NoG 3 da exda 4 Nxd4 NOB 5 Nc3 Bbé(a) GNxc6 bxc6 7 Bd3 d5(b) 8 exds rr xs ' ort * en “fs est) 00 Nain im) Ret Nt Meigen Rea) ea ome INP Ry Mim BR Bar est) Baa oo RR le a a 1B Slag Bidsu) Nes) Systy Kee Sele ena mics eae ene ae are (A) 5, Bes 8 Wxe8 bxco 7 Bda dB 0.0 Nps 9 BIg (aap io 15 od 2 les Sorin, Matanza 3005(0)5...Nxo4 OKA Qe7 Mod ombs oar neo bd 1000 daoe fot, Plshansy-V. venow Leningrad 1974 ' (6) 7.080.060 85 No 10Bh4 Be? 11 Qlndb = Maloud-Mouny Nov Sec 00. (0) 1 Ned ho 12 Bi gh 15 Bg Not 148 Bes = Ak Ziatinos, Leuven 1986, ca (1 Boho gab 14 edd 15 Qu Qo 16 gst Ki epee iN ho 4 Bel Bb 18. Ned"&Zharadon-Shekbnn {Banged 3675 The est is Cond-Thomes, Ok 1586 sf 19 Qo gel 14 Rade = Hort-Potseh, Monto Carlo (ohn ta ln Hoe 19 Row ho te Bao Cb 18 Oxo ge 10 Rad Nunn Suk, Moscow 1904 (0/12. Bes 19 Ba Bg 14 Gea Be 15 Ct, Go 1510s favors bo ke) (@ The game Swovey-Z, Almas, Thug 1996 contaued 16 Ract Rabe 17 gb with elgg for Black Piket, Linares 1095; now 102 (b) (A) 11. .Be6 12 3 Bo7 13 Ret Ref 14 bé NA7 15 Bxo7 Quo? 16 Qé2 as 2. Almasi-Shirov, Dortmund 1998. (B) 11... Bd6 12 c4 (12 QfS would trans- pose to column 2) 12...h6 13 Bhd Bg 14 Qcz Bos =, Zsu, Polgar-Xie ft Jon 1996, (9 (A) 12... Be7 13 Ret Be6 14 €3 N47 =, Arkhipov-MI. Tsitlin, Moscow 1992. {(B) 12... Bd6 19 Ret o5 14 b3 Be6 15 QFS Rbs 16 BIS *, Rublevsky-Cavrikov, St Petersburg 1903. () Also 13... . Be6 14 c5 Qe? 15 Ret =, Hactor-Skembris, Greece 1992. (k) Alter 10 Bos Re6 17 63 Qa5 chances are even, Topalov-Skembris, Burgas 1092, ( (A) 10... Be7 is om interesting sacrifice. After 11 BxI6 Bxf6 12 Qhs x6 48 Qud5 Be6 Black has some compensation, Hoi-Short, Dubat 1986. (B) 10... Bxe3 11 bxc3 h6 12 Bh4 Ro8 13 of 2, Tdfunovie-Pachmann, Budapest 1048, (m) 11. Nb5 5 12 a3 Bad 13 b4 exb4 (13... BOG 14 bxeS Bxe5 =, Grushevsky. Purgin, Russia 1992) 14 Qo1 bxa3 15 Bxi6 gxfo 16 Qo3 Bb6 17 Qhé fis ebout even (Yakovic}. (n) 12... .66 19 Ne2 Nd7 14 Bye7 Quo? 15 Rfet Nes 16 Nel4 Qd6 17 BIS g6 18 bs +, Estover-Rivers, Cuba 1988, (6) 16 Bz with a slight edge for White, Radulov-Lukacs, Baile Herculaine 1982 (p) 9... Beo 10 Bb5+ KPH 11 0-0 Qd6 12 QfS Bes 13 Ql dd 14.09 Bc 15 Nos Qui 16 Bxfs Bo 17 Bxd6t cxc6 18 £3 BES 19 Ridi =, Svidler-Arencibia, Moscow 1094, (4) 10 BS 0-0 11 0-0-0 66 12 Ret is @ suggestion of Miles’s that is worth a try. (0) Possible is 11... Be6 12 BgS h6 13 Bhs 6, L B, Hansen-Pinter, Copenhagen 1995; now instead of 14 Nag? Re8 15 Bg3 Qa5 3, 14 Bg3 would be = (Pinter). (6) 13 Qaz 5 14 Res a suggestion of Krasenkov's produces a position where chances are balanced, (0) 16 Bxgo fxg6 17 Qha Bi 18 Res QeB with chances for both sides, Istratescu-Krasenkov, Erevan 1996, (u) 9 Kft oxd5 10 Bg5 66 11 Qf 0-0 (not 11 Yugoslavia 1962) 12 Ret untested idea of Tartakowers ‘no? 12 BbSt, Volimirovie-Lukic, Myashikov-Shamaev, USSR 1956. © Be2 is an (¥) Several other moves are plausible here: (A) 9... exd5 10 Qxo7+ Kxe7 11 a3, Bos 12 Ned Bd6 13 Bod £, Spangenborg-Kamnshy, Buenos Aites 1993, (B) 5... Nxd5 10 Que? Kxe? 11 a3 Bxc3t 12 bxc3 e813 0-0 f,Lautier-Karpov Biol 1992; now 14 Bd2 Ki7 15 RMbt Rabs 16 Rls isa small plus for White (Karpov) (w) 10... exd9 11 NbS Ba5 12 Bf4 65 13 Be7 Bxc7 14 Nxe7 KdB 15 Nxad cf is un clear, van Houtte-Flear, Brussels 1987, 109

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