Manifestation Samples How To Write Manifestations

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The Advanced Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plate

By Inner Soul Technologies 780-914-3551

A Guideline & Samples of how to word commands
write or speak commandsfor manifestations upon the
The Advanced Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plate
( Please Note: If You Have Any Of Our Products / Or You Have A Manifestation Plate? ~
Feel Free To (Call Us On The Phone! If You Have Any Questions! Or If Need To Learn
More Efficiently How To Use Your Manifestation Plate?. Or Any Of Our OtherProducts!

----------------------When using your manifestation plate. ~ Always use wording that is in now time as opposed to
past or future context.
correct example:
I am presently fully rejuvenated and feel amazing always and forever in the eternal now
incorrect example:
I want to feel fully rejuvenated by the end of next week in time for my vacation to Thailand
Never use the following words or thoughts when writing, thinking, or projecting, manifestations.
1.) Want
2.) Wish
3.) Try
4.) Should
5.) Could
6.) Would
7.) Maybe
Perhaps use these words:
1.) I Am
2.) Have or Having
3.) Experiencing
4.) Feeling
5.) Resonating
6.) In Alignment with
7.) The Eternal now
8.) In Unity
Always use concepts which are in alignment with the 3 laws of the universe when manifesting.
The two laws are as follows:
1.) You are Unlimited!
2.) Every Moment Is Always 100% Brand New!
3.) Anything is possible!
3.) Reality Is listening to your imagination!

Never make a Manifestation that comes from lack. For example I want to win 1 million
dollars in next weeks lotterybecause I am broke!.
Always make manifestations that come from abundance. For example I am projecting,
manifesting and currently have 1 million dollars in current U.S.A. dollars, that comes from a
source of pure abundance in the most beneficial way and is graceful in the now and eternal
realization of my awareness.
The more specific you are on your manifestations, the less room your leave for misinterpretation or error.
When directing healing energy to another aspect of yourself or what you refer to as another
person or being, it is recommend to use their full given names and full birthday date if
possible. ~ If not that is still ok!
Physical Reality is an illusion, and can be manipulated like water.
Any Shape of container, that you pour water into, the water will take that shape.
Thus is the same with physical reality, whatever blue print you lay and truly believe, the physical
reality with mold to that shape.
Do not emotionally attach to your manifestations, because the physical reality is not real.
The more you emotionally attach to your manifestations, the more you believe in the physical
reality, and the more you believe in the physical reality as real, then the less ability you will have
to manipulate or manifest within it.
There is great info in each video.. I recommend you watch all videos.
Video 1) explaining the manifestation plate This is the first version of the
manifestation plate.
Video 2) explaining the manifestation plate - This is the second version of
the plate.
Video 3.) Revealing The Secrets Of Manifestation! & Multidimensional Reality!
Video 4.) What Is Life Force?
Below Are Testimonies & Customer User Reviews: Watch and review some of the owners of
the Advanced Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plate experiences!
Testimony 01 ~ Talking with Barbara

Testimony 02 ~ Video with Ross

Testimony 03 ~ Video with James
Testimony 04 ~ Talking with Sarah
Testimony 05 ~ Video with Carla
Testimony 06 ~ Talking with Tara
Testimony 07 ~ Talking with Ross



What is the Advanced Manifestation Plate?

This is a device, that through advanced mathematical quantum algorythms and Quantum Nano
Vortex Technology, literally becomes an interface for ones thoughts / imagination and desires to
be instantly entered into the true zero point field of ether / imagination that brings forth this time
space continuum reality grid matrix ( Morphogenic Field ).
IN SIMPLIFED TERMS Your thoughts / imagination and desires are amplified billions of
times more powerful through an inter-dimensional vortex portal, that dramatically speeds up the
rate at which your will / desire or intent manifests into this reality!
This is not a toy or a gimmick, and not ought to be treated as such. Please treat this device with
respect as it holds gateways to very power dimensions of existence that lie within each and
everyone of us.

What can you use the Advanced Matrix Manifestation Plate for?

Use it to develop your esp, spiritual abilities.

Manifest your dreams, better health, happiness and joy!

Bless your food, beverages, vitamins, cosmetics.

Use it to protect your whole home from negative energies.

Use it to enhance your life force field.

Use it to enhance your pets health and happiness.

Send positive energies to anyone you want with their permission first!

Transform the quality of your water.

Manifest abundance and prosperity.

Manifest greater amounts of truth in your life.

Increase business affairs and opportunities.

Attract healthier relationships.

Manifest more creativity writers, musicians, artists etc.

Increase your own energy and well being.

Clear negative energies from stones and crystals.

Energize and program stones and crystals instantly.

Clear and remove negative energies and from almost any location.

Make or copy or transfer homeopathic remedies.

Use as an advanced prayer device.

Use for and enhance any energy therapy session.

The list goes on and on, whatever you can imagine or dream up!

The possibilities are endless. You will discover new things the more you use it. We urge you to
keep us informed of your experiences, build a community of souls who are taking responsibility
for the realities they are creating. Manifest all the greatness that you are and yet to discover.
Please note there are several safe guards in place embedded within the Advanced
Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plate that prevent the plate from being used for negative
or malicious intent.
It is not uncommon to start to feel unusual when sitting beside or working with the
manifestation plate. Feeling light headed, lightly dizzy, strange tingling sensations,
heightened senses, electrical sensations in your hands, rapid temperature changes,
increased clarity, increased energy. Increased ESP, psychic or spiritual experiences. As you
are now interacting with a true zero point energy vortex.

The Advanced Matrix Manifestation Plate is partially based on he symbolic Hieronymus

Machine. With major modifications to the engineered base circuitry, rene hamilton of Inner Soul
Technologies has incorporated advanced mathematical quantum algorythms, Quantum Nano
Vortex Technology, Holographic Field Effect Technology and Inter-Multi-Dimensional Vortex
Portal Morphogenetic Time Shift Technology.

Hieronymus Machine is a general term that refers to the patented Radionics devices invented by
electrical engineer Dr. Thomas Galen Hieronymus (21 November 1895-1988).The theory of
operation on which Hieronymus Machines are based is that all matter emits a kind of radiation
that is not electromagnetic, but exhibits some of the characteristics of both light and electricity.
The quality of this emanation is unique to every kind of matter, and therefore can be utilized for
detection and analysis. Hieronymus coined the term eloptic energy to describe this radiation
(from the words electrical and optical.) All of his machines were designed to detect and
manipulate this eloptic energy.
Morphogenetic fields are basically non-physical blueprints that give birth to forms. According to
its founder, the biologist Rupert Sheldrake, a morphogenetic field, is an equivalent to an
electromagnetic field that carries information only, not energy, and are available throughout time
and space without any loss of intensity after they have been created. Morphogenetic fields are
created by the patterns of physical forms. They help guide the formation of later similar systems
there a newly forming system tunes into a previous system by having within it a seed that
resonates with a similar seed in the earlier form. Morphogenetic fields can be used to describe
how the human consciousness is shared.
The Morphogenetic fields therefore play the main role in the idea that humanity at one point in
time will go thru a dramatic collective shift in consciousness. A shift that will happen when the
critical mass for a shift is reached, or in other words, when a certain number of spiritually
awakened individuals are reached.

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