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ASSURE Lesson Plan Model

Curriculum Design and Technology Applications

EDTC 5460
Week 8

Karen Harris

Prezi Lesson Plan Using:

A - Analyze the Learners
S- State Objectives
S- Select Methods, Media, and Materials
U- Utilize Media and Materials
R- Require Learner Participation
E- Evaluate and Revise

Analyze Learners
General Characteristics:
This lesson plan will be used in a 6th grade Science classroom. The environment is a
middle school setting in which students are place on teams and they remain with
those students for their core classes. There are 21 students ranging in age from 11
to 12 years old. This class is composed of 11 girls and 10 boys. It is a well-balanced
ethnic class that is made up of Chinese, African-American, Indian, Russian, and
White Americans. The classroom is rather large with lab tables along the perimeter
and traditional desks in the middle. For computer activities student desks are
arranged so that the teacher can see all laptops very easily. All students are
assigned a computer in which they use for all computer activities. Class periods are
very short, only 43 minutes, causing it to be very challenging to fit lessons in.
Pacing is very important.
Entry Competencies:
All students know how to operate a Mac laptop computer. They have access and knowledge to
navigate through the Internet.
Previously Acquired SkillsDay One:
To introduce the lesson and spike interest I will share a notebook file on my favorite scientist
Galileo Galilei. I will then preview the assignment objectives. Prezi will be demoed by showing
and online example. To set clear computer expectations we will have discussion and think-pairshare so they understand the negative impact of inappropriate use of technology. It is also
important for students to understand that they are to only use approved websites.

Day Two:
A rubric will be handed out and I will explain each step while looking for student participation
opportunities. Each student will be assigned a computer. They will log onto and the rest of the period will be spent exploring scientists. I want them
to carefully select one that will be of high interest to them. I will have a sign up sheet for
each scientist that will be entered into a Google Doc. Students will not be allowed to duplicate
Day Three:
The name of the assigned scientist will be revealed to each student. Graphic organizers will
be handed out to record their research findings. The entire class period will be spent
collecting data about their scientist. They may use and do one Google
search for their information. Pictures will be collected by using Google Images or screen
Learning Styles:
Majority of students in this class struggle academically. For privacy issues I will
only share that many students do have 504s or an IEP. At all times there are two
SSD teachers in the room to provide support. The biggest challenge for these
students is the ability to focus and remain on task. Majority of these students
work at a very slow pace.

State Objectives
Cognitive: Students will construct a presentation about a scientist of their choice by entering
collected research into Prezi format with 100% accuracy.
Affective: Students will search for information about their Scientist by using and Google with 90% accuracy.

Psychomotor: Students will stand in front of the class to present their Scientist Prezi
Project to their classmates.

Next Generation Science Standards
Understandings about the Nature of Science
Science is a Human Endeavor:
*Men and women from different social, cultural, and ethnic
backgrounds work as scientists and engineers.
*Advances in technology influence the progress of science
and science has influenced advances in technology.
NETS Standards
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
a. Promote, support and model creative and innovative thinking
and inventiveness.
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and resources to promote student learning and
3. Model digital age work and learning
a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer
of current
knowledge to new technologies and situations.
4. Promote and model digital citizens and responsibility
b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learnercentered
strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital
tools and

Select Methods
A combination of direct instruction and student-centered activities will be required for this
lesson. This will be an independent research project. Students have graphic organizers that
they used to collect research. The teacher will need to demonstrate and model many
components including how to be a good digital citizen, manipulation of the website, and the
proper use of Prezi. Each student will be responsible for collecting data about a famous
scientist and creating a Prezi Presentation with the information to share with the class.

There will be one scientist assigned per student, no duplicates. All teachers in the room will
circulate and offer support where it is needed.

Select Media
A computer cart will be reserved for one week. It is a Mac Cart that holds 25 laptop
computers. I will also use my laptop and SmartBoard for explaning the lesson and
demonstrating how to conduct research and which websites to use along with modeling Prezi.
A folder with free music will be provided to layer into each Prezi. Headphones will be ordered
from the library and students will be encouraged to bring in their own.

Select Materials
Students will need:
Internet Access- Username and Password
Access to Youtube Prezi tutorial
Graphic Organizer for research
Pencil for recording information
Project Rubric
Access to and

Utilize Media and Materials

Class will begin with a teacher led demonstration on how to use Prezi. Show as many examples
as possible such as choosing a template and inserting an image. Afterwards, a YouTube
tutorial will be shown on the Smart board to provide another medium of explanation. When the
teacher feels confident that everyone understands they may begin once their graphic
organizers are approved. The research organizer must be approved, but at any time, students
may go back to search for more information if needed. Students will be encouraged to be as
creative as possible. Pictures, text, and music must be included in presentation.

Require Learner Participation

Students will be assigned a computer through Google Docs

Each student will sign up on a Google Doc to request a scientist
A rubric will be used as a check list for the project and turned in
A graphic organizer will be filled out to record research information
All research information will be entered into Prezi software
Students will present their project to the class
Students will turn in a reflection document at the end of this project

Evaluate and Revise

Assessing learner achievement: The evaluation that will be used to assess student learning
for this lesson will be using the rubric as a checklist against the Prezi Presentation to make
sure that all required components are present.
Evaluating the teacher: At the end of the lesson, students will be given the opportunity to
fill out a reflection to provide teacher feedback. I collected the reflections and they were
quite positive. The kids loved creating the Prezi and were very proud of their work. I did
have a small handful of kids that were not thrilled about presenting the project to their
peers. This is usually the case, and gives me more motivation to encourage/require them to
speak in front of a group for the experience.
Revision: This project took a considerable amount of classroom time. I may look into seeking
help in the future from other teachers to take on a role of this project or maybe they do
more from home.

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