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Diane Jesica B.

1B JD4

Atty. Randy Zarate

Philosophy of Laws

President Rodrigo Roa Dutertes war on drugs is something a lot of people

is being subjected to, and not all are happy with it, some are enraged, some,
frightened, due to the intensifying of public killings, without due process, they say,
or the extrajudicial killings.
The manner by which President Duterte
employs in the process of diminishing drugs on our country is, at least for me, is
rather distinctive, a number of administration had gone passed by, but it is plain
to see tha the oresent administration is the one being hugely fussed about, may it
be positively or negatively. It only means to say that our presidents action is
nonetheless gaining attention, not only in the Philippines, but also outside the
country, therefore resulting to public awareness that may also serve as an alarm
or warning to those who are guilty of using, selling, planning/thinking of selling
illegal drugs.
The philosophical basis on this, I think, is that President Duterte doesnt
think of the world and the people idealistically, meaning, he doesnt nelieve in
sych ways of terminating drugs by merely treating it like how the past
administrations treated it. Weak enforcement, laws that are obviously werent
enough, it is somehow turned out to be ineffective since it only results to nothing.
President Duterte had put off and believes and/or dealt with the situation
realistically. He accepeted the horrible situation of the widespread drugs on our
country and faced it with preparedness and accordingly.
He uses his power
trying to eliminate drugs, though critics says it is out of principle.
also is a doctrine that the law is better understood by analysis of judges rather
that the judgement given.
As they say, in order for someone to achieve something, he/she must
sacrifice something. The more achievement you are aiming at, the bigger
sacrifices you are to make.
We, citizens of the Philippines, all of those who
cant accept or bare the presidents actions on war on drugs, if youd ask them if
they are satisfied on the recurring and continuous growing of number of people
who are into drugs, if they feel safe knowing that theyll be just on the streets,
somewhere near them or a loved one, if they are happy with all the heinous
crimes done by these drug user perpetrators and those incidents alike. Probably
the answer is certainly NO. but little did they know, the manner of eliminating
those is not as fluffy as they think nor it is not that easy as how they want and
imagine it. Even though the past administrations, the intelligent ones, the
powerful nor the kindest ones, have not done anything as good as the presidents
and now they have the guts to malign and counter attack the president? So now
theyre smarter? Are they even more experienced compared to somebody who
had been struggling to eliminate drugs for so many years and somebody done
well and improved a cty in which he had been a mayor of? Most people will
agree that every fulfillment must come hardship, that the world is not filled with

virtuousness and morality, that is why there are numerous eruptions of crimes,
wars, killings that happens every day, nevertheless, there would still be countless
of people living with their unrealistic expectations, that when you throw rock at
someone, tou will get bread in return, in our case, that if you kill someone, you
will get compassion. NO, thats not how it works.
Our president fights
equally, an eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth, we had attempt using the
humanitarian card but still, these drug lords, pushers, users are
UNSTOPPABLE. Theyre like a tree which had roots, their branches are
everywhere, the fruits will likely to induce someone to eat the fruit which is the
drugs and so on and so forth, and the only way for that tree to stop bearing fruits,
is to cut it down. It is a cycle, the president is trying his full capacity on stemming
it and identifying, punishing these roots. And although we may lose some, it is
safe to say that, losing some, is a way of gaining more.
Our present situation, I think, is the best example of the saying, the end
justify the means.

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