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Name: Joel McKeever

Lesson Topic:

Passing and receiving a pass

Ohio PE Standard 1 Grade 9-12, Benchmark B.1


Activity/Content Develompent


Introduction: Discuss that you will be learning how to Stand back if too
pass and receive the ball. Ask the class what is the
close or forward if
quickest way to get the ball down the court. In order to too far.
maintain possession of the ball you must be able to
pass, and thus your teammates need to get open to
receive a pass.
Demonstrate how to properly execute a fundamentally
sound bounce, chest, and over the head pass. Tell them
the critical elements (in teaching cues). Explain how to
10 Min receive a pass as well.
Get a partner and stand about 5
yards apart. Have them practice a few of the passes
then have them correct any of their problems.
Complete 10 Bounce passes, 10 Chest passes, 10
overhead passes.

5 Min

Monkey in the middle

Two groups of three. Two passers and one
person in the middle. Make passes back and forth to
your partner with the person in the middle playing 50%
defense. After a few minutes step up the defense and
switch positions.

All but one is on

offense and
standing in a


5 Min


5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

8 Min

Passing on the Move

With partners, stand on opposite sides of the
free throw lane at the baseline. You will slide to
midcourt while making passes back and forth. (1)
bounce, (2) chest, (3) alternate.

Activity/Content Develompent


Overhead Passing Drill

Have one player on the block with a ball and
the other player at the free throw line extended. Throw
the ball off the backboard and rebound it. Make an over
the head pass to your partner and then race up the
court towards the basket. The person who received the
pass will dribble the ball to the other side of the court
then make a bounce pass to the original passer for a
3 Man Weave
Groups of three will perform a weave down the
length of the basketball court and finish with a bounce
pass and a lay up. Complete this activity mulitple
5 Man Weave
Same as three man weave, but with five.
The passer and shooter go back on defense , while the
other three get the ball and play three on 2 going back
the other way.

It could be done
with 3 total with
doing a 3 man
weave and 2 on 1

3 on 3 game (no dribbling)

A game of 3 on 3 on one half of the court. Teams
will make a minimum of three passes between
teammates before scoring. No dribbling



2 Min

Closure: Discuss the three different passes we practiced as well as what makes a good pass. Ask the class what type of pas
about (bounce, chest, overhead). Say again that passing the ball is the safest and quickest way to get the ball down the cour

Teaching Cues
Make nice, clean passes (don't
pass to hard). Step towards
pass to receive the ball.
Hands behind the ball, elbows
Step in direction of the pass.
Push ball toward target.
Fingers point in direction of
5. Ball
bounces 2/3 of the way to
target (bounce) or hits the
target in the chest (chest).

Work on getting open. (v-cuts,

fake passes)

Bounce passes (2/3 of the way

towards target)

Teaching Cues
Focus on passing the ball over
the head before running down
the court.

Go behind th person you

passed it to. Lead your

If basket is made take the ball

out of bounds.

Work on getting open.

lass what type of passes we talked

he ball down the court.

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