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By Alfred Austin

Soul, heart, and body, we thus singly name,

Are not in love divisible and distinct,
But each with each inseparably linkd.
One is not honour, and the other shame,
But burn as closely fused as fuel, heat, and flame.

They do not love who give the body and keep

The heart ungiven; nor they who yield the soul,
And guard the body. Love doth give the whole;
Its range being high as heaven, as ocean deep,
Wide as the realms of air or planets curving sweep.









Alfred Austin (1835-1913) as the poet of 

  was a critic, novelist and political journalist.
Although he was educated in law, his professional life focused primarily on literature. His writing was
inspired and shaped by the works of Byron and Scott, Austin was actually a mediocre poet, and was the
target of much derision. He was most often parodied for his ode on the Jameson Raid, in which he
praised what turned out to be military disaster and embarrassment for the British government. In
addition to his capable bucolic verses, his early satire, The Season, is a noteworthy piece of heroic

Austin's surprising ascension to the status of poet laureate in 1896 following Tennyson was
probably more due to his stature as journalist for the conservative party rather than his skill as a poet. A
writer for British Authors of the Nineteenth Century mentions that Austin was "appointed over the
heads of abler men because of sins he had not committed." Apparently, the logical candidacies of
Swinburne and Kipling were deemed unacceptable to Queen Victoria. His appointment was made at the
recommendation of Prime Minister Lord Salisbury, and was seen as a decision concerning Conservative
Party patronage, as Austin had served that party well in his journalistic writings. Writing for the Nation,
Stuart P. Sherman declared "his self-complacency appears in the record of his influence with political
leaders," and claimed that he possessed "a divine satisfaction with his own position, and a bland
unconsciousness contemporary feeling and opinion."

The poem Loves Trinity, actually not getting over influence from the author, Austin. Its so
giving more influence to the reader by their psychological. As we know that, Austin is not a genius
author, he is a mediocre author, and the interpretation of his poem depends on the reader. Therefore,
the reader has different elucidation in comprehend his poem. There are so many possibly in analysis of
Loves Trinity, such as we know what are senses of loves trinity, parts of loves trinity, something will
be happen when loves trinity gives part by part, the reasons loves trinity should be in one, etc. It has
analysis in deeply by the reader, and distinct comprehension. The different interpretation of the reader
can cause by point of view, feeling, background knowledge about analysis poem, and the important one
is psychology aspects of the reader.

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