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I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the BEST option. 27 minutes and 2 pts.
1. One major consequence of the First World War was
A. a large period of peace and stability
B. the reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire
C. the start of the Russian Revolution
D. greater prosperity for Great Britain and France
E. greater Italian influence in European diplomacy
2. Vladimir Lenin announced many plans during his speech witnessed
by John Reed. Of the plans, which of the ones below was almost
immediately ignored?
A. Creation of a socialist state at the expense of the old tsarist
B. military spending should would remain high even in peacetime
C. government suspension of the war would begin immediately
D. no land annexations would be allowed in the immediate
E. former Romanov family members would be welcome in the new
3. In the years immediately after the First World War, which of the
following was the most important change affecting the status of
German women?
A. Married women were encouraged to have only one child.
B. Women were invited to join the military.
C. Women received the right to vote.
D. Womens clothing became less constricting.
E. Many women gained equal pay with men.
4. Of the following, which contributed most to Germanys defeat in the
First World War?
A. The spread of influenza among the German army and civilian
B. The effects of the Allied naval blockade
C. The Allied use of submarine warfare
D. The collapse of the Russian army in 1917
E. The Allied threat to use poison gas
5. France regained which of the following as part of the peace
settlement after the First World War?
A. Alsace-Lorraine
B. Burgundy

C. Flanders
D. The Rhineland
E. The Ruhr

6. As a result of the 1905 Revolution, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agreed

A. withdraw from the Russo-Japanese War
B. break up the system of communal landholding and farming
C. abdicate in favor of his son
D. create a national legislative assembly
E. assist the Pan-Slavic movement in the Balkans
7. In the first quarter of the twentieth century, women replaced men
most rapidly in which of the following pairs of occupations?
A. Domestic service and agricultural work
B. Textile production and agricultural work
C. Textile production and clerical work
D. Teaching and clerical work
E. Teaching and agricultural work
8. The Provisional Government in Russia (1917) failed primarily
A. it did not institute universal suffrage
B. it continued to pursue an unpopular war
C. it lost the support of the nobility by redistributing land to the
D. its leaders insisted on peace at any price with Germany
E. its leaders attempted to reinstate the tsar
9. After the First World War, it was difficult to write a peace treaty
according to Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points primarily because
A. the Great Depression caused the Allies to insist on reparations
B. the Allies had secret treaties that conflicted with the
Fourteen Points
C. Germany would not accept the Fourteen Points
D. Wilson had disavowed the Fourteen Points after Germany
resumed unrestricted submarine warfare
E. Wilson and his Fourteen Points were largely unknown in Europe
10. World War One was called a total war for all of the following

A. Campaigns were fought on every continent
B. It involved the whole civilian population of belligerents
C. The entire resources of the nations at war were used in the war
D. Those not serving in the military, including women, were
expected to help
E. There were more civilian than military casualties
11. All of the following contributed to the outbreak of World War I
A. Rival alliances
B. Conflicting colonial claims
C. Slavic nationalism
D. A naval arms race
E. Japanese militarism
12. A main reason for the Anglo-German rivalry of the late 1880s to
1914 was
A. Competition in world trade and imperialism
B. The declining strength of the German Navy
C. The conflict over the Berlin to Baghdad railroad
D. Britains Entente Cordiale with France
E. Traditional enmities between the two nations
13. The significance of the Moroccan Conference (Algeciras
Conference) of 1906 was that
A. Morocco was granted independence from France
B. Germany gained a foothold in Africa
C. Demonstrated the resolve and unity of the Triple Alliance
D. Solidified the rivalry of the two main alliances
E. Embarrassed Kaiser Wilhelm II
14. Generally, the offensives on the Western Front
A. Made significant territorial gains
B. Were minor skirmishes
C. Saw the slaughter of massed infantry units
D. Were won by offensive armies
E. Were fought over the course of one or two days
15. After the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the
infamous blank check issued by Germany to Austria
A. Promised support in whatever action Austria took against
B. Was matched by a blank check from Russia to Serbia

C. Encouraged Austrian military action against Serbia and
D. Created a rift between Russia and France
E. Brought an ultimatum from Britain and Germany
16. The German Schlieffen Plan failed for all of the following reasons
A. It was based on the strategy of attrition in a drawn-out
B. Russian mobilization was too fast to allow Germans to hold off
the Russians in the East
C. Belgian resistance to their violated neutrality was stiff
D. German divisions were transferred from France to the East
E. The French counterattack at the Marne as successful
17. Bismarcks alliance system was designed to isolate France and
A. Expand Germany territory eastward
B. Challenge Britains dominant world position
C. Create rival diplomatic blocs in Europe
D. Maintain peace between Russia and Austria-Hungary
E. Prevent Russia from moving toward a parliamentary system
18. War on the Eastern Front
A. Quickly degenerated into trench warfare
B. Was similar in character to that on the Western Front
C. Involved a defensive stand by the Germans against numerically
superior Russians
D. Was characterized by decisive German victories and
horrific Russian losses
E. Was marked by spectacular Austrian victories over Russia and
19. Which was an innovation first employed in World War I?
A. Massed artillery
B. Tanks
C. Naval blockade
D. Large-scale infantry attacks
E. trenches
20. The belligerent nations directed the war by instituting all the
following controls on the civilian populations EXCEPT:
A. press censorship
B. allocation of raw materials
C. mobilization of industrial output for war

D. outlawing labor union strikes
E. denial of religious freedom
21. What was the three word phrase that describes the soldiers leaving
the trenches to fight the enemy?
A. Jumping the sun
B. No mans land
C. Duck and cover
D. Over the top
E. Facing the enemy
22. As a result of the war, all of these empires ended EXCEPT:
A. The Ottomans
B. The French
C. The Austro-Hungarian
D. The German
E. The Russian
23. All of the following states were granted independence at the peace
conferences that ended the war EXCEPT:
A. Poland
B. Czechoslovakia
C. Yugoslavia
D. Hungary
E. Romania
24. The name for the secret rule of Germany by Paul von Hindenburg
and Erich von Ludendorff was
A. Military dictatorship
B. Secret Alliance
C. Silent Rule
D. Silent Dictatorship
E. Coup dtat
25. Weapons and equipment that were used in World War I included all
A. Radar
B. Flame thrower
C. Mustard gas
D. Machine gun
E. Submarines
26. One reason the provisional government of Russia failed in 1917
was that
A. The tsar kept trying to interfere, even though he had abdicated
B. Kerensky wanted to take Russia out of the war

C. The Provisional Government was tied to the Soviets, which were
D. Red Army opposed the Provisional Government
E. Provisional government would not address the issues of
land reform and lost peasant support
27. During World War I, Japan
A. Sided with the Allies
B. Advanced its claims in China
C. Became increasingly militaristic
D. Increased its Navy
E. Did all of the above
28. When war began in 1914, the balance of power in terms of soldiers
mobilized an equipped to fight was
A. Heavily in favor of the Triple Alliance
B. Heavily in favor of the Central Powers
C. A near equilibrium
D. Heavily in favor of the Triple Entente
E. Heavily in favor of the Balkan nations
29. The Battle of Gallipoli in 1915 was
A. an allied attempt to break into the Black Sea and connect
with Russia
B. an Allied attempt to break the stalemate of trench warfare in
C. a famous sea battle involving submarines
D. the last battle in which Russia played a decisive role
E. a battle in the Alps of Northern Italy

30. The Schlieffen Plan in place during World War I

A. Warned Germany to beware of the English.
B. Said to attack and destroy Russia first and then deal with the
C. Advised a naval war using submarines
D. Had been altered to bolster Alsace and Lorraine and the
Eastern Front
E. Did all of the above
31. During World War One, British Col. T.E. Lawrence worked against
the Central Powers by
A. Helping the Arabs revolt against the Ottoman Empire
B. Uncovering the plot by Zimmerman in his telegram

C. Encouraging Jewish migration to the Middle East
D. Urging the Irish to ignore German schemes
E. Negotiation with the USA to enter the war
32. The Spartacists in Germany
A. Tried to create a communist revolution
B. Were prominent in 1919
C. Tried to overthrow the Weimar Republic
D. Were led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebneckt
E. All of the above
33. Theodor Herzl was a Jewish journalist who
A. Defended Alfred Dreyfus when he was accused of treason
B. Fought the idea of ghettoes in Russia and Eastern Europe
C. Wrote a book praising Jewish cultural achievements
D. First pushed for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine
E. Was the first President of Israel
34. Which of the following states was NOT formed as a result of the
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
A. Finland
B. Lithuania
C. Yugoslavia
D. Estonia
E. Georgia
35. The Armenian Genocide was carried out for all of the following
reasons EXCEPT:
A. Fear of nationalistic uprisings
B. Russian successes on the battlefield
C. Ancient ethnic differences
D. Ancient religious differences
E. ANZAC troops landing in Gallipoli

36. Georges Clemencau differed from Woodrow Wilson at the Versailles

peace talks in which way?
A. Clemencau believed in a hands-off approach to Germany
B. Wilson was more strict in the way he planned to deal with
C. Clemencau demanded a buffer state and Wilson resisted.
D. Wilson wanted to institute a socialist government in Germany
E. Clemencau was against reparations

37. The Big Four included all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Georges Clemencau
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. Vittorio Orlando
D. Paul von Hindenburg
E. David Lloyd George
38. The War Raw Materials Board
A. Instituted regulations on conscription in England
B. Regulated the economic output of Russia
C. Instituted regulations upon Germany for total war
D. Instituted rationing in Austria-Hungary
E. Regulated the British economy for total war
39. World War One propaganda, like all good propaganda, focused on
A. Facts of the war
B. The emotions of the target audience
C. Winning minority support
D. Getting all countries to buy War Bonds
E. Displaying your Allies as courageous
40. Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points included all of the following
A. A league of Nations
B. National self-determination
C. A free Belgium
D. International tariff protection
E. Freedom of navigation of the seas

II. FRQ: What social issues wore on European countries(at least three)
as the war progressed and what actions were taken to alleviate
the effects of those issues? (20 pts.)

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