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Bad Stereotypes of Smokers among Students of Universitas

Islam Indonesia

Arranged by:
Hilmy Ammar Rafi (1311464)
Muhammad Adytia (15311443)
Muhammad Husnul Fikri (15311270)

International Program
Faculty of Economics
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world. The largest
population in Indonesia make the indonseia has many variation of culture, and one of them is
smoking culture. The smoking culture become one of the popular culture in Indonesia which is
proved by the number of people who smoke everywhere especially in public place. Not only
adult that is smoke but also the teenagers especially student in Universities. On the other hand,
there were some stereotype appeared in the environment through the smokers activity. The
stereotype is about every people who smoke especially the student who will not have a good
future and smokers also will influences their environment become bad. The people who
influenced by this stereotype only think smoking is a bad habbit without even know or consider
the positive aspect of smokers. Therefore, the researchers wanted to analyze the 4 Faculties in
Universitas Islam Indonesia about the stereotype through smokers by distributing 30
questionnaires to Law, Economics, Industrial Engginerring and Social Culture Faculties. The
purpose is to investigate and analyze the existing stereotype of smokers. Additionally, the
researchers also conduct the research by doing interview with 3 student who smoke from Law,
Economics and Industrial Engineering Faculties to know the facts about smokers which the
society did not know.

Keywords: Stereotype, Smokers, Cigarretes

Table of Contents

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Title Page.1
Table of Contents.3
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Study Background5
1.2 Problem Formulation5
1.3 Study Objective6
Chapter 2: Review of Literature
2.1 Theoretical Review...6
Chapter 3: Research Method
3.1 Research Design...7
3.2 Data Analysis...7
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion
4.1 Findings
4.1.1 Questionnaire Findings8
4.1.2 Interview Findings.13
4.2 Discussion..14
Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion.17
5.2 Limitation...17
5.3 Recommendation18

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1. Introduction
1.1. Study Background

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Indonesia is a country which has variation of culture, and one of them is smoking
culture (Sari, 2015). This kind of culture can be seen in everywhere especially in public
places such as office, market, caf, and even in university. However, for Indonesian
citizens smoking is one of the habits that has negative stigma. Society always considered
that bad impact will be brought to the environment by the smokers. This perception has
made several bad stereotypes for those who smoke such as, people who smoke cannot
become a good person, having a poor capability to achieve good grades, and considered
as an emotional individual human being. Moreover, almost all of the people in Indonesia
think that people who smoke cannot get a high score or high grade if it is observed from
academic aspect (Oke, 2013). These perceptions have made some controversial
statement in the society; because non-smokers think that smoking only bring a bad
impact for them. However, these prejudices are not 100% accurate, and there are some
facts that society does not know about the smokers.

1.2. Problem Formulation

Indonesia is one of the biggest developing countries in Asia, and this country has
a large amount of people who have smoking as a daily habit, including the college
students in UII environment. Because of this condition, many stereotypes appeared
toward the smokers. However, almost all of the stereotypes refer to bad thoughts.
Therefore, the research questions of this project were:
1. Are there any positive aspects such as achievements from the smokers?
2. What are the facts of smokers that people do not know?

1.3 Study Objective

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The purpose of this research was to investigate any stereotypes which exist among
the smokers in the environment of UII students. Also, to found some facts and
achievements of smokers that society did not know.

2. Theoretical Review
Indonesia has a unique culture where smoking is a thing that commonly done by people,
whether they are teenagers, adults, or elders. Such culture can be proved since the early of
colonization era that occurred in Indonesia for centuries. According to Ilham (2015), it stated
that based on the note of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles and De Condolle, cigarette and
smoking activity was entered in Java in the early 1600s. Budiman and Onghokham (1987)
also stated in their book that the King of Mataram Empire in 1613-1645, Sultan Agung is a
heavy smoker. The trend of smoking is continued to the era of Indonesian revolution and
even come up until right now. In the revolutionary era, the usage of cigarette has become an
official interest, especially among the founding fathers of Indonesia, and even cigarette
becomes a proper tool to welcoming the official international guest (Susanto, 2015).
According to Susanto (2015), cigarettes in Indonesia were used as a tool to socialize with
each other, while the art workers used it to do a brainstorm in order to get inspiration.
Therefore, the core function of cigarettes for smokers are, first for relaxation and media that
can help them to think clearly; and second, as social devices which will connect inter-people
who smoke and build a good relation among them. However, in 2000s the function of
cigarette has changed, for the male teenagers perspective especially, smoking is one of the
ways to show whether if they are masculine enough or not (, 2013). The impact
of this change has made a social prejudice appeared or so called as stereotype. Brink & Nel
(2015) stated in their research that stereotype is an exaggerated belief that is applied both to
social categories of people and each individual within it. These categories can be defined by
some criteria, such as race, gender, occupation and age (Arnold et al., 2010). Once these
social groups or categories are formed, beliefs or perceptions usually will appear and covered
about the characteristics, attributes or behaviors of members belong to that particular group
or category.
3. Research Method

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3.1. Research Design

The qualitative and quantitative method was used in this research. The qualitative method
was used to investigate about the reason of students in UII to smoke and to found deeper fact
of smokers which the people did not know. Also it used to investigate was there any
beneficial impact for using cigarettes in their social life perspective or not. The interviewees
were from 3 different faculties in International Program Universitas Islam Indonesia, which
were Economic Faculty, Law Faculty, and Industrial Faculty. While the purpose of using
quantitative method in this research was to investigate what people really think about the
smokers in the social life aspect side. Moreover, the quantitative method will show peoples
perspective towards the smokers based on the questionnaire. The sample of this research was
UII student in the range of 1 st semester until 8th semesters. All of them were including 5
people from Law Faculty, 5 people from Social and Culture Faculty, 10 people from
Engineering Faculty and 10 people from Economic Faculty. Furthermore, the field research
consists of questionnaire and interview was started on May 1, 2016. The field research was
taking around 10 days for collecting the data.

3.2. Data Analysis

This research was conducted with qualitative and quantitative method. The result data of
both methods was analyzed by using interview for the qualitative method and it used rating
scales in the questionnaire for the quantitative research. Furthermore, it was proceeded with
Microsoft world 2016 and Microsoft Excel 2016.

4. Findings and Discussion

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4.1 Findings
4.1.1 Questionnaire Findings
In this mini research, the researchers tried to target the students in Univeristas Islam
Indonesia from 4 different faculties. The respondents were taken from Law Faculty, Economic
Faculty, Industrial Engineering Faculty, and Social and Culture Faculty. The researchers
distributed the questionnaires to students to find how many percentages of students who are
smokers and non-smokers in Universitas Islam Indonesias environment. The result of the
questionnaires is shown in 5 different Charts below.

Chart 1. Comparison of the Number of Smokers and Non-Smokers 4 of Faculties


Student who smoke [18]

Student who did not smoke [12]

As can be seen in the Chart 1, more than half of 30 students who are part of Law Faculty,
Economic Faculty, Industrial Engineering Faculty, and Social and Culture Faculty who got the
questionnaire were smokers. Majority of the students reason to smoke were mostly to relieve
their stress and to do relaxation. Meanwhile, the non-smokers reason to avoid cigarette were
mostly because they hate it.

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From the Chart 2 below, it can be seen that the respondents which are the students what
really think about the social aspect life of smokers.

Chart 2. Respondent's Opinion about The Social Life Aspect




Easy Going [10]

Human Without Future [3]

Neutral [15]
Others [2]

The result shows that half of 30 respondents from 4 different faculties in Universitas
Islam Indonesia who got the questionnaire were more likely to say neutral toward the
characteristic of smokers in the social life aspect. The minority of respondents were also said
about others. According to their opinion about the social life aspects of smokers, it depends on
the smokers personality themselves.

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Chart 3. The percentage of Respondent Who Think Smokers will Give Bad Social Influences to their Environment

10% 17%

Very Agree [5] Agree [7]

Neutral [10]
Disagree [5] Very Disagee [3]

Chart 3 presents that the respondents top chosen point was Neutral about the idea of
smokers bad influence in the environment and then followed by second top chosen Agree,
while the rest were followed just as shown in the chart.

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Chart 4. Comparison between The GPA of Smokers and Non-Smokers


1.0 - 2.0

2.1 - 3.0

3.1 - 3.5

> 3.5


In this chart, it shows the comparison between the GPA of the smokers and non-smokers
of 4 different faculties Universitas Islam Indonesia students who filled the questionnaire of
this research. The unique finding is that none of 30 respondents from both factions had a GPA
in range of 1.0 to 2.0. Another result shows that the category of 3.1 to 3.5 GPA was possessed
by the smokers. Surprisingly, even the category of more than 3.5 GPA was also achieved by
the smokers.

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Chart 5. Comparison between The Smokers and Non-Smokers who Join Organizaton




As shown in the Chart 5 above, the smokers respondents who filled the questionnaire
from 4 different faculties was dominating in both categories of yes and no. The reason
why students from both factions chose to join the organization was because they wanted to
add their experiences and develop their skills. Meanwhile, the reason why the rest chose to
not join any organization was mostly because they wanted to focus on their academic interest.

4.1.2 Interview Findings

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The researchers chose 3 people as the source for the research, subject 1 from Law Faculty
2012, subject 2 from Economic Faculty 2012, and subject 3 from Industrial Engineering
Faculty 2013. Furthermore, researcher's reason to choose this 3 people was based on their
achievements. The achievements that chosen from these 3 people included in academic and
non-academic aspect. In the academic aspect, all of the people which chosen by the researcher
were had a quite good GPA, even one of them get almost a perfect GPA. On the non-academic
aspect, these 3 people also had several remarkable achievements, and also they were being
active in many of organizations.
First, in academic aspect, subject 1 from Law Faculty had a score of GPA above 3.
Subject 1 also had several achievements such as he became the representative of SAR (Search
and Rescue) training in Turkey; and he was chosen as a delegation of MUN (Model of United
Nation) in London, UK. While in non-academic aspect, he was chosen as a Master of Training
in Outbound Management Training in IP UII; and he is currently active in as a chief
Community which take care of the street children called Save Children Yogyakarta. Subject 1
also became an activist of some organization, such as Komunitas Pergerakan Wanita, Buruh
Tani, and even LGBTs community. The condition of academic aspect from subject 1 also
happened on subject 2 from Economic Faculty where his GPA also above 3. In non-academic
aspect, subject 2 also accomplished several achievements such as became the chief of
Gerakan Kepanduan UNISI, became the Master of Training in Outbound Management
Training, and back to the Senior High School days, he was the chief of MPK and he once was
elected as the coordinator of Blood for Others charity event. On the other hand, subject 3
from Engineering Faculty 2013 as the last people who interviewed by the researchers get an
almost perfect GPA. The GPA that obtained by subject 3 in his current semester is 3.8 out of
4.00. He also was one of the candidates of best student in Bridging Program 2013.
Furthermore, in the past when he was still a Senior High School student, he joined the
Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) competition for computer and programming. While in nonacademic aspect, he became the chief of Community of International Student (CIS), head
division of Konservasi Alam Gerakan Kepanduan UNISI, and as a staff of Human Capital
Development of MARCOMM IP UII.
Here are some theories that researchers have found from the 3 interviewers:

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a. Smoking and GPA

The researcher asked about the influences of cigarrate with the academic aspect
especially GPA to the 3 interviews and the result is one of the interview stated Kalo
menurut saya, rokok tidak ada pengaruhnya buat penurunan IPK. Malah disini, rokok
bisa sebagai sarana pendongkrak nilai belajar atau motivasi, bisa juga untuk
menghilangkan stress. Karena saya saat merokok, semua menjadi lancar. Subject 2
b. Smoking and Organization
The second one is the role of smoking influences their performance in organization which
was asked by the researcher. The result of this question is one of the interviews stated that
Kalau di organisasi saya ngerokok tuh ngaruh banget ya, soalnya kebetulan
lingkungannya juga banyak yang ngerokok. Kerasa deh akhirnya makin deket sama
mereka, karena sebenernya ide-ide bisa ada tuh karena adanya nongkrong dan ngerokok
bareng. Subject 3
c. Cigarettes as the Supporting Tools to Socializing
The third main core question which asked by the researcher is what is the usefulness of
cigarettes or others fact of using cigarrates. The researcher asked that question to the 3
interviews and the result of it were almost same. Furthermore, one of the interview stated
that Jadi di satu sisi, kalau kita bertemu sesesorang yang ternyata perokok juga,
terutama di suatu organisasi, kita bisa menyambung nyawa. Tentunya ini fungsi rokok
yang utama, sebagai alat untuk bersosial. Subject 1

4.2 Discussion
According to Ilham (2015), based on the note of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles and De
Condolle, cigarette and smoking activity was entered in Java in the early 1600s. Until now,
smoking still becomes popular habits among the citizens of Indonesia. This kind of culture
can be seen in everywhere especially in public places such as office, market, caf, and even
in university. This was proven in the result based on the research questionnaire findings

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which was conducted in four different faculties of Universitas Islam Indonesia. The
researchers found that around 60% of the questionnaires respondents are smokers.
The stereotypes which exist in Indonesia has made the image of student who smoke is
bad in case of academic aspect, they are considered unable to obtain a high score or high
grade (Oke, 2013). However, based on the result of the research questionnaire, this
judgement was not 100% accurate because the researchers found out that from 18 of 30
respondents who smoke was having a good grade above 3, only 1 smoker that get the GPA
below 3. The researchers also found that all of the 3 interviewees who was from Economic,
Law, and Industrial Engineering were having a GPA above 3. One of the interviewers stated
Kalo menurut saya, rokok tidak ada pengaruhnya buat penurunan IPK. Malah disini, rokok
bisa sebagai sarana pendongkrak niat belajar atau motivasi, bisa juga untuk
menghilangkan stress karena saya saat rokok semua jadi lancar, it means that smoking will
not give bad influence to GPA or there were no relation between cigarrates and the GPA,
even it can become a tool to lift up the intention to study and as a the problem solver when
he got stressed if studied. On the other hand, the stereotypes about the smokers incapability
to achieve good grades which exist in the society was not 100% accurately occured in 4
faculties of Universitas Islam Indonesia. Next, the result of the questionnaires showed a half
of respondent opinion think neutral about the smokers. It means that most of the respondents
did not always think negatively about the smokers, eventhough there were also some of the
respondents who think negatively and chose smokers as human without future which around
10% of them. Furthermore, there were also the respondent who thought differently. It
showed from 30 respondents, there were 10 of them or about 33% respondents think
positively about the smokers by choosing smokers as an easy going person. The researchers
also analyzed the questionnaire answers if there are any possibility of smokers will give bad
social influences to their environment or not. The result showed there were respondents who
influenced by the bad streotypes of smokers and it was implied that several people fear with
the smokers.
There were also several facts which public did not know about smokers and can be
categorized as positive achievement. As the result from the research, according to the
questionnaires showed that 13 of the respondent who smoke were active in organizations.
The fact based from the research which many of smokers join the organizations because they
want to add their experiences more and develop their skills. Related to the result of the open

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ended questionnaires, the researchers conducted interviews with a smokers who active in
organization even have an important position in organizations which were subject 1 from
Law Faculty 2012, subject 2 from Economic Faculty 2012, and subject 3 from Industrial
Engineering Faculty 2013.
Based from the interview and questionnaires, the researchers concluded that the
respondents who were smoke and being active in organizations can be classified as the
positive fact of smokers where the most likely public did not know yet about them.
Furthermore, the researchers found that there was relation between the smoking habits and
the performance in organizations. Based from what the researchers get, smoking habits
actually influences the performance in organizations. This can be happened because when
the smokers were smoking along with their companion, they can eventually build a strong
relationship based on the smoke-hood. Also, smoking with the fellow mates in the
organization was also able to create new ideas and thoughts for the organizations interest.
The conclusion by the researchers before about the relation between cigarettes and the
performance in organizations were taken from one of the interviewers. One of the
interviewees said that sometimes when they smoke and met new friends who also a smoker,
it will feel more familiar and able to discuss something swiftly.
Other statement from other interviewees thought smoking can help him to be able to
create new ideas. He also implied that smoking would not give bad influences for his
productivity his organizational life. He brought a factual example which derived from the
first president of Indonesia. How amazingly Ir. Soekarno who was a smoker can become the
founding father of this nation, even the usage of cigarette has become an official interest to
become a proper tool to welcoming the official international guest in Ir. Soekarnos era
(Susanto, 2015). Another fact that society most likely did not know was the smokers used
the smoking habits as a tool to socialize. It was proven when the all of the Subjects told the
researchers about their own experiences regarding to smoking as socializing tools.

5. Conclusion

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5.1 Conclusion
The research was conducted to investigate about the existence of bad stereotypes of
smokers and its influence in the environment of 4 faculties at Universitas Islam
Indonesia. As the result, the stereotypes of smokers who cannot become a good person,
having a poor capability to achieve good grades, and considered as an emotional
individual human being were not 100% accurate. However, the other stereotype of
smokers which will influence social environment become worse was strongly felt.
Furthermore, the results show that smokers even can have positive aspect, not only in
academic, but also in non academic aspects. On the other hand, smokers not only used
cigarrates as a tool to socialize, but also to maintain the relationship with people. This is
the fact where not everyone knew about smokers.

5.2 Limitation
The researchers distribute the questionnaires differently to 4 faculties in Universitas
Islam Indonesia. In Economic Faculty, the researchers distribute 10 questionnaires,
Industrial Engineering Faculty 10 questionnaires, Law Faculty 5 questionnaires, and
Social and Culture Faculty 5 questionnaires for the quantitative data. The researchers
chose the respondents randomly for each faculty. While for the qualitative data, the
researchers only interviewed three students to represent the smokers in Universitas Islam
Indonesia which were from Economic Faculty, Law Faculty and Industrial Engineering
Faculty. In additional, the result of the questionnaires cannot be implemented in other
university because the data will also be different between Universitas Islam Indonesia
with other University.

5.3 Recommendation

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This mini research was not 100% perfectly conducted, so the next researchers
should pay some attention. First, the next researchers should distribute more
questionnaires and try to get more data in other faculty in Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Second, the next researchers should spend more time to work on the research, especially
for analyzing the data. Moreover, the next researchers should interview more
interviewees, especially from the experts such as psychologist who knew about the
stereotype or lecturers who understand about the educational aspect.


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Arnold, J., Randall, R., Patterson, F., Silverster, J., Robertson, I., Cooper, C. et al. (2010). Work
Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior in the Workplace. (5th Edn.). Harlow,
England: Pearson Education Limited.
Brink, L., & Nel, J. A. (2015). Exploring the Meaning and Origin of Stereotypes amongst South
African Employees. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 41(1), 1-13.
Budiman, A., & Ongkongham. (1987). Rokok Kretek: Lintasan Sejarah dan Artinya bagi
Pembangunan Bangsa dan Negara. Kudus: Djarum Kudus.
Ilham, O. K. (2015). Brands of Indonesia-4: Gudang Garam. Kompasiana. Retrieved April 4,
2016, from:
Sari, B. P. (2015). Budaya Rokok. Kompasiana. Retrieved April 4, 2016, from:
Susanto, E. (2015). Budaya Menjamu Tamu dengan Rokok. Rokok Indonesia. Retrieved April 4,
2016, from:
Remaja dan Perilaku Merokok. (2013). Retrieved from October 24, 2013,

The quantitative question

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Questionnaire form
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Bridging Program (International Program)
Mini Research Questionnaires



1. Do you smoke cigarettes?

a. Yes, why?

b. No, why?

2. What do you think about the social aspect of people who smoke?
a. Easy going
b. Neutral
c. A human without future
d. Others

3. Smoker will give bad social influence to their environment. Do you agree with this
a. Very agree

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b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Very disagree

4. What is your current GPA?

a. 1-2
b. 2,1 3
c. 3,1 - 3,5
d. > 3,5

5. Do you join an/some organization(s)?

a. Yes, why?

b. No, why?

6. According to question number 5, if you join an/some organization(s) then

a. What is the name of the organization?

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b. What field is the organization?

c. What is your position?

Interview Transcript
1. Subject 1 Faculty of Law
a. Apakah anda aktif dalam organisasi?

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Sedikit aktif.
b. Posisi dalam organisasi?
Ketua divisi Pengabdian Masyarakat Pandu Unisi & ketua dalam organisasi lain (Save
Street Children Jogja).
c. Apakah anda merokok?
d. Apakah rokok berkaitan dengan keaktifan dalam organisasi dalam aspek sosial?
Terkadang disaat kita sebagai perokok dan ada teman dalam satu organisasi yang juga
perokok maka itu akan lebih mengakrabkan diri sehingga pembicaraan lebih bisa
terbuka, bisa dibilang rokok adalah sebagai alat sosial.
e. Sejak kapan mulai merokok?
Sejak kelas 6 SD.
f. Alasannya merokok?
Awalnya adalah bermulai dari rasa ingin tahu. Namun pada saat SMP dan SMA, saya
mulai menyadari rokok sebagai sarana sosial.
g. Faktor lain yang membuat anda merokok?
Saat di organisasi, rokok sebagai alat untuk bisa menulis karna saya saat tidak
merokok konsentrasi saya agak kurang. Jadi selain sarana mencari kawan, rokok juga
sebagai alat untuk lebih bisa berkonsentrasi.
h. Selain pada saat menulis merokok pada saat apa?
Biasanya ketika mencari inspirasi dan bersosialisasi.
i. Ada berapa achievement yang sudah ada peroleh dalam akademik dan non akademik?
Kalo saya boleh sombong, saya dari awal sudah menjadi mahasiswa dari mahasiswa
international program. Saya juga sudah menjadi representative untuk ke Turki sebagai
anggota Search and Rescue atau bisa dibilang pelatihan, kebetulan juga mayoritas

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dalam pelatihan tersebut adalah perokok. Saya juga pernah berangkat Model of United
Nations ke London. Pada saat saya sebagai perwakilan MUN saya juga berjumpa
dengan peserta lain yang notabenanya juga perokok. Kalo dalam organisasi saya
sudah menggeluti berbagai gerakan dan organisasi. Yang pertama adalah dalam
pendidikan karakter yang dilakukan oleh UII di international program, saya menjadi
Master of Training. Lalu saat saya aktif dalam komunitas Save Street Children Jogja
yang mana saya merasa lebih dekat dengan anak-anak jalanan dan dimana mayoritas
dari anak jalanan tersebut juga merokok. Saya merasa seperti mendapat sesuatu yang
lebih saat saya bisa akrab dengan anak-anak jalanan. Dimana bukan saya mengajari
mereka merokok akan tetapi saya merasa ada sebuah pencapaian dari hal tersebut.
Namun, dimana saya disini lebih banyak mengetahui tentang reality yang terjadi
dijalanan. Dan ada juga berbagai pergerakan yang belum terlihat namun saya merasa
itu alah sebuah kemajuan bagi saya sendiri. Walaupun belum terlihat saya merasa itu
adalah sesuatu hal yang maju, contoh seperti Komunitas Pergerakan Wanita, Buruh
Tani hingga teman-teman LGBT.
j. Berapakah IPK yang anda miliki?
IPK saya lebih dari 3.
k. Adakah kemungkinan rokok juga mempengaruhi IPK anda?
Ini adalah pertanyaan yang sulit bahwa rokok mempengaruhi IPK atau tidak. Karena
pada dasarnya yang menentukan IPK kita adalah kita sendiri atau semangat belajar
kita sendiri. Karna merokok ini adalah kebebasan setiap orang atau hak asasi manusia
tersebut, maka tidak bisa dipisahkan dari bagaimana hak saya dalam memenuhi /
mencapai apa-apa saja yang saya inginkan sebagai warga negara Indonesia. Bahkan
apabila ada hal-hal kecil saja yang dihilangkan maka artinya itu saya tidak bebas lagi
atau saya merasa tertindas dan tidak bisa mencapai apa-apa. Tetapi ketika kebebasan
untuk merokok itu ada artinya sebagai manusia saya menjalankan hidup sebagai
manusia dengan nyaman.
l. Pernah kah ada orang yang berbicara ke anda apabila anda merokok anda akan
menjadi orang buruk dalan lingkungan?

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Pernah. Bercerita sedikit tentang kegiatan di SMA, saat orang-orang seumuran itu
banyak orang akan mencap kita adalah orang-orang yang nakal dan susah diatur yang
mana itu adalah sebuah stigma negatif. Tetapi hal itu adalah tidak sama sekali karna
stigma negatif itu sendirilah yang akan menghancurkan seseorang bukan dari hal
negatifnya. Dimana saya ketika berkomunitas dengan anak-anak yang notabenanya
mereka masih dibawah umur dan harus dilindungi. Itu juga menjadi keharusan kepada
diri saya sendiri untuk merokok itu harus pada tempatnya. Bahwasanya orang-orang
merokok itu juga harus menghormati orang lain.

2. Subject 2 Faculty of Economics

a. Asd apakah anda menggeluti organisasi?
Pandu UNISI dan OMT saja.

b. Posisi dalam organisasi?

Pandu Unisi sebagai Ketua. Dan juga sebagai MOT (Master of Training) OMT.
c. Apakah anda merokok?
d. Apakah rokok berkaitan dengan keaktifan dalam organisasi?
Menurut saya tidak ada. Karna pada dasarnya bapak pendiri negara kita sendiri
dimasa lampau juga adalah perokok. Dan saya disini saya mempertanyakan banyak
pemimpin bangsa kita sendiri adalah perokok dan kenapa kita sebagai calon pemimpin
negara tidak merokok.
e. Sejak kapan mulai merokok?
Saya mulai mencoba dari SD. Tetapi saya mulai aktif itu saat kelas 1 SMP. Tetapi saya
juga pernah berhenti dikarenakan ketahuan oleh orang tua.
f. Alasan Merokok?
Supaya bisa mengurangi tingkat kestresan.

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g. Faktor lain yang membuat anda merokok?

Salah satu keuntungan kita hidup sebagai lelaki ini adalah kita dapat memulai sebuah
persahabtan hanya dengan sebatang rokok. Dalam case ini bisa dibilang rokok sebagai
alat sosial.
h. Situasi pada saat apa saja merokok?
Ya bisa sebagai alat untuk killing time. Kaerna saya berjiwa muda dan saya juga cepat
merasa bosan jadi saat saya tidak merokok ya saya bingung aja mau ngapain.
i. Ada achievement akademik gak?
Kalo boleh jujur dalam bidang akademik saya kurang berkilau. Setidaknya walaupun
akademik saya kurang nilai saya agak lumayan.
j. Ada achievement non akademik gak?
Saya menjadi ketua organisasi, dan juga sebagai beberapa MOT untuk OMT 1,2 dan 3.
saat SMA saya juga pernah menjadi Ketua MPK. Pernah juga sebagai Koordinator
Blood for Others di community service di Jogja dimana ini adalah sebuah komunitas
yang membantu orang saat kecelakaan dan spesipiknya saya kordinator untuk
golongan darah AB. Pernah juga sebagai Chief Field Officer.
k. IPK berapa?
IPK saya sekarang diatas dari tiga yaitu 3,36.
l. Apakah rokok mempengaruhi IPK?
Kalo menurut saya rokok tidk ada pengaruhnya saat penurunan IPK. Malah disini
rokok bisa sebagai saran pendongkrak niat belajar atau motivasi juga menghilangkan
stress karna saya saat rokok semua jadi lancar.
m. Pernah kah ada orang yang berbicara ke anda apabila anda merokok anda akan
menjadi orang buruk dalan lingkungan?

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Kalo mengatakan secara langsung sih tidak ada. Karna disini kita sadar saat kita
merokok kita harus menghidari orang-orang yang tidak merokok untuk mengahrgai
mereka aja sih.

3. Subject 3 Faculty of Industrial Engineering

a. Apakah anda menggeluti organisasi?
Iya. Kalo dari kuliah khususnya ada CSI yang itu adalah Council of International
Student, juga ada Marcomm, juga Pandu UNISI dan juga Facilitator dalam OMT.
b. Posisi dalam organisasi yang dikeluti?
Saya di CSI saya sebagai ketuanya, di Marcomm sebagai staff Human Capital
Development, di Pandu UNISI saya sebagai kepala Divisi Konservasi Alam, dan OMT
saya menjadi facilitator.
c. Apakah anda merokok?
d. Apakah merokok mempengharuhi organisasi yang anda geluti?
Sebenarnya ada yang mempengaruhi dan juga ada yang tidak. Kalo di CSI dan
Marcomm tidak berpengaruh. Apabila di Pandu kebetulan kebanyakan dari mereka itu
juga merokok alhamdullillah lah ya. Jadi disini saya bisa berkesempatan lebih dekat
dengan mereka karena juga merokok dan dimana organisasi ini juga bisa berjalan
dengan lancar. Jadi disaat kita sedang berkumpul rokok itu dapat memunculkan ideide. Akan tetapi disini saya merokok hanya saat kumpul bareng atau bisa dibilang bisa
sebagai alat sosial. Dan apabila dibilang pencandu saya bukan pecandu hanya
sekedar pemakai.
e. Sejak kapan merokok?
Saya pribadi saya mulai merokok saat kelas 1 SMA. Dimana saya merokok diajarkan
oleh ayah saya. Akan tetapi dari kelas 2 SMA sampai semester 2 saat kuliah saya
berhenti merokok total. Namun, saat semester 3 saya memulai rokok kembali.

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f. Alasan merokok?
Saya disini merokok karena lebih memikirkan rokok sebagai aspek sosial. Dimana
saya memulai merokok lagi pada saat saya mendaki gunung karna orang-orang yang
mendaki gunung dengan saya hampir semuanya merokok. Alasan lebihnya ya mungkin
saat selesai makan. Juga selain teman ngobrol dalam situasi lain saya merokok saat
berelasi dengan orang seperti saat di airport. Karena disini saya sering merokok di
airport saya sering bertemu dengan orang hebat saat merokok.
g. Ada achievement akademik gak?
Saya pernah menjadi best student saat bridging program menjadi salah satu nominasi.
Kalau pada saat SMA saya mengikuti OSN dalam bidang computer dan programming.
h. Ada achievement non-akademik?
Lebih seperti jabatan di organisasi dimana saat itu saya mendapatkan sertifikat. Saya
pernah juga menjadi delegasi Air Soft Indonesia. Juga pernah megikuti beberapa kali
mengikuti diklat seperti Surviving.
i. IPK berapa?
Awal kuliah itu lumayan sih 4. Terus disaat semester 3 mulai aktif organisasi dan saat
sekarang semester 6 IPK saya 3,8.
j. Adakah kemungkinan rokok juga mempengaruhi IPK anda?
Ya tidak ada pengaruh nya sih.
k. Pernah kah ada orang yang berbicara ke anda apabila anda merokok anda akan
menjadi orang buruk dalan lingkungan?
Betul sekali bahkan sering dan berlangsung sampai sekarang. Disini saat pertama kali
kuliah disemester awal dikelas itu cuman ada satu orang dan saat di semester 3 saya
mulai merokok dan banyak teman cewe yang menyinggung Wah sekarang kamu
merokok ya. Pada saat itu ya pandangan orang kepada saya udah mulai jelek karna
saya merokok. Disini saat orang menjudge saya dengan perspective jelek saya disini
tidak langsung membalasnya dengan perkataan pada saat itu juga namun saya bakal

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membuktikannya secara tidak langsung. Karena yang saya tahu orang-orang hebat
pun merokok juga dan merokok itu tidak mempengaruhi orang itu baik atau buruk.

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