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Circle what describes you the most.

19. How do you prefer to turn in your assignment?

a. I like to draw or illustrate my understanding.
b. I like to talk or present my understanding to the teacher and class.
c. I like to write so I like to write down my understanding.
d. I like things in order so I like to show the process of my
20. I learn more by
a. doing the work.
b. listening.
c. seeing.
d. writing it down.
e. reading.
21. I prefer to do classwork
a. alone
b. with another student
c. work with a group of 3-4 students
d. with the whole class
22. I finish classwork and homework
a. because getting good grades are important.
b. because it is interesting.
c. because I like the challenge.
d. so I dont get in trouble.
e. because I think it is important.
f. I dont finish themtell me why______________________
23. I learn better when I am
a. given choices and options
b. allowed to work at my own pace
c. in a quiet classroom
d. told what I need to do

24. Is there anything you would like to tell me about you or the class?

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