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A. Complete these sentences using the words

a. wife b. shot c. become d. president
1. Take me to the ____ of the country. I must
speak to him.
2. This man has been ____. He needs a doctor.
3. Will you marry me and become my ____?
4. Who will ____ president when our
president dies?

Pre-reading activity
1. Do you know who is the president of the
United States now?
2. What do you know about President
3. Do you know how he died?
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
were both presidents of the United States
of America. Lincoln became president in
1861 and Kennedy became president in
1961. Both men were shot in the head and
killed. They were both shot on a Friday.
The wives of both men were with them
when they died.
John Wilkes Booth, the man who shot
Lincoln, was born in 1839. Booth was shot
soon after he killed the president. The man
who shot Kennedy was Lee Harvey
Oswald. He was born in 1939 and was also
shot soon after he killed the president.
Lincoln had a secretary called Kennedy.
This secretary told him not to go out on
the day he was shot. Kennedy had a
secretary called Lincoln. This secretary
told Kennedy not to go out on the day he
was shot. The name of the man who
became president after Lincoln was
Johnson.The name of the man who
became president after Kennedy was also
Johnson. What a lot of coincidences!

B. Choose the right meaning from the words

a. head b. died c. called d. also
1. stopped living _______________________
2. as well ______________________________
3. highest part of the body _______________
4. given the name of ____________________
C. Name two presidents of the United States.
Answer these questions.
1. When did Lincoln become president?
2. When did Kennedy become president?
3. How did they both die?
4. Who shot President Lincoln?
5. Who is the leader of your country?
6. What do you think should happen to a
person who tries to kill a leader?
7. Have you had any coincidences happen in
your life? What were they?
Fill the missing words in the parentheses.
This is the story of two American presidents
who were () and killed on Friday.
They (..) had their wives ()
them when they were shot and the men who
became president (.) them were both
called Johnson. Both presidents had
secretaries who told them not to go out that
day. The killers were both () in a
year that ended in 39.

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