Outline: Education in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations

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Education in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations

I. Intro
Influence of the involved individuals.
Contribution of the Greek and Roman to western Education
II. Body
a. Greek
i. Homeric
1) Oral Education
- Through conversation, the information was perpetuated.
2) Iliad and Odyssey
- Helped define their selves and their culture
a) Purposes:
i) Preserve the Greek Culture
ii) Cultivate the Greek cultural identity
iii) Shape the character of the youth
ii. Citizenship Education
- Focuses in political socialization and preparing good citizens
1) Athens
- Shared public responsibility in making decision
2) Sparta
- Military, obedience etc.
- Strictly controlled education
- Enculturation and formal education
iii. The Role of Slaves
- Slaves are educated to teach the wealthy children Athens.
- Although they are deprived to afford the liberal education.
iv. Education of Women
- Only wealthy are allowed, and they are educated mostly in their home.
1) Sapho
- Feminism
- Taught young aristocratic children about arts, cult rituals,.
v. Philosophical Ideologies
1) Sophist
- Traavelling group of educators, chalenging the established
aristocrats, the rising commercial class, wanting for a new kind of
education that would prepare them to take political power.
- Oratory or effective public speaking.
a) Grammar, logic and rhetoric
- Logic, Organized and clear presented arguments
- Grammar, The use of language effectively.
- Rhetoric, Persuasion
- Their goal here is to be successful advocates legislators.
b) Protagoras
i) Protagoras's method
One. Deliver an outstanding speech
Two. Examine great speeches of famous orators
Three. Study the key subjects (Logic, Grammar, Rhetoric)
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Three. Study the key subjects (Logic, Grammar, Rhetoric)

Four. Deliver practice oration
Five. Deliver public speeches.
c) Truth or Relativism? CONCLUSIONABLE
- Raised serious controversies that is still with us.
2) Socratic
- Education by self-examination
a) Socrates
- Universal truth.
i) Moral excellence
- Live wisely and act rationally.
ii) Role of the teacher.
- Trigger the knowledge.
iii) Socratic Method
- Engaging in rigorous discussion, in which clarified,
criticized and reconstruct their basic concepts
3) Plato - student of Socrates, an idealist
- Supported his mentor Socrates
- Refer to Socrates.
a) Eternal truth and Values
- Same as Socrates
b) Reminiscence
- Term for recalling the already present knowledge
c) Universalism Vs. Relativism
- Knowledge is intellectual, changeless and eternal.
- What is true is always true.
- Education should be universal and unchanging.
d) The Plato's Republic
- A plan for a perfect society ruled by philosopher-kings, an
intellectual elite.
- Used in portraying idealized version of certain kinds of
- The components can be discussed orally, and its analogy with
i) Social Role and Education
- Educational track determines the social status.
e) Women's Education
- Women possess the same intellectual abilities as men and should
enjoy the same educational privileges.
f) Children's Education
- Fearing that parents would pass on their ignorance and prejudices to
their children, he wanted children to be reared in early education.
- The implementation can be discussed orally
g) Higher education
- 18 - 20 Students pursued intensive physical and military
training. Etc.
4) Aristotelian - Student of Plato, a realist
a) Nicomachean Ethics and Politics
- Examine the education in relation to society and government
- Emphasized the value of living a harmonious life that took a
middle moderate course.
b) Objective reality
- He opposed his mentor by believing that reality exist
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- The contrast between the two can be discussed orally, and its
analogy with education
c) Sensation
- Knowing begins with sensing the environment.
d) Cultivation of Rationality
- Education's purpose is to cultivate liberally educated rational
people who can use their reason to make decisions and govern
the society.
e) Curriculum
- Recommended compulsory schooling.
f) Limitation to Women
- Only concerned to male education because he believes that
women are intellectually inferior to men.
g) Theory of knowledge
- Knowledge arises from knowing about objects rather than from
preexisting ideas.
5) Isocrates
a) Oratory and Rhetoric
b) Neutralizing Plato and Sophist
b. Roman
i. Marcus Fabiius Quintilanus or Quintilian
1) Reading and writing
2) Liberal arts
3) Rhetorical Studies
III. Conclusion

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