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Ethiopian Institute Of TecHnology- Mekelle





batch Year 3 &4
1. Introduction

The jaw crusher unit facilitates demonstration of a crushing process for the coarse crushing of
large chunks, as obtained from quarrying or an ore mine.
As well as coarse crushing of the materials, the actual crushing process and the description of the
machine are also covered
2. Unit Description
2.1 Unit Layout

Fig 2.1jaw crusher side view

Fig 2.2jaw crusher front view

2.2 Function
For safe operation of the jaw crusher it is advisable to anchor the unit securely to the floor.
Before turning on the unit, you should make sure that the desired average grain diameter is set on
the pointer (8). The pointer and the scale (11) indicate the gap width (61mm) in millimeters. To
change this setting, you must first loosen the lock nut on the threaded spindle and then screw the
threaded spindle in or out with the hand wheel. The scale then indicates the gap width and
adjusts the zero position for the gap width as the jaws become worn.
After setting the desired gap width, the unit is then turned on using the On/Off switch (17). The
moving crushing jaw (15) starts to move. This only happens if the limit switch (18) is also
closed, i.e. the hopper (1) must be closed and secured. The material to be crushed is then fed into
the hopper from above.
ATTENTION! Only fill the hopper when the unit is running. The crushing chamber can take
crushing material up to a grain size of 50 mm. If the crushing chamber is more than 60% filled
(300 ml), the guide panels on the hopper can be damaged and the motorized crusher arm feeds

the crushing material into the crusher housing behind the crushing arm. The crushed material
falls directly into the drawer (12). For further processing or classification of the material, the
drawer is pulled out and the results are analyzed.
3. Theory
Crushing of solids
Crushing is the splitting of solid chunks into smaller fragments through the effects of mechanical
forces. This reduces the particle size and increases the specific surface area of the solid per unit
of volume.
A solid material can be crushed for various purposes:

To improve the solution speed of the material.

To accelerate the progress of chemical reactions.
To release the valuable substances contained in mixtures for further processing.
To make intermediate or trade products easier to store, package or transport.
Mathematical principles
As a measure for the crushing achieved in a crushing process, we use the reduction ratio n. It is
defined as:

n: Reduction ratio
D: Characteristic grain size before crushing
d: Characteristic grain size after crushing
The characteristic grain size is a parameter value for a grain distribution, e.g. the grain size in the
material before and after crushing.
4. Experiments
4.1 Preparation
To perform an experiment with the CE 260 jaw crusher, a material with an average grain size of
40 mm has been selected. The material has been defined as coarse gravel. It is possible to crush
the material to the smallest possible grain size with the CE 260 in one stage. However, this is not
advisable from a didactic perspective. It makes more sense to feed the material to be crushed
through the jaw crusher in several stages, so that differences can clearly be identified. For the
first coarse crushing of the material, a gap width of 10mmis selected on the scale. This is

followed by subsequent stages with gap widths of 7.5 mm, 5.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 1.0 mm. After
each crushing stage, part of the crushed material is separated
Out and analyzed.
After performing the experiment, the unit is partially dismantled and cleaned. This extends the
service life of the crushing jaws.
4.2 Experimental method
First crushing cycle
The gap on the jaw crusher is set to a gap width of 10 mm on the scale. The material has an
average characteristic grain size of 40 mm.
The unit is turned on using the On/Off motor cut out. The drive motor starts at the same time.
The material is continuously fed into the hopper. However, it must be ensured that the hopper is
not overloaded and the capacity of the drawer must also be taken into account. Part of the
material should be retained and separated for subsequent documentation of the results. After
completion of the crushing process, the system must be turned off manually. The characteristic
grain size of the crushed gravel is then determined using a suitable screening machine .Finally,
the reduction ratio n is determined using formula. Part of the crushed gravel is also retained for
subsequent documentation. The rest is transferred to a second container. The drawer is dry
cleaned and inserted into the jaw crusher.
Subsequent crushing cycles
The experimental method for subsequent selected gap widths of 7.5 mm to 1.0 mm is as
described in the previous section
4.3 Evaluation of the experiment
A suitable screening machine should be used to evaluate the crushed sample material. A process
log should be kept and the reduction ratio specified.
The masses of the sieve fall through and the sieve overflow are recorded in a table
Crushing gap width 10 mm
After sieve analysis, the following result is determined:
D = 40 mm
d = 9.6 mm
The following formula is used to calculate the reduction ratio n:

The reduction ratio is n = 4.2
Crushing gap width 7.5 mm
After sieve analysis, the following result is determined:
D = 9.6 mm
d = 6.3 mm
The following formula is used to calculate the reduction ratio n:

The reduction ratio is n = 1.5.
Crushing gap width 5.0 mm
After sieve analysis, the following result is determined:
D = 6.3 mm
d = 4.9 mm
The following formula is used to calculate the reduction ratio n:

The reduction ratio is n = 1.3
Crushing gap width 2.5 mm
After sieve analysis, the following result is determined:
D = 4.9 mm
d = 2.6 mm
The following formula is used to calculate the reduction ratio n:

The reduction ratio is n = 1.9.
Crushing gap width 1.0 mm
After sieve analysis, the following result is determined:
D = 2.6 mm
d = 1.2 mm
The following formula is used to calculate the reduction ratio n:

The reduction ratio is n = 2.2.


1. Introduction
Materials and bulk materials contain particles, e.g. grains, chips or splinters of different sizes in
different proportions. In industry, bulk materials frequently have to be graded by grain size
before processing. Grading means separating by size.
To do this, a measurement of the particle size distribution must first be carried out.
For bulk materials, the grain shape, the grain size and the grain size distribution in the product
are the main quality features. The mechanical separation of a bulk material into parts of identical
grain sizes is known as grading.
2. Unit Description
2.1 Unit layout

consists of
a stack of
placed on
top of each
other. The
mesh size

of these sieves decreases moving further down the stack. The stack has a floor tank at the bottom,
in which the last fraction is collected.
The entire stack is screwed onto a base plate. The base plate executes vibrations and thus shakes
the stack and its content. As a result, the bulk material is separated into the fractions and residues
corresponding to the different mesh sizes. After completion of this process, the grain size
distribution can be determined from the mass of the individual fractions by weighing.

3. Theory
Grain size analysis
For bulk materials, the grain shape, the grain size and the grain size distribution in the product
are the main quality features.
The mechanical separation of a bulk material into parts of identical grain sizes is known as
Control and monitoring of crushers, mills and sieve lines in relation to:
Grain sizes and/or two-dimensional shape
Quality assurance for asphalt and ready mixed concrete systems
Control and monitoring of loading plants (e.g. with quality log)
Controlled mixing of different grain fractions with pre-selected mixing ratios taking into
account the actual grain size distribution
General principles of grading using sieves
Sieving is a method of grading bulk materials. Grading means separating a mixture into parts
with an identical geometrical grain size. The sieves have a sieve surface consisting of a wire
mesh and a perforated sheet metal plate. The surface has numerous identically sized apertures,
the dimensions of which are known as the mesh size . These apertures can have almost any
geometrical shape. However, square or circular apertures are the most common. Laboratory sieve
machines for sieve analysis normally consist of a standardized set of 6-8 testing sieves. The
sieves are fitted above one another in a frame and the mesh size of the sieves decreases moving
from top to bottom. A drive causes the stack to vibrate. This moves the material located in the
sieves across the sieve surface and the size of each particle is compared with that of the mesh.

Grains that are larger than the mesh size remain on the sieve base and form the residue. Grains
that are smaller fall down to the next sieve. This part is known as the fall through. The next sieve
then has a smaller mesh size and there is a further separation into residue and fall through. The
fall through from the last sieve is known as the finest grain part and is collected in a floor
The grain size of each residue is larger than the mesh size of the sieve on which the residue is
located and smaller than the mesh size of the previous sieve. The difference between the mesh
sizes of the two sieves is known as the grain size or the grain size width and the associated
material is known as a fraction.
Evaluation of sieve analysis
Before sieving, the mass of the analysis sample is determined by weighing and noted.
After sieving has been carried out, the residues remaining on the individual sieves are weighed
and entered in the log. The numbers of the residues Rare counted from bottom to top, starting
from the collecting pan (R1, R2, R3...R8).The individual residues are converted from mass
values (in g) into mass fractions (W in %). To do this, the residue (R) is divided by the total mass
(G) and multiplied by 100%.
Example for R3=6.04g:
WRX=RX/G*100 , WR3=6.04g/113,33g*100=5.4%
The figures obtained can be used to produce a particle size distribution. The presentation and
designation of a particle size distribution is specified in
DIN 66141. A distinction is made between the grain distribution diagram (Fig. 1.2) and the
cumulative residue diagram (Fig. 1.3).
Grain distribution diagram
Plotting the individual mass fractions of the residue against the respective grain sizes in a chart
provides a clear picture of the distribution. The grain distribution diagram can be used to read off

the mass fraction of a particular grain size in a material.

Fig 2 Grain distribution diagram

Cumulative residue diagram
Plotting the total residue against the relevant grain sizes gives the cumulative residue diagram. It
can be used to read off the mass fraction of the material that is larger than a particular grain size.


The values for the following example are taken from the test log in .

Fig 3 Cumulative residue diagram

4. Experiment
To perform the experiment, a bulk material is required. This can be either gravel or stone that has
previously been broken up with a crusher. Dry or wet sieving can be carried out.
For grain analysis, a representative sample of the material to be tested is taken. Its composition
must correspond to that of the overall material. For large bulk materials, small sample quantities
should be taken at different points (e.g. at the bottom, in the centre and at the top). However, the
sample collected is normally too large for grain analysis. Therefore, it must be divided into a
smaller (approx. 50 - 100 g) quantity (the analysis sample) by hand or using a sample divider


Experimental method
Before starting the experiment, the sieves are placed on the unit. Start with the floor tray and
then continue upwards with an increasing mesh size.
The sieved material must first be weighed and the measured value noted. It is then placed on
the top sieve.
The sieve is then closed with the sieve cover (3) and the sieve stack is screwed into place with
the adjusting nuts (2).
The unit can now be turned on using the master switch (7). The LED (8) indicates that the unit
is ready to operate. The two rotary switches (9 and 10) can now be used to adjust the vibration
amplitude and the sieving duration. The amplitude depends on how many sieves are being used
and is taken from diagrams. (See the equipment manufacturers operating instructions for details)
The sieving duration is:
-Approx. 10...15 min for coarse grained material
-Approx. 20..25 min for fine-grained material
The time switch can be used to set either a time span of up to 60 minutes or continuous
After sieving, the sieves and the unit must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and other impurities.
To do this, the sieves can be carefully blown out with compressed air. In addition, the unit can be
wiped clean with a moist cloth.
4.3 Evaluation
Before the experiment, the grain sizes for the selected test sieve set are entered in column 1.
After completion of the sieving process, the content of
the individual sieves is weighed and the values are entered in the form (column 3). The mass
fraction of the residue in % is entered in column 4.
Successively adding up the mass fractions of the residues gives the cumulative residue mass
fraction, known as the cumulative residue R (column5).


The cumulative residue R and the cumulative fall through D for a sieve add up to 100%.
The cumulative fall through for the sieve is obtained using the following equation:
D=100% -R
The cumulative fall through is entered in column 6.

Determine d80 and d50


Fig. 2.2 Cumulative residue diagram


Fig. 2.3 Grain distribution diagram


Fig. 2.4 Cumulative curves



1. Introduction
Ball Mill allows milling experiments for pulverizing to be carried out. The material to be ground
is added to a cylindrical container, the milling drum, together with milling aids such as balls, and
the container is then rotated around its centre axis. Milling takes place by the balls rolling onto
the material to be ground in the drum.
The milling result varies depending on the filling level, dimension and speed of the drum,
geometry of the milling bodies and the material to be ground. Ball mills are not only used for
reduction but also for mixing and dispersing products.
Learning Objectives / Experiments

Cascade and cataract motion, critical speed

Theoretical and actual power demand
Degree of combination dependent on milling time, rotation speed,
Ball diameter, ball filling, and material to be milled.


2. Unit description
Unit layout

The unit is equipped with two drive rollers (13) and one loose roller (9). A cylindrical container
(11) is placed between two rollers, containing the material to be ground und milling balls. The
container is driven by the drive rollers. Rotation causes the balls to roll inside the drum. The
speed of the drive rollers is controlled using the speed adjustment (3). The duration of the milling
process can be preset using the timer (4). The master switch (7) is used to switch the unit on and
its readiness for service indicated by the lamp. The button ON (6) switches on the drive. The
button off is used to stop the drive, and the timer is reset to zero.


3. Theory
Reduction of solids
Reduction is the splitting of solid chunks into smaller fragments through the effects of
mechanical forces. This reduces the particle size and increases the specific surface area of the
solid per unit of volume.
A solid material can be reduced for various purposes:
to improve the solution speed of solids
to accelerate the progress of chemical reactions
to release valuable substances contained in mixtures for further processing
to improve the packaging, storage and transport conditions of materials.
Physical principles
In various processes, solids frequently need to be reduced for subsequent processing. They are
normally reduced by mechanical force. Depending on the mechanical properties of the materials,
e.g. hardness, brittleness etc., reduction is carried out using different load types.
Hard and brittle materials are reduced using pressure, impact, shock or friction, tough materials
using shearing and fibrous materials by cutting. A number of different load types are often
simultaneously required for reduction. For this reason several reduction machines are generally
combined into a system. This is also advisable as none of the machines is practically able to
process coarse or large chunks into very fine flour in a single step. Reduction always produces
mixtures of coarse and fine material in a range of different grain sizes.
Graders are therefore connected downstream to separate this material.
The choice of reduction method for a particular material depends particularly on the following

Particle size of basic material

Properties of material to be ground (hardness, brittleness, viscosity)
Required reduction ratio.


Ball mill reduction principle

Ball mills are primarily used for fine grinding and pulverizing of dry hard to medium-hard
A ball mill consists of a rotating hollow cylinder, which is filled approx. 50...70% with wearresistant milling bodies (1) made of steel or hard porcelain and the material to be ground (2).
When the container rotates, milling balls are lifted against the inside wall and fall back onto the
material to be ground, crushing it through friction, shearing and impact.
If the speed is low, there is a wobbling motion, and reduction is achieved mainly through
Above a particular so-called critical speed the balls are moved with the material to be ground by
centrifugal force. This greatly reduces the reduction effect.
At an optimum speed, the balls move with the material to be ground almost to the apex of the
drum and then fall onto this material. This results in the maximum reduction effect. The optimum


speed is ~60-80% of the critical speed. The optimum milling body filling level is ~40% of the
drum volume.
Ball mills are suitable for dry and wet milling.
The following experiment is intended to exemplify the reduction process using a ball mill
The object of this experiment is to show how limestone is increasingly reduced in size in a
continuous milling process. The energy input level is only low, due to the balls; for this reason
precrushed limestone was used as the basic material. The end product should be fractions 63m
in size or smaller.
Experimental method
For the reduction process in the ball mill 80g of limestone with a grain size width of
1000mto 500mwas used as the basic material
Stainless steel balls were used as the milling bodies.
The volume share of the three ball diameters inthe total ball volume is as follows:

_ 5mm = volume share 25%

_ 10mm = volume share 50%
_ 15mm = volume share 25%.
The balls and the limestone fraction are added to a stainless steel cylinder, which has a ratio
diameter: length = 1. The volume share of limestone and balls is ~50...70% of the cylinder
The speed for the stainless steel container is set to95rpm at the start of the experiment. This
corresponds to the critical speed for balls with a diameter of 10mm. The speed can be determined
using the stopwatch supplied.
The progress of the reduction process is checked at regular intervals. The milling process is
interrupted by the timer after the time selected.
NOTE! The material ground must be separated from the balls to prepare for the grain size
A sieve with a mesh size of 4 mm is useful here. The grain size analysis was made using an
analysis sieve with the following mesh sizes:


> 500 _m
> 250 _m
> 125 _m
> 63 _m
> 45 _m
< 45 _m
After an operating time of 3 minutes the progress of the reduction process in the ball mill is
checked for the first time. The result of the analysis is that there has been an increase in the mass
fraction of the small grain sizes. (Fig. 5.4). After a milling time of 18 minutes the limestone has
already been reduced to 1/10 of its original grain size. Approx. 40% of grains are smaller than
after a milling period of 40 minutes 98% of the initial volume has been milled into smaller grain
sizes. If the milling period is longer, the ball mill will reduce the entire fraction into grains <
45_m. The relatively low share of the smallest fraction is due to losses during sieving of each
All brittle materials which can be reduced with allow energy input are suitable for use as sample



1. Introduction
The Mortar Grinder Study Apparatus demonstrates a reduction process for fine reduction.
An appropriate material is reduced to a grain size of 3 mm.
2. Unit Layout

FigMortar mill
1 Rotary button for operating time and continuous operation
2 On /off button
3 Openings
4 Viewing window
5 Scraper pressure adjustments
6 Scraper lever
7 Pestle pressure adjustment sleeve
8 Scale
9 Viewing window, filling opening
10 Cover
11 Star grip


3. Theory
The theory is the same as that of crusher.
On the mortar mill, a rotating container acts against a pivoting bearing mounted cylindrical
pestle. Pressure, friction and shearing forces all act on the material. The size of the milling gap
influences the final fineness of the material
4. Experiments
4.1 Preparation
Material to be ground:
To perform the experiments on the CE261 Mortar
Grinder Study Apparatus, a material with an average
Grain size has been selected for grinding:
Material 1: < 0.5 mm
Material 2: < 1.0 mm
The material is gravel, which has been separated using the CE264 analysis sieve machine.
4.2 Experimental method
Experiment with materials 1 and 2
The first step is to turn on the Mortar Grinder Study Apparatus by pressing the On/Off button.
The material is then continuously fed into the filling opening by hand. To prevent the formation
of dust, the opening is then closed again. To reduce as much material as possible, the mortar mill
should not be overfilled. The maximum feed quantity is 150 ml.
A time is selected for the reduction process:
Material 1: 30 min
Material 2: 30 min
After a grinding time of 15 min, the pestle pressure is increased by adjusting the sleeve
The maximum values selected are:
Material 1: 7
Material 2: 4
To check that the grinding process is running with no problems, the position of the scraper and
the behavior of the material can be observed during the experiment through the viewing window.

After completion of the experiment time of 30 min, the system stops automatically and switches
itself off.
Release the cover with the star grip and fold it backwards. Remove the mortar with the material.
For further analysis, the material is classified using a separating method.
4.3 Evaluation of the experiment
The ground material is weighed with the mortar and fed into the analysis sieve machine for
classification. The mortar is then weighed again without the ground material to determine the
weight of the material. The grain sizes of the selected test sieve sets are entered in the first
column of Table 4.1 and Table 4.2. After completion of the sieving process, the content of the
individual sieves is weighed and the values are entered in the form (column 3). The mass fraction
of the residue in % is entered in column
4. Successively adding up the mass fractions of the residues gives the cumulative residue mass
fraction, known as the cumulative residue R (column 5).
The cumulative residue R and the cumulative fall through D for a sieve add up to 100%. The
cumulative fall through for the sieve is obtained using the following equation:
D =100%-R
The cumulative fall through is entered in column.
Material 2 Evaluation
The pestle pressure setting was set to a maximum of 4 in this example. A dry grinding process
was performed


Table 4.1 table for evaluation of material<1mm

Material 1 evaluation
The pestle pressure setting was set to a maximum of 7 in this example. A dry grinding was

Table 4.2 table for evaluation of material <0.5mm
A cumulative residue diagram (Fig. 4.2) and a grain distribution diagram (Fig. 4.3) in the form of
a bar chart are used to present the results a bar chart are used to present the results

Fig 4.2 cumulative distribution diagram


Fig 4.3grain distribution diagram



1. Introduction
In fluidized beds, granular solid matter is held in suspension by a fluid flowing through it. As a
result the solid matter takes on the character of a liquid. This relates both to its fluid-mechanical
and its thermodynamic properties.
Fluidized beds are in wide use in industry, e.g.:
Tempering baths with even temperature distribution
Powder coating
Drying plant
Using the Fluidized Bed Formation unit, investigations can be performed on solid and fluidized
masses of fine granular solid matter. In particular, the conditions that lead to a fluidized bed can
be investigated. The unit can be used in higher education in the fluid mechanics and process
technology areas. The range of experiments covers the following topics:
Observation of the fluidization process
Influence of the particle size on the fluidization process
Fluidization process in different media (air and water)
Fluid permeability of the solid mass and also the fluidized bed
Height of the fluidized bed
Pressure required for varying flow rates for separation of mixtures of varying particle sizes
The unit is designed as a table unit. All controls and measuring equipment are clearly laid out on
a panel.
The supplies (compressed air and flow of water) are integrated into the unit, so that no external
connections are required.


2. Unit Description
2.1 Unit layout

1 Table support with panel

2 Bypass valve for air with sound absorber
3 Rotameter for air with needle 18, 20 Sintered plate (not visible)
4 Single tube manometer for differential air pressure 19, 21 Distribution chamber
5 Switch for diaphragm compressor 22 Air supply
6 Test vessel for air
7 Air filter Further components are behind
8 Scale the cover and not visible:
9 Water overflow
10 Fixing for the upper Sintered plate 23 Supply tank for water with drain
11 Test vessel for water tap and safety valve
12 Bleed / vent valve 24 Diaphragm pump

13 Two tube manometer for water pressure 25 Compressed air reservoir with
14 Switch for diaphragm pump safety valve
15 Rotameter for water with needle valve 26 Diaphragm compressor
16 Bypass valve for water
17 Water supply
3. Theory
The basic principles set out in the following make no claim to completeness. A fluidized bedis a
layer of fine granular solid matter (mass) that is loosened by a fluid flowing through it to such an
extent that the particles of solid matter are free to move within certain limits. The layer of solid
material takes on similar properties to a fluid. To characterize a fluidized bed, the pressure loss of
the fluid flowing through the bed can be used. When a fluid flows through the mass, initially the
pressure underneath the mass increases as the flow speed increases until the pressure forces
match the weight of the mass, and the mass becomes suspended. With further increasing flow
rate, the layer is set in motion and reaches a fluidized state. The pressure loss now remains
almost constant, even with further increasing flow rate. From a certain flow rate, the particles at
the top no longer fall back into the fluidized bed; they are drawn off by the fluid flow and
4. Experiments
The selection of experiments makes no claims of completeness but is intended to be used as a
stimulus for your own experiments. The results shown are intended as a guide only. Depending
on the construction of the individual components, experimental skills and environmental
conditions, deviations may occur in the experiments. Nevertheless, the laws can be clearly
4.1 Preparing the Experiment
Place the unit on a flat bench top.
Connect to power supply.
Fill the storage tank with water (approx. 4ltr).
Secure all hoses at the designated points.
Open the bypass valves for air and water.
Close the needle valves on the rotameters.

Start the compressor with the relevant switch and check the function (delivery noise).
Start the pump with the relevant switch and check the function (test vessel fills with water).
Filling the Test Vessels
Before experiments, the test vessels must be filled with the required mass. To practice using the
unit, we recommend initially using one of the two specimen materials supplied. These are glass
beads (ballotinis) with two different particle sizes and bulk densities.
dp= 0,180 - 0,300mm, = 1500
dp= 0,420 - 0,590mm, = 1500
The particle density for both is:= 2400-2600
The air filter must be removed from the test vessel for air to fill it with the bulk material.
The water vessel must be filled in very small doses to achieve the desired material depth. The
particles sink very slowly in the water, which means that the depth of the material can only be
seen some time after filling.
Emptying the Air Test Vessel
Detach all hoses on the test vessel.
Unscrew the knurled screws (2) at the clamp (3).
Remove the cylinder with the air filter and holder (1).
Remove the knurled screws (4) on the air filter. Caution! When removing, Maintain the seal.
Empty the cylinder. To loosen adherent material, tap on the cylinder while simultaneously
turning it.
Blow clear the pores in the sintered plate using compressed air through the distribution
chamber connection.
Adherent material can be detached from inside with a jet of compressed air.
Emptying the Water Test Vessel
The test vessel is removed in a similar way to that described for the air test vessel.
Plotting a Calibration Curve for Recording the Pressure Losses without
Filling the Test Vessel
To record the individual pressure losses for the water test vessel, a calibration curve must be
plotted for each device without filling. Make sure that no air bubbles form on the sintered metal
as they falsify the measured results.

Connect the pressure measuring connections to the manometer. On a two tube manometer, the
display value can be set to the centre of the manometer with the venting and bleed valve.
Fully open the bypass valve below the rotameter.
Fully close the needle valve on the rotameter
Turn on the pump.
Increase the flow in small increments by opening the needle valve.
Continuously note the flow rate and differential pressure in the table
Continue the measurements up to the maximum flow.
Plot the measured values in a diagram.
4.2Measuring the Pressure Loss with Air Flow
Experiment Aim
Measuring the pressure loss with air flow with a mass with a mean particle diameter of
dp = 0,240mm.
The mass depth is h = 50mm.
Performing the Experiment
The pressure connections are connected to the single tube manometer.
Fully open the bypass valve below the rotameter.
Fully close the needle valve on the rotameter.
Turn on the compressor.
Increase the flow in small increments by opening the needle valve and observe the mass.
Continuously note the flow rate and differential pressure.
As soon as the first signs of particle movements appear, the loosening speed has been reached.
Note the associated flow.
Repeat the measurements until a flow of 30L/min is reached. Above a certain value, the flow rate
can only be increased by closing the bypass valve.
Evaluation of the Experiment
Example results are summarized in the following table.
The second row specifies the speed associated with the flow. It is calculated using the crosssection of the cylinder with Az= 15,21cm2 and the flow Q in L/min as:


W= Q/6.Az in m/s

Table4.1 pressure drop against flow

The measured results can be represented in a diagram

It is characteristic that, as the flow increases, there is initially an excess pressure. This indicates
the loosening speed wlo. As the flow decreases, this effect cannot be identified
Measuring the Pressure Loss with Water Flow
Experiment Aim
Measuring the pressure loss with water flow with a mass with a mean particle diameter of dp =
The mass depth is h = 100mm

Performing the Experiment

The pressure connections are connected to the two tube manometer. The display value can be set
to the center of the manometer with the venting and bleed valve.
Fully open the bypass valve below the rotameter
Fully close the needle valve on the rotameter.
Turn on the pump.
Increase the flow in small increments by opening the needle valve and observe the mass.
Continuously note the flow rate and differential pressure.
As soon as the first signs of particle movements appear, the loosening speed has been reached.
Note the associated flow.
Repeat the measurements until a flow of 1.5L/min is reached. Above a certain value, the flow
rate can only be increased by closing the bypass valve.
Evaluation of the Experiment
Example results are summarized in the following table.

The second row specifies the speed associated with the flow. It is calculated using the crosssection of the cylinder with Az= 15,21cm2 and the flow Q inL/min as:
W= Q/6*Az


The measured results can be represented in a diagram.

Comparing Different Masses

Experiment Aim
The comparison of different masses in the air test vessel is initially carried out using a mass with
a mean particle diameter of dp = 0.240mm .
The mass depth is h = 50mm.
The experiment is then repeated with a mean particle diameter of dp = 0.505mm .
Performing the Experiment
The pressure connections are connected to the single tube manometer.
Fully open the bypass valve below the rotameter.
Fully close the needle valve on the rotameter.
Turn on the compressor.
Increase the flow in small increments by opening the needle valve and observe the mass.
Continuously note the flow rate and differential pressure.
The compressed air flow rate is increased until the differential pressure is constant. The
maximum pressure loss is noted
Evaluation of the Experiment

It can be seen that, despite different particle sizes, the maximum differential pressure is the same
for both masses.
The measured maximum pressure loss for both beds is = 72mmWC. This measured value is now
compared with the theoretical value according to formula, P=g*(1-f/p)*h*ps
Bulk density = 1500kg/m3
Particle density = 2500kg/m3
Fluid density = 1,25kg/m3
Material depth h = 0,05m
So by substituting the values in the equation for pressure drop, P will be 0.735kpa
The measured values and calculated values are a good match.
This experiment indicates that the maximum pressure loss in a fluidized bed depends on the bulk
density, particle density, fluid density and the material depth. Unlike when determining the
loosening speed, the particle size is unimportant
Relationship between Flow Rate and Depth of the Fluidized Bed
Experiment Aim
To determine the relationship between flow rate and the depth of the fluidized bed. A mass with a
mean particle diameter of dp= 0,505mm is used.
The material depth is h = 100mm.
This experiment is only possible in the water vessel as it is only here that the depth of the
fluidized bed is clearly identifiable.
Performing the Experiment
The pressure connections are connected to the two tube manometer. The display value can be set
to the center of the manometer with the venting and bleed valve.
Fully open the bypass valve below the rotameter.
Fully close the needle valve on the rotameter.
Turn on the pump.
Increase the flow in small increments by opening the needle valve and observe the mass.
Continuously note the flow rate and bed depth.

Repeat the measurements until a flow of 1.5L/min is reached. Above a certain value, the flow
rate can only be increased by closing the bypass valve.
Evaluation of the Experiment
Example results are summarized in the following table.

Table fluidized bed depth against flow

Plotting the measured values in a diagram gives the following figure:

Fig: Fluidized bed depth against flow

It can be seen that, once the loosening speed is reached, the depth of the fluidized bed increases
proportionately to the flow rate.

This experiment is only possible with fluidized beds in liquids, as this is the only place that a
homogeneous fluidized bed is formed. Masses in gas flows from non-homogeneous fluidized
beds with lots of bubbles, making it impossible to read the depth.

1. Introduction
Filtration means separation of solid particles from a liquid. Important filtration techniques
include those making use of a screen like a cloth, depth-filtration through particle layers and cake
The filtration flow demonstration experiment stand permits a clear observation and study of the
depth and cake filtration processes.
The experiment spectrum covers the following areas:

Depth filtration of suspensions with different particle layers

Cake filtration of suspensions
Observation of depth filtration processes
Flow through permeable layer
2. Unit Description


2.1 Unit layout

The device is used to filter solid particles out of suspensions. Designed for desktop operation, it
consists of a filtration unit (3), 2-tube manometer (1), flow meter (5) and a filling funnel (6)
made of glass. These components are arranged neatly on a steel frame and inter-connected by
means of hoses. The filtration unit can be dismantled without any special tools. The suspension
to be filtered flows from the filling funnel into the filtration unit. The filtrate leaving this unit
travels through the flow meter into the drain or
a collecting vessel. The pressure loss caused bythe resistance of the particle deposition is
measuredby means of the 2-tube manometer.
The flow of filtrate can be adjusted via the corresponding valve on the flow meter.
The funnels height can be adjusted in order to regulatethe filter admission pressure.
The following accessories are included:

1 Thermometer
1 Stopwatch
1 Measurement beaker, 1000 ml
1 Measurement beaker, 100 ml

Filtration unit
The filtration unit is composed of two main components: The filter holder, which is attached to
the frame and the filter element itself. This filter element, in turn, consists of a filter crown and
base, as well as a glass tube. A sintered metallic disc is inlaid between the filter base and glass
tube to permit an entry and dwelling of particles in the tube. Two O-rings act as seals between
the filter crowns, filter base and glass tube. The filter crown and base are furnished with sealing
nipples for the 2-tube manometer, inlet line and outlet line. The filter is designed such that it can
be dismantled without the need for any tools.
For this purpose, the knurled screws on the filter crown are simply loosened and removed. The
hoses for the inlet, outlet and 2-tube manometer are then detached from the filter crown and base,
and the filter withdrawn up out of its holder. The filter crown and base can then be detached by
hand from the glass tube.

3. Theory
Filtration fundamentals
Filtration means separation of solids from a liquid or gaseous phase. The experiment stand is
designed exclusively to separate solids from liquids. There are three different techniques of
filtering solids out of liquids:

Screen filtration
Depth filtration
Cake filtration
In the case of screen filtration, a filter element such as a wire mesh or membrane retains all solid
particles larger than the filter elements perforations.
Ultra-filtration is a typical example of screen filtration.
In the case of depth filtration, the solid particles are retained in the gaps of a filtration layer, for
example, a layer of pebbles. Cleaning of silted water by means of pebble filters is a good
example of depth filtration.

Cake filtrationis a combination of the two previously mentioned filtration techniques. The initial
filtering action consists purely of screening. However, the cakes gradually forming on the filter
element result in steadily stronger depth filtration, thereby improving filtration characteristics as
the process continues. Cake filtration is the most frequently used technique of the three.
4. Experiments
Because a wide variety of filter-packing materials, filter elements and suspension solids can be
used in the experiments conductible with this device, this section describes only one possible
experimental variant.
Preparations for the experiment
Preparations for the experiment generally consist of the following steps:

Furnish the filtration unit with a particle layer.

Produce the initial suspension.
Conduct a preliminary experiment with clear water; set a constant volumetric flow via the
flow meters regulation valve.

Fill the 2-tube manometer with water

Clean the filtrate vessel and place it below the outlet hose (if the balance is also employed,
calibrate it to zero beforehand).
Preparations for experiments with pebbles as the filter packing

Furnish the filtration unit with the granular packing:

Granular material: pebbles
Grain size: 1 - 2 mm
Height of the granular layer: ~ 30 mm

Produce a suspension of water and pebbles

Mass of pebbles: 118 g
Volume of water: 2 ltr
Solid particle concentration y: 59 g/ltr

Preliminary experiment with water:

Set the volumetric flow: 100 ml/min.
Experiment procedure


In this experiment, the initial suspension is poured via the funnel into the filtration unit and the
filtrate emerging from this unit is collected in a measurement beaker.
On commencement of the filtration experiment, the following values are measured at regular

Filtrate volume and mass

Pressure difference above the filter element
Table 4.1 shows the measurement results obtained in such an experiment. Instead of the filtrate
volume, the filtrate mass measured was considered here.
The experiment is finished once:

The initial suspension has been used up

Differential pressure above the filter element is too high
The filter element is blocked by then separated
On completion of the experiment, the system needs to be rinsed with water. The granular layer in
the filtration unit should also be replaced.
The experiment results are evaluated as follows

Plot the measured values in a diagram

P=f (m) Plot a straight line approximating the curve of measured values.

Determine the slope of the straight line and the specific cake resistance _.
Determine the ordinate interval of the straight line and the filter elements resistance _
In this experiment, the diagram shown below is obtained for dp = f (m).




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