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ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

Hello guys. Getting thousands questions about an exam I decided to text a letter
with all information which I can tell about this exam.
I will start since the beginning bcz the frequently asked Q is: Do you think if it
worth to go to Au and sit ADC exams or not.. And here I also dont really know
what to tell u. its an individual situation. I have absolutely 100 proved information
that job situation in Au is difficult now (someone can object me but what I mean to
say not the same as this situation was several years ago). In Au in the year 2012
they opened as far as I remember 4 new dental schools. And the problem with
employment not only for ADC graduates but even their locals cant find full time job.
Also there were some changes in their insurance process and now dentist doesnt
get some money from that insurances ( I dont know how to explain it right, but
Aussie government doesnt pay now money for oral health of their citizens). And
every year immigration debates if to remove dentists from general migration list or
not. The dental marked now is actually oversaturated with dentist, however, the
situation is similar as in whole world: there are too many dentist in big cities, and
lack of dentist in rural areas. So, get to know more information about it and clear ur
mind.. On average this exams will cost you:
1) Documents assessment now is about 700$
2) OET test 800$ or
3) IELTS test I believe about 300$??
4) Preliminary exam 1500$
5) Clinical exam 6700$
6) AHPRA registration about 900$
7) Visa to au 250$ (tourist visa for 3 months stay)
8) Medical checkup if u need for visa is about 300$
9) Flight tickets
And if u want to take course its vary- 7500-15000$
Money for material and instruments ( plastic teeth, Columbian models
and so on) I believe I spent for it another 3000-4000$
And money for immigration process
Chance to fail and resit the exam and pay more
Count this all and think. And dont forget if they remove us from migration list
then it does no matter if you passed ADC exams or not it will be very hard to get
to Au for work and life.
Okay. Next question is: OET vs. IELTS
Actually for me OET is easier. Its medicine oriented and my brain accepts texts and
words much better for OET rather than IELTS. The most difficult part in OET for me
was reading. This reading part A where u have 15 min to fill 30 gaps- a little bit
tricky. But still I believe IELTS is not for doctors at all and u should have some
mathematic oriented attitude of mind to complete IELTS writing tasks. But if
someone started to prepare for IELTS already I dont think u need to jump to OET
immediately. I myself had preparation courses for both IELTS and OET. For me
these courses were beneficial, but Im coming from non-English speaking country
where in universities we study in Russian so I need to have courses for everything.

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

Next Q: where can I find all information about ADC exams.. this question kills
me U will not believe me but u can find ALL the information you might need on
ADC website
Read carefully which docs they ask, find in different sections different booklets and
you will be ok. Dont trouble other people just because u are too lazy to read.
If some hesitations contact them via email. They usually answer you without any
Q: how much time all this process takes:
Individual time. I started exam preparation in October 2012, my preliminary was
march 2013 (old pattern) and I missed November session for clinical exam bcz I was
not well prepared and didnt want to risk, and I had my clinical June 2014. So it took
me 2 years. Bedo Mohammed did it within 1 year and several months. Another
people do it for 3-4 years (usually bcz they fail something and have to resit it and
some of the test get expired)
Q: Preliminary exam and how can I prepare for it..
THERE IS NO MAGIC BOOK CALLED: key to successful completion of ADC exams,
where you can find all questions which will be at exam with right answers.
Time required for preparation usually depends on the initial knowledge level of
applicant (3-6 months), every day I spent from November till March about 3 hours
per day for questions preparation ( on weekends I didnt open books). So overall I
had about 4 months.
Which books to read: again I repeat no magic books. Read what u believe is good
for u, what u were reading in uni, which is easier for you to understand. ADC booklet
has advised literature list in their preliminary booklet go thru it.
Materials which I believe are compulsory:
1) And one of the most important therapeutic guidelines (TG). This is the book
which I had in my handbag for 2 years. All the information there can be a part
of questions for preliminary exam. Pay attention to any small details they
will appear as questions at exam.
2) Different Australian dental journal articles this Aussie people like their
researches and they like to follow it. They like minimal intervention dentistry
and evidence based dentistry. All this articles and materials exist on the net
u just ned to search for it.
3) For current exam pattern I think its good to have different atlases with
pictures which has scenario based questions. Examples of such books are:
clinical problem solving books (odell), the ADA practical Guide to Soft Tissue
Oral Disease , Oral Radiology and Interpretation of Langlais, British Dental
Journal (BDJ), some NDBE books and many other. To conclude: everything
with pictures and questions and what is fresh on date.
4) Still I like Dental decks and nobody can persuade me that its useless
Dont forget to get previous exams papers from march 2014 and 1000 MCQs. For
God sake, guys be adequate. 1000 MCQs are not ADC established MCQs these are

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

questions collected within years by previous ADC candidates and the answers to
this questions can be right and can be wrong, and the questions itself also can be
right and can be wrong. Sometimes on ADC group people post questions and u can
see that there is no write answer it means that either question is recalled wrong or
the answers are not complete. On preliminary exam each MCQ will have 5 possible
answers from which only one is correct. Go thru previous questions papers and find
the answers for them in any possible books and magazines u can. Its very easy to
use Google to find the right answers in books. Google the part of question and then
find bottom like find in books on google search and u will get the references in
books and articles. Many MCQs appears from NDBE books and Boucher MCQs. I still
believe these books should be reviewed.
Now I will provide the total list of books and will comment each of them (everything
from what I was extracting the info). But before doing this I answer one more
Q: where can I find all books I need
Very easy answer: on the net. I myself was staying in Russia and couldnt buy any
book in English about dentistry (we use only local books)
I was searching for books everywhere. I was asking senior candidates to send it to
me (sorry for this, but nobody actually wanted to help and only after I created adc
exams 14 group and posted all my materials only after that people really stopped
to be stingy and commence to post some materials)
But to help u somehow with this process Im giving you 2 websites which have
100% of books you need: gold membership cost 80$ and u will get all the books
for articles 9$ per months and u have everything
Ok, now list of my books:
1) Bouchers MCQs old book, dont use it for current treatment questions it
doesnt suit for this. But questions about researches techniques and different
definitions are still same go thru it before exam.
2) Cawson MCQs for my opinion almost useless
3) Master in Dentistry books didnt really use it too much for my preliminary
but at the end of each chapter these books have scenario based questions
and MCQs I looked thru this and found it nice so also do the same use it
like SBQ book.
4) Handbook of pediatric Dentistry (Cameron) - Aussie book for pedo read it
and look for MCQs answers there. Good book.
5) Endododntics Principles and Practice (Torabinejad and Walton) nice book,
endo part of dental decks are based on this book and for USA and Canada its
a standard for endo. U can refere to it if u have questions about endo
6) Handbook of Local anesthesia ( Malamed) good book, very reliable use it.
7) Sturdevants Art and Science of operative Dentistry my lovely book.
Everything is there, just one disadvantage too big very good reference

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

8) Removable Partial Prosthodontics ( McCracken) nice book
9) Clinical problem solving I like all series
Clinical periodontology Carranza and Lindhe I mostly referred to
Medical Problems in Dentistry (Scully) so-so
Pathways of the pulp (Cohen) nice one
Dental Anatomy ( Woelfel) I didnt really open it much
Best of Five for dentistry so so , but I read it
ADA guidelines for infection control its ok.. not very detailed but
something better than nothing
Textbook of Oral maxillofacial surgery (Balaji) not bad
Fundamentals of fixed Prostho ( Shillingburg) not much useful for au.
But general principles I took from there
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine Aesthetic Dentistry (Josef Schmidseder)
I like this atlas for practical task,it has good explanation and nice tips.
NDBE (Rudman) very good book, a lot of MCQs are from there find it
on the net.
All these Mosbys review for the NBDE so-so
First AID NBDE part II nice book
Contemporary fixed prosth (Rosenstile) so-so really. On;y read
particular topics
Cawson oral pathology also not very good, but for general info its ok
Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (second edition) average book
Philips Science dental Materials good book
Oral pathology Regezi good book
Pathology of hard dental tissue (Wiley-blackwell???) so-so
Traumatic dental injuries a manual so-so, but more info than in
Personally I didnt have any preparation course for preliminary exam I was
studing on my own with the other ppl from ADC achievers group and I find it
sufficient. If someone needs course for preliminary this courses exists, private
one and also in OTC and other organization. I have no info about it, google it.
Only again what I know Bedo Mohammed has such course.
At the end of this letter ill post some papers from march 2014 exams (thanks to
Anastasia Salinskaya and other participants for posting them)
Manage ur stress at exam. Actually I will be honest with u, I felt that time for
preliminary exam was not enough for me.. So dont forget to monitor ur time
when u answer. Read questions carefully. The preliminary exam became more
complex than it used to be.
And now the best topic: Clinical exam.
Frequently asked Q: Self preparation Vs. Courses
Guys, dont overestimate ur self, dont be overconfident. As far as I can see they
assess us very strictly now. So unless u r a professor in some uni and with plastic
teeth u work all ur life and can really make perfect preparation u will anyway need
some help. Its ur personal option to go for long term course or to have private
lessons. Or to have face to face session with someone who can assess ur work. I will
give MY opinion about courses which I know about and which I had.

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

So, courses such as OTC, AIDER and AUNECA
All of this courses now will prepare for new patter clinical exam:
1) AIDER 5 weeks course 15 000$
2) OTC 5 weeks course 10 000$
3) AUNECA 5 weeks course 7500$
Ok, lets start with OTC (I had it personally):
OTC had good preparation for old patter (they had nice lectures, real patients for
exo and perio), but for now u dont need it. They have good x-rays training and
infection control. U work in ral dental bays which located in Melbourbne uni. They
provide u with manikins exactly as at exam and the working environment is exactly
as at exam.

(my dental buy and manikin those who will have clinical in mel uni this will be
ur bays)
Our demonstrators are very nice people and can answer all the questions u
need. They are skillful and helpful. All is ok with this course but one HUGE
disadvantage: this is Melbourne Uni and from 9 in the morning till 17:00 in the
evening there are students occupying these bays. And bcz we dont really need
lectures anymore and real pt as well- OTC cant provide more working time. They
have clinical sessions from 17:30 until 20:30. So actually within these 5 weeks u

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

will train manual skills only 3 hours per day and its not really 3 hours. Bcz u
come at 17:30, set up ur bay (15 min), start working and at 20:15 maximum u
need to finish ur work and clean the bay. Actually will be honest with u if ur
skills are not very good this time is not enough. The rest is good. Good training
for X-rays.
Next one is AIDER located in Melbourne
They dont have real bays. They have same as home set up and jaws with
cheeks. But they drill plastic from 9 in the morning till 20:30 in the evening for 5
weeks. Their demonstrators are good (some of demonstrators work both for OTC
and AIDER). And they are all professionals with Australian post diploma degree
or sometimes they are Australian graduates. I hear good feedback about AIDER,
but somehow its the most expensive among others. If u have money why
AUNECA located in Sydney (just not far from Westmead hospital)
Cheap course. Again they dont teach u any new techniques at ur course they
just check ur work. Manikins are so so (different from exam). As far as I know
all their demonstrators are ex-adc-candidates. I dont know if its good or bad
but I find it suspicious. But still its affordable and anyway they will not teach u
anything extraspecial so again why not.

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

(X-ray manikin)

Private courses:

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

I didnt really had anything, but.. Thanks to Bedo Mohammed I showed him my
preparation and he was very helpful in giving his comments and advices. He has
personal approach to every student and knows well what this student needs exactly.
U can ask him any questions u want and he will dig this info for u. he can help with
materials, instruments, books, articles and so on. He has easy language to explain
and he can show any prep.
Next, one of my friends had Dr. Anette Humplick . She is professional prostho in
mel uni and very famous in au nice lady I was at her theoretical lectures and I
use her 5 burs technique for metal ceramic crown prep. On weekends she gives her
private lessons in Melbourne uni with preparation demo and lectures. Also u can find
many her advices on Yahoo group (she runs her own group). I cant say the price bcz
its not my right to do it.
I dont know any other private courses personally, but I know there many u can
ask someone else about them.
Home set up, materials and instruments:
99% of all what I had for my preparation I ordered from ebay. I have my friend living
in USA and I ordered Columbian teeth
from their official site ( ) and she sent it to me to Russia. If u have such
opportunity also do it the same way, bcz in au one tooth cost 5$ and in USA its
2,13$, also u might try to order it from ebay but be careful which model these
teeth they will not fit if its not for 860 columbian model.
Model and cheeks I ordered from ebay. We need Columbian Model SM- PVR 860.
Cheeks I took from Nissin model which I won on ebay auction for 30$.
Mounting pole my was nice (also from ebay) -
pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20bd280f6d this is link for it
Amalgamator also from ebay -
All amalgam carvers and metallic instruments also from ebay u can search for it
All disposables I bought locally its not expensive.
Portable dental unit u can buy from previous candidates. The compressor is a
disaster really. Very noisy. Usually u will have to drill teeth only on working days
when all ppl are at work bcz neighbours usually complain. Also, u can order portable
dental unit from ebay and buy oil free compressor locally not a big deal. This is
how it looks
Dont forget that u will need adaptors for headpieces and micro-motor for
contaangle hand piece.

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

But I personally liked very much my girlfriend home set up (she got it from china for
800$). This is extremely silent, no noise at all u can use it whenever u want. Its all
in one. Only there is limitation that u can use it for 1 hour and then need to give the
change this unit to have rest.

(this one is very nice)

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

Waleed experience:
I see a lot of people are asking for information regarding the new Clinical
Examinations...So this is just a brief rundown of the 3 days (including the
Transitional Exam)...and please keep in mind this is from my point of view and so it
might conflict with other candidates' outlook on it..
-Transitional Exam June 201440 Scenario based questions
40 Single Mcqs
The single Mcqs were straight forward and not very challenging. The SBQs however
were a bit tricky and time consuming. We got about 5 or 6 cases:
Mostly repeated ones from March 2013 Preliminary:
Alcohol guy who got into a bar fight and fractured his jaw.
Lady who sees a naturopath and wanted to change all her amalgams into
Lady with a severly resorbed ridge and you can see the incisive papilla, and wants a
Lady who had Rampant Caries and wanted to implants in the upper premolar area
Chipped Porcelain Case and how to fix it directly (Chairside)
Poorly controlled Diabetic lady with a very high level of HBA1c and had chronic
perio. (an OPG was provided).
As you can see, most if not all are repeated from March 2013 but i still had a bit of a
hard time with some of the questions because they werent all remembered and
written down from previous candidates. But overall the transitional wasnt much of
a problem in this exam as the main emphasis was on the clinical component.
-Clinical Component June 2014 (by Waleed)
My venue was in Westmead Hospital in Sydnay. Very well prepared, organized and
very well conducted. Process ran very smooth overall. Examiners/conductors were
helpful and friendly. However there were still some problems, but that is expected
as it was a new experience for the ADC trying a new system. My previous ADC
clinical attempt was in Sydney Dental Hospital last November (the six day war
system). But here are some points regarding the new system
The Good points
Manikins were high end (the Magnetic ones). Cheeks easily retractable and visibility
was good.
Units (at Westmead) and bays were also very well prepared. The material bay was
placed in the main corridor which was at a good distance. Plenty of space in the
clinic to move around and even a tea room.
Time provided was enough for mini breaks an refining/reviewing your work (7 hrs 30
Conductors attended problems and complaints quickly and gave considerable time
to inspect them
Amalgam Restoration task: Class 2 MOD with a lingual cusp build up on a 4.6 (so
pretty much like the old system)
Composite Restoration task Class 2 MO on a 2.5
Class 2 Preparation: they stuck to the Cavit and we didnt get the new black carious
teeth sold by One Dental. Some people dont like the Cavit teeth because of its
whitish grey colour which can be easily overlooked in comparison with the black
caries, but overall it was a relief because these black carious teeth were a

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

nightmare to work with. Task was a 3.5 DO similar to the old system and of course
supplemented with an X-ray to show the extent of the caries
Class 3 Preparation : also Cavit on Distal surface of 1.2
PFM crown on 2.3, similar to the old system, straight forward that one
Endo Access Task: As some of you know, there was major problem with an entire
production line in the lower Endo simulated molars by Columbia. The root canal
morphology was completely anatomically inaccurate in terms of location and
number even. It was no surprise that we got the upper 1.6 as the Endo access task.
I do not know if Columbia will rectify this by the next examination
Rubber Dam: 30 minutes (previous exam was 10 minutes!!). You can even prepare
the floss on your clamp before you head to the task. Time was plenty.
No record keeping taskit had caused a lot of confusion and so that was a relief
although it wouldve been an easy A or B
INFECTION CONTROL: They had a very relaxed and tolerant attitude regarding that
task, they would let unimportant things slip but still demanded that the exam
would be carried out in a professional manner. At this point we dont even know if
we will be graded on it (because overall we had 13 tasks and we are assessed on
just 12)
No vivas,.a major source of stress in the old system. There is however a
Communication task where they assess your communication in a simulated patient
The Ok but Not So Good Points
Full Gold Crown on 3.7, one major advantage of the old systems in the crown
preparation task was that you usually had a gap (pontic) adjacent to the abutments
to prepare a bridge. Here there are contacts on either side, but then again with
practice this shouldnt be a problem.. we were just surprised to see a 3.7. (but not
major problem of course)
Temporary Crown: this task caused a bit of a problem because of the following
points : 1- You had to take an impression of the 1.5 the first day, you also had to
prepare an access cavity on the 1.6 the first day, so you had to be sure that you
took the impression before you drilled the 1.6 for Endo.. under stress you can forget
that.. If it happens you will have to place a cotton in the access cavity or take an
impression and then relieve it where it extends into the access cavity on the 1.6.
The cotton worked fine for me but the whole ordeal of fixing it was just unnecessary
stress and a waste of time in an already stressful exam. 2- On the second day, we
all got a prepared 1.5 with sub gingival margins, an irregular palatal margin and
some even got a bit of an undercut on the distal sidethe conductors said no
modifications could be made to the preparation to one student and when I
complained I was told that this is a clinical situation, you have to work with it. Some
candidates blocked the undercut out. I personally had a very hard time with this
task. But then again most of the candidates I spoke to were able to get a satisfying
temporary crown.
Communication Task: Simply because it is new and unknown to us.. but no
complaints here
X ray: Most of the complaints were regarding X ray. 2 reasons : 1- They requested 1
posterior bitewing and 2 periapicals, one of which was an upper canine.. now if you
know, it is quite difficult to meet their criteria on a manikin. 2 - This was a problem
but could be avoided by just being aware of it.. the Films are digital and have the
big packets so you kind of lose your orientation of where the actually film is when
you are placing it inside the manikin.
Class 4: straight forward task on a 1.2, but i had to place retention grooves because
it kept falling out as one chunkcould waste a lot of time
Time Management: Time is plenty but it does really go very very quickly, so just be
aware of your strong and weak points and start with whats easy for you to build

ADC exams 2014 Uliana Vinogradova

confidence and reduce stress.
This is based only on my experience and some of my colleagues tooand so other
candidates might have a different opinion of courseGood Luck

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