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Manalo, Jeff Enerson C.

Grade 9

I. Concept
Sonata(Sonata-allegro) Form is a composition consisting of three sections, the
exposition, development, and recapitulation, often followed by a coda.
II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define Sonata Form
2. Define the three main sections of Sonata Form
3. Identify aurally the three different sections of Sonata-Allegro form.
4. Reflect on the values implied in the musical and non-musical activities done in the
III. Materials
A. Recordings
1. Vine and Fig Tree, a , 4/4
Source link :
2. Sonata in C major K545 by Wolfgang Amadues Mozart
Source link:

3. Symphony no. 40 in G minor, 1st movement by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Source link:,_K.550_(Mozart,_Wolfgang_Amad

B. Miscellaneous
1. LCD Projector
2. Speakers
IV. Procedures or Strategies
A. Introduction
1. Opening Activity Sing Vine and Fig Tree
2. Review Ternary Form
B. Main Lesson
1. Motivational Activity: Listen to Sonata in C major K545
2. Lesson Proper
a. Discuss and define Sonata form
b. Discuss and define Sonata forms three main sections

c. Listen to Symphony no. 40 in G minor with visual aids.

V. Generalization
1. How many sections do the Sonata form has?
2. What are the three different sections in Sonata-Allegro Form?
3. Which section states the thematic material?
4. Which section shows the composers creativity?
5. Which section returns to the same material in the exposition?
VI. Evaluation
Play compositions and ask the students to identify aurally write down S if the music is
in Sonata-Allegro Form and a B if the music is in Binary form.
VII. Assignment
In groups of three, look for a piano sonata in Sonata-allegro form and label the score
which section is the exposition, development and recapitulation.
VIII. Closing activity

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