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The Colosseum or is an oval amphitheatre

in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy.

Villa d'Este
Built of concrete and sand, it is the

Trevi Fountain


largest amphitheatre ever built. The

Colosseum is situated just east of the
Roman Forum. Construction began under
the emperor Vespasian in AD 72,and was
completed in AD 80 under his successor
and heir Titus. Further modifications were

One of Italy's most admired gardens,

the Villa d'Este is a sixteenth-century
made during the reign of Domitian (81
The Pantheon is the best preserved
pleasure palace with a sequence of
96). These three emperors are known as
building from ancient Romeand was
fantastic fountains and water features
the Flavian dynasty, and the amphitheatre
in c. 125 CE in the reign
in its shady grounds. Villa d'Este completed
and incredible power of water
was named in Latin for its association with
of Hadrian. Its magnificent dome is a
d'Este was built in 1550 for Cardinal
like Rome. The Trevi Fountain is a
their family name (Flavius). The Colosseum
lasting testimony to the genius
Ippolito d'Este, the son of Lucrezia
fantastic work of art that is much more
could hold, it is estimated, between
Borgia and Alfonso d'Este. It occupies
of Romanarchitects and as the building
than a mere sculpture. This triumphant
a stretch of hillside below the town
of virtually intact it offers a
50,000 and 80,000 spectators, having
of Baroque art with its soft,
with spectacular views overunique
the opportunity for the modern
average audience of some 65,000. natural linesTivoli,
and fantasy creatures
plain towards Rome. Built around visitor
to step back 2,000 years and
embodies movement as the soul of the
earlier monastery, the building is experience the glory that was
world. The fountain is a true wonder, a
lavishly decorated with frescoes,
Rome. The purpose of the building is
jewel of water and stone that is nestled
reliefs and internal fountains. The most
between the palaces of the historic
not known for certain but the name,
striking part of the Villa d'Este,
centre of the city. You can already hear
porch and pediment decoration suggest
however, is its garden; a terraced
its presence from the nearby streets.
extravaganza of shady trees and a temple of some sort.
Indeed, as you get nearer the sound of
showstopping fountains. Subsequent
its gushing waters grows constantly more
cardinal-owners added to the gardens,
intense, reaching a crescendo in the
which after a period of decay have
square, where you will find the most
been restored in recent decades.
breathtaking sight.

Aventine Hill

The Aventine Hill,( Aventinus

Mons) (RegioXIII) one of the seven
hills of Rome, was only a small height.
It consists actually of two peaks
shared by a small gully, the first peak
is close to the Tiber and the second,
the minor Aventine (and a part of it
belonging to the XII Region of Rome,
called Piscina Publica) is more south.
During the Republic, it has always been
a popular district, and became under
the Empire a more residential area.
King Servius Tullius let build a temple
of Diana which became the federal
sanctuary of the Latins. Another old
religious building was there as well, the
temple of Minerva

Kean John
8 Diamond

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