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Climate change.

We are all affected by the results of our actions from illegal logging, or
destroying of land for fossil fuels or palm oil, and so goes on the list. With the course of these
actions, the future generation will suffer for earths retribution caused by us. The gradual
warming of the atmosphere is caused by the immense emissions of carbon into the air resulting
to the rapid melting of glaciers in the Arctic, rising of sea levels, flooding, and many more. With
these results affecting our cities, we continually search for ways to resolve these struggles. As a
result, we keep adding solutions when in fact we are adding more things up in the pile of
problems the world is currently facing. The world has been focused so much on the temporary
way out a momentary bliss, than a deliberate but lasting outcome.
Political will is one great facet that could significantly affect our views about climate change;
though there are people who believe in its catastrophic consequences, it will still depend on the
countrys leaders. But what are we and our views about improvement and change for the better
if our leaders themselves do not believe in the sinister reality and its consequences?
195 countries, 21 years of debate and study. On December 2015 at the Paris climate conference
(COP21), the Paris Climate Agreement, the first-ever deal that binds the worlds nations from
the rich to the poor for the commitment to fight global warming was adopted. This agreement
sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by
limiting global warming to well below 2C. This agreement deals with greenhouse gas emissions
mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020. Although it was agreed upon by
many, criticisms and uncertainty among others still arose. Some said that most agreements
consists of promises or aims and not firm commitments.
Last July, although promising to uphold all international treaties, President Duterte has
announced his opposition to the Paris Agreement that he refuses to let the country cooperate
with the rest of the world against climate change, and that our country is not ready for the
endeavours of this treaty. He said that this deal would only limit the countrys industrial growth,
regarded it as hypocritical for the majority of our development relies heavily on industrial
activities for economic and industrial advancement. Also, he mentioned that it was unfair for the
poorer countries were more vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. From how I see
it, his words speak partly reality, partly lack of a little more understanding about the issue.
Philippines is a slow-developing country wherein we need to gain more advancement for our
economy, and crises just seem go about anywhere, appearing to be an endless line from
poverty to overpopulation to crimes and the list just goes on, and that we are still in the process
of solving these. However, the deal with climate change which to some, is a fictitious issue is
that it is as immensely sensitive issue as the problems we are facing now. Some may not feel the
warming of the earth because of their shelters, or the technologies that make them comfortable
in every aspect blurring to them the apparent results of climate change; but to some people
who do not have these opportunities and have the least carbon footprint they suffer most. The
small island nations that contribute the least to the causes of climate change are going to feel
the worst impacts, the worst scenarios of global warming. First signs of climate change affect
first the poor of several countries today. Is it even just that they are to suffer than us who
contribute excessively to the adverse effects of climate change?
Just recently, on the 7th of November, President Duterte has finally announced that he will uphold
the Paris agreement. Although not wholeheartedly accepting the deal, President Duterte signed it
because of the Cabinets decision and unanimous voting and that he would just go along with
it. Me right now, Im not really convinced of course we are now bound if we sign it; but on
matters of enforcement, you see if its a binding treaty, there has to be a sanction, he
mentioned as he expressed some concerns even after signing the agreement. With this signed
agreement, the Philippines has pledged to cut its carbon emissions by 70% by 2030. Mixed
reactions were given out to President Duterte, especially former President Fidel Ramos. The
former president said that it is the countrys top priority to address the issues of global warming.
Ratification of the pact by the Philippines is the next step needed to implement the deal, but with

the Presidents view and uncertainty on the matter, the country will then have to sit as an
observer in the Morocco talks on the agreement.
The Filipino citizens also gave mixed reactions some were glad about the agreement, some
were as uncertain as the President, and some do not care at all. But seeing comments on this
article, I realized that there are people in our country besides those who are vocally in support
with the issue who actually cared. It is our time then to let these voices out so more people
would listen. We are the last best hope. The only thing we can do is control what we do next,
how we live our lives, what we consume, how we get involved, and how we use our vote to tell
our leaders that we know the truth about climate change.
Its up to all of us.

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