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Data Analysis Procedure

This study used the following statistical tools:

For problem 1 The socio-demographic characteristics such as age, sex, monthly
income, civil status, educational attainment, degree, current designation, position and monthly
income were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics, specifically means, frequencies
and percentage distribution.
Table 1
Interpretation Matrix on Job Performance Evaluation Adjectival Ratings


Performance represents an extraordinary level (is defined

as something that goes above and beyond what is
Employee serving an unusual or special function in addition
to those of the regular employees) of achievement and
commitment in terms of quality and time, technical skills and
knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative.




Employee has demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all

major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and
contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.
Performance exceeded expectations. All goals, objectives
and targets were achieved above the established
Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work,
efficiency and timeliness.
The most critical annual goals were met.
Performance failed to meet expectations, and one or more
of the most critical goals were not met.
Performance was consistently below expectations, and
reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made.
Significant improvement is needed in one or more important

For problem 2 The performance evaluation ratings that were generated from the
Human Resource Officers of respective LGUs were consolidated to determine the job
performances of the LSWDOs in their locality through their adjectival ratings.
Table 2
Interpretation Table on Coefficient of Correlation

For problem 3 To determine if an association exist between the three identified job
performances factors (physical components of environment, rewards and recognition and
compensation) on the socio-demographic data of the respondents, two tools were used. The
Pearsons r coefficient of correlation for variables age and income since both are of nominal
values while the Gamma distribution for the four variables such as sex, civil status, educational
attainment, and registered or non-registered social worker as data are classified as ordinal

For problem 4 For the factors affecting job performance of the Local Social Welfare
and Development Officers (LSWDOs), the __________________ was being used. It was
utilized to determine which among of the identified three factors on job performance puts much
influence on the respondents performances.

For problem 5 -

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