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Summative Assessment - 1


A. 1. a

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. d

8. c

9. a

10. b

11. c

12. d

7. c

B. 1. Warren Hastings in 1781

2. A sepoy at Barrackpore and Mangal Pandey In Meerut refused to use greased


3. It was passed in 1720-21 by British government to sustain and protect their own

4. Slash and burn or Jhooming agriculture

5. Ubiquitous and Localised

6. Land claimed by enclosing an area by dykes and pumping out the water from
that area is called polder.

7. Federal system is a union government of several states. In this system all the
states have independent government. Overall responsibility of governance lies
with the center or union government.

8. A union legislature is formed of the President and the two houses-The Rajya
sabha and the Lok sabha. Their member are referred as MPs or member of

C. 1. Casting vote required when there is any tie during the debate in the house. In this
situation The speaker casts his vote as decisive vote. This vote is called casting

2. According to constitution Lok Sabha can have 552 members. Two members are
nominated by the president from among the Anglo-Indian community. In Rajya
Sabha total 250 members can be there. Out of them 12 members are nominated
by president from different specialized fields.

3. Potential resources are such resources whose entire quantity is not known and
they are not being used presently due to unavailability of advance technology.
They have the potential to be used in future.

4. Land degradation refers to the decline in the productivity of cultivated land or

forest land. Factors responsible for degradation are deforestation, flood, mining,
urbanization and mismanagement of agricultural land.

5. Contour farming is most suitable in hilly regions. On gentle slopes, crops are
grown in rows across the slope rather than from top to downward. Each row
planted horizontally along the slope of land acts as a small dam to conserve soil
as well.

6. Black soil is also known as the Regur soil. It is found in north-western part of
the Deccan, the plateaus of Maharashtra, Malwa, southern M.P. and Saurashtra
region. These are the regions of Deccan trap formed by volcanic activity. Due to
this reason they are rich in Iron and thus black in colour.

7. Method of retaining and saving the rain water is called rain water harvesting. In
this method rain water collected on roof top is directed to a drain. This water
is then sent to an underground chamber or tank. This water not only helps in
recharging underground water but can be used in dry season as well.

8. Ranthambore national park (Rajasthan), Corbett National Park (U.P.), Kaziranga

national park (Assam) and Kanha National park (M.P.) are few national parks
of India. Kanchenjunga Biosphere reserve, Nanda devi Biosphere reserve and
Simlipal biosphere reserves are some important biosphere reserves of India.

9. The battle of Plassey was decisive as it marked the beginning of British rule in
India. In this battle army commander of Nawab betrayed him. Mir Zafar became
Nawab of Bengal but for very short time and with very limited power. East India
Company got all control over Bengal and freedom of trade in the province.

10. Permanent settlement or Zamindari system, 2. Ryotwari system and 3.Mahalwari

system. In zamindari system zamindars owned the right of property and they
had to pay 10/11th of the rental to the state. In Ryotwari system there was direct
relationship between peasant and the government, so they can directly sell or
transfer the land. In Mahalwari system first an evaluation was made by the tax
collector then revenue for the entire area was calculated.

11. Birsa Munda adopted Christianity in order to get education but when he realized
that they are destroying their culture and he is losing his self respect he was
distressed and he gave up Christianity.

12. In 1835 Lord Macaulays recommendations were accepted by governor general

of India. He criticised the Indian education system and insisted that English
should be the medium of education so that a class of people can be prepared who
can work for Britishers.

D. 1. Indigo revolt took place in 1859. Indigo was a natural blue dye that was in great
demand in Europe, but climate for indigo cultivation was not suitable there. So
British forced the farmers in India to grow indigo instead of food crops. Indigo
cultivation affected fertility of their land as well. They forced to take loans at high
interest rate and sell it at low price. Thus all the farmers were unsatisfied. When
they refused, they were beaten up. In 1859 all the farmers in Nadia refused to
grow Indigo. It was brutal suppressed by the Planters and Britishers but it spread
in U.P. and Bihar as well. In 1866 there was large scale revolt in Bihar as well.
These revolts are called as Indigo revolt.

2. Dayananda Saraswati was a social reformer who favoured advancement in

science and technology. He founded Arya samaj in 1875 and established gurukuls
to impart vedic education. Many DAV colleges and schools were started which
taught both English and Hindi.

3. Swami Vivekananda was one of the greatest leaders of pre-independence days.

He had very positive outlook about India. He founded Ram Krishna Mission
with very dedicated people. He advocated the education for poor and masses for
their upliftment.

4. They had fair and well organized revenue collection system. Undue pressure was
not mounted on the farmer especially in times of natural disasters. Revenue was
collected in efficient manner and officials were accountable to the king. Zamindar
use to collect revenue for whole year from the village and use to paid a certain
amount to the rulers. Villages were self-sufficient units.

5. Classification on the Level of development and use----- 1) Actual resource,2)

Potential resource On the Origin----1) Biotic , 2) Abiotic, On the basis of stock1) Renewable, 2) Non-renewable ; on the basis of Distribution--1) Ubiquitous,
2) Localised

6. Discuss these points in short- due to grazing by animals, Due to deforestation,

improper method of cultivation and natural disasters like flood, heavy rainfall,
landslides and droughts.

7. Mention these points:-Throwing of toxic chemicals into rivers and lakes.

Dumping of sewage into rivers. Excessive use of fertilizers in fields, it goes into
water lastly. Bathing and washing in river water by the people. Describe all three
types of cotton varieties like; long, medium and short staple cotton.

E. 1. Mention all four types of industries like, primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary in brief.

2. Company rule came to an end and Queen took the charge. 2. Title of governorgeneral changed 3. The doctrine of Lapse was abandoned and right to adoption
was recognized 4. The British army was reorganized and their number increased
5. Britishers tried to destroy the unity of Hindu and Muslims 6. Feeling of
Nationalism aroused 7. Peshwaship and Mughal dynasty came to an end 8. Indian
were assured of no discrimination and were granted full religious freedom


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