C.K.Prahalad: We The Horizon Team Dedicate This Issue To Eminent Thought Leader and Renowned Management Thinker

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01 MARKET FLASH 05 Budding Voice

The latest marketing news Marketing Grows Younger
bits from around the world
The new products in the 07 MARKET ANALYSIS
market that you should Knowing specific markets
watch out for.
03 PAGE 3
Chill your eyes 09 MARKETING HUMOR


Short stories of great people
11 cartoon scape

About Horizon- The Marketing

Club ...Where two thoughts meet
The purest treasure mortal
HORIZON- The marketing club was start- times can afford is a spotless
ed by CUIM batch 2008-10. The major ob- reputation
jective of the club is to carry out various
marketing related activities that can add
more value in the practical life of students. William Shakepeare
The faculty incharge of the club is Prof.

Editor-in-Chief Prasanna. K.S Many a small thing has
been made large by the right
Managing Editor Priyanka Singh kind of advertising

Senior Editors Arijit Majumder,

C.Thileeban, Mark Twain
Kinshoo Shah,
Shaoni Banerjee,
Divya Uthup, Marketing is not an event,
Jerrin Johnson, but a process . . . It has a be-
ginning, a middle, but never
Liji George an end, for it is a process. You
improve it, perfect it, change
Creative Head Shailesh Kr Jha it, even pause it. But you nev-
er stop it completely
Jay Conrad Levinson
PA G E - 1

Market Flash

TAJ GROUP MAY OPEN MORE 11 products in ive categories of deodorants. The company will
BRANDS OF HOTELS personal care home care nutri be selling the deodorants under
tion and wellness cosmetics and three variants Power Play, Flirt
gift catalogue In the current year and Dark Night. The John Miller
Amway is planning to focus on four range of deodorants will initially
key strategic pillars business ex be available at all Big Bazaar and
cellence the consumer experience Food Bazaar outlets across the
the distributor experience and country and thereon at other Fu-
products and brands to increase its ture group formats at a special in-
market share troductory price of Rs 99 for 150
ml. The group is ramping up its
M&M DRIVES MARKETING THE range of private brands to attract
SOCIAL MEDIA WAY not just consumers but also earn
The marketing team at Mahindra higher margins for its retail oper-
ations. The company will under-
take a visual merchandising exer-
The Taj Group of Hotels is to fur- cise and in-store branding activity
ther sharpen its brand focus, with to popularize its private brands.
more brands between its luxury
and premium hotels, on the one TATA TEA, PEPSI IN DEAL FOR
hand, and the mid-market and HEALTH DRINKS
budget offerings, on the other. The Two large beverage majors, Tata
Taj Group had begun restructuring Mahindra is focussing on social Tea and Pepsico, have signed an
its brands in 2008. At present it has networking sites to showcase its
four brands Taj Luxury, Vivanta brands in the form of online games
by Taj (in the premium category), The company has launched India s
Gateway Hotels (in the mid-market irst on line D o road games in
segment), and Ginger Hotels in the volving its two brands Bolero and
budget or economy, segment. The Scorpio on Zapak Facebook and
brand proposition will be the Orkut to reach out to the youth In
real differentiator among its exist- the last three months they have
ing brands and the ones that might already registered one million
come in the future. Tajs brand unique visitors with a total number
sharpening exercise comes at a of eight million plays M M in its
time when almost all global hospi- on line game known as Mahindra
tality conglomerates have India on Great Escape has included di er
their radar. ent terrains for the o road games
such as deserts mountains and
AMWAY HIKES PRODUCTION CA- forests using three camera modes
PACITIES a irst for an online game in India MoU for a joint venture in the non-
The company s online games have carbonated ready-to-drink health
received the Best Online Game and wellness market. A definitive
of the Year and Best Online Game agreement for the joint venture
producer for the year at the FICCI could be expected in the coming
BAF Awards of 1 months. The proposed joint ven-
ture is not intended to conflict
FUTURE GROUP PLANS A PRI- with any existing arrangements
Anticipating continued growth VATE LABEL PUSH of the parties. While Tata Tea has
in the Indian market, direct sell- The Future group aims to drive up huge ambitions in the global bev-
ing FMCG major Amway India has erages market, it needs the help of
increased its production capaci- a global beverage giants distribu-
ties at its leading vendor facility at tion muscle to make inroads into
Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, involving that category in India. Should wait
investments of Rs 55 crore. The fa- and watch how much importance
cility has four new lines, each with consumption of its range of private is given by PepsiCo to the products
more automation to take care of the labels After co creating the Sach of Tata Tea as already the MNC has
mid-term demand for its products. brand of toothpaste with cricketer its health and wellness oriented
The company currently offers over Sachin Tendulkar last month the brands such as Aquafina, Tropi-
company has ventured into person cana and Gatorade in the non car-
al care with its John Miller range of bonated category
PA G E - 2

Launch Pad


Price: Rs 4,30,000


This new hand set under the
Aircel brand is not only easy
on pocket but is also a boon
for the ones who type long e-
mails on their mobiles. The
hand set offers features like a
full QWERTY keypad coupled
with additional features that
make the tough task of send-
After FujiFilm launched its 3D camera last year, Sam- ing long e-mails a cake walk. A
sung recently introduced the technology in its flat e-mailer delight indeed!!!
panel TV. With a built-in 3D video processor and 3D Technical Specifications: Air-
optimized panel, this product provides the best picture cel Peek
quality in its segment. Moreover, the wireless ready ca- Full qwerty keypad
pabilities and built-in Ethernet connection elevate the 2.5 inch QVGA high contrast screen
overall consumer viewing experience. Price: Rs 2999
Technical Specifications: Samsung 3D Flat Panel TV
Touch of colour(ToC) DIVE ON THE
Design scheme JIVE
Built-in Ethernet connection Apart from being
Price: Rs 130,000-435,000(LED) & Rs 129,000- tagged as the coun-
186,900(LCD) trys first auto-
clutch motorcycle,
ITS A WATCH; ITS A SWATCH TVS Jive also steals
Onyx as a stone has al- the show with in-
ways been admired by novative features
expert dial-makers for like rotary gear
ages. The magical al- technology. It is
lure of Onyx is captured also the first motor-
by Jaquet Droz in the cycle in the coun-
Grand Heure Minute try to have a large
Onyx for the first time. under seat storage
The minutes counter, space. Moreover,
off-centered at 9 oclock its clutch-free tech-
and a bright gleam of nology offers the user an overwhelming experience in
steel and to the pa- the city traffic condition. The Jive comes in blue, red and
nache. Yet it still boasts black colour.
of the essential aesthet- Technical Specifications: TVS Jive
ics in the product, and 110 cc engine
shows time too! Clutch free technology
Technical Specifications: Swatch Jaquet Droz Price: Rs 42,235( ex-showroom Delhi)
Minutes counter
PA G E - 3

Page 3

Genelia: The new face of Margo event will be of tremendous help in development of
Indias most popular (nat- both professional tennis for men and women in India as
ural) soap Margo, which well as development of juniors.
was endorsed by Rani AITA has decided to appoint Sania Mirza as one of the
Mukherjee will now be brand ambassadors for the event and she has given her
endorsed by the bubbly- approval.
cious Genelia DSouza.
Its a common adage that Deepika Padukone clicks Sony Indias Cyber
Bollywood is the place shot camera
where fate changes every Sony India announced
Friday. The same fact can the launch of its Cyber-
also be reflected on the shot Super wide shot
ever-changing advertis- Supermodel Campaign
ing arena. On one hand, and introduced Deepika
where (almost) every single brand is trying to enhance Padukone as the Brand
its image by appointing Brand Ambassadors dime a Ambassador for the cat-
dozen, even the Bollywood actors are also having a egory. Great synergy will
field day, under the sun! be witnessed between
Deepika Padukone and Cyber-shot cameras as both
After Airtel, its Wynncom mobile for Saif are like Super models being cool, dynamic and highly
After endorsing Airtel, fashionable. Hence, the campaign has been named Su-
now Bollywood super- per wide shot Supermodel campaign. With Sweep
star Saif Ali Khan will Panorama, you can capture ultra-wide pictures with a
now promote Wynn- huge ield view of up to 2 degrees The time is just
com mobile handsets appropriate for Deepika Padukones association with
as brand ambassador. Sony Cyber-shot range as Sonys cameras are making
The brand Wynncom their presence felt in the Indian Market. The year-long
stands for cutting- contract will see the ace actress promote the ultra cool
edge innovation and & trendy range of Cyber-shot cameras.
style. Saif admires the
brands attitude and Kangnas new fashion with Alcatel mobile
style and relate to it Alcatel Mobile, after
closely as it is refreshingly trendy and fast. Wynn Tele- making its mark initially
com Ltd will launch its Wynncom brand of handsets in in the market, was out of
couple of weeks. the scene for a long time
now. They have recently
Mega tennis Event ropes in Sania roped in Kangna Ranaut
Sania Mirza has been who has just bagged a
appointed the brand national award for her
ambassador of the superlative performance
Mega Tennis Event in Fashion. The compa-
which is aimed at the ny wants to cash in the
development of sport popularity of the actress
in the country. The in bringing life to the Al-
catel brand.
PA G E - 4

Guru of Poverty and Profit Big Ideas

Strategy is about stretching limited re-

sources to it ambitious aspirations
C K Prahalad

C K Prahalad is regarded as one of the most influen-

tial thinkers on strategy. His work stems from a deep
concern with the ability of large organisations to
maintain their competitive vitality when faced with
international competition and changing business en-
vironments. Many of his ideas on competitive analy-
sis argue against the supremacy of traditional stra-
tegic thinking - market share and value chains - and
instead focus upon the concepts of `Strategic intent,
`Core competence and `Strategy as stretch and le-
verage. dia. He was the most influential business thinker in the
world ranking No. 1 in consecutive Thinkers 50 rank-
Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad was one of nine ings in 2007 and 2009 (an achievement only equalled
children born into a Kannada Madhva Brahmin fam- by the late Peter Drucker).
ily in 1941. His father was a well-known Sanskrit
scholar and judge in Chennai. At 19, he joined Union He authored several international bestsellers, includ-
Carbide, he was recruited by the manager of the lo- ing: Competing for the Future (with Gary Hamel),
cal Union Carbide battery plant after completing his 1994; The Future of Competition (with Venkat Ra-
B.Sc degree in Physics from Loyola College, Chennai, maswamy), 2004; and The Fortune at the Bottom of
part of the University of Madras. He worked there for the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits
four years. Four years later, he did his post graduate in 2004 in which he shows how multinational compa-
work in management at the Indian Institute of Man- nies can seize the opportunity presented by the worlds
agement, Ahmedabad(IIMA). He met his wife, Gaya- pooras both a growth market for the right business
tri during this time; they married five years later, and model, and as a pool of potential innovators.
subsequently had two children. On April 16, 2010,
Prahalad died of a previously undiagnosed lung ill- The four elements that help in the imaginative effort
ness in San Diego. are the ability to look beyond existing markets, the
search for innovative products, the overturning of
At Harvard Business School, Prahalad wrote a doc- assumptions over price and performance and be-
toral thesis on multinational management in just two ing able to lead (rather than follow) customers.
and a half years, graduating with a D.B.A. degree in
1975. Since then he had been a visiting research fel- In his own words: The hidden thread that runs
low at Harvard, a professor at the Indian Institute of through my work is the idea of the democratization of
Management, and a visiting professor at the Europe- commerce. That is what I care about. He cared pas-
an Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD). He sionately that his ideas were understood not just by
was Harvey C Fruehauf Professor of corporate strat- academicians and MBAs, but by everyone. His ideas
egy and international business at the Graduate School were for everyone.
of Business Administration, University of Michigan.
Over the years he consulted for many large, multina-
tional firms, including Eastman Kodak, AT&T, Honey-
well, Philips, Motorola and Ahlstrom.

Prahalad had been among top ten management think-

ers in every major survey for over ten years. He was
the first recipient of the Lal Bahadur Shastri Award for
contributions to Management and Public Administra-
tion presented by the President of India in 2000. In
2009 he was conferred Padma Bhushan , third in the
hierarchy of civilian awards by the Government of In-
PA G E - 5

Budding Voice
IPL and the principles of marketing
- Priyanka Singh

Since its genesis in 2008, IPL has been the

show stopper in the Indian sport related
events, and now three years hence, it stole
the show away with all the glitz associated
which recently concluded with Chennai Su-
per Kings as the 2010 Champions.

But, the success of IPL is not only limited to

its concept of bringing together cricket, busi-
ness , bollywood and local sentiments but
entails also the way the entire event is packed
and presented to the mass and the media.
Lets recall some of the ways in which IPL has
been marketed in India and Internationally.
IPL from its inception was destined to suc-
ceed when it combined the Indian religion of
Cricket and Bollywood catching all the eye-
balls. As a matter of fact it had to put no ef-
forts to grab the mass attention in a cricket
and cinema crazy country of India. The fact
that IPL was going to be focused with only 20 over game, served in building up the popularity charts too.

Then came in the branding part of it, no stone was unturned by any of the teams in branding themselves with all the
super- heroic names associated with the theme structured around states for people in many cities in the country,
it was a moment of honor . They brought in stars like Vijay Mallya bringing in Deepika Padukone who is based in
Bangalore for his team, they brought in the local sport champions just like Kolkata team bid for Dada (Saurav Gan-
guly) and Mohali went for Yuvraj singh, they promoted their teams with the associated business houses, the way
Shahrukh gifted Compaq laptops to all the players in KKR

This branding exercise had for sure called for all the interest from Indian audience where they moved on to the next
level of creating desire. We cannot afford to miss talking about the cheer leaders part of the game, the ravishing
cheering team that Vijay Mallya imported or the reality show that designed to chose from aspiring cheer leaders
had aroused the desire undoubtedly. Preity zinta, Shahrukh Khan, Akshay kumar, Katrina Kaif and Shilpa Shetty in
the stadium stands, what better way to keep the Indian audiences swinging in joy?

All the media- hype with respect to auctioning of the cricketers (Pakistani players getting a snub), or masala news
such as linking Preity Zinta with Yuvraj worked wonders to create curiosity with people. And all this was backed
by the grand IPL advertisements with reverse counting of days to go, the IPL-3 ad showcasing the happiness of IPL
coming back to Indian grounds after IPL-2 which took place in South Africa, what else could have the public asked
for when cricket is an emotional attachment to India.

And the action part of it included all the action on the stadium grounds, the promotions of online bookings, various
brands offering IPL ticket as a prize to customers. So, IPL indeed has been a big marketing plan and no one else but
Mr. Lalit Modi has to be applauded for the same.
PA G E - 6


Thumps Up is Indias largest selling carbonated AGENCY: LEO BURNETT
cola drink with a market share of 16.4%. Much has
changed in the years that have gone by but what
has remained unchanged is the fiercely competitive
battle between the major soft drink makers. If today
the warring factions include PepsiCo and Coca Cola
the late 1970s and 1980s era saw the combating
battalions of Campa Cola and Double Cola. Despite
that the brand Thumps Up still remains the market
leader with Pepsi commanding 13% share and Coke
8.2%. Thus from 1977 to 2010 from Parle to Coca
Cola; from Sunil Gavaskar to Salman Khan to Akshay
Kumar- thunder has remained a durable proposi-
tion out-beating many product life cycle theories by
decades. If Wal-Mart became iconic for Always Low Up- strong, fizzy and high on carbon dioxide levels.
Prices theres no doubt where Thumps Up saves its However contrary to the taste of Campa Cola, its po-
hyperbole in Taste The Thunder, exemplified con- sitioning was that of a drink for good times.
temporarily by an ad campaign of Thumps Up where
Akshay Kumar performs the extreme sport of park- While Taste the Thunder ran on English channels,
our to grab his bottle of Thumps Up from suggestive- Toofani Thanda was shown across Dhoordarshan
ly attractive lady. targeting the Hindi speaking belt. Soon Thumps
Up walloped Campa Cola across regions on its way
Taste The Thunder has been the most break through to become the undisputed leader. Things reached
communication campaign for the brand. It stands such a stage that Campa cola died an eventual death
for masculinity that has constantly been redefined in 2000. Pepsi entered Indian market in the year
over the years, yet keeping the execution relevant 1988 and to counter attack Pepsis endorsements,
to todays times. But then, the acutely bewitching Thumps Up being proactive had already positioned
punch-line of Taste the Thunder did not come about itself as a strong masculine drink and had decided
easily. When Thumps Up was launched in 1977, to cast macho alpha male as its ambassadors in fu-
Ramesh Chauhan un-abashedly played to the galler- ture which included Salman Khan and Akshay Ku-
ies by tagging Thumps Up with the caption Happy mar along with Mahesh Babu and Chiranjeevi for
Days are here again that indicated the market was the southern market. After the entry of Coca Cola
free from the capitalist international companies and fight had become a three way battle. And thats ex-
an Indian cola was available in the market. However actly when Ramesh Chauhan baffled many by sell-
1980s saw Campa Cola which was owned by Pure ing off Thumps Up to Coca Cola. Coca Cola soon af-
Drinks Ltd giving Thumps Up tough competition by ter acquiring Thumps Up did not give due attention
cornering a staggering 30% market share. That was to the brand as its main focus was to promote coke
when Ramesh Chauhan approached Ashok Kurien in the Indian market. In order to fight the competi-
and Elsie Nanji to not only devise a new communica- tion from Pepsi Coca Cola launched the Grow up to
tions campaign for the brand, but also strategise a Thumps Up campaign. This made the sales of Coca
complete business plan to market the product. And Cola to reach the peak. Thumps Up has evolved with
so were born the legendary taglines: Toofani Thanda changing times but at the same time retained its cen-
and Taste The Thunder in 1987. Campa Cola was also tral element of Positioning. The brand has attained
launched in 1970s and had taste similar to Thumps the status of cult brand as it did not give in to the
demands of momentary seasonal temptations and
maintained its positioning relevant with times.
PA G E - 7

TOP-10 Market Analysis

- Prasanna.K.S

1. DUCATI 1098
The long wait for a suitable replacement to Ducatis masterpiece 916 is finally over.
Motor cyclings Ferrari equivalent has looks thatll reduce a grown man to tears and
performance to stir a whole new type of emotion. The Italian-built 1098 is the fastest
production twin cylinder bike on the market. You will want one.


The KTM 690 lays tyre tracks over the face of practicality as it roars away in a quest
for no holds barred fun. Just look at that exhaust, is this is a bike that takes itself seri-
ously? Well, yes. If bikes were boxers this has the heavyweight punch of Audley Har-
rison in Amir Khans lightweight body - one for the unstable folk who walk amongst

The new Z750 combines serious street riding and with aggressive knife-edged
styling. Specially designed for high-performance street riding, this new-age
street-fighter offers the perfect balance of engine and chassis performance at
a price that doesnt mean the silverware has to appear on ebay.


The Tiger gets sharper claws! The previous incarnation of this British built
Triumph had long been a favourite among adventure bike fans, but the all-
new model broadens the appeal with abilities that make this handsome
bike one of the most versatile machines on the market. Besides, nothing
beats the evocative sound of a Hinckley triple on full throttle!


Bikes dont come more extreme than this. Britains most powerful motorcycle
features a massive 8.2 litre supercharged V8 monster truck engine. Courtesy
of a tank of pure alcohol it kicks out 1000bhp from the ludicrous 8193cc
engine. Even more ludicrous is the fact its road legal! It has to be seen to be

6. HARLEY XR1200
Not actually available to buy - at the moment. The American firm revealed this
prototype to the world late last year to much acclaim. At the heart bears a typ-
ical Harley engine, but the sporty chassis is less Easy Rider and more speedy
rider. If Harley doesnt decide to put the XR into production, this might be
your only chance to see it in the flesh.
PA G E - 8



Like something off a futuristic sci-fi film but the Delirio is very much
today. Italian firm Bimota uses other manufacturers engines so they
can concentrate on wrapping round some of the most original and
exotic chassis ever seen. The MCN London Motorcycle Show is the
first place in the UK to see the DB6; built strictly in limited numbers
with a price tag at the opposite end of the scale, it could also be your


This is what happens when bike designers are allowed a free
reign - think of it as a supermoto on steroids. The limited num-
bers Megamoto utilizes BMWs trademark unconventional
1170cc Boxer twin engine to deliver arm-wrenching torque
through to a lightweight chassis. A whole new class of bike is
born and the streets are not safe with the HP2 on the loose.

9. SUZUKI GSX-R1000 K7
When the GSX-R1000 was launched in 2001 it instantly became
top dog of the 1000cc sports bike pack. The fourth version of
this two-wheeled missile does nothing to suggest that form
wont continue. Lighter, faster and with more emphasis on con-
trol - a handle bar switch allows the rider to choose from three
power settings.


So the flamboyant Italian and seven-time world cham-
pion lost the title last year onboard this Yamaha. But
we all know that hes still the best. In 2007 MotoGP
sees its first major rule change in five years; the engine
capacity has reduced from 990 to 800cc. This will be
one of the final chances to get close to a real piece of
two-wheeled racing history.
PA G E - 9

Marketing Mantras
- Prasanna.K.S

Galvanometer Test: A research method that measures physiological changes in consumers when asked a question
or shown some stimulus material such as an ad

Affiliate Marketing: Revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople,
whereby compensation is based on performance measures, typically in the form of sales, clicks, registrations, or a
hybrid model

Horizontal Discount: A discount on a media purchase resulting from a promise to advertise over an extended
period of time

Jumble Display: A mixture of products or brands on a single display, such as a clearance table

Pupilometrics: A method of advertising research in which a study is conducted on the relationship between a
viewers pupil dilation and the interest factor of visual stimuli.

Marketing Humor
- Arijit Majumder

Signs on Church Properties

No God-No Peace. Know God-Know Peace.
Free Trip to heaven. Details Inside!
Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins.
Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted here!
An ad for one Church has a picture of two hands holding stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments are in-
scribed and a headline that reads, For fast, fast, fast relief, take two tablets.
When the restaurant next to another Church put out a big sign with red letters that said, Open Sundays, the church
reciprocated with its own message: We are open on Sundays, too.
People are like tea bags-you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.
Come in and pray today. Beat the Christmas rush!
When down in the mouth, remember Jonah. He came out alright.
Fight truth decay-study the Bible daily.
How will you spend eternity-Smoking or Non-smoking?
Dusty Bibles lead to Dirty Lives:
Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low. But the retirement benefits are
out of this world.
It is unlikely therell be a reduction in the wages of sin.
Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church.
If youre headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.
This is a ch_ _ ch. What is missing? ---------> (U R)
Running low on faith? Stop in for a fill-up.
PA G E - 1 0


1. Connect Bertelsmann, MGM, Columbia Tri-Star and Bravia to a giant umbrella company.

2. He was close to buying the famous football club Everton and before that came close to buying Newcas-
tle United. He was considered a financial wizard post his issue of 100 year Yankee bonds of his company.
He sits on the board of Wharton School of Management. Identify him

3. X was founded way back in 1879 and is currently headquartered at Neville House. Its current chairman
is the only grandchild of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. X is currently the sponsor of the
Mrs. India contest every year

4. Henry Ford, in a bid to show the commercial potential of this product appeared at a convention in 1939
wearing an outfit completely made out of this very versatile vegetable. Name the product.

5. Elvis Presley only made one commercial in his career. What was the product and its advertised name?

6. Lee Byung - chull founded what as a trading company in 1938?

7. Which brands first ad campaign in five years, and the first since it got acquired by a group, is called
The Moment?

8. Which company, created by Alexander Wilson, has been part of the General Motors empire since

9. Connect Braun, Fusion, Crest, Old spice, Ivory and Olay to a giant umbrella company

9. P&G

PA G E - 1 1

Cartoon Scape

BIG IDEAS- Jerrin Johnson
Quiz - C. THILEEBAN, ARIJIT Majumder
Cartoon Scape- Source: Internet

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