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Claiming Your Template

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All Rights Reserved

Randi Green 2016
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this material in any forms or ways without my permission.


The Three Quadrants ..................................................................... 8

The Three Quadrants in the LPRF1 Energy System .......................... 8
The Three Quadrants in Details ...................................................... 10
The CNS, the PNS and the Hara Quadrant...................................... 10
The Other Two Quadrants .............................................................. 11
The Merging the LPRF1 Energy System and the LOES .................... 14
The Chakras Have to be Transformed .........................................15
The Mind-field and the Aura .......................................................... 19
The Mind-Field................................................................................ 19
The Aura ......................................................................................... 20
The Humanoid Level One Energy System ....................................22
Beginning the Activation Process ................................................25
Learning to Handle the Five Fields ................................................. 29
The LOES and the Auric Fields .....................................................30
The Auric Fields .............................................................................. 31
The Radiation Auric Fields .............................................................. 31
The Upper Template with Auric Fields ........................................... 34
The Vibration Auric Fields............................................................... 36
The Root Vortex Auric Fields .......................................................... 38
The Quantum Morphogenetic Field ............................................... 39
Activation of the Quantum Morphogenetic Field .......................41
The Insectoid Genetics and the Gonad-Ovary Triangles ................ 41
The Gonad-Ovary Triangle .............................................................. 42
The Currents of the Quantum Morphogenetic Field ...................... 45

The Activation of the Avian-Lower Mammal Genetics................... 46

Activating the Blueprint for the Head Quadrant ............................ 47
The Activation of the Reptoid Genetics.......................................... 50
Activating the Blueprint for the Chest Quadrant ........................... 50
Activation of the Vibration Auric Fields .......................................53
The Activated Vibration Auric Fields .............................................. 54
Activation of the Radiation Auric Fields ......................................56
Activating the Core Consciousness ..............................................60
The Core Consciousness ................................................................. 65
Advanced Energy Work ...............................................................66
Turning the Humanoid into a Human Energy System .................... 66
The Consciousness Traits of the Genetics ...................................... 68

The Three Quadrants

The LPRF1 energy system consists of stabilized quantum variables

kept together by three energy producing quadrants. The currents that
arise from the quantum variables transfer these smoothly into the
quantum morphogenetic field (the QMF) or the blueprint for the BEF.
The goal of the currents is to pull in the upper, middle and lower area
LPRF1 quantum variables to enable the genetics to activate. The
quantum variables do not resemble the electromagnetic forces our
world is composed of because the electromagnetic forces are the
result of the astral barrier and the manipulated 12 crystal pillars.
The Three Quadrants in the LPRF1 Energy System

The Head Quadrant

The Chest Quadrant

The Hara Quadrant

The three quadrants produce the energies that fuel the LPRF1 energy
system. When the LPRF1 energy system works correctly, the central
binding areas (the CBAs) do not get blocked or link up to the astral
subprograms (the ASPs) of the barrier, unless this is a wanted thing.
When the quadrants function correctly the LOES, freed from its seals
etc, has no problem in connecting to and work through the LPRF1
energy system and into the BEF. Both are then to be seen as an
extension of the LOES.
The central binding areas are for short called the CBA and they compose the
three quadrants. First we see the LPRF1 energy system as the chakra system
being fueled by emotional energies. Then we see it as an electromagnetic
system bringing the notion of the LPRF1 energy system up to a scientific
level. Here the chakras turn into plexi composed of electromagnetic and
electrochemical energies. On a stellar level the chakras/plexi are called
central binding areas (the CBAs) as part of the three quadrants and they run
on quantum variables.


The lowest field of the LPRF1 energy system is the hara

quadrant and it fuels the biological engineered form (the BEF).
The middle levels of the LPRF2 network unfold as combinations
of genetics and quantum variables which are expressed through
the level one energy system (the LOES). Quantum variables from
the LPRF1 are pulled into the middle field of the LPRF1 energy
system via the chest quadrant and by this the LOES is able to
connect to the BEF.
Upper levels of the LPRF2 and the LPRF3 networks unfold as
combinations of genetics and quantum variables which are
expressed through the level two operational system (the LTOS).
Quantum variables from the LPRF1 are pulled into the upper
field of the LPRF1 energy system via the head quadrant and by
this the LTOS is able to connect to the LOES and the BEF.

The Three Quadrants in Details

1) The Hara Quadrant arises from the processing energies of the PNS,
controlled by the energies of the CNS. The hara quadrant is the
producer of the BEF emission fields, i.e. the aura and the mind-field.
The CNS, the PNS1 and the Hara Quadrant

The LOES Upper Triangle

The throat CBA is the transit gate into the
CNS and the upper triangle, processing
the energies from the three quadrants.

The thymus CBA is the control center of

the energies in the hara quadrant.

Liver or energy out CBA

Spleen or energy in CBA

The hara CBA is an inverter. It directs

the energies of the hara quadrant
inwards if it is under the control of the
LOES or outwards as sexual energy when
it is controlled by the astral barrier.
The Root CBA pulls in quantum
variables from the LPRF1 or the
network the LOES is connected

Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site


The throat, thymus, hara and root CBAs have a core of high frequency
CNS energies and a perimeter of lower frequency PNS energy. The
CBAs behind the liver and spleen circulate the energies from the root
CBA in a horizontal spin. The throat-root CBAs circulate as a pair in a
vertical spin and the hara-thymus CBAs circulate in a vertical spin too.
The Other Two Quadrants

The Head Quadrant

Holds four minor CBAs; two are
connected to the hemispheres,
the one at the top is connected
to the cerebellum and the last is
connected to the throat CBA.

The Chest Quadrant

Holds four minor CBAs; one is
in the throat CBA, two are on
each side of the chest and one
is at the end of the spinal cord.

2) The Chest Quadrant processes the quantum variables of the middle

levels of the LPRF2 network. It is via the chest quadrant that the

integrated genetics of the LOES are transferred into the quantum

morphogenetic field (the QMF) and from this take on energetic
similarity to the LOES and its stellar personality. The genetics, which
are activated by the chest quadrant, are the LPRF2 kind of genetics
such as the insectoid, avian and reptoid.
3) The Head Quadrant processes the quantum variables of the upper
levels of the LPRF2 network and the higher LPRF2-LPRF3 genetics.
However the head quadrant also processes the consciousness level of
the LOES via the upper triangle projected into the QMF and from here
controls the energies in the CNS. When the head quadrant works, it is
possible to generate more energy to fuel the synapses and neurons in
the brain due to elevation of the quantum variables in the hara
quadrant, pushed from the higher oscillated circulating energies of
the hara quadrant, and via the throat CBA into the head quadrant.
The three quadrants are interconnected via the throat CBA because
the controlling mechanism of the BEF, i.e. the brain, needs the
energies from all three quadrants to function correctly. Thus the
throat CBA is the key CBA to all of the three quadrants.
4) The QMF is fueled by the gonad-ovary triangle.2 The goal of
asceticism is to preserve the energies to ensure that the QMF
provides the needed settings for the LPRF1 energy system. When the
quantum variables of the QMF are utilized as sexual energy, the LOES
genetics cannot connect to the LPRF1 energy system.

The gonad-ovary triangle in females is positioned between the ovaries and the root
CBA, i.e. the downward triangle as the energetic symbol for females. The gonadovary triangle in males is positioned between the testes and the root CBA, hence the
upright triangle as the energetic symbol for males.


The Central Binding Areas

This illustration3 shows the upper triangle, the access-points from the
three quadrants in the throat CBA and the access-points in the heart
and root, as well as the three plexi and their counterpart CBAs.

The main center unfolds when the

upper triangle works.
The ajna translate or read the
energies of the surrounding fields.
The alta major converts
the quantum variables
running the quadrants. It
directs the info into the
upper triangle to enable
the quantum variables to
activate and energize the
genetics in the QMF.
From the QMF activated
level the new quantum
variables flow into the
chest quadrant, up to the
head quadrant and into
the hara quadrant.

The throat vortex enables the

stellar personality to control the
LPRF1 energy system via the
access-points into the quadrants.

The double heart is the energizer of

the hara quadrant. The little dot is
the access-point to the quadrant.

The double root is the energizer of

the QMF via the chest quadrant. The
little dot is the access-point between
the QMF and the chest quadrant.

The illustration of the body is from Grays Anatomy


The Merging the LPRF1 Energy System and the LOES

The merging of the LPRF1 energy system and the LOES happened in
three steps:
The first step was to merge the LPRF1 quantum morphogenetic
field (QMF) with the lower template field of the LOES by fusing the
quantum variables of the access-point in the lower template (holding
the quantum variables of the LPRF2 area the LOES came from) to the
access-point in the LPRF1 QMF. In this the two access-points (the root
CBA and the root vortex) would connect the basic field of the BEF
with the LOES and its lower template would link up to the quantum
fields of the LPRF1. A BEF could then be created from the LPRF1 QMF
and connected to the LOES, if needed.
The next step was to generate the hara quadrant field in the LPRF1
energy system from the integrated genetics of the LOES. Two accesspoints (the thymus CBA and heart vortex) were engineered to fit the
LPRF2 genetics and match them up with the LPRF2 network of the
LPRF1. The LOES would by this be linked up to the middle areas of the
LPRF2 network and be able to stay here.
From here the chest quadrant was generated to enable the LOES
genetics to be fueled by the LPRF2 network, creating the second field
of the LPRF1 energy system. The chest quadrant has as its function to
fuel the QMF with LPRF2 quantum variables.
The last step was to activate the upper triangle into the LPRF2
network, enabling it to function here, as well as to enable the stellar
personality to work through the BEF. Operating the BEF happened via
projection of the upper triangle consciousness genetics and thus an
interconnecting link between the upper triangle and the BEF had to
be created. Two access-points (the throat CBA and throat vortex)
generated the third field of the LPRF1 energy system which became
the operational field to control the BEF.


The Chakras Have to be Transformed

As long as the chakras contain electrochemical energies (emotions) in

the perimeter and bioelectric frequencies (mental processes) in the
core, the chakras will be controlled by the subprograms of the astral
barrier. The LPRF1 energy system cannot function correctly because
of this and the central binding areas (the CBAs) are prevented from
reactivating hara quadrant, i.e. the first step to activate the dormant
In the chakra core genetic fragments are inserted from suspended
LOES, where the genetics have been harvested, fragmented and
modified to enable them to be inserted into the chakra system. Here
they generate a core, producing an artificial resemblance to the CBA,
acting as the controlling principle of the altered LPRF1 energy system.
The fragments link the artificial core to the astral barrier and its
subprograms. The programs run on bioelectric energies and they are
controlling the human mind and the cognitive schemata.

A Chakra in 2D4


Genetic Fragments

The perimeter consists of electrochemical energies or emotions.


In 3D the chakra turns into a sphere. In 4D it turns into a non-geometric pattern. In

5D it becomes encoding.


Emotions are a result of the cognitive schemata and the reaction the
thought forms produce in the brain. The perimeter of the chakras
produce the energies found in the aura and not until the perimeter is
cleansed, can the aura be emptied of its energy patterns. All in all: not
until the chakras have been cleansed of the genetic fragments in the
core and lower leveled astral programming in the perimeter, can they
return to their function as the CBAs of the hara quadrant.
A LOES vortex and its rejecting chakra
When the chakra holds foreign
genetic fragments, it will
automatically reject the vortex with
the genetics of the LOES

Transforming the chakras back into the CBAs enable the integrated
genetics in the LOES vortexes to connect to the LPRF1 energy system.
The heart chakra is the first chakra to be transformed, allowing the
other chakras to change as well.5 When the chakras return as the
CBAs, the LPRF1 energy system is controlled by the upper triangle,
the main vortex and the integrated knowledge in the genetics,
imprinted hereto by the experiences the LOES have had. The CBAs are

When the significance of the heart chakra is understood, it is easy to understand

the function of the diverting lower levels of the astral barrier, promoting human love
as the most important thing as well as the religious and spiritual teaching systems
placed in the middle levels to occupy the heart chakra and by this preventing it from
reconnecting to the heart vortex, beginning the full transformation process of the
chakra system back into the LPRF1 energy system.


no longer controlled by the subprograms of the astral barrier on an

unconscious level. From that moment on the LOES choose what astral
subprograms it wants to link up to, to be able to generate the correct
perimeter of the CBAs and what they are to unfold of astral energies
to function correctly inside this reality.
A LOES vortex and its co-working CBA in 2D

The energies of the perimeter are still astral, but at least the
programs are chosen and in most cases, link up to the programs put
there by other stellar races visiting our reality field.
The extension of the vortexes into the main CBAs (the throat,
heart and root) is done by the LOES in individual energy work, where
the vortexes and the CBAs are merged by the use of quantum
variables from the LPRF1 gridwork or another network.
Quantum variables are controlled by the upper triangle and
activated into the CBAs by the use of energetic focus. The ego is
performing the energy work, since it is the controlling principle of the
BEF, but how to do it and when to do it comes from the LOES. The
chakras have a perimeter of electrochemical energies (emotions) and
a core of bioelectric frequencies (mental processes) controlled by the
foreign genetic fragments inserted there, connecting each chakra to
the astral barrier. The perimeter unfolds as emotional reactions to
outer and inner events, often activated by information or energies

affecting the current belief systems and perception of reality; i.e. the
present programming of the brain, known as cognitive schemata. The
cognitive schemata control the core of the chakras and vice versa; the
cognitive schemata is generated by the ASPs6 affecting the foreign
genetic fragments in the core of the chakra.
Emotions and cognitive schemata are thus strongly interlinked and
what we believe to be the truth about reality controls our emotions.
Change the perception of reality and the emotional spectrum changes
too. Hence it is important to see through the subtle programming of
emotions, whenever we react emotionally to outer and inner input of
which some are sensed by the PNS as energy, whereas others are
presented to us as information or interaction with other humans and
their belief systems.
No man is an island is truer than we prefer to think about. We
are, as humans, interacting with humans every day of our life in forms
of subtle input whenever we meet another person. In that meeting
our auras merge for a short period of time, leaving astral imprints in
our aura and affecting the already present energy patterns there. Or
we are affected by movies, books, etc and information from the
Internet making the brain vibrate in a certain ratio of specific types of
frequencies adapting our brainwaves to unfold specific neurosynaptic
energies, which are housed in the mind-field as energy patterns.7
We are being programmed all of the time by everyday life events
and experiences, generating new energy patterns of the mind as

The foundational ASPs are imprinted into the core in our childhood from our
interaction with parents, friends, surroundings, and from induced programming such
as cultural features, religion, science etc. The perimeter is created in the energetic
merging during sexual intercourse, where the auras of our parents merged together
into one, i.e. the foundation of the chakra system is laid by the combined aura and
mind-field of our parents.
The energy patterns resemble fractals in structure, going from simple formation to
extremely complex patterns all depending on how much the specific type of energy is
being utilized.


cognitive schemata and in the aura as emotions, or strengthening the

existing patterns on both levels.
The Mind-field and the Aura

The Mind-field holds all the energy

patterns made of subtle bioelectric
frequencies and reflects the
processes of the brain.

The Aura is made of

electrochemical energies and
reflects the emotional

The Mind-Field
The mind-field is composed of energy patterns arising from energetic
bonds between the solar plexus and throat chakra. The two chakras
produce the energies of the mental areas (bioelectric frequencies).
Thoughts and ideas arise from the energy patterns in the mindfield (emission field of the bioelectric frequencies processed by the
brain), and they hold the brain in their grip.
The cognitive schemata (thoughts of reality and self-perception)
control the functions of the brain, such as the reaction mechanisms in
the transmitters, and what type of bioelectric frequencies it is able to

process and work with; i.e. what type of energy that runs in the
synapses, making the brain work with lower or higher levels of astral
energies. The cognitive schemata control the processes behind all
electrochemical energies and their inflow into the glands and cells;
hence cognitive schemata control the range of emotions utilized by
the ego.
The lower levels of mental energies are connected to programs of
the barrier, which are processed by most humans into every day
rational mind. The higher levels link up to programs, of which only
few are utilized. The middle levels to the higher levels are scientific in
structure and hold all the programs enabling the brain to process all
from higher scientific to stellar information.
The Aura
The aura is composed of energy patterns arising from the solar plexus
and its energetic bonds to the heart, hara and root chakras.
The solar plexus-heart chakras energetic bonds produce the range
of energies utilized to create the energy patterns of the aura related
to emotions, memories and awareness of the now. The impulse to
generate electrochemical energies, i.e. the foundation of emotions
and the energies that keep the energy patterns active, come from the
cognitive schemata of the mind-field and thus the mind and emotions
are linked together. The conscious or subconscious8 processes of the
mind control the solar plexus-heart chakras, and vice versa, and are
linked to the higher areas of the brain, such as the cerebral cortex etc.
The solar plexus-hara chakras energetic bonds raise the energies
utilized in all types of desires and needs whether they are physical or
emotional. These energies are controlled by the cognitive schemata

The conscious level is when the ego is aware of the thought processes.
The subconscious is when the ego is unaware of the thought processes.


and have their origin, as in the impulses to unfold these energies, in

the middle areas of the brain.
The solar plexus-root chakras energetic bonds generate whatever
is behind all instinctual levels from survival instincts to the instinct to
avoid dangers. Instincts are connected to the primitive levels of the
brain, but are as such controlled by the cognitive schemata, e.g. if we
believe that we stem from the primates, we code the solar plexusroot chakras to unfold this type of frequency and thus connect to the
levels of the astral barrier, holding this programming.


The Humanoid Level One Energy System

The Upper Template with humanoid genetics and
TEGs. It appears as a sphere in the dormant LOES.

The Upper Triangle creates the

personality of the LOES.
Ajna Vortex
Alta Major Vortex
It consists of the
Throat Vortex
alta major, ajna and
throat vortexes.
The energies in
Heart Vortex
the upper triangle generate the
main center in the head making
it possible for the genetics from
the template to be embodied
Root Vortex
into the vortexes of the LOES.
The progression ability of the
genetics is accumulated in the
template and when the correct
energy settings are created in
the upper triangle, the genetics
The lower template
from the template will descend
fuels the genetics
from a network or a
and circulate the potentials into
the ajna, the alta major and the
throat vortex connecting the developed possibilities to the sense of
self in the stellar-humanoid personality.
Main Center

The Ajna Vortex is connected to the main head center and unfolds the
features of perception and understanding of internal and external
energies and their interaction with the genetics.

If the ajna vortex is harmed in any way, the consciousness principles

from the template are unable to connect to the mind of the LOES and
the organic form cannot process the information from the other
vortexes and the genetics unfolded there.
The Throat Vortex makes the LOES able to process energy internally
and externally in a conscious way. The throat vortex holds the main
genetics that unfold the stellar-humanoid personality.
The Alta Major Vortex enables the ajna and throat vortexes to work
consciously with the gridwork and the information stored here. The
vortex gives the ability to work with the energies by pulling it in from
the gridworks. The energies are unfolded by the use of holographic
symbols, geometry and tonal sequences.
The Heart Vortex interacts with the quantum variables of the previous
or present reality field, where the personality and its genetics took on
form. If the personality and integrated genetics are activated, it will
pull in quantum variables from the present field to sustain the hara
quadrant. When the energy circulation needs to be altered, making it
possible for new genetics to enter the main center and from here
integrate into the energy system, the vortexes have to change their
oscillation. Energetic enhancement is done by altering the quantum
variables in the LOES to make it capable of interfacing with a new
level of settings in the reality field, it is part of.
This is achieved by conscious activation coming as an incentive
from the template being ready to unfold the next level of the genetics
into the energy system. Thus genetic activation cannot be forced;
only when the possibilities of the previous set of genetics have
unfolded to the highest potentials, can the next be integrated.
The Root Vortex is connected to the gridwork or local network, where
the genetics of the template were created to begin with, or had its

last manifestation. In our understanding of the template and where

the genetics in it stem from, whether they are artificially created, i.e.
technological enhanced genetics (TEGs) or LPU genetics, the root
vortex will always link the genetics to the reality field where they
were created or had their last upgrading and adjustment. The root
vortex sustains the LOES with energies from the gridwork/network
making it possible to unfold into an organic form. It holds the
holographic blueprint of the humanoid body that fits the genetics in
the template.
The lower template (gridwork template)
The lower template was originally connected to the khundarays from
the central sun (the artificial core of the LPU). Today it holds the
storages of quantum variables from the reality field where it was
generated or the LOES had its last upgrading. The quantum variables
are activated by the genetics in the energy system and the interaction
between the energy system, the genetics and the quantum variables
generate a reality. The genetics link up to the timelines in the reality
field (subfields), where the energy system unfolds its presence or
existence. Timelines are both individual and collective.
The Upper Template
The upper template holds humanoid genetics or TEGs. Most of the
genetics are modified to be able to work with the quantum variables
in the gridworks/networks or they are in a dormant state and need to
be activated, integrated and developed. The energetic circulation of
the three vortexes in the upper triangle generates the main center in
the head making it possible for the template genetics to be embodied
into the vortexes of the working body.


Beginning the Activation Process

Beginning the activation process; what does that mean? Well, for
starters we have been connected and inserted into a constructed
mammal genetic form, which for most of us were not ours to begin
with. The lower leveled mammal genetic human, with its dormant
LOES from all over the LPRF2 systems, is a creation of the miningenslavement lower LPRF1 areas, which the lizards under the dracoreptilian overlords generated. The present earth human, i.e. the
lower leveled mammal genetic form, is linked up to the astral plane
through the chakras by the use of the lower leveled mammal genetic
mindset and emotions as we have explored in this book. It is far from
the first BEF, which in essence only was a vessel and the concept of
the BEF is useless for us because it is impossible to reconstruct the
BEF as it were. The quantum variables, which ran the BEF, are not
part of the lower leveled mammal genetic human; the present form is
composed of electromagnetic energies. Nonetheless we have to use
and improve the technologies generating the lower leveled mammal
genetic form, of which some stem from the BEF. This implies the
three quadrants and the genetics they are able to process in order to
develop the humanoid genetics.
To grasp the new level, we have to revise the background of who
and what we are, or at least were to begin with. Now, what I am
about to tell do not imply all humanoids present in the miningenslavement areas of the lower LPRF1 areas since not all humanoids
originate from the original human areas outside the LPRF2 gridwork.
I have had many ideas of what the original human was, and most
of it has been astral illusions and wishful thinking. The stories of the
original human are few and most of them have been manipulated

with to fit the agenda of the regressed ones, ruling the LPRF1 and the
lesser-regressed ones collaborating with them as well as the ones
being in opposition to them. The fact is that we are part of a parallel
system, which is controlled by the regressed races along with their
collaborating lesser-regressed races; hence all of the work up until
now has been part of that setting and the mining-enslavement lower
LPRF1 areas we are part of. I am not only to work with the energy
systems and genetics of the original human lineages. I am here to
activate the stellar humanoids as well, who got captured out there in
the LPRF2 areas by the scavengers, sold to the draco-reptilians and all
of the other sad stories the template readings have revealed to me.
We cannot merely focus on one group, when there are so many
miserable destinies on this planet, of which most involve the LPRF2
races and the fate, they have encountered under the draco-reptilian
Now, some of us do not come from the regressed LPRF2 areas or
from the Sirian Workstations to go a bit higher; but joined the Sirian
Workstations before the timeline event to ensure that the work with
the lesser developed humanoid genetics, of the previous cycles in the
first universe, unfolded as it was supposed to. Now it would be easy
to state that the original human was the form of the first universe;
however that is not the case either.
The first universe as depicted in the Souls of Humanity was a story
generated with the purpose of giving a beginning point to the work
we are to do, since the advanced understanding of the galaxies, the
LPU and the other universes out there is so complex and difficult to
grasp for the lower developed mammal genetic mind. Stories have to
be made to give the correct outset for the core of the chakras, linking
them to higher quantum variables and by this enabling the core to
process higher leveled information. Thus each time the genetics have
to progress, new frameworks have to be developed to fit the new
level of energies that are to fuel the core of the chakras. Here we are

operating with the technology as it is, mastering the art of belief

systems and how they alter the energetic setting of the chakra core
and the emotional perimeter. It is a slow progression work, where I
offer the various frameworks to enable the humanoid genetics to
develop and rise to their full potentials. In this understanding I am
working with developing and restoring the LPRF3 humanoids as well
as the few original humans that got caught in the timeline event on
the Sirian Workstations; the Sirian Workstation or LPRF3 races.
It all comes down to the future I come from, where the Sirian Breptoid wars have played out, removing all possible futures of
restoring the LPRF2 genetics into the many races, the LPRF1 (the first
one that existed under the Sirian Workstations) had the opportunity
to unfold, i.e. the genetics of the previous cycle of the first universe
after the Internal Strife.9
When this is said it is time to go to the next level, where we focus
on developing the humanoid genetics. Those of the original humans
who took part in the Sirian Workstations were scattered like the
humanoid races taking part of the workstations and the original
human form got lost in the timeline event. It then reappeared as part
of the ancient stellar races, just as the stellar humanoids became part
of these. The original human genetics are thus not pure and out there
as a specific collection of genetics, but have been merged into the
humanoid genetics. Because of this we cannot exclude the work of
developing the humanoid genetics, repair them and in this gather the
fragments of the Sirian Workstation humanoids and original humans,
as well as restoring these back to the plasma forms we had as part of
the Sirian Workstations. For now it is literally impossible for us to see
if we were an original human or a LPRF3 stellar humanoid in the Sirian

That part of the story is true enough and reflects what really happened; i.e. what
divided the original humans and the humanoids from each other in that universe. The
Initial Strife laid the ground for the LPU and the Sirian Workstations and why we
came here, to mend the wounds between the humanoid and human races.


Workstations and consequently we have to work with what we have

got. Besides; the upper template of the LOES have been tampered
with in the after timeline event stellar races, which bore resemblance
to the original human, altering their energy system into the humanoid
LOES. In this all original human genetics were removed, leaving only
bits and pieces that were already integrated into the energy system
composing the organic form existing in that LPRF2 system. After that
humanoid genetics were inserted into the upper template, creating a
LPRF2 humanoid out of what could have become an original human if
only the LPRF2 stellar organic form had got the chance to gather and
reassemble its original form as it appeared in the Sirian Workstations.
The original human structure was made out of what we know as
plasma10 and holds no organic features. If the plasma body were to
solidify, it would appear strangely devoid of the facial features and
personality traits, we are accustomed to see in the humanoids.
In the future the human lineages are dying out and the humanoids
are taking over all areas of the LPU, generating a system which to its
core is regressed. This means that the humans and humanoids, who
took part in the Sirian Workstations, are lost forever. We have
traveled back to find the most important passages where the future
can be changed into one holding many races and not just the
regressed ones and Sirian B races, but also the human races. The goal
of the activation of the LOES and its auric fields is to restore all types
of genetics, humanoid and human, disassemble them and gather
them back into the two main types of humanoids and human races,
which took part in the Sirian Workstations; not letting the later LPRF2
regressed races become the future of all of us.


Naturally the plasma we observe in our reality is composed of electromagnetic

forces. The LPRF3 plasma body was composed of holographic units from before the
timeline event and thus something entirely different.


Learning to Handle the Five Fields

The process of activation is to learn to handle the five fields the BEF
and LOES consist of.
The BEF consists of one main field, with three subfields
1. Quantum morphogenetic field
i) The Hara Quadrant Sub-field
ii) The Chest Quadrant Sub-field
iii) The Head Quadrant Sub-field
The chakra system consists of two main fields:
2. The Aura
3. The Mind-field
The LOES consists of two main fields, called auric fields:
4. The Vibrational Field
5. The Radiation Field
Each field holds energy patterns, genetic memories, entities, different
types of energy (astral, mental, quantum, genetic) and various sorts
of inserted imprints and stellar technologies prohibiting or enhancing
the genetics or fragments related to that field.
In the next chapter we begin with an overview of the auric fields, and
then we move into the details of these etc.


The LOES and the Auric Fields


The Level One Energy System

with the Hara Quadrant
The lines indicate the circulation
of energies in the hara quadrant
elevating the system with new
energies. The flow makes the
hara quadrant interact with the
reality fields behind the organic


The chakra system turns

into the hara quadrant, which
is a resonance system, when
the chakras are freed from the
astral energies and the astral
The quadrant resonates
with the quantum variables in
the gridworks or networks the
LOES is connected to and from
this resonance build up more
momentum, creating quanta.

When the hara quadrant works correctly, the LOES pulls in energies
to make the genetics able to merge with the quantum morphogenetic
field and the organic form. The hara quadrant thus fuels the central
CBAs enabling the quantum variables to unfold the content of the
upper and lower template into the two other quadrants.

The Auric Fields

The resonance system generates the auric fields. They are the result
of the processes of the genetics in the vortexes and the quantum
variables, they come in contact with. The merging of the quantum
variables and genetics is called quanta. Some of the genetics are
integrated while others are awaiting activation in the upper template.
Only when the vortexes are operating on high enough quanta are
they able to generate the accurate resonance, or oscillation, to
produce an auric field, which in turn activates the next set of genetics
to be integrated into the vortexes. Each vortex can produce many
auric fields, which in essence are quanta flows.
The Radiation Auric Fields
The radiation auric fields are linked up
to the main center of the head, where
the vital upper triangle is positioned.
The upper triangle is the container of
activated genetics, called consciousness
filaments. The filaments circulate in the
upper triangle via the throat, the ajna
and the alta major vortexes and by this
circulation, the two other vortexes are
coded to unfold a certain type of quanta.
The upper triangle is what develops a
personality as well as gaining access to
the information in the genetics, which
have been matured and developed in all
LPRF2 organic forms (genetic memories).
The other vortexes decide the encoding
of the quantum variables in the LOES.
In the middle of the vortexes in the upper triangle, as well as in

the center of the heart vortex is a radiation core. This core is depicted
by the dots in the middle of a vortex.
The radiation cores, holding consciousness units, i.e. the genetics,
are fueled by the radiation auric fields connecting the upper template
with the core of the vortexes. The full genetic content of the upper
template is dormant and has to be activated by the correct energetic
setting in the LOES one level at a time. Hence the quadrants have to
be able to process the incoming quantum variables correctly from the
LPRF2 network to make the LOES circulate the needed quanta and by
this activate the upper template to be able to release its full genetic
content. The building of the quadrants to process radiation energies
is only possible when the hara quadrant is cleansed of the reversed
quantum variables from the astral barrier as well as having activated
the throat vortex.
The activation of the throat vortex begins with the transformation
of the throat chakra into the throat CBA. The transformation of the
throat chakra is begun by letting go of all cognitive schemata (selfunderstanding) and belief systems of what it means to be human,
detaching the LPRF1 energy system from all the thought forms of the
collective consciousness field produced by the astral barrier.
In other words only when we have transformed the perimeter of
the chakras, learning to handle the emotional energies, are we ready
to let go of the belief systems and cognitive schemata in the core of
them. In this process the foreign fragments have to be removed from
the core of the chakras to enable the true information that should
control the CBAs to come in from the upper triangle. When the throat
chakra is ready to return as the throat CBA, the energies of the
cleansed hara chakra will lift into the throat chakra, recreating its
function as a CBA.


The lifting happens on its own11 when the hara is cleansed and
released from its duties as the provider of sexual energies in all of its
forms of desires and needs (through a pure life-style12).
The quantum variables of the radiation auric fields are located in
timelines13 outside the astral barrier and coupled with the difficulty of
cleansing the LPRF1 energy system, it is therefore not easy to get to
this level.14 After the activation of the chest quadrant, enabling the
LOES to produce the needed quanta, the radiation auric field will reconnect to the timelines and the quantum variables (radiation
energies) here. The energies will activate the genetics in the vortexes,
which have been part of these timelines. The radiation auric fields
release the genetic content in the upper template when a genetic
level, i.e. a reality field with its timelines connected to a vortex, has
been processed and integrated correctly, freeing the genetics in that
vortex from the timeline loops.15
The genetics connected to the LPRF1 are the first to be activated
in our awakening process and released into the auric fields, granting
us access to the timeline loops16 connected to the LPRF1 gridwork and
its subfields. However the LPRF1 timelines are linked to subprograms,
generating false memories of our origin and why we are here.


It will happen during meditation and energy work, where the instructions on how
to lift the hara energies into the throat chakra are unfolded from within.
Being pure means three things: 1) to eat pure energetic food, drink no alcohol,
have no sex, no drugs etc. 2) to be pure in thought and emotion, i.e. to have cleansed
the astral energies out and 3) to regain the ability to let the LOES consciousness
administer the ego and the body.
Genetics and timelines are interconnected. Genetic content is only released when
the genetics match the radiation energies in a timeline.
Most who manages to get there are often assisted by humanoids from parallel
systems having an interest in activating the genetics for ill or benevolent reasons.
The work of the Chi comes in here.
We can only access the timelines on the levels, we have existed in. This happens as
memories. Visit on these timelines are understood as both visions of the future as
well as the past, cf. the timeline loops.


The template reading gives the first layer of the memories that are to
be processed and integrated to move further into the activation
The Upper Template with Auric Fields
Full Genetic Activation
Upper Template

Mammal Genetics
Reptoid Genetics
Avian Genetics
Insectoid Genetics

Double Ajna
Alta Major


Double Heart

The auric fields, i.e. the energy currents, have to process the correct type of
quantum variables to activate the upper template and release the genetic
content, kept on specific levels of the upper template, cf. the illustration


The activation of genetic memories in the vortexes, unfolding stellar

information, usually begins with the insectoid genetics, but they
cannot be understood correctly before the insectoid genetics are
cleansed of the astral energies, given that the insectoid memories are
to a large extent distorted by astral programming. The subprograms
linked to the insectoid genetics unfold as visions of deva kingdoms,
angelic realities and the like. Not until the reptoid genetics are
activated, is the information in the insectoid genetics understood.
After the insectoid genetics and the energies fueling the quantum
morphogenetic field, the hara quadrant process the quanta needed
by pulling in the accurate type of quantum variables from the LPRF1
gridwork or LPRF2 network to make the avian and lower leveled
mammal genetics in the vortexes come to life. From this the blueprint
of the head quadrant can be built fueling the vibrational auric fields,
granting us access to the LPF2 network holding the racial memories of
the avian and lower mammal races and their realities, as well as their
function here. Then the reptoid genetics can be activated to enable
the blueprint of the chest quadrant to be built fueling the radiation
auric fields, granting us access to the LPF2 network holding the racial
memories of the reptoid races and their realities, as well as their
function here. After that the middle to higher type of mammal
genetics are activated, fulfilling the function of the upper template,
granting us access to the mammal races as well as their function here
and finally the pure mammal genetics are activated17 ending the
timeline loops connected to the upper levels of the LPRF1 gridwork.
Another important thing is to fully be able to process the radiation
energies is that the genetics have to be activated in the heart vortex.
When the bond to the astral barrier is dissolved, freeing the thymus
CBA, the genetics can be activated in the heart vortex, connected to
the vibration level which link to the racial consciousness field of the

Unless we never took part of the LPRF3 reality fields, then this level is not reached.


network or gridwork we are part of. The double heart grants access to
both the radiation and vibration levels, which makes it even more
important since it is the bridge between the two sets of auric fields.
As a consequence the radiation auric fields cannot be activated before
the vibration auric fields are working properly. The genetics in the
heart vortex are fueling the vibration auric fields. But these cannot
flow until the thymus CBA has been freed from the astral barrier.
Because of this, the thymus CBA has always been the key of all real
sciences of the soul (the LOES), given that not until the thymus CBA is
awakened, can the hara quadrant function properly fueling the
correct type of energetic input to the resonance system.
The Vibration Auric Fields
Avian or Mammal Genetics


The astral energies pollute the vibration hara quadrant and prevent
the auric fields from working. The sealing off, separating the LOES
from the LPRF1 energy system, is part of this too all depending on
what CBAs and vortexes that are sealed in.
The connection between the double heart and the hara quadrant
makes the CBAs pull in the energies according to the genetics of the
heart vortex. These energies are then circulated to the main center in
the head, fueling the genetics in the upper triangle to be able to
process consciousness or circulated to the root vortex, pulling in
quantum variables from the gridwork to fuel the genetics further.
When the hara quadrant functions on the correct level, following
the genetics of the heart vortex, the next progression level in that
reality field is ready to be activated. Hence the genetics of the double
heart have to be changed according to the reality field we unfold our
organic form into. This is determined by the genetics in the template,
the auric fields and the progression level, they have reached. In other
words we are pulled to the reality fields consisting of timelines, inside
and outside of the LPU, according to the developmental level of the
integrated genetics in the three vortexes fueling the auric fields.
The double heart secures the accurate energetic level to make the
genetics of the template unfold their content of knowledge, which is
to be utilized in the field we have been lead to.
The genetic knowledge is then used inside the reality field we are
integrated into, to master the ability of perception to the fullest. We
master a reality field by emitting the energies, needed to generate
perception and understanding of that reality field by the use of the
genetics of the heart vortex. Perception is a sensuous ability linked to
the vibration auric fields of the heart vortex and the understanding of
what is perceived denotes true stellar emotion. The genetics of the
heart vortex and its auric fields interact with the surrounding racial
consciousness fields by extending the vibration auric fields - directly
emitted from the genetics and the fueling the heart vortex - into the

subfields and by this sensing the consciousness of the reality field.

The received information from the vibration auric fields returns to the
genetics and is from this turned into perception via the main center in
the head. The information also set in motion the root vortex to pull in
correct energies from the gridwork of the reality field, we are coupled
with, or from a previous gridwork if there is a reason for this. The
heart vortex is an important center that adjusts the energies of the
LOES we perceive in the networks, we link up to as consciousness via
the genetics of the vortexes.
The last vortex and its five auric fields is the double root producing
the energies to sustain the energies of the organic form, as well as
fueling the quantum morphogenetic field (the QMF).
The Root Vortex Auric Fields

The energetic imprints

of all the Genetics


The quantum morphogenetic field is the encoded field that produces

the LPRF1 energy system and the organic form. It extends around the
LPRF1 energy system and organic form. The QMF is controlled by the
alta major in the upper triangle. Changes in the alta major adjust the
QMF to fit the energies of the rest of the resonance system.
The Quantum Morphogenetic Field

Insectoid Genetics

The energetic imprint of

the Insectoid Genetics

The root vortex is linked up to gridworks or networks and follows the

same releasing mechanisms, controlling the upper template, except
from the fact that the lower template is fueled by quantum variables

alone. The upper template is built of consciousness genetics and its

energetic counterpart is reflected in the lower template, as encoding
for quantum variables, which are to be pulled in from the gridworks
or networks as the genetics of the upper template unfolds.
The interaction between genetics in the upper template and the
processing energies from the lower template transforms the quantum
variables into quanta, which in essence is quantum variables merged
with consciousness.
The activation begins with the insectoid genetics in the quantum
morphogenetic field, which then activate the avian-lower mammal
genetics and the blueprint of the vibration auric fields. The vibration
auric fields process quantum variables from the LPRF2 network via
the head quadrant. Then the blueprint of the radiation auric fields
and the reptoid genetics are activated. The radiation auric fields
process quantum variables from the LPRF2 network via the chest
So lets begin with the beginning.


Activation of the Quantum Morphogenetic Field

The first level of the activation is the quantum morphogenetic field

(the QMF). The two quadrants, processing LPRF2 quantum variables,
begin as blueprints in the QMF. The two quadrants are thus built out
of dormant template genetics. The insectoid genetics are the building
blocks of the QMF and fuel this to be able to function in the lower
LPRF1 areas.
The Insectoid Genetics and the Gonad-Ovary Triangles

Insectoid Genetics

Alta Major

Female Triangle

Energy circulation between the

upper and lower template

Male Triangle

The quantum imprint of

the Insectoid Genetics


The Gonad-Ovary Triangle

One first step to awaken the insectoid genetics is to set off the gonadovary triangle. This triangle is linked to the insectoid genetics and the
quanta they release into the QMF, when the upper template genetics
are connected to the energetic imprint in the lower template, pulling
in the quantum variables needed to begin the circulation of energy in
the basic fields of the QMF. The triangle is positioned differently in
females and males:
The gonad-ovary triangle for females is positioned between
the ovaries and the root vortex, i.e. the downward triangle as
the energetic symbol for females.
The gonad-ovary triangle for males is positioned between the
testes and the root vortex, hence the upright triangle as the
energetic symbol for males.
The triangle circulates the energy that produces the sexual energies
released into the peripheral nervous system during an orgasm. The
goal of asceticism is to preserve these energies in the QMF to ensure
that the basic circulation of the LPRF1 energy system runs correctly
and by this unfolds the insectoid genetics into the QMF giving the
foundation for the rest of the genetics to be integrated. When the
insectoid genetics cannot activate the QMF via the correct use of the
gonad-ovary triangle, the rest of the genetics cannot either; hence
moderation in the use of the sexual energies has always been the key
to really begin the true awakening process.
We can activate the triangle in energy work18 but when we do, it is
important that the central binding areas are cleansed and do not
contain a high level of astral energies, connecting the clogged hara
quadrant deeper to the astral barrier. If this is the case, we will only
experience a heightened level of lust and the activated gonad-ovary

As seen in many types of guru induced Kundalini elevation.


triangle will do more harm than good, leading us into all sorts of
delusional and inner pull towards giving the new energy expression
into typical human behavior harming the hara quadrant. Hence true
activation is not something to take lightly and we have to be certain
that it is time to activate it, understanding that from that moment on,
sexual activity is history, or at least very rarely, because any sexual
activity will reverse the QMF back into its astral setting, reconnecting
it to the astral barrier.
The Method
1. You begin with finding the technology that blocks the
gonad-ovary triangle in the QMF. The technology can be
placed directly into the ovary and the testes, or they can
be positioned just outside the organs, again on the QMF
level. The technology is what has been called etheric and
in most cases it appears as dark splits or spider-looking
dark bugs put directly into the triangle to prevent it from
2. Remove the technology by following the instructions you
get from the technology itself, on how to do this. All
inserted technologies have inbuilt instructions on how to
be removed, for some odd reason.
3. Search thoroughly for other types of technologies; some
might look like light technologies put there to enhance
the energies of the gonad-ovary making the production of
eggs and seamen bigger; all with the goal of harvest.
4. Then cleanse the hara quadrant until it runs on shining
and vibrating energy, making the spheres of the quadrant
turn into bright light bubbles. The energy from here is to
be released as a blast into the aura, making it dynamic.
Ensure that the root vortex is cleansed too.


5. Heal on the template 20 cm above the head; you are to

focus with your inner sight on the insectoid genetics and
the template might light up in a bright green-yellow color
indicating that you have got contact with the genetics.
The core of the template will shine golden-yellow and you
connect to the core via your hands and mind, fueling the
core of the template with energy. The energy you add to
the core will activate the insectoid genetics, making the
whole template turn into a whirling circle. If you do this
correctly the golden-yellow core will turn white, sending
a beam of white light into the lower template, activating
the insectoid imprints there, activating the first current or
basic blueprint of the QMF.
6. Then see how the white energy descends into the main
vortex. See how the white light ignites the head current
of the QMF.
7. From the main vortex, the stream of white light goes into
the heart vortex. See how the heart energy current lights
8. Then expand the white light into the root vortex and see
how the root current of the QMF lights up.
9. Balance the white energies in all the currents of the QMF.
10. After this lead the insectoid genetics from the template,
by will, into the main vortex. Feel how the genetics settle.
11. From here lead the genetics into the alta major, the ajna
vortex and then into the throat vortex, embedding the
insectoid genetics into the upper triangle.
12. Find the correct access point in the throat vortex. Via this
the genetics are to enter the hara quadrant fueling the
entire quadrant.
13. Ignite the gonad-ovary triangle from the hara CBA,
making the genetics circulate in the three nodal points,

and then balance the currents, the quadrant and the

triangle into one well-functioning unit.
14. Balance the whole energy system by intuitively adding
energy to the CBAs and vortexes according to what these
tell you. The QMF will tell you what is needed to heal and
regenerate, enabling the insectoid genetics and white
core energies to run correctly in the QMF.
15. The first level of the QMF is now activated.
The Currents of the Quantum Morphogenetic Field

Basic Current
Head Current

Heart Current

Root Current


Work with the QMF and its currents in the energy work following the
primary activation until it reveals that it is ready to go to the next level
indicating that the QMF field is fully activated on its basic levels and thus
ready to activate the blueprint of the other genetics. Do not proceed before
this certainty of the readiness of the QMF.

The Activation of the Avian-Lower Mammal Genetics

Before it is possible to activate the vibration auric fields of the LOES,
the head quadrant has to be built in the QMF as well, enabling the
ajna vortex to work accurately with the features of perception and
understanding of internal and external energies and their interaction
with the genetics in this reality field. If the ajna vortex is harmed, the
consciousness of the stellar humanoid is unable to connect the mind
of the LOES with the organic form via the head quadrant.
The blueprint of the head quadrant is built out of avian-lower level
mammal genetics in contact with the correct quantum variables from
the lower template. It is the foundation for the quanta to circulate via
the head quadrant into the rest of the LPRF1 energy system, enabling
it to process the information from the vibrational auric fields. This is
the basic function of the head quadrant, which when it runs on pure
mammal genetics can connect to the LTOS. The head quadrant is built
out of avian-lower mammal genetics because of its function for the
priestly avian-mammal races that came here to serve under the
lizards. Hence the head quadrant is linked to the avian-lower mammal
genetics and is mostly found in LPR1 energy systems which have been
utilized by members of the brotherhoods.
The activation of the avian-lower leveled mammal genetics is seen
as geometry as well. The geometry is built upon two energy nodal
points around the heart vortex, producing the two main currents of
the head quadrant. The energy nodal points around the heart vortex
and the head quadrant need to work together as one before the

avian-lower mammal genetics bridge the head quadrant to the upper

triangle of the LOES and unfold the ability to understand and process
vibration energy into the organic brain. The blueprint for the head
quadrant is hidden in the lower template and not the upper template.

Activating the Blueprint for the Head Quadrant

Flows of Energy in the

Vibration Field
The Head Quadrant

The Two Fueling Points

Basic Currents

The quantum imprint

of the Avian Genetics


The Method
1) You go in contact with the upper template to figure out if it is
time to activate the avian genetics. If it is time the template
will light up in a dark purple color with a bright golden core,
indicating that the energies you need are ready to activate
the blueprint. Use hand and mind energy work.
2) Then you connect to the heart vortex to the avian level in the
upper template, by intuition, and transfer energy between
the heart vortex and the bright golden core in the upper
template until it runs on golden-white energies and begins to
circulate the energies into the rest of the template, activating
the avian genetics by turning them golden-white too.
3) From there the golden-white energy will generate the first
current between the upper template and the heart vortex
and from there generate the second current connecting the
heart vortex with the avian quantum imprint in the lower
template. See this happen.
4) Then find the two fueling points, which you are to fuel with
energy: One is below the thymus CBA where the chest ends
and one is above the thymus CBA. When they are fueled
enough a stream of light from the two fueling points will arise
to the head, generating a new quadrant; the head quadrant.
5) The head quadrant holds the throat vortex as its lowest
position and the top of the head as the highest. The two
hemispheres are the left and right nodal points in the head
6) Ensure that the energies from the fueling points run smoothly
in the head quadrant as golden-white before proceeding.
7) From the throat vortex in the head quadrant, via the correct
access point, the golden-white energy flows into the hara
quadrant, turning the whole hara quadrant into dynamic








golden-white energy circulation. Here the spheres turn into

little suns, producing energy similar to fusion dynamics.
The head and hara quadrant are to be balanced by adding or
removing energies from the head and heart vortexes, which
the two quadrants fuel simultaneously.
When the two quadrants are balanced, the root vortex is
activated, enabling it to pull in the correct type of quantum
variables used to fuel the avian-lower mammal genetics.
Direct by hands and mind the golden-white energy from the
root vortex into the lower template, where the hidden nodal
point holding the imprints for the avian genetics are to be
activated by will.
See how the imprints, i.e. the holographic coding, streams up
and into the two quadrants. Here the imprints merge with
the circulating golden-white energies.
Several flows of energy (only two is depicted above) will then
burst from the two nodal points, run to the upper template
and descend into the lower template, via the three vortexes,
and from here back up to the template; just like the magnetic
flows of our planet. The upper and lower template turns into
two polarized fields by the activation making the QMF ready
to unfold the vibration energies correctly. The inner sensation
of up and down, in and out, stem from this field in the QMF.
Observe how the golden-white energy runs smoothly in the
flows of the polarized blueprint for the vibration auric fields.
You activate the head quadrant by placing your hands on the
two fueling points in the head quadrant, i.e. the two nodal
points in the right and left hemisphere. See how the energies
flow into the top and throat fueling points, generating a
quadrant of circulating energies.


The Activation of the Reptoid Genetics

Before it is possible to activate the radiation auric fields and connect
it to the LPRF1 energy system, the reptoid genetics have to be
activated into the QMF as well. This is done by building the chest
quadrant, circulating the quanta from the reptoid genetics, just as the
head quadrant process quanta generated out of avian genetics.
The blueprint for the chest quadrant is hidden in the lower
template and not the upper template.
Activating the Blueprint for the Chest Quadrant

The two fueling points

The Chest Quadrant

The quantum imprint of

the Reptoid Genetics


The blueprint for the chest quadrants is built of three currents. 1) One
current has to circulate the activated reptoid genetics from the upper
template into the throat vortex. 2) One has to circulate the activated
reptoid imprints of the lower template into the root vortex. 3) The
last is to circulate the quantum variables pulled in from the LPRF2
network, the lower template is connected to, into the throat vortex.
These currents are built from intention and intuition. They fuel the
chest quadrant that pulls in quantum variables via the root vortex and
the lower template on this level. The more energy that is pulled in,
the stronger the LPRF1 energy system becomes; however strength is
linked to the reptoid genetics and can be a disadvantage when
evolving the mammal genetics and the true human genetics, which
are based upon a different version of power fueled with vibration
energies from the higher LPRF2 networks.
The Method
1) You access the upper template to figure out if it is time. If it is
time the upper template will light up in a darker blue with a
light blue core, all depending on what level of the reptoid
genetics stem from. The very dark blue is the Draco-reptilian
genetics; the lesser blue is the lizard genetics. Lighter blue is
the ancient reptoid genetics or Sirian B genetics. Use hand
and mind energy work.
2) Then you connect the activated reptoid genetics in the upper
template to the throat vortex by intuition and transfer energy
between the throat vortex and the activated genetics in the
upper template until the energies look bright blue-white.
3) From there the bright blue-white energies generate the first
current between the upper template and the throat vortex.
Then they generate the second current connecting the throat
vortex with the reptoid quantum imprints in the lower
template. See this happen.

4) Then pull in quantum variables from the LPRF2 network, your

LOES reptoid genetics are part of, creating the third current.
5) You activate the chest quadrant by placing your hands on the
two fueling points in the chest quadrant (see illustration). See
how the energies flow into the throat and root fueling points,
generating a quadrant of circulating energies.
6) Then you pull in more quantum variables from the LPRF2
network via the root vortex to strengthen the energy system.
7) Do not give too much; it is not a warrior you are to generate.
8) Then follow the instructions on what to do with the reptoid
genetics; if you are to evolve the genetics further, then the
set of instructions will be based upon this. If the energy
system is ready to integrate the mammal genetics, then the
instructions will be different.


Activation of the Vibration Auric Fields

From the activation of the QMF basic levels the mammal genetics are
to be activated. The higher leveled mammal genetics are activated
directly from the blueprint of the vibration field in the QMF, which
was generated with the activation of the avian genetics. The vibration
fields are activated via the avian and mammal genetics, denoting a
two step activation of the fields. The avian genetics give the ability to
transform energy into consciousness, whereas the mammal genetics
give the foundation of consciousness itself to be integrated into the
LPRF1 energy system and hence become part of the organic body and
its personality.
The avian genetics give the ability to transform all versions of the
holographic light units, in our quadrant as quantum variables, into
consciousness, which is the basis of all living things. Things contain
life if they hold consciousness; given that consciousness is what the
oversoul groups are unfolding from the idea of this Source Cycle into
principles, i.e. the laws and regulations of our present evolutionary
cycle. When there is no consciousness, there is no life. There is only a
representation of quantum variables, imposing to be alive.
The mammal genetics lay the foundation of the higher levels of
the vibration auric fields and thus build the basic ground for the LTOS
to be able to develop, and pull in quantum variables from the higher
levels of the LPRF2 network, subsidiary the LPRF3 network in our
reality field.


The Activated Vibration Auric Fields

Higher leveled AvianMammal Genetics

Quantum imprints of the

Avian-Mammal Genetics

When a LOES is activated the upper and lower template turn into whirling
currents of quanta and cease to be the motionless spheres holding genetic
potentials. Instead the templates circulate the genetics via the currents of
quanta, processed in the merging of quantum variables from the lower
template and the genetic content from the upper template. The colors of the
currents are magenta, golden and bright white.

All of the steps of the humanoid activation have to be done before

the LOES with its animal genetics (insectoid, avian, reptoid, mammal)
can be transformed back to the level, the genetics had before the
regression. Not until the animal genetics are transformed, are we

able to consciously connect to the humans in the future; i.e. what we

are to become; and not what we were before the timeline event.19
There are no specific methods or sequences to be followed in the
most important process; when the LOES is ready to shift from the
humanoid-animal energy system into the human energy system and
therefore the instructions will follow from within. This cannot be
forced by any healer or outer force.
However the process of activating the vibration auric fields to be
able to carry the higher leveled mammal genetics begins with igniting
the upper template in a bright golden-magenta oscillating color (the
highest level of the avian-mammal genetics) with a light blue
radiation core (preferably timeline genetics from the ancient ones on
a Sirian A or B level). From here the vibration and radiation energies
flow down into the three main vortexes; the head, the heart and the
root vortexes and into the lower template.
Then the energies return to the LOES igniting all of the currents
one by one and from here a huge burst of vibrational and radiation
energies circumflex the entire energy system (not depicted). After
this the LOES balances and the quanta settle, getting ready to the
next step of the transformation process from being an animal soul
into becoming a human soul, i.e. altering the humanoid-animal
genetics (insectoid, avian, reptoid and mammal) into future human


What a true human is, is still uncertain; however the genetics of this have to
resemble the original Sirian races, which were the closest we get to the first races of
the first universe, i.e. before the LPU. The Sirian races changed their genetics to be
able to work inside the LPU and hence they are not true first races either. Hence all
in all, there is no purpose in understanding what a true human is, except from the
future humans, which do not hold any forms of animal genetics, but the transformed
version of them. Thus our goal is not to return to something that is gone, but
transform into what we can become.


Activation of the Radiation Auric Fields

The radiation fields are activated with both the humanoid-animal and
human genetics, denoting a two step activation of the fields. This
indicates that only when the humanoid genetics have been freed of
their regression (and infection if this is the case) and returned to the
highest potential they hold, is it possible to activate the radiation
auric fields. Consequently, we can build the blueprint and activate the
humanoid genetics, unfold their content by accessing the timelines,
but this is only part of the lower levels of the activation process; this
is what develops and cleanse the regressed genetics, i.e. to transform
the past and free the genetics of the timeline loops.
The total activation of the radiation auric fields is only achievable
when the humanoid genetics have been brought to their highest
potentials as part of the Sirian races. The goal of the chi work is to do
exactly this, i.e. to travel along the timelines, unfold the regressed
memories (from the after timeline event genetics), heal them and
transform the genetics back into what they were before the timeline
event and the scattering all over the lower leveled LPU.
One of the steps is to transform the reptoid genetics back to the
human type of genetics the original reptoids had; i.e. devoid of all
regressed traits. The reptoid genetics are important since they are the
most advanced level in the LOES.
Not until the reptoid genetics are back into their correct setting,
can the higher levels of the mammal genetics be activated and
transformed, leading to the human genetics. Whereas the reptoid
genetics give strength to the LPRF1 energy system on the QMF level,
the reptoid genetics bestow the awareness of individuality as well as
the drive to lead, be in charge and reach personal goals on the LOES

level. The insectoid and avian races do not hold these traits. Instead
they function as collectives (predominantly the insectoids) or as the
groups seen in the avian communities. Only the reptoid genetics give
the incentive to travel alone or reach new goals outside the collective
or community.
The lower leveled mammal races also live in communities similar
to the avians; whereas the higher leveled mammal genetics generate
races having the goals of founding councils or act within galactic
political organs although there are not many pure mammals inside
the LPU today. Many of the elders in the councils today hold reptoid
genetics or TEGs merged into their mammal genetics, making the
councils less objective since they are fueled with personal goals of
power similar to what we find in human politics.20
Consequently, not until the reptoid genetics have been evolved as
an individual with personal ideas and the need to unfold these as
science and similar technological skills, is the stellar personality ready
to let go of the reptoid ability to process information and quantum
variables into manifest objects inside a reality fields.
The reptoid genetics are the foundation of all manifestation where
the radiation fields are used as the basic force to do this. The reptoid
genetics are centered on the use of quantum variables and what they
can be utilized for on an individual level, and not as a group, which is
typical for the insectoid and the avian races.
The complete activation of the genetics in the upper template and
the radiation auric fields is done by activating the template genetics
into the timelines where they unfolded their consciousness content in
the various organic forms in the LPRF2 areas of the less-progressive
universe. We are here to remember that the LPRF2 areas hold the
realities of the humanoid genetics and their timelines unfolding the


Most politicians in power have reptoid-mammal traits as well, if they belong to the
brotherhoods or descend from the lizard landowners.


after the timeline event realities. Most of the genetic content in the
LOES is met with the reversed quantum variables of the throat CBA as
well as the often dimmed down throat vortex. The first has to be
cleansed fully free from belief systems to be able to read the genetics
correctly and the latter has to be recalibrated to process the quantum
variables properly. When this is done the perception will shift from
connecting to the false timelines, with inserted thought forms placed
in the upper levels of the barrier, to the real timelines holding the
memories matching the genetics. The false timelines ensure that the
upper triangle never reaches the point where the upper template
ignites into the last sequence of transformation.
The activation of the upper template and its full potentials is one
of individuality. The goal is to learn to stand in ones own light and by
this reject all intervention both energetically and telepathically.
The activation involves meetings with all of the races we have
been in contact with as we travelled through the LPRF2 areas until we
ended here, freely or by hostile takeover. As the genetics re-activate,
we link back up to the areas, we unfolded into and the ones presently
living there are very well aware of our genetic activation. They do
their best to connect to us telepathically and try to convince us to
evolve back into their reality field after we shed off this organic form.
The re-integration therefore leads to different proposals of future
events unfolded on the timelines our genetics link us to, by allowing
us see the future, if we stay put on the present level coupled to the
different genetics. The telepathic contact is part of the re-awakening
process and it is up to us to deny or accept these offers.
If we deny the proposed offers, i.e. the information we receive
telepathically linking us back to the timelines we once existed in, we
move out of them by rejecting the quanta hidden in the information.
All telepathic communication entails a level of genetic merging, either
horizontal or vertical and is a mean of transfer of quanta as much as a
way to do telepathic contact.

Some of the proposals are negative and others are positive. The
negative proposals stem from races that are not interested in having
us back, and thus outline a negative future if we choose to re-connect
to the timelines our genetics give access to.
If we say yes to the proposed future, we accept the connected
quanta and sets of instructions follow after this telepathically. Here
we will learn how to alter the humanoid-stellar (the animal genetics)
into the holographic settings to be able to connect to the specific
timelines of that reality field.
We do this by unfolding the information we get of the future
timelines, connected to the genetics, into thought forms and ideas we
process as part of our inner understanding of the higher levels of
existence. The more we work with the proposed future and the
energies in it (the quantum variables), the more we integrate from
the radiation levels of the future timelines, enforcing the quantum
variables in the network we are coupled to, to become one with the
quantum variables of these timelines. We transform into new type of
humanoid on a quantum level, ensuring that the full LOES with its
integrated genetics will be shifted to the accepted future. From the
instructions we slowly transform the LOES into the accepted settings
and we will be able to unfold a new form there after we leave the
LPRF1. We transform the LOES by elevating the genetics into a higher
type of quanta, making the genetics able to shift into more suitable
We keep doing this until all of the genetics in the upper template
and the integrated ones in the LOES have released their content in
forms of memories accessing the matching timelines in the past - as
well as the proposals of future events connected to the timelines.


Activating the Core Consciousness

The core consciousness is activated when the LOES uses the three
quadrants consciously to pull in quantum variables from the network
is it connected to via the lower template. The pulled in energies
circulate through the three quadrants generate fields with quanta
currents around the LOES. The flows of quanta between the upper
and lower template, through the three quadrants, create new flows
of quanta.
The inflow is amplified by the integrated genetics which in turn
learn to utilize the next level of quantum variables to expand the core
consciousness from the activated genetics into new timelines where
they connect, through genetic recognition of the initial humanoid
similarities, to the stellar personalities they are related to.
In this process, if there is a prime humanoid, the prime humanoid
decide if the genetics in the secondary stellar humanoid, holding
portions of the genetics of the initial humanoid or human, is to be
utilized in terms of a collaboration where the goal is to progress the
genetics inside a specific timeline or the pull them out.
Sometimes the initial humanoid or human decide to overwrite the
integrated genetics in the secondary LOES if this fits the purpose of
the initial humanoid or human, and then pull them out and merge
them into the chosen LOES from which the prime humanoid or
human will reinstitute its original Sirian energy system and form.
As the prime humanoid process more and more quanta from the
timelines and the network of the timelines, one is often chosen to be
the main timeline leading to the chosen endpoint were a selected
future can be created, the integrated genetics of the prime humanoid


or human generates genetic energy.21 The genetic energy make the

three vortexes merge into a column of genetics processing up and
down between the lower and upper template, activating both the
lower template into new levels of the network it is connected to22 as
well as activating the LTOS genetics hidden in the upper template.
The activation of the LTOS genetics of the upper template will
then slowly begin descending into the column of the three inbuilt
vortexes and by this unfold the consciousness traits of the LTOS, i.e.
producing the core consciousness of the LPRF3 humanoid that
descended into the LPRF2 timelines to gather the lost genetics.
All energy work will from that point on be individual and the
instructions will come from the LTOS or the LPRF3 human genetics.
1. If the upper template only holds LPRF2 genetics, including
reptoid-Sirian B genetics, the stellar humanoid is a secondary
LOES. The organic form unfolded belongs to one of the minor
portions of the initial humanoid or human genetics and thus
is not a prime being.
2. Secondary LOES are sealed off to prevent the prime
humanoid from getting in contact with the secondary energy
system and by this either recollect or activate the secondary
system. The sealed off LPRF2 energy system then becomes
subservient to the new owners and can be possessed etc
from other prime humanoids, not in quest of regaining what
they have lost, but only to gather quanta to generate the

In contact with the quantum variables the genetics begin to generate a sort of
emission, which looks as sparks of light.
All gridworks of which networks are part hold several levels; the LPRF1 holds three
levels, the LPRF2 holds between 4-6 levels and the LPRF3 holds between 6-8 levels.
Hence the gridworks are not divided into dimensions but unfold different levels of
the gridwork with different sets of quantum variables generating different outcome
for the progression of genetics.







future timeline they prefer to evolve into, and by this out of

the initial event timelines into the ones they have created by
Secondary LOES are also hijacked and taken over by
overwriting the integrated genetics with the purpose of
accessing the upper template. The upper template genetics in
a secondary LOES are dormant and stem from the period
after the timeline event, where the Sirian races were
scattered all over the place. In the pre-timeline event LPRF1
energy system, there were no upper or lower template, and
the infusion of the genetics from the Sirian races generated a
surplus of unavailable genetic, which the after timeline event
humanoids could not utilize. These unavailable genetics were
pushed up into the upper template of the after timeline event
LPRF2 races, unfolding the new type of LOES to accommodate
their need of progression.23
Most of present day ruling LPRF2 races are genetically similar
to the pre-timeline LPRF1 races. They have only got small
infusions of the scattered LPRF3 genetics during the timeline
They are thus not able to generate new timelines beyond the
timeline loops unless they harvest upper template genetics
from an after timeline event secondary LOES, linked up to a
prime humanoid, to fuel their portions of LPRF3 genetics.
By harvesting the upper template genetics, or taking over the
energy system of a secondary LOES, the former LPRF1s can
develop the existing genetics to hold the needed quanta to
resemble a secondary LOES.

These things are so complicated and really there is no need to understand them.
Just learn the difference between a secondary and prime LOES.


7. However not until they link up to a prime humanoid are they

able to shift into new timelines outside the timeline loops.
They are stuck until they have developed their genetics to be
able to link up to the original LPRF2 gridwork (present day
LPRF3 gridwork) and by this move beyond the timeline even
loops or out of them into new futures.
8. The collaboration between former LPRF1s (present day lower
leveled LPRF2s) and activated stellar humanoids with
secondary LOES holding more advanced technologies, are to
be seen in this light. Their goal is to catch a LTOS, seal it off in
its LOES state and by this access the LTOS genetics in the
upper template.
9. From harvesting such genetics, they can build TEGs which
resemble the original genetics structures. As a consequence
they trick the captured LTOS in its LOES state to produce
genetics and similar genetics modifications they can harvest
or extract, and from this create their preferred new futures
outside the timeline loops.
10. The secondary LOES, aware of their status, can voluntarily
seal off their energy system to prevent the prime humanoid
from accessing their consciousness. The goal is to collect
genetics to gather quanta to free itself from the prime
humanoid, and by this be in control of the secondary LOES in
11. All secondary LOES can turn into a prime humanoid or human
developing a LTOS if they gather enough genetics and by this
get access to the quanta from the network, they are attached
to. Higher levels of quanta makes the genetics develop and
merge with the collected genetics, whether it is their own,
created or stolen.
12. A prime humanoid or human is free to leave the timeline
loops since it, in its activated stated, has regained its genetics

and thus is in the process of rebuilding the initial humanoid or

human consciousness and energy system, it had before the
timeline event.
13. The timeline event loops are left if the prime humanoid or
human is reunited with all of its scattered genetics or if the
main timeline loop has been completed, developing the
needed quanta and type of genetics which resemble the
genetics the LPU races had before the timeline event.
14. Dumped secondary LOES in the lower leveled LPRF1 areas
have been genetically used up in other timelines or inside the
LPRF1, holding no quanta.
15. The dumping became highly popular after the dark ones took
over parts of our solar system since the main buyers of the
lesser viable LOES were the dark ones. The dark ones utilized
the LOES nobody else wanted to prolong their decaying
genetic by merging their genetics with a less functional LOES.
The dark ones can only exist on the astral plane. Hence all the
astral technologies etc.


The Core Consciousness

Activated Template
Genetics turn into currents

The lower template holds imprints of

the activated genetics, enabling the
advanced LOES allowing it to travel
into other LPRF2 areas and take form


Advanced Energy Work

In the transformation process from the humanoid LOES, one step is to

transform the regressed reptoid genetics, since the reptoid genetics is
the control principle of the upper triangle, i.e. the personality of the
humanoid. Then the other genetics have to be transmuted in order to
change the whole humanoid energy system into a human one.
Turning the Humanoid into a Human Energy System
1) The first to be done is to activate the chest quadrant and fuel
it with the quantum variables from the network of the
Maldakian or ErTh colonies. See how the quantum variables
circulate into the chest quadrant and from here into the
double throat vortexes.
2) Observe how the reptilian genetics there are transformed by
the infusion of the non-regressed quantum variables from the
network of the Maldakian or ErTh colonies, altering the
double vortex into holding the new energies. From here see
how the reptilian genetics return to their reptoid state and
how they circulate in the double throat vortex.
3) See how the quanta unfold into all of the quadrants from the
chest quadrant and into the other two, transforming all of
them into a slightly higher vibrational rate than in step 1.
4) Then pay attention to the upper triangle, when all of the
quadrants are fueled with the new level of quanta, by the
alteration of the reptilian genetics back into their reptoid
state merged with the quantum variables from the nonregressed networks. This transforms the reptoid genetics and
the three quadrants into a new type of energy system.
5) From here see how the upper triangle burns up and dissolves.

6) Observe how the insectoid, avian and reptoid genetics from

the upper triangle merge with the new quanta, transmuting
them. Transmuting means that the insectoid, avian and
reptoid genetics are completely transformed and not just
upgraded to a new quanta level, which we do all the time
when we progress, using the quadrants to elevate the
quantum variables of the LOES. The elevation makes us able
to integrate more genetics from the upper template and by
this upgrade the existing genetics in the vortexes.
7) Observe how the insectoid, avian and reptoid genetics turn
into pure consciousness, only holding the knowledge and
experiences from the genetics and not as being part of the
personality traits (or self-identification) that have controlled
the genetics, producing the humanoid personality.
8) Then observe how the upper and lower template currents
expand and change positions to engulf the entire LOES
instead of being positioned outside of the LOES. Observe how
the template currents merge with the core consciousness,
generating wonderful and beautiful currents and quanta
flows with no limitations or perimeters. Everything takes on
non-dimensional features. This is the human energy system.
9) The three quadrants are part of the quantum morphogenetic
field (not to forget) and they will bridge the human energy
system to the QMF, through the Maldakian-ErTh quanta that
run in the quadrants as well as in the changed energy system,
getting ready to unfold the radiation and vibration auric fields
(functioning from the inbuilt main and heart vortexes in the
core consciousness) to their highest. From this the human
genetics will progress out of the LPRF2 into the LPRF3 areas.
10) After this the entire system has to settle and turn into a
balanced energy system. The former energy fields from the
upper and lower template will subside and retract into the

core of the human energy system, generating a steady flow of

vibration-radiation energies fueling the core consciousness
and the three QMF quadrants.
11) When the core consciousness stream has been balanced, the
non-dimensional flows of quanta will emanate from core with
its inbuilt vortexes. The more of the human genetics that are
evolved, the more quanta flows emanate from the core,
altering the whole energy system into something unknown to
The Consciousness Traits of the Genetics





The insectoid genetics cultivate the ability to work with the quantum
variables in the gridworks and networks, i.e. all forms of construction
work including holographic structures such as core crystals,
buildings, cities and crafts to name a few.
The avian genetics foster the ability to do energy work such as
handling the quantum variables of a sub-field or timeline by inserting
genetic resonance programs. The avian genetics give the ability to
grow connections between all types of genetics and the gridworks,
the ability to create e.g. portals, timelines and so forth from the
gridworks or networks using the genetics etc.
The reptoid genetics give the ability to work with all genetics, the
energy system, the organic form and creation of lifeforms in a new
gridwork. The reptoid genetics give the ability to work with all sorts
of advanced sciences and prefer the scientific angle in all
consciousness abilities, hence when the reptoid genetics or TEGs are
added, the personality becomes highly scientific. Naturally the
reptoid genetics, because of the strength in them, are used in
warriors of all sorts, from priestly avian warriors to common reptilian
strength and super-humans.
The mammal genetics give the ability to unfold capacities of political,
societal, economic and similar community structures and are often
found in the council members of the stellar communities. Here the
elders have got mammal TEGs added to do the diplomatic or political
work as leaders and creators of societal structures.

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