Working With Your Template Course

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Working with Your Template

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All Rights Reserved

Randi Green 2016
You are not allowed to quote, use or distribute
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The Humanoid Level One Energy System ...................................... 7

The Three Quadrants in Details ...................................................10
The CNS, the PNS and the Hara Quadrant...................................... 10
The Other Two Quadrants .............................................................. 11
The Merging the LPRF1 Energy System and the LOES .................... 14

The Humanoid Level One Energy System

The Upper Template with humanoid genetics and
TEGs. It appears as a sphere in the dormant LOES.

The Upper Triangle creates the

personality of the LOES.
Ajna Vortex
Alta Major Vortex
It consists of the
Throat Vortex
alta major, ajna and
throat vortexes.
The energies in
Heart Vortex
the upper triangle generate the
main center in the head making
it possible for the genetics from
the template to be embodied
Root Vortex
into the vortexes of the LOES.
The progression ability of the
genetics is accumulated in the
template and when the correct
energy settings are created in
the upper triangle, the genetics
The lower template
from the template will descend
fuels the genetics
from a network or a
and circulate the potentials into
the ajna, the alta major and the
throat vortex connecting the developed possibilities to the sense of
self in the stellar-humanoid personality.
Main Center

The Ajna Vortex is connected to the main head center and unfolds the
features of perception and understanding of internal and external
energies and their interaction with the genetics.

If the ajna vortex is harmed in any way, the consciousness principles

from the template are unable to connect to the mind of the LOES and
the organic form cannot process the information from the other
vortexes and the genetics unfolded there.
The Throat Vortex makes the LOES able to process energy internally
and externally in a conscious way. The throat vortex holds the main
genetics that unfold the stellar-humanoid personality.
The Alta Major Vortex enables the ajna and throat vortexes to work
consciously with the gridwork and the information stored here. The
vortex gives the ability to work with the energies by pulling it in from
the gridworks. The energies are unfolded by the use of holographic
symbols, geometry and tonal sequences.
The Heart Vortex interacts with the quantum variables of the previous
or present reality field, where the personality and its genetics took on
form. If the personality and integrated genetics are activated, it will
pull in quantum variables from the present field to sustain the hara
quadrant. When the energy circulation needs to be altered, making it
possible for new genetics to enter the main center and from here
integrate into the energy system, the vortexes have to change their
oscillation. Energetic enhancement is done by altering the quantum
variables in the LOES to make it capable of interfacing with a new
level of settings in the reality field, it is part of.
This is achieved by conscious activation coming as an incentive
from the template being ready to unfold the next level of the genetics
into the energy system. Thus genetic activation cannot be forced;
only when the possibilities of the previous set of genetics have
unfolded to the highest potentials, can the next be integrated.
The Root Vortex is connected to the gridwork or local network, where
the genetics of the template were created to begin with, or had its

last manifestation. In our understanding of the template and where

the genetics in it stem from, whether they are artificially created, i.e.
technological enhanced genetics (TEGs) or LPU genetics, the root
vortex will always link the genetics to the reality field where they
were created or had their last upgrading and adjustment. The root
vortex sustains the LOES with energies from the gridwork/network
making it possible to unfold into an organic form. It holds the
holographic blueprint of the humanoid body that fits the genetics in
the template.
The lower template (gridwork template)
The lower template was originally connected to the khundarays from
the central sun (the artificial core of the LPU). Today it holds the
storages of quantum variables from the reality field where it was
generated or the LOES had its last upgrading. The quantum variables
are activated by the genetics in the energy system and the interaction
between the energy system, the genetics and the quantum variables
generate a reality. The genetics link up to the timelines in the reality
field (subfields), where the energy system unfolds its presence or
existence. Timelines are both individual and collective.
The Upper Template
The upper template holds humanoid genetics or TEGs. Most of the
genetics are modified to be able to work with the quantum variables
in the gridworks/networks or they are in a dormant state and need to
be activated, integrated and developed. The energetic circulation of
the three vortexes in the upper triangle generates the main center in
the head making it possible for the template genetics to be embodied
into the vortexes of the working body.

The Three Quadrants in Details

1) The Hara Quadrant arises from the processing energies of the PNS,
controlled by the energies of the CNS. The hara quadrant is the
producer of the BEF emission fields, i.e. the aura and the mind-field.
The CNS, the PNS1 and the Hara Quadrant

The LOES Upper Triangle

The throat CBA is the transit gate into the
CNS and the upper triangle, processing
the energies from the three quadrants.

The thymus CBA is the control center of

the energies in the hara quadrant.

Liver or energy out CBA

Spleen or energy in CBA

The hara CBA is an inverter. It directs

the energies of the hara quadrant
inwards if it is under the control of the
LOES or outwards as sexual energy when
it is controlled by the astral barrier.
The Root CBA pulls in quantum
variables from the LPRF1 or the
network the LOES is connected

Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site


The throat, thymus, hara and root CBAs have a core of high frequency
CNS energies and a perimeter of lower frequency PNS energy. The
CBAs behind the liver and spleen circulate the energies from the root
CBA in a horizontal spin. The throat-root CBAs circulate as a pair in a
vertical spin and the hara-thymus CBAs circulate in a vertical spin too.
The Other Two Quadrants

The Head Quadrant

Holds four minor CBAs; two are
connected to the hemispheres,
the one at the top is connected
to the cerebellum and the last is
connected to the throat CBA.

The Chest Quadrant

Holds four minor CBAs; one is
in the throat CBA, two are on
each side of the chest and one
is at the end of the spinal cord.

2) The Chest Quadrant processes the quantum variables of the middle

levels of the LPRF2 network. It is via the chest quadrant that the

integrated genetics of the LOES are transferred into the quantum

morphogenetic field (the QMF) and from this take on energetic
similarity to the LOES and its stellar personality. The genetics, which
are activated by the chest quadrant, are the LPRF2 kind of genetics
such as the insectoid, avian and reptoid.
3) The Head Quadrant processes the quantum variables of the upper
levels of the LPRF2 network and the higher LPRF2-LPRF3 genetics.
However the head quadrant also processes the consciousness level of
the LOES via the upper triangle projected into the QMF and from here
controls the energies in the CNS. When the head quadrant works, it is
possible to generate more energy to fuel the synapses and neurons in
the brain due to elevation of the quantum variables in the hara
quadrant, pushed from the higher oscillated circulating energies of
the hara quadrant, and via the throat CBA into the head quadrant.
The three quadrants are interconnected via the throat CBA because
the controlling mechanism of the BEF, i.e. the brain, needs the
energies from all three quadrants to function correctly. Thus the
throat CBA is the key CBA to all of the three quadrants.
4) The QMF is fueled by the gonad-ovary triangle.2 The goal of
asceticism is to preserve the energies to ensure that the QMF
provides the needed settings for the LPRF1 energy system. When the
quantum variables of the QMF are utilized as sexual energy, the LOES
genetics cannot connect to the LPRF1 energy system.

The gonad-ovary triangle in females is positioned between the ovaries and the root
CBA, i.e. the downward triangle as the energetic symbol for females. The gonadovary triangle in males is positioned between the testes and the root CBA, hence the
upright triangle as the energetic symbol for males.


The Central Binding Areas

This illustration3 shows the upper triangle, the access-points from the
three quadrants in the throat CBA and the access-points in the heart
and root, as well as the three plexi and their counterpart CBAs.

The main center unfolds when the

upper triangle works.
The ajna translate or read the
energies of the surrounding fields.
The alta major converts
the quantum variables
running the quadrants. It
directs the info into the
upper triangle to enable
the quantum variables to
activate and energize the
genetics in the QMF.
From the QMF activated
level the new quantum
variables flow into the
chest quadrant, up to the
head quadrant and into
the hara quadrant.

The throat vortex enables the

stellar personality to control the
LPRF1 energy system via the
access-points into the quadrants.

The double heart is the energizer of

the hara quadrant. The little dot is
the access-point to the quadrant.

The double root is the energizer of

the QMF via the chest quadrant. The
little dot is the access-point between
the QMF and the chest quadrant.

The illustration of the body is from Grays Anatomy


The Merging the LPRF1 Energy System and the LOES

The merging of the LPRF1 energy system and the LOES happened in
three steps:
The first step was to merge the LPRF1 quantum morphogenetic
field (QMF) with the lower template field of the LOES by fusing the
quantum variables of the access-point in the lower template (holding
the quantum variables of the LPRF2 area the LOES came from) to the
access-point in the LPRF1 QMF. In this the two access-points (the root
CBA and the root vortex) would connect the basic field of the BEF
with the LOES and its lower template would link up to the quantum
fields of the LPRF1. A BEF could then be created from the LPRF1 QMF
and connected to the LOES, if needed.
The next step was to generate the hara quadrant field in the LPRF1
energy system from the integrated genetics of the LOES. Two accesspoints (the thymus CBA and heart vortex) were engineered to fit the
LPRF2 genetics and match them up with the LPRF2 network of the
LPRF1. The LOES would by this be linked up to the middle areas of the
LPRF2 network and be able to stay here.
From here the chest quadrant was generated to enable the LOES
genetics to be fueled by the LPRF2 network, creating the second field
of the LPRF1 energy system. The chest quadrant has as its function to
fuel the QMF with LPRF2 quantum variables.
The last step was to activate the upper triangle into the LPRF2
network, enabling it to function here, as well as to enable the stellar
personality to work through the BEF. Operating the BEF happened via
projection of the upper triangle consciousness genetics and thus an
interconnecting link between the upper triangle and the BEF had to
be created. Two access-points (the throat CBA and throat vortex)
generated the third field of the LPRF1 energy system which became
the operational field to control the BEF.


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