Wackera Inventionactivityeport

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1. What do you feel was your most successful project in this course?

I feel my rhetorical analysis was my most successful project in this course. I feel
that I demonstrated not only the capacity to recognize rhetoric in different genres but
also compare and contrast how each part of the rhetorical conversation worked
together in these pieces to create an effective argument.
2. Reflect on the outcomes listed below. What do you feel are the top
three you most succeeded at?
I feel the top three I succeeded at were:
understand that writing is a process involving practice, drafting, revision,
and editing.
locate and evaluate (for credibility, sufficiency, accuracy, timeliness, and
bias) primary and secondary research materials, including journal articles
and essays, books, scholarly and professionally established and maintained
databases or archives, and informal electronic networks and internet
use strategiessuch as interpretation, synthesis, response, critique, and
design/redesignto compose texts that integrate the writers ideas with
those from appropriate sources.
3. Go through the listed outcomes and write next to it either the paper,
project, journal entry, or activity that we did in class that either
introduced you to that outcome or enabled you to achieve that
outcome. For example, the annotated bibliography and literature
review allowed you to accomplish the fourth outcome, analyze and
interpret complex texts and representations of meaning in a variety
of formats, so you would write annotated

bib & lit review next to this

articulate, identify and compose assemblages in a variety of composing contexts
convey ideas in clear, coherent, grammatically correct prose adapted to their
particular purpose, occasion, and audience. (multimodal project)
understand that writing is a process involving practice, drafting, revision, and
editing. (Investigative field essay, rhetorical analysis)
analyze and interpret complex texts and representations of meaning in a variety
of formats. (annotated bib and lit review)
gain experience reading and composing in several genres to understand how
genre conventions shape and are shaped by readers and writers practices and
purposes (rhetorical analysis, multimodal project)

develop facility in responding to a variety of situations and contexts calling for

purposeful shifts in voice, tone, level of formality, design, medium, and structure.
(multimodal project)
locate and evaluate (for credibility, sufficiency, accuracy, timeliness, and bias)
primary and secondary research materials, including journal articles and essays,
books, scholarly and professionally established and maintained databases or
archives, and informal electronic networks and internet sources (rhetorical
analysis, investigative field essay)
use strategiessuch as interpretation, synthesis, response, critique, and
design/redesignto compose texts that integrate the writers ideas with those
from appropriate sources. (multimodal project)
gain experience negotiating variations such as structure, paragraphing, tone, and
mechanics in genre conventions (multimodal project)
practice applying citation conventions systematically in their own work.
(investigative field essay, rheotircal analysis, annotated bib and lit
4. Think about the artifacts youre choosing to put into your portfolio,
and write three-four sentences explaining why you chose them, and
try to connect them to what the purpose of the portfolio is supposed
to be (either a demonstration of process or a demonstration of
I am choosing to put my rhetorical analysis, investigative field essay and
multimodal project. I choose these projects because I feel as if I have the most to
demonstrate in the process of creating these projects from start to finish. Each had
brainstorming and invention process, peer review and reinvention process that show I
know how to use the knowledge we were taught and apply it by myself to create my
own argument or analysis.

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