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Silviss Classroom Policies and Procedures

Grades will be entered into 4 categories:

Tests/Quizzes - 45% of total grade

-If caught cheating an automatic ZERO will be given.
-Study Guides will be given 2 days before the test and a review game will be the day
before the test.
Homework 10% of total grade
- H.W. is checked for completion grade. It will not be NOT be accepted late for
advanced students. For regular life science it will be, but only up to 1 day late for
half credit max.
Class Work-20% of total grade
-class work is collected and graded similarly as H.W. depending upon the complexity
and difficulty level. For every day late grade goes down 10%.
Labs/Projects 25% of total grade
-For each day late a lab report or project is turned in, the grade drops 10%.
-A personal Composition Notebook will fall under this category. All students will be
required to keep a composition notebook with them at all times that will include
notes (using the Color Note Taking System) from the lessons, diagrams about the
lesson, lab reports, visual aids, and any other graphic organizers that I assign about
the lesson.
- I will check this at the end of every Unit for a grade. Check my website for more
info. about this notebook and The Color Note Taking System.

The Classroom Rules:

Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
Stay in your seat at all times unless given permission.
Raise your hand to speak.
No gum, food, or drink in the classroom.
Respect others.

Pre-detention: a form will come home.

Detention: a form will come home.
Pre-referral/Parent Conference: You will be requested to attend a conference.
Referral: child sent to administration for chronic violations

Restroom Policy:

Restroom breaks should be used during the 5-minute transition between class periods. If
restroom passes are needed, the students must first ask for permission, and then take a
yellow pass from the blue box. You cannot ask to go to the bathroom every day.
Guidelines for using restroom passes are as follows:
1. One person at a time

2. Can not go during a quiz or test or when we are correcting homework

3. Can not go out more than once during a period
4. Must return within five minutes
**Any student that abuses these guidelines or the classroom rules will lose the privilege of
obtaining passes during class**
Make-Up Work Policy:
Students have 2 days to make up work for every day they are out. The work that was assigned before or on the day
they were present is still due the day they return. This includes taking a test or quiz. Please check my website for
assignments being missed.

Absence Policy:
Absences are inevitable. However, upon return, it is the students responsibility to check with the teacher about
the assignment(s) they missed and complete all necessary assignments within the allowed time period (2 days from
the date of return to classes). In accordance with School Board Policy, the student will have two days to complete
these assignments and place them in their periods homework box. In addition, it is the students responsibility to
get lesson notes and worksheets that may have been missed from a fellow student or me.

Tardy Policy:
Students are required to be in the classroom and are required to be sitting in their assigned seat and copying their
homework or working on their warm-up assignment when the tardy bell rings. Any student not in their appropriate
seat, when the bell rings, will be given a consequence. The consequence they will receive will depend on how many
rules they have broken already.

Plagiarism Policy:
Students need to complete their own work and will not copy work and identify it as their own. Any work that is
plagiarized or copied from another student or resource will result in a zero for that activity and consequences will
be determined according to the Broward County Code of Conduct.

Supply List:

Composition Notebook
3 ring binder OR Folder (to put text book pages in)
Loose leaf paper inside
Blue, black, red, AND green ink pens

Optional: ruler, colored pencils, crayons, and/or markers (for diagramming), glue,
Mrs. Silviss Wish List:
Paper Towels
Dry Erase Markers
Printer Copy Paper
Markers & Crayons
Loose Leaf Paper

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by email or call the grade
level center directly.

School Phone #: 754-323-3200
I have read and discussed Mrs. Silviss expectations with my child.
Authorized Signatures:
Student Name: (Print)____________________________________
Parent/Guardian: (Print)______________________________
Telephone #: (home)_____________________________________
Cell #:________________________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________

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