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Ex: He has worked hard since he is here.

Ex: She has been to Italy several times.

Ex: They have lost their car.

1. Aes que iniciaram no passado, mas
sua influncia atravessa o presente:
Ex: Sabrina and Carlos have gone to the
supermarket. (They are still in the
Ex: Philip has lived here for years. (He still
lives there)

2. Aes ocorridas




Ex: Someone has stolen her purse. (I dont

know who has stolen her)
Ex: Philip has crashed his car violently.
(He is supposed to be in hospital yet)

3. Informaes novas:
Ex: Ive cut my finger.
Ex: He told her his name but, Amanda has
forgotten it.

4. Aes mltiplas:
Ex: The army has attacked that city five

Ex: She has talked to several specialists

about her problem, but nobody knows why
she is sick..

5. Mudanas atravs do tempo:

Ex: You have grown since the last time I
saw you.

Ex: The government has become more

interested in arts education.

6. Realizaes:
Ex: Man has walked on the moon.
Ex: Doctors have cured

many deadly

Algumas expresses so comuns com o

Present Perfect:
a) Just = a short time ago
Ex: Are you hungry? No, Ive just had

b) Already = something happened sooner

than expected
Ex: Dont forget to send the letter Ive
already sent it.
Ex: What time is Mark leaving? Hes
already gone.

c) Yet = until now

Ex: Has it stopped raining yet?
Ex: Ive written the book, but I havent
published yet.

d) Ever = once in life

Ex: Have you ever driven a car?

e) Never = not even once in life; not ever

Ex: Christian has never dated a girl.
Ex: Frank and July have never (not ever)
kissed each other.

f) Recently; lately; etc.

Ex: Cintia has lost her cell phone recently.
Ex: I have not studied English lately.

g) For = during some time

Ex: Ive worked here for 2 years.
Ex: Marks cheated her for months.

h) Since = from that moment to now

Ex: We havent seen him since 2010.
Ex: Mary has been in USA since April.


I have already been to USA.

Interrogative: Have you ever been to USA?

No, I havent./Yes, I have.

I havent (have not) been to
USA yet./ I have never been to USA.

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