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Literacy Lesson Plan

Kaelin Jernigan
Allison, Kindergarten, and Peak View Elementary School

Literacy Lesson Plan for Emergent Reader:

Based on the assessments completed with the child and the data collected from the
results, the child appears to be in the emergent stage for literacy. I am able to tell this because
she is not familiar with the alphabet and wasnt able to identify any of the sounds. Her retelling
skills are on track to becoming a successful reteller, but when asked to write about her picture
she didnt have any concept of print or any understanding of how to sound out the words. In
order to grow, I believe that she needs to review the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes
everyday. This repetition will allow her to see the letters and begin to learn the names and
sounds that they make. This can be done by either flashcards or having the teacher write a
letter and the student identifying it. Another thing I think this student can benefit from is more
work involving concept of print when writing. I think modeling could be a good choice of
instruction for this. I think it could benefit her to watch someone write a sentence and have her
write it the same way, point out the spaces, how to sound out words, the capital letter starting
the sentence, and the punctuation at the end. The ideal literacy diet would be: 20 % concept of
word, 20% concept of print, 20% alphabet, 20% language play/ phonological awareness, and
20% writing.
For concept of word I would focus on finger pointing to memorized texts. I would have the
student read a small book repeatedly and have her point to every word that she is reading on the
page. For concept of print, I would focus on activities such as concept boards and listening to
stories. For the alphabet, I would do memory games, flashcards, and picture sorts by letters and
sounds. This is so important for her to grasp this concept. Not knowing her letters has really
hindered her in some of the other areas and is a big reason she is unable to write correctly. For
language play/phonological awareness I would work on word/sentences and initial/final
constantans. These activities will again reiterate how to make words and sentences and allow
her to continue to identify the sounds she is hearing in words. For writing, I would have her write
her letters on a white board and practice air writing. If she continuously writes her letters, I am
confident that she will be able to grasp the concept quickly and grow from that point on.

Concept of Word
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to
identify words that are
spoken to words that are in
front of them.

Standard of Learning
K.3 G Follow one- and twostep directions
K.7 C Demonstrate a
speech-to-print match
through accurate fingerpoint reading in familiar text
that includes words with
more than one syllable.

The students will match the
written word to the word

Materials needed: List all materials needed

o Index cards with the words
o Master list for the teacher

Time for this part of lesson: What part of a 30-minute lesson will be used for this
o 6 minutes will be used for this lesson

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out

o This is the activity that will start off the literacy block. The students will be
seated at their desks and be asked to lay nine cards in front of them. Each
card has one word that will be from the story that they are going to read
next. The teacher will read from a master list and ask the students to find
the word that she just said. Once the students have found the word, they
will hold up the card and the teacher will check their responses. Once the
teacher checks the students responses they will put the card back in front of
them and continue until they have gone through all nine cards.

Concept about Print

Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to
point to different parts that
make up a book.

Standard of Learning
K.5 C Distinguish between
print and pictures.
K.5 D Follow words from
left to right and from top to
bottom on a printed page.

The students will identify
concepts of print in the big
book in front of the class.

Materials needed: List all materials needed

o Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
o The students name cards
o A pointer

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this
o 12 minutes will be used for this part of the lesson (combined with alphabet)

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out

o The students will all come to the carpet after using the index cards for
concept of word. The teacher will have the big book: Miss Bindergarten Goes
to Kindergarten in front of the classroom. The teacher will first read the book
to the students. After reading the book, the teacher will pick one name at a

time and ask them to point out concepts of print with questions such as:
Where is the title? or How would I turn to the next page? With some
questions such as where is the authors name, the teacher should as the
question of what does the author do.

Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to
identify the letters that are
bolded on each page.

Standard of Learning
K.4 B Identify and produce
words that rhyme.
K.7 A Identify and name
the uppercase and
lowercase letters of the

The students will be called
up one by one to find the
letter that is bolded on the

Materials needed: List all materials needed

o Miss Bindergarten Goes to Kindergarten
o Pointer
o Students name cards

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this
o 12 minutes will be used for this part of the lesson (combined with concept of

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out

o When the student is called up to find their concept of print item, the teacher
will ask them to identify the letter on the page that is bolded. The teacher
will say Can you point out the letter B to me? The student will use their
pointer to identify the letter and the teacher can also ask if it is an uppercase
or lowercase letter. There are also rhyming words on each page, so when the
student comes up the teacher will reread the page to the class and ask the
chosen student to identify the rhyming words.

Language Play/Phonological Awareness

Learning Objectives:
Standard of Learning
The students will be able to K.3 C Begin to follow
identify the sounds of each
implicit rules for

The students will be asked
to identify the sounds of the


conversation, including
taking turns and staying on
K.3 E Participate in group
and partner discussions
about various texts and

letters in a small group


Materials needed: List all materials needed

o Index cards with the letters on them

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this
o 6 minutes will be used for this part of the lesson

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out

o This assessment will take place in small groups. The teacher will hold up a
letter in front of the students and the students will put their thumbs up when
they know the correct answer. The teacher will say 123 and the
students will all make the sound together that the letter makes. The teacher
will then join then students by saying The letter blank makes the blank
blank blank sound. It is important that the letters are not in alphabetical
order, sot that the students are challenged.

Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to
write one to two sentences
while trying to sound out
words. They will also be
able to write their first
name correctly.

Standard of Learning
K.11 B Print his/her first
and last names.
K.12 C Use letters and
beginning consonant sounds
to spell phonetically words
to describe pictures or write
about experiences.

Materials needed: List all materials needed

o Pieces of paper for each student
o Pencils for each student
o Crayon boxes

The students will write one
to two sentences about
their first day of school. The
student will also write their
name on the sheet of paper.

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this
o 6 minutes will be used for this part of the lesson

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out

o First the students should write their first name on the sheet of paper. The
students will write one to two sentences explaining their first day of school.
The students shouldnt be given help to figure out spelling of the words.
They should be told to try to sound the word out to the best of their ability
and use the letter sounds they just went over. If there is time left over, they
should draw a picture that represents their first day.

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