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Emily Hall

Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary

To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

TITLE OF LESSON - The theme of this week for the kindergarten class is fire safety. In this
lesson, students will create a fire painting out of homemade puffy paint, make firethemed jello snacks, and complete a fire themed pattern worksheet reinforcing their previously
learned pattern skills.
CONTEXT OF LESSON - Each week, students in this class have a theme of the
week. Students have studied bears, apples, butterflies, and other topics. The week of October 17,
students will focus their learning on fire safety. The fire marshal will come and teach fire safety
lessons in the morning, and the rest of the students activities will also focus on fire and fire
safety. Because this is a creative lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to make paint to
paint pictures of fires, make jello with fire colors, and complete fire safety themed patterns.
In the morning after specials, students start on the carpet for a read aloud story. After the read
aloud story, students are presented with their center jobs. At this time, the teacher will discuss
the three jobs which students must complete. The teacher will be supervising the jello station job,
while the students will be able to work on the other jobs independently.
Developmental Objectives
Plan for Assessment
The student will follow steps listed on Students will make their own puffy paint and homemade jello by
direction cards.
following the steps listed on instruction cards. Success of
following directions will be determined by the end result of the


Because so much of this lesson is participation based, it is difficult to formally assess students.
Students will be assessed on completion of each part of the assignment. I will keep a running
record of each child and the completion of their assignments. The following rubric will be used:
See chart below

(0) activity not complete

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

(1) - activity completed insufficiently some teacher assistance offered; final product was
inaccurate to recipe
(2) activity completed sufficiently some teacher assistance offered; final product was
accurate to recipe
(3) activity completed and exceeded expectations no teacher assistance offered final
product was accurate to recipe

Student Name


Paint Jello

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

K.16 The student will identify, describe, and extend repeating patterns.
K.9 The student will demonstrate the comprehension of fictional texts.
K.9g Discuss characters, setting, and events.
K.9d Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read.
K.2 The student will express ideas and feelings through the creation of works of art.
Fireman Small Wong Herbert Yee Emily
Jello Cups (per child)

1 TB spoons of dry jello mix (orange) Emily

C of boiling water Emily

Plastic cups Emily

Plastic spoons and knifes Emily

Pineapple Emily

Paper plates Emily

Napkins/ paper towels Emily

Sharpie for writing name on cup

Puffy Fire Paint

Shaving cream Emily

White Elmer's glue Emily

Food coloring Emily

Flour Emily

Sponge for each child classroom

Cardstock/ thick papers Emily

Fireman Pattern Worksheet
Worksheet Emily
Glue sticks classroom
Scissors classroom
Pencils classroom
This classroom is already set up in table groups. Typically, during morning center time,
the class will move from table to table working on each assignment provided for morning
job center time.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

At a table, the pattern worksheet will be placed in a pile. There will be enough copies for
one worksheet per child. Pencils, glue sticks, and scissors will also be placed at the table.
Jello making will occur at another table. The table must located near an electrical outlet.
At the jello station, each seat will be able to be reused for jello making. There will be four
seats for jello making and each seat will contain the following:
1 paper plate for cutting pineapple
1 plastic knife
1 plastic spoon
The following items will be set up in the middle of the table for full class use:
Bowl of jello powder
Spoon for jello powder
Rings of pineapple on plate
Tongs to pick up ring of pineapple
Paper towels
Plastic cups (one per child)
Sharpie for writing names
Boiling water in electric tea-kettle; to be poured and boiled by teacher
Fire puffy paint will occur at a table. The following items will be provided for each
1. 2 small cups
2. Spoon
3. Piece of cardstock paper
At the table, the following will be set up:
Cans of shaving cream
Bowl of flour
Bottle of glue easy to pour bottle
Red, yellow, and orange food coloring
Sponge for each child at table
Typically, before the morning centers, students will sit on the carpet and listen to a read
aloud story. To keep the students use to the routine, we will first read a story about fire
fighters. The story is called Fireman Small. This is a story following the busy day of a
After reading the story, we will use our read aloud strategies and talk about the book.
Then the lessons and jobs of the day will be introduced.
To introduce puffy paint:

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

The teacher will begin by asking students if they enjoy painting. After a response, the
teacher will explain that the student will be making homemade puffy paint today in order
to create fire paintings. Instead of bringing in a model, the teacher will show pictures of
fire and flames. Then the teacher will ask, What color are fires. Students will reply,
red, yellow, and orange.
After talking about fire, students will watch as the teacher demonstrates how to make the
puffy paint.
To introduce the jello:
The teacher will ask if students enjoy cooking. The teacher will ask if students have ever
eaten jello. What words do you use to describe jello? (soft, jiggly, gooey, fruity, etc.)
Teacher will state that jello cups for snack the next day will be made at a table.
To introduce pattern worksheet:
The teacher will explain the third job is a pattern worksheet to be completed at a table.
1. Students are grouped in particular reading groups. There are 6 students in each
reading group. My CT will take the first reading group, and do her typical reading
group assignment. The remaining 12 students will be assigned to a table job to
start at.
2. I will be at the jello making table.
3. If the kindergarten assistant is in the classroom, she will be at the puffy paint
station. But, because there will be instruction cards, this table does not require
someone to help.
Jello station:
I will be at this station. At this station the following will occur:
Four students may participate at a time.
Student will arrive at the table, and I will write their name on a plastic cup with a
Students will wash their hands.
Students begin by cutting apart a pineapple ring into small pieces on their paper
plate with a plastic knife.
Once cutting pineapple, students will then scoop jello powder into their cup.
Then students will place pineapple chunks into their cup.
After, I will pour the designated amount of boiling water into their cup.
Then students will carefully stir the ingredients together.
To prevent students from making a mess, they will be given a large cup, that is
filled only half way, so that the liquid does not splatter.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

After finishing their recipe, students will hand their cup to me, and I will place
them on a metal try to be placed in the refrigerator later.
Puffy Paint
Instruction cards are absolutely essential here.
To make puffy paint, students fill up there cup with half shaving cream, flour,
glue, and colored paint.
Students will follow the steps of making puffy paint.
After making their small amount of paint, they will paint a picture of fire flames.
No model will be provided, but laminated images of fire will be provided.
After painting their fire (with sponges) they will place their paintings on the
drying rack.
Paintings must be stored for at least 24 hours (probably longer).
Pattern Worksheet
Students will complete the pattern worksheet.
After completing worksheet, students will place the worksheet in their blue
While worksheets are not the best way of teaching, this activity does not need to
be supervised, and allows students to work on their cutting, pasting and pattern
Typically in the class, a filler worksheet is provided during their center jobs.
Once completing each assignment, we will clean up. Instead of discussing the projects
after, we will wait and discuss the lesson the next day.
The next day when the students are eating their jello for morning snack, we will look at
the fire flame paintings.
My biggest concern with this class is the students who tend to get behind in their work, and do
not have time to complete everything. I know specifically which students tend to fall behind, so I
will have those students begin at the food table. If those students begin at the food table, that is
the station that must be supervised. After the food table, they will then be sent to the puffy paint
table. They will complete that pattern worksheet third, as that sheet can be completed completely
The students who finish first will be permitted, as usual, to join free choice play time.
There are several things that could go wrong with this lesson, especially since there is always
something going on in kindergarten. In brainstorming, I foresee the following issues:

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

Children playing with shaving cream/ making a mess with the shaving cream.
I will take a proactive state on the shaving cream puff paint. When explaining the shaving cream
activity, I will explain the rules of the paint. I will also explain their options. If they choose to
make a mess with the paint, they will throw their supplies away, clean up their mess, and draw
pictures of fire with crayons at the timeout table.
Children spilling jello mix.
Paper towels will be at the jello station. If children spill, they can help clean up their mess, and
then begin again. There will be extra jello mix provided, in case of spills.
Children speaking to loudly/ interrupting reading group time.
The teacher will remind students about their indoor voices and quiet voices during reading group
Children licking spoons/ eating fruit at jello station.
Children are not permitted to eat at the snack table. If they do, they will not be permitted to
continue with making the snack. The teacher will make the snack for them, and the can watch.
Children finishing activities too quickly.
Children will have extra free choice play time if they complete their work.
Children not finishing activities.
Children must finish the jello activity first. Then, they must finish the puffy paint activity. If the
pattern worksheet is not completed, it can be sent home in their math folder to finish at home.

Again, this is the rubric that will be used for assessment.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________


activity not complete

- activity completed insufficiently
activity completed sufficiently
activity completed and exceeded expectations

Student Name

Paint Jello Pattern

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

Lesson Plan Reflection

As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience. Use the
questions/prompts below to guide your thinking. Be thorough in your reflection and use specific
examples to support your insights.

I. How did your actual teaching of the lesson differ from your plans? Describe the changes and
explain why you made them.
I was surprised on how many changes occurred between the original lesson plan and
the actual teaching of my lesson. The biggest change that occurred was the style of my lesson
plan. Originally, I planned for the lesson to occur on one day. I had planned on starting with a
read aloud and having 3 center table jobs, as in their normal morning routine. Because it was
PALs testing, my CT preferred that I ran one center job a day, and the students stay at their
seats to work on her assignments. At first I was very frustrated with this type of setup, but it
turns out, her plan worked much better.
On Tuesday, my CT had to leave the classroom for about 15 minutes, so she let me stay
in the room with the students to read them a story. My read aloud story I brought for the lesson
only lasted about 5 minutes. So, I had to improvise and read some of my teachers stories on
fire safety.
Tuesday I lead the center job of fire jell-o making. I had planned on having the students
complete this job independently, through them reading the instruction cards. Because they are
young kindergarten students, it was too difficult for the students to read the instruction cards.
Instead, I walked each group of students through each step of the fire jell-o making. I think it
was not developmentally appropriate to assume the students could follow the instruction cards.
Guiding the student through was more successful.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

Wednesday, I lead the center job of flaming-fire-puffy-paint-pictures. This assignment

also very different than my original lesson plan. To start, students first wrote a sentence about a
positive fact they knew about fire on their paper for the painting. I originally was going to make
this just a creative art worksheet, but the students had discussed that morning at morning
meeting the positive effects of fire. My CT was attempting to teach the students not to be afraid
of fire, because while it is sometimes dangerous, it is also essential to life.
Also, I had thought about having each student make a cup of their own puffy paint.
Instead, I had students work as one group to create the puffy paint in a large bowl. I think this
was beneficial because students had to work together. Each child had to take turns, and not
every student got to do each job.

II. Based on the assessment you created, what can you conclude about your impact on student
learning? Did they learn? Who learned? What did they learn? What evidence can you offer that
your conclusions are valid?
Based on my assessment, all students were able to complete both activities. Some
students struggled, but all students were able to complete the assignment.
During the fire jell-o, I had three students learn how to cut with a knife. Before the
lesson, I assumed that all students knew how to cut, but it turns out some students needed to
be taught how to use the knife. Students using a plastic knife increases their fine motor skills.
This evidence is provided in the rubric used for assessment.
My favorite thing to see the students learn was the concept of jell-o turning from boiling
water and mix, to a cold solid. The day of the lesson before making the jell-o, the students knew
and were able to explain that jell-o is a cold snack. Then during the center, students realized
that they used hot water to make the jell-o. The next day during morning meeting time, my CT

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________
asked the students if the jell-o would be cold or hot. About half the students thought the jell-o
would still be hot. But, she encouraged them to use prior knowledge and remember that in the
past when they ate jell-o, it was a cold snack. It was fascinating to see students connect that the
jell-o they would eat, had previously been a hot liquid, but was now a cold solid.

III. Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in a
better or more thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again.
I wish I had given my students more independence in the jell-o making. I think if I had
made the jell-o a class activity, I could have given each student a pineapple ring, a spoon and
knife, and small bowl of powder jell-o, and allowed them to assemble their parts without me
hovering around them. I did not give my students the chance to make a mistake, and then fix
their mistake.
Also, for puffy paint assignment, I think I could have first allowed the students to explore
the shaving cream. They were fascinated by shaving cream. So, I think we could have done an
activity first with shaving cream because they had such an interest in it. I think allowing my
students to explore the texture and characteristics of the shaving cream would have been
developmentally appropriate.

IV. Based on the assessment data you collected, what would you do/teach next if you were the
classroom teacher?
My students found stirring the ingredients together in the jell-o to be difficult. If I were the
classroom teacher, I would continue lessons in fine motor skills. I think in my Cts classroom we
do not use enough fine motor skill activities. We do lots of cutting and tearing activities, but I
think it would be beneficial for the students to do other activities which allow students to
increase their fine motor skills such as tying, sewing and painting with other materials.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________
Also, my students are still very fearful of fire. If I were the teacher, I would teach a lesson
on the positive attributes of fire. While fire is sometimes negative and can cause great harm, I
think its important for students to discuss the positive effects.
Finally, I think my students are better at following directions than my CT and I give our
children credit for. I assumed that my students needed lots of individual attention, and while they
do need lots of one on one help, they are able to be independent. So, for future lessons, I would
give less specific directions, and see if students are able to still complete the assignment.

V. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced
about young children as learners?
Kindergarteners are so smart. Although they need to be walked through step by step,
they are very smart. They are able to complete assignments and discuss difficult questions
when asked specific questions.
Kindergartners are also very interested in the world. They are so eager and willing to
learn, if the material is prevented in a captivating way. When I have my own classroom one day
and am teaching my own kindergartners, I plan to use science to teach many different subjects.
In our classroom, fire safety was used for literacy, art, writing, science, and society subjects. I
plan to use science subjects in the same way. Students are fascinated by the world around
them, which encourages them continue studying in these subjects.

VI. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced
about teaching?
I was so nervous going into the lesson. My CT did not give me any advice or guidance
and just had me jump into leading the lesson. In one way that was positive because she trusted
me with the students, but it also seemed negative because I am only a junior practicum student.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________
So, when my first center group came though, I dont think I did a good job of managing the
group, monitoring other things going on in the classroom, and teaching the content of the
center. But, by the third or fourth center group, I felt much more comfortable. I realized teaching
is in my comfort zone, as long at the right amount of preparation goes into the lesson.
I also learned a lot more about authority during the lesson. I was very nervous in the
beginning of the lesson to correct students behavior. But, as the lesson went on, I realized it
was my lesson, and as the teacher, it was important for students to focus on the lesson and
learn. So, as the lesson progressed, I wasnt scared to remind students to focus on the lesson.
I think most importantly though, after teaching these mini lessons, I realized teaching is
absolutely for me, and I enjoy teaching kindergartens.
I also realized I love using informal styles of assessment. For both projects, I made
rubrics and wrote notes down throughout the process. In both informal assessments I made
comments and used a check marking score. The next time I use this style of informal
assessment, I will make sure to be more proactive in taking notes. It was easy to observe the
students, but I really struggled to write down notes on the students.

VII. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced
about yourself?
As a result of planning this lesson I remembered, and continued to realize, that I hate
planning. I have never enjoyed planning and writing out detailed plans is very frustrating to me. I
talked to my CT some about this, and she was able share with me her ways of lesson planning.
This was encouraging because I was able to see other ways to plan that are still successful, but
less structured.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________
I also, as previously stated, realized that teaching is for me. Immersion week in general
validated teaching as my dream career. But, after stepping away from leading a lesson, I
learned that teaching really is for me because I loved leading a lesson.
I also learned that I am constantly critiquing myself, but in a positive way. I can list 10
things positive about this lesson, but I can also list at least 20 ways this lesson could be
improved. I think entering the career of teaching will be a constant state of me learning how to
better myself as an educator.

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________
For the assessment of the jell-o assignment, I used an informal rubric. As each student
completed the jell-o they received one of the following:
+ = completed almost entirely independently without teacher assistance
= completed with teacher assistance; teacher provided step by step guidance, but student
was still able to complete assignment without physical help from teacher
- = assignment completed with major help from teacher; teacher provided physical help,
student explicitly did not follow directions
X = student did not complete assignment


Did really well
Couldnt cut with knife
Offered to help other students; eager to answer questions
Completely independent
Struggled with stirring
Case study student

Spilled jell-o while stirring, was able to independently clean up mess

Licked spoon, did not listen to instructions
Didnt follow instructions; spilled powder jell-o

Emily Hall
Mrs. Lambert (k) Riverbend Elementary
To be presented on Wednesday, Oct during morning center jobs
Submitted to Mrs. Lambert on: __________

For the assessment of the puffy-fire paint assignment, I again used an informal rubric. This time,
I assessed them on their willingness to help with the paint, the credibility of their fact, and their
ability to create a picture. This time, students were given a if they completed the assignment
or an X if they did not offer assistance.

Name Helped make

Fact Picture










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