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Being as such - distinction between existing and essence.

you can know existence without knowing essence and vice versa, like with fictional
Existence can be broken down between actuality and potentiality
Race and entity, something. Opposites are nonrace and nonentity
Also difference between form and matter
Existing - categories
mental (dreamsexist)
extramental (fo realz)
Essence - categories
Substance - being in the most fundamental sense. "That which exists in itself"
Distinction in itself (in se) - Per se (by itself, self subsisting which means it exists through
itself, only thing that does this is SB) and ab alio (by another, created substances)
Accidenty (Property) - "That which exists in some other thing"
being in alio ab alio (exists in itself by another thing)
the individual substance = that which bears a substance - gives substance being of
created being falls into "natural kinds"
the nature of a being is essence in action - what a being of a kind does
omg what is going on, idt these notes are organized in an understandable way at all.
Degrees of Being
disembodied (angels)
Humans (why did i capitalize that?)
higher up is more independent from its creator
"That over there is water" - individual, singular, item. What, he just erased this.
individuated substance (in alio ab alio) of a rational nature = a person
it is = rational (self conscious) animal
form + matter = physical being
pure form being = angels/demons "intelligences"
Jesus is INCARNATION. Incarnation - one person of two natures, human and divine (wasn't
there a council that decided this likeforever ago?)
Trinity. Three persons of one divine nature. (no council for this one).

Anselm thought you could prove the incarnation (heh) and Aquinas so no way dude, you
can't do that with natural reasoning.
Tree of Porphyrs (wish i could read his handwriting)
either material of immaterial
material is either animate (living) or inanimate
animate is either sensate (animal) or insensate (plant)
sensate is either rational (humans) or nonrational
rational is either male or female
Accident(al being)
Quantity - (how much of a thing you have). The amount you have is a type of being. The
amount that it has is where it gets its being
there exists how much and how many
types quantity - continuous (geometry) and discontinuous (arithmetic)
Quality - power of substance ability and capacity. powers have dispositions.
somewhere in here fits in sensory qualities like color as experienced subjectively, tastes
and smells.
Classical realism says that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around it does make a
Galileo is the first to change belief.
Relation - the density of lead is greater than the density of aluminum. "Greater than" is a
being and characteristic.
(all of this below goes with that above (relationnn))
Time location (now)
duration (now till then)
Place location,
extension (from here to here)
Orientation - upside down, right side up
Action - action on
Passion - being acted upon (for every action there is an equal blah blah)
Condition/State - ability to receive in a particular way

ignore that
Being that undergoes change - becoming (as such)
Being to essence and existing is metaphysics, becoming is physics
Something is the same and something is different. Both same and different
Neither a creation or an annihilation
You have an initial state of a being(x) as well as a terminal state of a being(x)
In initial state x does not have phi, but in terminal state x does have phi
at beginning of initial state x potentially has phi and in terminal state it actually has phi

Y has psi in initial state but in terminal state Y does not have psi
Y potentially does not have psi, Y actually does not have psi
WW2 used as an example? Ah, billiard ball, at one point it's at one point and then it's not
but it could be, it could be at any point. Grok.
two types of change - accidental and substantial change
accidental - substance same but properties different
substantial - substance different but properties same (elements same)
all change requires transformation
1st - the Formal
Form (lost/acquired)
2nd - The Material
the matter stays the same
3rd - Efficient
moving cause, external to the cause. it is what acts on the thing undergoing the change. a
force. The person who lights the match.
4th - Final (Terminus)
state at which the change stops. The stop codon in a gene. Bird repeatedly getting sticks
beCause it is building a nest (ending state)
Ice sculpture "melts". Why?
Because it was made of ice (2nd - Material)
Because when ice melts the latice form breaks apart (1st - Formal)
Because it got too hot (3rd - Efficient)
Because melting stopped when thermal equilibrium reached (4th- Final)
Transcendental (characteristics of being) = one true good
being = one, being = true, being = good
transcendental being are aspects of being in any modality (potential, actual, accidental,
Frege said that there can be concepts with the same reference but a different sense
Equalateral triangle - equal sides, Equiangular - equal angles. Refer to exactly the same
"snow is white", only true if thought corresponds to fact.
How do I know if my thoughts correspond to extra-mental facts?
The real extra-mental thing and the thought of the thing
Tolstoy thought Pierre into existence. Accidental Relationship
Gollanek's face when he sees the head that Pestana drew
Also house an architect designs in comparison to someone else seeing the house that the
architect designed
the existence of a chair is incidental to your seeing it (thank you Douglas Adams for the
grokking of this philosophy class)
Divine Mind, Created universe. Being.
Created universe idea in the divine mind
The more false something is to it's original thought (divine idea) the less being it has. The
more true the more being

"Here's this acorn. We'll talk about acorns more later"

Ok, this next part works only if you believe that we have free will
voluntary agents have the ability to be something that they are not intended to be by the
divine mind. Sin? The more we sin the more false we are and the less being we have and in
the most extreme the more likely it is we cease to exist.
"The rock is what it is and in a sense is all that it can be and it's pretty good at being what
it is"
When you achieve self actualization (acorn to a tree) you are the most being you can

born in Florence in 1265 and died in Ravenna in 1324
In love with Beatrice (glad my parents didn't pick that name)
Super courtly love ideals even though they were both married to separate people and
wrote the Vita Nuova - a book of love poems and how Beatrice inspired his life. Died at 24.
Politics of dis times
Italy didn't exist, just a bunch of city-states fighting with each other. Dante involved in the
Hohenstaffen (Ghibillenes) - party that was pro-emperor
Guelphs - party that was pro-papacy
Dante was anti-papacy. The Guelphs won and Dante was banished from Florence which
gave him time to write
This class is impossible being this distracted thank god we're not doing philosophy again
Writes De Monarchia - separation of civil and religious authorities
but seriously, I can hardly think.
Opposes the Donation of Constantine which (refresher, this will be a lot harder next
semester) gave all the power of the western empire to the church
"The pope is actually in charge of the country of the Vatican" "All thanks to Constantine,
right?" "Haha, well, no."
Dante didn't like:
Celestine 5: didn't like being pope and resigned in 1294 after being pope for 161 days.
Missed being a monk. And Dante didn't agree with thatbut only because he hated the next
one more
Boniface 8 : 1294-1303, Dante was really unfair to him I guess, but there are rumors that
Boniface locked Celestine into a room until he resigned. Dante says he's self serving. Why
don't we tell stories like this forever this is so nice, I like taking notes like this.
Clement 5 : Papacy moved to Avignon in 1309
John 22: medieval pope who would excommunicate people and Dante was like dude, you

shouldn't have that power wtf

Had a strong connection to the Franciscan omg i can't concentrateeeeeeee. Had kids so he
couldn't actually be a bro, but they buried him there so that's nice. But then Florence was
like shit, he's a great author, he should probably reside for the rest of forever ova here.
About the writing:
Created the Dolce Stil Nuovo (the sweet new style, not even kidding) style of writing and
people thought it was sick
Starts with courtly love style but the Divine Comedy is about his transition from courtly
love to divine love which is super hard for pilgrim Dante
Distinction between pilgrim Dante character person and Dante poet. These two people,
although the same person, don't have the same principles One is stupid and one wrote
one of the greatest poems of all time.
Dante only called it the Comedy but later someone else said nononono, this is Divine.
Divine Comedy. Comedy because there is a happy ending. He doesn't end up with Beatrice,
but gets salvation with God - just what we've all always wanted.
Written in Italian and not Latin to say heyyy, Italian is super cool to write with and imma
say merde in a classical work and it's gonna be great guys, just wait.
It's super long. But not as long as Virgil's poem.
Divided into Cantos (song). Each part has 33 Cantos except not the first one which has 34
which equals 100 (good job bro). The many cantos add up to one whole poem.
Liked the number 3 (hehe, me too broski), stanza are blahblahblah what's going on my life
is so much more interesting that how the poem is created
Our poem does not rhyme. Because english isn't cool. Like Italian.
Each tercet has 33 syllables (ok, so the answer is always 3 apparently this guy hadn't read
Adams) 3 because of the Holy Trinity
Christianity doesn't really make sense
To the poem!
Post first line on tumblr! Is so prettyys
We need a Babel fish over herr
Canto 1
Dante is lost on the path of life in the dense woods and doesn't know where he is
He sees very clearly three animals (shoot, theres a movie where this happens.same
director who did Melancholia..IMDB this) A Leopard, Lion, and She-Wolf
Leopard = lust
Lion = pride
She-Wolf = avarice (greed)
represent why he has lost his way
poem takes place in 1300 between Holy Thursday and Easter Week.
Line 40 - God is unmoved mover! Sunshine and Life! All things love God and everything is
moved by love
Canto 2
Dude! He has 3 chicks in heaven looking out for him! more threes!
Virgil sent by Beatrice (how sweet) but she doesn't want to spend much time with him
because "she longs to return" cuz heaven is better. She is untouched by misery and is happy
all the time.
The Virgin Mary sends Lucia (patron of the Italians) who sends Beatrice who sends Virgil.
Theres also some chick Rachel who was a Jew from the Old Testament. She represents all
the Jews who ended up in heaven
Canto 3
This class description should pretty much just be "Abandon Every Hope, Who Enter Here",

father and son and joined by love and that love is the spirit.
christianity blachalnfoiblah is it lunchtime yet?
Line 16 - "lost the good of the intellect" - the intellect has be corrupted by sin.

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