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1. What is the aim of software engineering? What does the discipline of software engineering
2. What do you understand by the term life cycle model of software development? Why is it
important to adhere to a life cycle model while developing a large software product?
3. Explain why the waterfall model of the software process is not an accurate reflection of
software development activities.
4. Giving reasons for your answer based on the type of type of system being developed, suggest
the most appropriate generic software process model which might be used as a basis for
managing the development of the following systems:
a) A university accounting system which is intended to replace an existing system.
b) An interactive system which allows railway passengers to find train times from terminals
installed in stations.
c) A well-understood data processing application.
d) A software product that would function as the controller of a telephone switching
e) A new text editor.

A new library automation software that would link various libraries in the city.

g) A compiler for a new language.

h) A new library automation software that would link various libraries in the city.

A compiler for a new language.

5. Explain why programs which are developed using evolutionary development are likely to be
difficult to maintain.
6. Explain how both waterfall model of the software process and the prototype model can be
accommodated in the spiral model.

1. What are the major advantages of first developing the prototype of a system?
2. Explain why the spiral model is considered to be a meta model.
3. Why are three different levels of testing unit testing, integration testing and system testing
necessary? What is the main purpose of each of these different levels of testing?
4. Discus the various software design methodologies and their relative advantages and
5. In any software development effort, why is it advantageous to detect defects in the same phase
in which they are introduced?
6. What is meant by software maintenance? Discuss the three kinds of activities involved in
software maintenance.

Compare different software life cycle models.

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