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Describe the Types of co-teaching and when you would use them in your current settings or

future settings.

1.) One Teaching, One Observing

Description: One instructor handles all of the instruction while the other instructor
watches or monitors the class.

Use: While the main instructor teaches, the other one performs student observations for
use in a Functional Behavioral Analysis or takes notes for an upcoming IEP meeting.

2.) Station Teaching

Description: Students are divided into groups, and instructors divide content accordingly.
Students can move from one center to another or independent work can be provided.

Use: During an English Language Arts class, one instructor could be in charge of up a
reading station, the other a writing station, and there could also be an independent
computer station.

3.) Parallel Teaching

Description: The students are split into two groups and both instructors teach the same
material to each half of the class.

Use: This method could be used for just about any lesson on any subject, such as life
cycle of a frog, long division instruction, or the features of effective writing.

4.) Alternative Teaching

Description: One instructor teaches a main lesson to the majority of the students, while
the other instructor teaches a different lesson to a smaller group of students.

Use: The main teacher instructs the larger group on essay structure and organization,
while the second instructor teaches the smaller group about brainstorming topics.

5.) Teaming
Description: Both instructors contribute to lesson planning and delivery of instruction,
with each one equally responsible for facilitating students, material, and monitoring.

Use: One instructor teaches one method of multiplication, then the other teaches an
alternate method, after which they both float around the room monitoring the students.

6.) One Teaching, One Assisting

Description: One instructor teaches the class while the other instructor manages student
behaviors or supports individual students as necessary.

Use: While the main teacher is delivering the lesson, the assisting teacher can implement
positive reinforcement systems, or provide one-on-one assistance to students as needed.

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