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Subject / Course:

Lesson Title:

4th Grade Reading

Developing Main Idea/Theme through
Storyboard Lesson
Mixed (ages


5 days

Common Core or State Standard(s) & Learning Objective(s):

4th grade Reading:

The ability to:
determine central ideas, themes, textual evidence, POV and how POV
effects textual style and content.
analyze the development of central themes, events and individuals, textual
structure, multiple texts with similar themes/topics.
summarize ideas and supporting details.
interpret words and phrases, specifically as they are used in a text (North
integrate content that is presented differentlysuch as quantitatively or
delineate an argument/claims from a text.

Target Audience: 4th Grade

Knowing the Learner

Although the learners from this group fall into a mix of categories (ranging from
Naturalistic to Logical-Mathematical), the one Learning Type that all three of my students
shared was Intrapersonal.
Student 1: Interpersonal, Musical, Bodily- Kinesthetic
Student 2: Interpersonal, Visual-Spatial, Logical-Mathematical
Student 3: Interpersonal, Naturalistic, Verbal- Linguistic


Because I am pretty new to using technology in the classroom, it was really important
for me to keep in mind that I was still the teacher and wasnt trying to have the
technology teach for me.
With that in mind, the technology that I used and had the students use in the lesson
was merely a tool in my tool box. I used technology as a tool to:


show content (the Prezi presentation and Youtube video)

record their notes
access a rubric
complete assignments that demonstrated their learning during the

Technology Being Used by Students

Google Docs
Toon site
Youtube site

Technology Being Used by Teacher

Google Docs
Toon site
Youtube site

Lesson Strategy and Required Materials

Core of lesson plan:

Assess students prior knowledge of the big idea/essential question &
outcomes by participating in a (4,3,2,1) pre-assessment on Google Docs to
show their knowledge of main ideas and order of events in a story
Have students will do a storyboard activity through the Toon website
and present the storyboard for the class to demonstrate their understanding
Guide student learning by giving a (4,3,2,1) post-assessment on Google
Docs to show student knowledge of main ideas and events
Have students self grade, grade peers, and grade students using the
rubric provided on Google Docs. The teacher will conduct short meetings with
students to compare the rubrics (from the self grade, peer grade, and teacher

Purpose: Create learning experiences and instruction that promotes student

understanding through the use of TPACK integrations.
Google Docs
Link to (4,3,2,1) pre and post assessment
Link to Lesson Rubric
Prezi Lesson plan
Toons website for storyboard activity
Day 1
Lesson Activities:

Students start pre-assessment (Google Doc) using a (4,3,2,1) knowledge of main

ideas and order of events in a story.

Students are given a rubric for the lesson (found in Google Docs) and discuss the

Materials Needed:

Pre-assessment (Google Doc)

Rubric (Google Doc shared with students)

Day 2
Lesson Activities:

Students are introduced to story and the objectives of the lesson through a Prezi

Students begin to work on storyboards

*Students will use the Toons site to create a login and begin planning the
format that they will use to create their storyboard.
Materials Needed:

Story on Youtube


Device to access the Toons site to work on storyboards

Day 3
Lesson Activities:

Students present storyboards by first sharing their picture of their storyboard to

the class and teachers, and then presenting it in front of the class

Students self grade and peer grade storyboards using rubrics through Google
Materials Needed:

Storyboards (completed)

Rubrics for each student to self grade and peer grade

Devices to show and work on google docs (as mentioned above) and storyboards
Day 4
Lesson Activities:

Students take post assessment using a (4,3,2,1) knowledge of main ideas and
order of events in a story

Students review rubric

Materials Needed:

Same pre-assessment (with the same questions)

Completed rubrics to share with the student (through Google Docs)

Devices to view google docs and rubrics

Feedback Strategy

Based on the article Seven Keys to Effective Feedback by Wiggins

(2012) and the Secondary Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII), I
will you ensure I provide my students with effective feedback throughout and
at the conclusion of this lesson by:
* Providing goal-referenced feedback that is related directly to the goals that the
students set at the beginning of the lesson and are stated in the rubric
* Making sure the feedback is both tangible and transparent by walking the students
(also at the beginning of the lesson) through the rubric in which Ill provide along
with the feedback
* Explain to the student what area they need to improve on by listing actionable
feedback. For example, perhaps you should pay attention to this part of the story
* Keeping the feedback user-friendly by making sure students understand what they
need to work on in small groups or one-on-ones
* Making sure the feedback is timely by returning the storyboard/ meeting in groups
no later than one week after the material is completed
* Providing ongoing feedback throughout the lesson by checking in early and often
on the students as they complete their storyboards
* Maintaining consistency with the rubric that will be used for all students
* Keeping the students aware of their goal in the beginning so that they may

successfully progress towards it

Assessments (How do you know students met the learning objectives

and targets?)

Students peer edit other storyboards through interactive rubrics in Google
Docs (each student is given two other students)
Students view rubric and self grade their storyboards through Google
Students grade other students presentations based on the provided rubric
in Google Docs
Teacher-Based Assessments
Students give a pre-assessment using a (4,3,2,1) knowledge of main ideas
and order of events in a story.
Students give a post assessment using a (4,3,2,1) knowledge of main ideas
and order of events in a story.
Students meet with teacher after final rubric to reflect on what the learned/
what understandings need work. *all also found in Google Docs

This lesson plan can easily be extended for a unit on a bigger story.
There is plenty of room to expand on a thorough analysis of themes,
main ideas, and supporting details.
Possible Modifications A specific book to follow a course theme, with a more
detailed and pre-formated storyboard
A less-technology based lesson for early learners who
would benefit from a simpler rubric or possibly a printed out
storyboard template to be drawn on

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