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Lesson Plan

Title: What goes up must come down

Topic: Gravity

Grade: K

Designers:Phoebe Fry

Stage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals:
Standard1: The Scientific Process: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION: Discover, invent and
investigate using the skills necessary to engage in the scientific process.
SC.K.1.1 Use the senses to make observations.
SC.K.1.2 Ask questions about the world around them.
Standard 7: Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: FORCES AND MOTION: Understand the
relationship between forces, mass, and motion of objects; and know the major natural
forces: gravitational, electric, and magnetic
SC.K.7.1 Identify that objects will fall to the ground unless something is holding them up.
Production and Distribution of Writing
K.W.6: With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
K.SL.4: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support,
provide additional detail
K.SL.6: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly
Students will understand that
Gravity is the force that pulls objects and things
Gravity is something that can not be seen.
Gravity can be defied by other forces that act
against it as seen in birds, airplanes etc.

Essential Questions:
What is gravity?
How do you know its there?
Can you see it?
What does it do?
What would happen if there was no gravity?

Students will know

Students will be able to
That gravity pulls things down to the earth.
Show how gravity affects objects by dropping
different size objects to the ground.
That gravity is what makes things fall.
It is an invisible force that is all around us all the Recognize pictures that show and do not show
Define what gravity is.
That if another force acts against gravity, it
wont fall to the ground.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Summary in GRASPS form

Goal:Demonstrate how gravity pulls objects towards the ground.
Role:You are a scientist observing gravity
Audience:Other scientists (classmates)
Situation:You will choose an item from the basket. With a partner you will hold it up and let it go.
Discuss what happened to the object with your partner. Trade roles and repeat. Did the same thing
happen? Come together as a class and have some partners share their experience, what their item
was, what happened, and why it happened? Using two different sized and weighted items, model
for the class what would happen if you dropped them at the same time? Discuss what they think
will happen and why?
Product: Students will gain basic knowledge about gravity and what it is by stating a general
definition of what goes up must come down. Students will draw a picture showing gravity.
Performance Task: Students will complete a partner activity where they will drop an item and
observe what happens and participate in class discussions that arise along with being able to draw
a picture that illustrates how gravity works.
(Example: throwing a ball, riding a bicycle, jumping rope, etc.)
Key Criteria:
Pre-assessment: (to be given prior to lesson)

Writes what gravity is

Draws an example of what gravity does

Written class definition:

Gravity pulls you to the ground

What goes up must come down

Partner observation (drop-it)

With a partner pick an item from the basket and drop it

Draws the item they dropped and their observation (what happened)
Write what happened (Example: The ball fell down)

Class discussion

Participate in teacher led discussion

Gives opinions and states why they think so
Discuss why tables and chairs dont fall. (Something is holding it up)

Individual drawing assessment

Draw an example of gravity pulling on you. (Example: throwing a ball, jumping etc.

Other Evidence:
Thinking Maps to be used:
Circle Maps-used to generate and organize ideas; brainstorm.

Individual drawing Assessment

Proficient (P)
Accurately draws a
picture of how gravity
pulls a person or an
object to the ground.
Can orally explain
what gravity is when

Partly Proficient (PP)

Accurately draws a
picture of how gravity
pulls a person or an
object to the ground.
Has difficulty
explaining what
gravity is.

Novice (N)
Incorrectly draws a
picture of gravity and
has difficulty in
explaining what
gravity is.

Self-assessment: Students will reflect on what theyve learned by completing a self-assessment.

The will color in a face that matches their feelings on the subject of gravity.

I dont really know

I need more practice
Yes, I got it!
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Learning ActivitiesConsider the (WHERETO) elements
Hook (H)
Introduce Gravity (GRAH-VI-TEE) and todays learning

Begin class discussion on what students think gravity

Question using the 5 senses:
-What does gravity look like?
-What does it sound like?
-What does it feel like?
-Does it smell?
-Can you touch it?

What would happen if I threw a ball up in the air?

Why would it come back down?

Watch short video.(E)

Discuss what students have learned about gravity so

Write it down on promethean.(E)

Tell students today they are going to be scientists. With

a partner students will pick an item from the basket and

Tailoring Activities (T)

find an area around the room. They will take turns

holding up the item and letting it go and watch what
happens. Then together draw what they observed and
write a sentence describing what happened.(O)

Re-group and have some partners share their item and

what happened. Also discuss the different sizes and
weights of the objects and how gravity still pulls it
down. Also discuss why a chair or a table doesnt fall to
the ground? Is something holding it up?(O)

As a class think of other examples of gravitys pull on

us and list them on the promethean. Refer to some of
the examples from the video. (E)

Individual worksheet: Have students bring their clip

board and a pencil to the floor. Pass out the worksheet.
As a class, create a definition of gravity. Refer back to
the earlier slide if necessary. Have students draw a
picture showing one of the examples of gravitys pull.
They can use one of the examples we came up with on
the board or think of one on their own. Encourage them
to think of a new one on their own. They must also fill
out the self-assessment on the bottom of their paper.

**Scheduled for Tuesday 1/28

Follow up Gravity lesson:
Hook (H)
Introduce that today we will be learning more about
gravity. The learning target for the day will be to
identify some objects or things that act against gravity.

Revisit slides on gravity from first lesson. Ask for any

students who would like to share with the class on what
gravity is.(E)

Discuss some of the things that were learned including:

-What does gravity look like?
-What does it do?
-What would happen if there was no gravity?
-Example of how gravity works.

Write out all of these things the students already

learned about gravity on the provided promethean

Since students have already learned that gravity pulls

you or any object to the ground, discuss certain things

that defy gravity. What kinds of things fly in the sky?
Why doesnt gravity pull it down?(R)

Take a look at all the pictures on the circle map. What

do they all have in common? Why doesnt gravity pull
them down? If gravity is everywhere and pulls
everything, how is it possible for things to stay in the

Post-Assessment: Introduce the Fill-in the picture

worksheet students will be doing. Go over each picture,
where they might belong and have them cut and glue
the pictures according to gravity. Lastly have them
write a sentence about what they learned about gravity.

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