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During 2016s summer, medGadget had the exclusiveness of interviewing

Kevin Eisenfrats, co-founder and CEO of Contraline, about the new project
consisting on a new male contraceptive method.
During the interview, Eisenfrats shared the latest news about the procedure.
Starting of, Contralines procedure is called Vasintomy, and it mainly does the
job with preventing sperm to move down the vas deferens but unlike this
surgery, the vasintomy is not a surgical procedure and it does not have
permanent damage or physical changes on the male anatomy.
The way a Vasintomy is meant to work is quite simple; medically it could be
described as an ultrasound-guided percutaneous injection on the vas
deferens. One may wonder how a non-hormonal injection could prevent a man
from reproducing, but the answer is as simple as the procedure.
The injection carries gel, Echo-V (a polymer solution), it is liberated into the
lumen through the skin. The gel does not leak and its not at all invasive for the
anatomy, once properly injected its not possible for it to move, get infected,
leak, or anyhow harm the carrier. Sperm will be unable to trespass this barrier
and therefore the contraceptive is foolproof, in theory.
According to Eisenfrats, having the gel being non-hormonal and reversible, it is
potentially one of the best contraceptives ever planned. The risks for the
company to shoot this procedure into the market stands with the availability of
the same. Condoms and pills, per se, are available at any pharmacy and many
stores, while a vasintomy must be done at a proper medical institution that at
the moment counts with this option.
On the other hand, it is a great plan considering it shouldnt be any expensive
and the procedure takes no more than 4 minutes according to tests.
MedGadget informed that the vasintomy is in no way a risk at side-effects. The
gel being non-hormonal it cannot cause systemic side-effects (acne, weight

gain, hormonal misbalance, among others), and allergies too should be covered
by the medical institution running the procedure.
When it comes to the reversing of the vasintomy, it is very little the information
that was given, but for a start its told that another gel is injected into the
lumen with the Echo-V, this second agent will selectively de-precipitate the first
gel, allowing the lumen and vas deferens to run semen, giving conception
possibilities and fertility back to the carrier.
Studies on the Virginias labs are currently running tests on rats to track down
data in order to eliminate the majority of risks before trying it on male humans.
Eisenfrats revealed that this procedure has been growing into this for over a
year and will soon start to be a contraceptive option for males internationally.
Lastly Eisenfrats shared his hopes to develop a suite of products that
accompany the Vasintomy, and eventually, making his procedure as available
as other contraceptives worldwide.

Medgadget. (June, 2016). Contraline, a New Approach to Male Contraception:
Interview. MedGadget

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