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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Victoria Kooker

Date: December 4, 2016

Grade and Topic: Grade 2, Social Studies

Length of Lesson: 30 minutes for one week

Mentor Teacher: Marla Phillips, Margaret Murdock

School: The University of Memphis, IDT 3600


The create a graphic organizer to explain the three branches of government and the basic role of each lesson is
part of a unit covering government and civics. The government is the three branches of which are the Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial branches. These branches all work at a state and local level as described in the TN state
social studies standard 2.0.

Content Learning Goals and Objectives
1. Given prior knowledge by the teacher on the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, TLW
select graphic images that represent what each branches looks like with a score of three out of four
on the rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: comprehension)
2. Given prior knowledge by the teacher on what role each of the branches serve, TLW select graphic
images that represents what each branches roles looks like with a score of three out of four on the
rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: comprehension)
3. Given a computer and the Web 2.0 graphic organizer tool Creately, TLW create a graphic organizer
that explains what each of the three branches does and the basic role with a three out of four on the
rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: synthesis)
Student Participation
The goal of this lesson is for students to demonstrate a clear understanding of each of three branches of
government. Students provide visual representation and written reflections of the three branches of government.

State/ District Standards

TN Social Studies- 2.25 Create a graphic organizer to explain the three branches of government
and the basic role of each.

ISTE Standard(s)

3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.


A worksheet on the three branches of government

Prezi account
Internet Access to:
a. 3 Branches of Government:
b. Google images 3 Branches of Government:
c. Creately:

Technology Integration
Students will use the websites stated above as resources for the three branches of government and to access
images. Creately will be used to create the graphic organizer, and add images to the three branches of
government graphic organizer. Students upon completing the activity, will save their work to a shared Dropbox
folder for their class. A sample of the product is available here: Student Sample
What are the key concepts for the lesson? Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of each of the three
branches of government by providing visual representations and written reflections of the three branches of government.

What is the critical academic language (general and technical) that must be addressed in this lesson? Academic
Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson(s)? This lesson is a continuation of TN
social studies 2.0.
How do you expect to build on this lesson in subsequent lessons? We will refer to the notes from our teacher as
we continue to explore the three branches of government. We will also use our grammar text books for a unit on
Why will you need to plan differentiated activities or assessments? I am aware that the lesson will be
differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However,
modifications are not covered in the course and are not part of this particular lesson.



Start by introducing the three branches of government on a large screen display, overhead, or whiteboard.

Provide some brief background on the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches and the roles each
one has in our government.

Give the students time to take clear notes as we go over each branch in class.

Follow up with a brief discussion pointing out that the three branches of government play an important
role in the United States.
However, for the next three days, the students will be using pictures and images to make a graphic
organizer for the three branches of government.

Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the lesson.
Include approximate times with each step of the lesson.

For each activity, include directions you may need to give or key questions you intend to ask,
possible alternatives to the activity, or examples.
Describe how you will differentiate for students with different learning needs or backgrounds.
If technology is being used, identify a rotation plan and supporting activities.
Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)
Teacher Procedure:

Student Procedure:

1. After the Introduction, distribute a worksheet on

the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches to
students and ask them to complete the worksheet.
2. Once all the students complete the worksheet, as a class
we will go over it to see if they have a good understanding.

1. Students complete their three branches

of government worksheet.
2. Students will share their answers from
the worksheet out loud with their classmates.

At the Computer (30 minutes for two days)

Teacher Procedure:
1. Have students login into the computer.
2. Have students open up Google Chrome or
Internet explorer.
3. Direct students to the three branches of
Government website.
4. Direct students to the Google images website.
5. Monitor and assist as need.

Student Procedure:
1. Open up the Internet browser.
2. Go to the Branches of Government website
and copy what each branch does and the roles.
3. Open a new tab in the Internet browser.
4. Go to the Creately and click on try Creately
5. Add the following title to the top of the
Three Branches of Government.
6. Below the title, Insert three circles to the main
7. Add the names Legislative, Executive, and
Judicial in the circles.
8. Add three more circles under the three
9. Inside each circle tell what each branch does.
10. Under those circles add three more.
11. Find a picture from google images related to
the three branches of government.
12. Then add three more circles under the ones
with pictures.
13. In those circles tell what each branches who
runs the branch.
14. Save work
15. Print a copy

After the computer (30 minutes for two days)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Places students in groups of 3 to 4 students
2. Ask students to share their graphic organizer
to the person on the right.
3. Students are to quietly review the work and
take notes of key similarities and differences,
then pass the paper to next person until students
have reviewed all papers in the group.
4. Give students 5 to 10 minutes to discuss the

Student Procedures:
1. While in groups, students review each others work
and note differences and similarities between final
2. Students discuss the different papers.
3. Students write one or two paragraphs describing what
the three branches of government means to them.

5. Have students individually write a reflection about
what the three branches of government means to

Students volunteer to share their Three Branches of Government reflections. At the end of class, the teacher
collects reflections, checks for assignments submissions, and polls the class for questions.


Three Branches of Government Rubric

Graphic images
represent each of the
Three Branches of

Very few or none of
the chosen graphics
represents the
concepts of their
associated branch of

The role and what

each branch of
government does is
clearly stated.

Very few or none of

the roles and what
each branch of
government does is
clearly stated.
The reflection does
not demonstrate an
understanding of the
Three Branches of
Government and/ or
what it means to the


Only a few of the
graphics clearly or
somewhat clearly
represents the
concepts of their
associated branch of
Only a few of the
roles and what each
branch of government
does is clearly stated.

Almost all of the
chosen graphics
clearly represent the
concepts of their
associated branch of

All of the chosen
graphics very clearly
represent the concepts
of their associated
branch of

Almost all of the roles

and what each branch
of government does is
clearly stated.

All of the roles and

what each branch of
government does is
clearly stated.

The reflection
demonstrates a
somewhat vague
understanding of the
Three Branches of
Government and what
it means to the

The reflection
demonstrates a
somewhat clear
understanding of the
Three Branches of
Government and what
it means to the

The reflection
demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
Three Branches of
Government and what
it means to the

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Student Sample

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