Rti Procedures and Forms

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Response to Inter ention (RT1)

ALL Students are considered TIER S until such time as they demonstrate a need for additional
support that comes from OUTSIDE the regular classroom (85% of our population).
As soon as you begin to provide classroom interventions for a student with academic or

behavioral concerns, RTI Documentation MUST be added in AWARE at TIER I. This will provide
documentation of what has been tried if we need to move the student to Tier II, and/or if we
need to seek support from district level personnel. It is especially important to have this
documentation for students with behavior needs. If the student makes good progress with only
the in-class interventions, the information will assist future teachers. Tier I forms include:

> Tier I Intervention Strategy Checklist (for academics and/OR behavior)

Intervention Progress Monitoring Report, updated twice per grading period to note how the
student is responding to the interventions, and to be sent home in report cards to advise
parents of the additional support we are providing for the child. Parent communication is an
essential part of the RTI process at all levels.
A student who makes adequate progress with classroom interventions only will continue to be

supported at this level until he/she is able to be weaned from the interventions. If a child is not
making progress after at least 6 weeks of faithful implementation of CLASSROOM interventions,
a Collaborative Conference should be requested. If the academic and/or behavior concern is
SEVERE, do not wait six weeks, but contact your grade level AP sooner.
To schedule a collaborative confe ence, add the Coliabo ati e Co ference Request form in


> Documentation to bring to the Collaborative Meeting:
i. Copy of the student s latest report card and/or progress report

ii. Standardized testing data (IPT/TELPAS, STAAR, DLAs, SMI, ISIP F&P Reading Level, etc.)
iii. Any anecdotal records demonstrating continuing area of need, such as:
1. Selected work samples

2. Copies of discipline reports

3. Parent communication
4. Formative Assessment Spreadsheet-math

During the Collaborative Conference, the committee will determine what additional
interventions need to be in place, which may include adjusting classroom structure/procedures,
adding additional classroom interventions, or moving a student to Tier II for more intensive or
pull-out interventions. Forms will be added in AWARE as needed, to include:

Notice of RTI Records (printed on purple cardstock and placed in student s PR folder)
Behavior Management Plan (for more individualized strategies within the classroom)
NEW Tier II Individualized Intervention Plan (for academics), which includes minutes
> Common Characteristics of Dyslexia Checklist


A student may be classified as TIER II, if he/she fits one of these categories:
> Any general education (including ESL and/or speech-only) student receiving support ser ices
OUTSIDE of the regular classroom (such as Academic Support, King Academy tutoring, early
morning FASTT Math or 1-Station, an Accelerated Intervention Plan due to failing a STAAR
assessment, etc.). Remember that classroom teachers must update Intervention Progress

Monitoring Reports in AWARE every 4-5 weeks (at IPR and report card times).
> Any student scoring Risk Level 3 on ISIP who is receiving 60 - 90 minutes of 1-Station per week,
and is thus considered Tier II, whether or not he/she is pulled out of the class for acceleration.
Any student who receives support in small group pull-out or push-in for academic concerns as

well as language acquisition needs (ESL or bilingual).

Any student with failing grades on his/her report card, whether or not he/she is receiving
support services outside the regular classroom.
Any students with consistent N s or U s on the report card in conduct or work habits.

NOTE: Students who have all passing averages (70+) on their report cards do not require RTI
documentation for ACADEMICS, nor should they be listed on the Retention List turned in to the
counselor in February.
A student who is moved to Tier II for Academic Support pull-out in academics, OR to have an

individualized behavior manage ent plan will need to faithfully receive those interventions for
a period of 6-9 weeks in order to determine effectiveness. A student who makes adequate
progress may continue at this level, until able to be successfully weaned back into the
classroom, or until students with more drastic concerns need the interventions.
If there are students who are pulled for small group support services, making passing
grades AND receiving no documented interventions ]N the classroom, they will be
dismissed from the pull-out time to make room for others with documented needs. The
teachers of such students will need to implement classroom inter entions.
Students who do not make adequate progress with 6-9 weeks of faithful implementation of Tier
II interventions may be considered for Tier III interventions. A follow-up Collaborative
Conference will need to be scheduled, by emailing your grade level AP.

> There are very FEW additional supports that can be added to the Tier II services.
However, a student at Tier III should be seen more frequently, in smaller groups, and
possibly for longer sessions, so that intervention is more intense.

> Phonics Blast is the only program (primary grades) at Tier III that isn t available at Tier II.

RKE RTI Academic Checklist

- 85% of our students (statistically) should never need Tier II or
Tier III interventions with Good First Teaching
Tier I Students who show Academic Concerns:
Review forms already in AWARE (current and archived)

Add the Tier I Intervention Strategy Checklist (under RTI) to the student s profile in AWARE.
o Complete the Tier I Intervention Strate y Checklist.
o Click Save, mark as updated, and email other te chers of record so everyone can update and
show their docu entation, (as needed)
o Other, in Comments section, list additional interventions, and/or t e areas where listed
inter entions are also needed (e.g. Other 1 = ART, or Other = after school tutoring)
o Be in/Continue collecting data of interventions and student progress,
o Be sure work sent home to parents indicates how student was supported
Add the Intervention Progress Monitoring Report to the students profile in AWARE, and Save.
o Teac ers will need to update at rogress report & report card (twice a grading period),
o ASTs should update e ery 3 weeks, if serving


o Print/send home with report card each gradin period durin which interventions are used

After youve documented Tier I intervention for 6-9 weeks with little to no progress,
o Add a Collaborative Conference Request to the students profile in AWARE complete, and Save,
o Email Grade Level AP to schedule the conference
o Email the nurse for the vision and health section to be completed
o Tier II or III Inter entions will be de eloped during the Collaborati e Conference; the NEW Tier
II Inter ention form will include the minutes on page 1, with inter entions on pa e 2.
o During the Collaborative Conference, the Notice of RTI records will be added; this form is NOT
to be archived. All other forms should be archived when updates are no longer needed.
For s eech only concerns
Add the appropriate speech checklist and intervention form in AWARE, and Save.
> Interventions must be in place for at least 4 weeks before you re uest a collaborative.
For dyslexia concerns:
Add the Common Characteristics of Dyslexia Checklist, complete, and save
Savewca mplesjn aseJlaey i aeede EoiiajCollabarati e-Coi4ference
Interventions must be in place for six weeks before you may request a Collaboi'ative Conference

For parent requests!

Forward t ese letters/notes to t e Grade Level AP as soon as they are received.
*** Remember that we will still need to show evidence of interventions, data collection, and student response to
those interventions, even though the evaluation is expedited.

For Behavior Concerns!

Add t e Tier I Behavior Pro ress Monitoring Form to t e student s profile in AWARE
*t* Identify no more t an two target be aviors that are the most problematic
Prior to interventions, conduct a data collection and record results on a data collection sheet
*> Implement classroom interventions, teaching strategies, behavior chart, etc., for four eeks
After four weeks, conduct another data collection to see if there is any improvement
dd an Ongoing Behavior Progress Monitoring form, and track progress
> If there is imp ovement, continue interventions.
If there is little or no improvement, add a Behavior Collaborative Conference Re uest, and email AP
Students are only eligible to receive

Students alre dy on Tier II or ITT.

ser ices from AST when on Tier II or III.

t* Review current documentation in AWARE, includin archived information from previous school years
> Insure that current interventions are provided faithfully
> Review PR folder for prior teacher comments and Parent Conference notes
Make sure the Intervention Pro ress Monitoring Form has been added and is up to date.
> You may request a collaborative after the Tier II or III interventions have been in place for 6-9 weeks
> Email Grade Level AP to request a follow-up collaborative.

Items to Scan and Upload

Parent Conference Notes
> Parent Re uests for Assessments
Outside Evaluations

Students on the possible retention list

MUST have documentation in AWARE to

show they have been receiving
interventions implemented in the FALL
semester. A collaborative conference

should have been held prior to the end of

Items to BRING to the collaborative!

January of the current school year.

Most recent progress report and/or grade report

Work Habits and Citizenship and/or Comments to Parents forms
Work samples showing academic struggles
> Data collection sheet, if tracking beha ior issues
Data form provided for your use (attached)

Remember that students who are in 504 (for dyslexia) or special education WILL
NOT be reviewed in RTI collaborative meetings, or generally use the RTI forms.
Students in 504 will have progress reviewed, accommodations adjusted,

and paperwork (yes - papers) completed in 504 meetings, which can be set
up by emailing your grade level AP
Students in special education will have progress reviewed, programming

adjusted, and documentation stored electronically through ARD meetings

or staffings, which can be set up by emailing your grade level AP and the
dia nostician
Students in general education will have progress reviewed and

interventions adjusted in RTI meetings, which are set up by emailing your

rade level AP. AFTER you have implemented Tier I interventions which are
documented in AWARE.
o Remember that you MUST send an email to your grade level AP,
since there is no automatic notification when you add a Collaborative

Conference request in AWARE

EXCEPTION: One form that SHOULD be used for all students - regardless of
classification - is the Intervention Progress Monitoring Report. This form will be
used to document student response to classroom and AST small group
interventions for all children. Dyslexia teachers have their own forms to monitor

progress, which they have been uploading to AWARE as well (thank you, ladies).


Review PR folders of all students on your roster


Insure you have access to all your students in AWARE

Review forms stored in AWARE for all students on your roster

Identify students continuing in Tier Il/lll from previous year

Participate in RTI Training
Participate regularly in subject planning, insuring indepth understanding of TEKS, and
best practice instructional strategies


Identify struggling students, and develop classroom interventions

Add forms in AWARE for students needing classroom interventions
Faithfully implement classroom interventions for 6-9 weeks, and monitor student's

Add Intervention Progress Monitoring Report to student Profile

Update IPM at progress report/grading report intervals
Identify student/s who have made little/no improvement with classroom



Add a Collaborative Conference Request in AWARE

Email your grade level AP to schedule the conference
Email the nurse for the vision and health section to be completed


Add the appropriate speech checklist & intervention form in AWARE

Implement interventions for at least four weeks before requesting a collaborative

Data on student response to Tier 1 interventions

Copy of most recent progress report
Copy of most recent report card

Cummulative average in reading

to bring to a

Cummulative average in math


Cummulative average in language


Cummulative average in science


Cummulative average in social studies

on concern)

Most recent ISIP report

Most recent mClass, Ml, or TTM report for math
Most recent common assessment scores (DLA, Unit Test, or state test)

Behavior Charts (if applicable)

Current Reading Level
Parent Contact Log



Reading Teacher:

Math Teacher:

RKE RTI ACADEMIC Documentation Checklist

Reading/LA Data
Initial Date

Data Source

Follow Up Date

Follow Up Date

Follow Up Date

F & P Inst. Level

Fluency Level
Last Report Card
Last Progress Rpt
Recent DLA

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

1-Station Tier and

Weekly minutes

Data sources (check if attached)

Running Record
Last Report Card
Last Progress Rpt
Work Samples

ISIP Reports

Math Data
Initial Date

Data Source

Follow Up Date

Follow Up Date

Follow Up Date

Inventory Level
(mClass, Ml, orTTM)

Last Report Card

Last Progress Rpt
Recent DLA

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

R: LA:
R: LA:

Data sources (check if attached)

Last Report Card
Last Progress Rpt

Problem Solving
Current Avgs.

Parent Contact






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