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(nt-b-tk, nt-)
A substance, such as penicillin or erythromycin, produced by or derived from certain microorganisms, including fungiand bacteria, that can destroy or in
hibit the growth of other microorganisms, especially bacteria. Antibiotics are widelyused in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
1. Of or relating to antibiotics.
2. Of or relating to antibiosis.
3. Destroying life or preventing the inception or continuance of life.

antibiotically adv.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published
by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

(Pharmacology) any of various chemical substances, such as penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, andtetracycline, produced by various microorg
anisms, esp fungi, or made synthetically and capable of destroying orinhibiting the growth of microorganisms, esp bacteria
(Pharmacology) of or relating to antibiotics
Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,
2009, 2011, 2014

n.1. any of a large group of chemical substances, as penicillin and streptomycin, that are produced by variousmicroorganisms and fungi, have the capa
city in dilute solutions to inhibit the growth of or to destroy bacteria and othermicroorganisms, and are used in the treatment of infectious diseases.
2. of or involving antibiotics.
an`tibiotically, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights

A substance, such as penicillin, that is capable of destroying or weakening certain microorganisms, especiallydisease-causing bacteria or fungi. Antibio
tics are obtained from other microorganisms, especially molds.
The American Heritage Dictionary of Student Science, Second Edition. Copyright 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

A drug given to combat or prevent infection by destroying bacteria in the body.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

N 1 antibiotic - a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can killmicroorga
ou . nisms and cure bacterial infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered theywere called
n wonder drugs"
antibiotic drug
actinomycin - any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria
amphotericin - an antibiotic and antifungal agent
antibacterial, antibacterial
drug, bactericide - any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their gro
antimycin - a crystalline antibiotic active against various fungi
antineoplastic antibiotic - an antibiotic drug used as an antineoplastic in chemotherapy
Azactam, aztreonam - an antibiotic (trade name Azactam) used against severe infections; h
as minimal sideeffects
bacitracin - a polypeptide antibiotic of known chemical structure effective against several t
ypes of Gram-positive organisms; usually applied locally
carbomycin - a colorless basic antibiotic that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive organis
cephaloglycin, Kafocin - antibiotic related to cephalosporin but no longer in common use
cephaloridine - a broad spectrum semisynthetic antibiotic produced by modifying cephalos
cephalosporin, Mefoxin - one of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained fro
m fungi andrelated to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produce
d semisynthetic antibiotics withgreater antibacterial activity
chloramphenicol, Chloromycetin - an oral antibiotic (trade name Chloromycetin) used to t
reat seriousinfections (especially typhoid fever)
Aureomycin, chlortetracycline - a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) u
sed to treat certainbacterial and rickettsial diseases
Cipro, ciprofloxacin - an oral antibiotic (trade name Cipro) used against serious bacterial i
nfections of theskin or respiratory tract or urinary tract or bones or joints
cycloserine - an antibiotic that is especially active against the tubercle bacillus
dihydrostreptomycin - antibiotic consisting of a hydrogenated form of streptomycin; used
againsttuberculosis and tularemia and Gram-negative organisms
doxorubicin - an antibiotic used as an anticancer drug
doxycycline, Vibramycin - an antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against
many infections;"Vibramycin is the trade name of doxycycline"
E-Mycin, Erythrocin, erythromycin, Ethril, Ilosone, Pediamycin - an antibiotic (trade na
me Erythrocin orE-Mycin or Ethril or Ilosone or Pediamycin) obtained from the actinomyce
te Streptomyces erythreus; effectiveagainst many Gram-positive bacteria and some Gramnegative
Garamycin, gentamicin - an antibiotic (trade name Garamycin) that is derived from an acti
nomycete; used intreating infections of the urinary tract
gramicidin - an antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium; used chiefly as an antiseptic in trea
ting localinfections produced by Gram-positive bacteria
kanamycin, Kantrex - antibiotic (trade name Kantrex) used to treat severe infections
Lincocin, lincomycin - antibiotic (trade name Lincocin) obtained from a streptomyces bact
erium and used inthe treatment of certain penicillin-resistant infections

mitomycin, Mutamycin - a complex of antibiotic substances obtained from a streptomyces

bacterium; oneform (trade name Mutamycin) shows promise as an anticancer drug
mycomycin - a highly unsaturated antibiotic acid obtained from an actinomycete
fradicin, Neobiotic, neomycin - an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used (as a
sulphate underthe trade name Neobiotic) as an intestinal antiseptic in surgery
novobiocin - an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used to treat infections by Gr
Mycostatin, Nystan, nystatin - an antifungal and antibiotic (trade names Mycostatin and N
ystan) discoveredin New York State; derived from soil fungi actinomycetes
hydroxytetracycline, oxytetracycline, oxytetracycline
hydrochloride, Terramycin - a yellow crystallineantibiotic (trademark Terramycin) obtaine
d from a soil actinomycete; used to treat various bacterial and rickettsialinfections
penicillin - any of various antibiotics obtained from Penicillium molds (or produced synthet
ically) and used inthe treatment of various infections and diseases
polymyxin - any of several toxic antibiotics obtained from a particular soil bacterium
Primaxin - trade name for a parenteral antibiotic
pyocyanase - a yellow-green mixture of antibiotics obtained from the bacillus of green pus
pyocyanin - a toxic blue crystalline antibiotic found in green pus
spectinomycin - an antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea
streptomycin - an antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces griseus and used t
o treattuberculosis
streptothricin - a basic antibiotic derived from a soil actinomycete
subtilin - a polypeptide antibiotic (similar to bacitracin) obtained from a soil bacterium
Nebcin, tobramycin - an antibiotic (trade name Nebcin) that is especially effective against







antibacterial drug

antibiotic drug



antineoplastic antibiotic

antineoplastic drug







beta-lactam antibiotic

References in periodicals archive?

Antibiotic use can also lead non-disease causing bacteria to mutate into more pernicious strains and become disease causing.
Herbal antibiotic alternatives
PCR mapping of the typical antibiotic resistance genes and integrons associated with Salmonella genomic island 1 was realized as described
previouly (4,8-10).
Salmonella Agona harboring genomic island 1-A
During brief periods of simultaneous antibiotic administration, women are cautioned to use additional means of contraception.
Oral contraceptives can be inhibited by antibiotics
Pharmaceutical researchers have countered antibiotic resistance through the years by developing new agents to treat the infections caused by
drugresistant bacteria.
When drugs don't kill 'bugs': strategies for preventing the spread of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. (Feature Article)
As a trusted, broad-spectrum antibiotic, Clavamox enjoys a wide range of uses in treating dental and other common infections.
Rx for reinvigorating an aging product line. (Best of show: specialty)
According to Sierra Club scientist Navis Bermudez, "More than half of the antibiotics fed to factory-farmed animals to compensate for crowded
conditions are identical, or nearly identical, to the ones doctors rely on for treating sick people.
Poisoned poultry. (Updates)
Intensive and extensive antibiotic use leads to the establishment of a pool of antibiotic resistant genes in the environment.
Impact of antibiotics in agriculture. (Update)
But the problem of antibiotic resistance needs to be looked at as a whole.
Table talk. (news)
coli infections that were resistant to Bactrim, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, the antibiotic usually used to treat UTIs.
Antibiotics in Jeopardy. (Special Feature)
Fluoroquinolones, the antibiotic employed to treat campylobacter and other illnesses, is used to treat poultry for E.
Deep Water: Chile's US$1 billion farmed salmon industry races toward No. 1--but at what cost to consumers? (Food Safety)
Avelox(R) provides excellent coverage of the common respiratory pathogens and demonstrates a low level of antibioticresistance.
This happens when antibiotics are given for coughs, colds, flu, or viral infections where antibiotic treatment is not useful.

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