Parcc Presentation

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The Partnership for Assessment

of Readiness for College and

Careers (PARCC)
Nate Sloat, Alexis Opper

History of the test

In 2011 24 stats+DC were PARCC participants, In 2016 there are 9

Colorado joined PARCC in August of 2012

Applies to students grade 3-9 in english Language arts/literacy (ELA/L) and


Given $360 million to develop and run the test, through race to the top

History of the test (Cont)

Uses a Value-Added Measurement model (VAM)

Highly criticized by the American Statistical Association saying:
VAMs are generally based on standardized test scores and do not
directly measure potential teacher contributions toward other
student outcomes.
VAMs typically measure correlation, not causation: Effects
positive or negative attributed to a teacher may actually be caused
by other factors that are not captured in the model.

History of the test (Cont)

The PARCC is a movement away from bubble answer tests and towards more
critical thinking skills and problem solving
First test to be fully based on Common Core state standards
The switch to the new tests is like moving from the JV team to the varsity team,
she told reporters. The game is harder. Joyce Zurkowski, executive director of
assessments for the state education department

In Colorado

Prior to 2015, PARCC tested 10th and 11th graders as well, but Colorado
decided not to test these students anymore after protests and low
Nearly 2/3rds of Colorado students did not meet expectations in 2014

Several board members noted that testing experts testified before the board that it can take
four to five years to get a test right.
If you take these results at face value, almost two-thirds of our students have failed," said
board chair Steve Durham. "I have a hard time believing that number. Im not inclined to believe
that these results are as dire as they appear but there is no way for me to assert that with any
greater degree of certainty than anyone else on this dais can assert that they are in fact an
accurate and true measure of whats going on and thats the fundamental problem with these

In Colorado(Cont)

The total participation rate was 82% on english, 85% on math

The US department of education requires 95% participation rate
The Colorado State Board opted not to penalize districts that dont meet
participation requirements this year
Upper class, older white students have the highest opt out rate
25% and 31% for 10th and 11th grade math opted out
Is considered to be a baseline for future years
Standardized testing makes up 50% of teacher evaluation

Uneven Results

Passing rates by ethnicity on 7th grade english

Asians 58.3% Whites: 51.7% Hispanics 24.7% Blacks 25.6

Girls outperformed boys on english, about even in math

14.9 percent of at risk 5th graders passed the exam, compared to 41.9% of all
5th graders

Many are concerned it evaluates language skills rather than content


What this means for Social Studies teachers


Since Social Studies isnt tested by PARCC, some schools may allocate more
time and recourses to English & Math, and Social Studies might feel crowded

Social Studies could sometimes fall to subject integration with English in

humanities courses, where testable material is more stressed than

Social Studies Teachers (Cont)


When Social Studies deficiencies arent treated as serious, students can fall
behind, sometimes permanently.

Social Studies teachers cant be evaluated based on PARCC because PARCC

doesnt test Social Studies

Works Cited

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