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Michael Grego

Mental Health Unit Plan

Dates of Instruction: 12/7, 12/8, 12/9
Grade Level: 7
Williams Middle School

Unit Outcomes

Unit Outcomes, State Standards & Assessment Template

Grade Level______7_____
by number

SWBAT Explain the difference between

self-esteem and self-concept


SWBAT Create six drawings about

themselves in their own personal coat of
arms that enhance their self-esteem


Students participation in notetaking section of lesson about

the difference between selfesteem and self-concept,
Informal Q & A during closure will
require students to explain
difference between self-esteem
and self-concept
Students completion of the
personal coat of arms
assignment, which requires them
to draw six different things about

SWBAT Identify at least five positive

character traits that describe


SWBAT Identify at least three reasons

why people might become stressed.


SWBAT Name at least three physical

reactions that occur to the body as a
result of stress.


SWBAT Identify at least six healthy

strategies for coping with stress and six
unhealthy strategies for coping with


SWBAT Explain how people are affected

by six different types of mental health


SWBAT Identify at least two sources of

help for those who have poor mental


SWBAT Apply stress coping strategies to

todays lesson by identifying at least two
ways to help someone with a mental
health disorder.


Students completion of the
personal coat of arms
assignment, which involves
having them write five positive
character traits around the coat
of arms
Students completion of the
opening Stress Test activity
where they analyze if they have
either high, medium, or low
stress based on their responses
to questions
Students completion of the exit
ticket at the end of class which
requires them to write down
three physical changes of the
body that occur from stress.
Students completion of the
healthy vs. unhealthy stress
coping strategies venn-diagram,
which requires them to write
down six healthy/unhealthy ways
to cope with stress
Students completion of the
jigsaw activity worksheet where
they look up information to
explain how people are affected
by six different types of mental
health disorders.
Students completion of exit ticket
where they identify two sources
of help for those with poor
mental health.
Student completion of jigsaw
activity worksheet where they
must explain how they can use
previously learned stress coping
strategies to help someone with
different mental health disorders

Day ____12/7______

Day ____12/8______



Qs :

Qs :

Focus: stress
Outcomes: SWBAT
-Identify at least three

Focus: mental illnesses

Outcomes: SWBAT

Focus: self-esteem
Outcomes: SWBAT
- Explain the difference

between self-esteem and selfconcept

- Create six drawings about
themselves in their own
personal coat of arms that
enhance their self-esteem
-Identify at least five positive
character traits that describe
Essential Qs:

-What are some behaviors

that indicate high selfesteem?
-What can we do to help raise
our self-esteem?

-1 laptop, 1 projector, 20
student note-taking sheets,
20 student coat of arm
worksheets, 1 teacher copy,
20 boxes of markers, 20
boxes of crayons

Learning activities including

pedagogical strategies :
-Students will participate in a
Do Now at the beginning of
class in which they will answer
the following question: What is
self-esteem and what are some
thing that affect our selfesteem? Teacher will have
students share answers after
completing the Do Now activity
(strategy: individual work/class

reasons why people might

become stressed.
-Name at least three
physical reactions that
occur to the body as a
result of stress.
-Identify at least six healthy
strategies for coping with
stress and six unhealthy
strategies for coping with
Essential Qs:

-What can we do to help

those who are stressed
-What changes can we
make to our lifestyle to
prevent it from becoming
-1 laptop, 1 projector, 20
student note-taking sheets,
20 student stress test
handouts, 20 student venndiagram worksheets, 1
teacher copy
Learning activities
pedagogical strategies :
-Students will participate in a
Do Now by completing a
stress test activity. Students
will respond to a question by
giving it a number 1-4 based
on if they experience it never,
sometimes, always, or often.

-Explain how people are

affected by six different

types of mental health
-Identify at least two
sources of help for those
who have poor mental
-Apply stress coping
strategies to todays lesson
by identifying at least two
ways to help someone with
a mental health disorder.
Essential Qs:
-What can we do to help
someone who is in a bad
mental state?

-1 laptop, 1 projector, 20
student note taking sheets,
20 student jigsaw worksheets,
20 Chromebooks, 1 teacher
Learning activities
pedagogical strategies:
-Students will complete Do
Now assignment of
answering the prompt: What
are some examples of
different mental health
disorders? Teacher will have
students share examples
after completing the Do Now
activity, then show students a
short list of different mental
health disorders (do not
explain about these yet, as

- Teacher will now go over the

concept of mental health with
the entire class. Teacher will give
examples of characteristics of a
good mental health, and tips on
how to achieve positive mental
health. Students will take notes
on worksheet as teacher
explains Powerpoint (strategy:
informing with visuals)
- Teacher will now go over the
concept of self-concept and selfesteem. Teacher will explain that
your self-concept is the view that
you have of yourself, and that
self-esteem is the confidence
and pride you have in yourself.
Students will take notes from
worksheet as teacher explains
from PowerPoint(strategy:
informing with visuals)
-Teacher will now draw a t-chart
on the board with a plus sign on
one side and a negative sign on
the other side. Students will
participate in a group activity
which they will brainstorm
behaviors that indicated positive
and negative self-esteem.
Teacher will write down
students ideas on the board as
they state them out loud. After,
teacher will go over behaviors
that indicate positive and
negative self-esteem.
(strategy: group brainstorming
- Teacher will now show students
Powerpoint slides explaining how
self-esteem affects your health
and how to improve your selfesteem. Teacher will explain how
those who have high self-esteem
are more likely to take care of
themselves and live a healthy
lifestyle while avoiding

Students will then add up all

their scores after completing
the stress test. Their score will
tell them if they currently
have low stress, medium
stress, or high stress (higher
scores= higher stress).
Teacher will go over the
different questions on the
stress test and how they
relate to stress (strategy:
individual work, assessment)
- Teacher will go over the
concept of stress with
students, and the different
stressors that we might
experience on a daily basis.
Teacher will also be sure to go
over the difference between
eustress and distress to
explain that although stress is
typically bad, it can provide
benefits at times in small
amounts. Students will take
notes on worksheet while
teacher talks about stress
information on Powerpoint.
(strategy: informing with
- Teacher will now go over the
fight or flight response and the
different physical changes that
occur to our body as a result of
stress. Teacher will also explain
more about fatigue and how
stress can cause both physical
and psychological fatigue for
the body. (strategy: informing
with visuals)
- Teacher will go over defense
mechanisms that people might
use to cope with stress, such
as denial, rationalization, or
repression. This also relates to
how people should properly
cope with stress and manage

students will be looking up

more information about these
during the activity in the
lesson) (strategy: group
brainstorming )
- Teacher will show a
Powerpoint slideshow to
students as they take notes.
Teacher will first go over the
importance of understanding
mental health disorders, and
how feeling anxious, fearful,
or sad for a long time could
cause someone to get a
certain mental disorder.
Students will be provided with
note-taking sheet ahead of
time during class.
(strategy:informing with
- Teacher will now go over
concept of suicide with the
class and potential warning
signs that they could indicate
that someone is depressed to
the point of becoming
suicidal. Teacher will also
show a quick video of the
song Jumper by Third Eye
Blind and have students
relate the lyrics of the song to
depression and suicide.
(strategy: informing with
video visual)
-Teacher will inform students
about knowing when to go for
help and sources of help for
those with severe mental
health disorders. Students will
continue to take these notes
on their note-taking paper
(strategy: informing with
-Students will work with their
Notre Dame partners for this

behaviors such as using drugs or

overeating. (strategy:
- Students will now create their
own personal coat of arms by
creating pictures in different
sections on a piece of paper.
Each picture will represent
something about themselves,
such as their favorite sport,
favorite movie, their family,
future goals, things they value,
and nationality. Students will
also write at least five positive
character traits that describe
themselves in the margins
around their personal coat of
arms. Explain how this relates to
building positive self-esteem by
recognizing and being proud of
your personal characteristics
(strategy:individual work,
-At the end of class, students will
be given time to share their
personal coat of arms and
describe the things about
themselves that enhance their
self-esteem. (strategy: group
-Students will participate in
informal Q & A in the closure of
the lesson (strategy:

1. Students
participation in notetaking section of lesson
about the difference
between self-esteem and
self-concept, Informal Q
& A during closure will
require students to
explain difference

stress in a positive way to live

a better lifestyle. Students will
be informed about tips for
effective stress management
(strategy:informing with
- Students will complete a
healthy vs. unhealthy stress
coping strategies venn diagram
with their Boston College
sports partners. Students will
use all the information they
learned during class to
complete the assignment and
identify ways people might
negatively and positively deal
with stress. Be sure to have
students focus on the middle
section of the venn-diagram, as
some ways to cope with stress
could be beneficial yet harmful
at the same time (ex. Too much
sleep, playing too many video
games) (strategy: group work,
-Students will share their venn
diagrams if time at the end of
class (strategy: group
-Students will participate in exit
ticket at the end of class
(strategy: assessment)

1. Students
completion of the
opening Stress Test
activity where they
analyze if they have
either high, medium, or
low stress based on
their responses to
2. Students

jigsaw activity. Students will

get a worksheet with 6
different mental health
disorders. Students will be
looking up information related
to the six disorders using the
Chromebooks. Since the class
is divided into three columns
of desks, one column will look
up information related to #12 on the worksheet, the next
one will focus on #3-4, and
the next column will focus on
#4-5. For each mental health
disorder, students will
describe what it is and how
people are affected by it in
addition to how they can use
stress coping mechanisms
learned from the previous
class to help someone with
that disorder.
(strategy:partner work/
jigsaw, assessment)
- Groups will now share their
information about the
different mental health
disorders while the other
groups fill in the missing
information (strategy: jigsaw
- Students will complete exit
ticket prior to leaving class
(strategy: assessment)

1. Students
completion of the
jigsaw activity
worksheet where they
look up information to
explain how people
are affected by six
different types of
mental health

between self-esteem and

2. Students
completion of the
personal coat of arms
assignment, which
requires them to draw
six different things about
3. Students
completion of the
personal coat of arms
assignment, which
involves having them
write five positive
character traits around
the coat of arms

completion of the exit

ticket at the end of
class which requires
them to write down
three physical changes
of the body that occur
from stress.
3. Students
completion of the
healthy vs. unhealthy
stress coping strategies
venn-diagram, which
requires them to write
down six
healthy/unhealthy ways
to cope with stress

2. Students
completion of exit
ticket where they
identify two sources of
help for those with
poor mental health.
3. Student
completion of jigsaw
activity worksheet
where they must
explain how they can
use previously learned
stress coping
strategies to help
someone with
different mental
health disorders

Glencoe Teen Health Course 2
Glencoe Teen Health Course 1

Unit Evaluation System:

Students will receive a participation grade of an A-F based on their ability to
work well individually and others during class, answer questions, and give
their best effort on assignments
Students will be graded in this unit through a notebook system. All students
will be adding all note taking worksheets and class assignments inside their
health notebooks and add them to their Table of Contents Page. By the end
of the unit, students should have the following documents in their Table of
Contents Page and they should be completed, unless they were absent.
Students will be deducted one letter grade for each missing/incomplete
assignment in their Notebook.

Self-esteem Note Sheet

Personal Coat of Arms
Stress Note Sheet
Unhealthy vs. Healthy Stress Coping Strategies
Mental Health Disorders Note Sheet
Mental Health Disorders Jigsaw Activity

Each component of the Unit Evaluation System will be worth 50% of the
students grade (Participation= 50%, notebook= 50%)

Coat of Arms Rubric

All six spots are filled on paper
Drawings are neatly colored in
Contains five positive character traits in margins




What is mental health?

Self-esteem vs. self-concept

Behaviors that indicate self-esteem

High/Low self-esteem

Self-esteem and Your Health

Improving your Self-esteem

Stress Coping Strategies Venn Diagram Rubric


At least six ideas are in each section

Middle section has at least three ideas
Both partners venn-diagrams are filled



Exit Ticket

Please write down three physical changes that

occur to the body as a result of stress:




What is stress?

Eustress vs. Distress


Fight or Flight response

Stress and Fatigue

Defense mechanisms

Coping with Stress

Healthy vs. Unhealthy

Stress Coping Strategies

Stress Test Activity Handout

Rate each of the following statements on a scale of 1 to 4
1 = Never or Seldom 2 = Sometimes
3 = Often
4 = Always

Stress Test
1 I have problems falling asleep or staying asleep.
2. I am uptight and cannot seem to relax.
3 I get angry if things do not go my way.
4 I have difficulty concentrating.
5 I have a hard time finding fun things to do.
6 I feel tired during the day.
7 I worry a lot about things going on in my life.
8 I have had health problems because I work too hard.
9 I use alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine or drugs to cope with stress.
10 I laugh or smile less than I used to.
11 I feel sad or disappointed often.
12 I like to be in control.
13 I dont have enough time for all the things in my life.
14 I have a habit of clenching my fists, cracking my knuckles, twirling my hair or tapping my




Mental Health Disorders

Understanding Mental Health Disorders


Warning signs

Knowing when to go for help

Knowing who can help



Mental Health Disorders Jigsaw Activity

1. Depression
a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?

2. OCD
a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?

a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?

4. Bipolar disorder
a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?

5. Phobias

a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?

6. Schizophrenia
a. What is it and how are people affected by it?

b. How can you use positive stress coping strategies to

help someone with this?



Exit Slip
Please write down two sources of help for those
who have poor mental health:


Name: Michael Grego

Date: 12/7/16

School: Williams Middle School

Lesson #1

Grade: 7

Class/Time: 1:10-1:57

Class size: 20

Unit/Theme: Mental Health

Lesson Focus: self-esteem

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
SWBAT Explain the difference between self-esteem and self-concept (MA CF #5.9)
SWBAT Create six drawings about themselves in their own personal coat of arms that enhance
their self-esteem. (MA CF#5.9)
SWBAT Identify at least five positive character traits that describe themselves.(MA CF#5.8)
Materials/Supplies: 1 whiteboard, 1 projector, 20 student note-taking sheets, 20 student coat of
arm worksheets, 1 teacher copy, 20 boxes of markers, 20 boxes of crayons
Lesson Preparation: Make sure the agenda and objectives are written on the board, print out all
copies and get all materials and supplies ready prior to the start of class. Be sure to have markers
and crayons ready for students to use on their coat of arms. Create a teacher copy of the coat of
arms ahead of time for students to look at.
Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
Students will be exposed to a variety of teaching tools (pictures, Powerpoint) to help them
understand the content that is given to them during the lesson. Teacher will also walk around and
give individual help to students when necessary during lessons. Teacher will use teacher copy as
a model for students to look at during lesson so that they understand the assignment better.
References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Glencoe Hands on Health

Glencoe Teen Health Course 1 & 2
Opening (activator/instant activity):
5 min: Students will participate in a Do Now at the beginning of class in which they will
answer the following question: What is self-esteem and what are some thing that affect our selfesteem? Teacher will have students share answers after completing the Do Now activity.
Teacher will compare answers stated from other students to see if any are similar or different.
(strategy: individual work/class sharing)
Procedures Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.
(Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. 5 min: Teacher will now go over the concept of mental health with the entire
class. Teacher will give examples of characteristics of a good mental health, and tips on
how to achieve positive mental health. Students will take notes on worksheet as teacher
explains through a Powerpoint. Teacher will now go over the concept of self-concept and
self-esteem. Teacher will explain that your self-concept is the view that you have of
yourself, and that self-esteem is the confidence and pride you have in yourself. Learning
technique: informing with visuals Extension: Have students connect the information on
these slides to the Do Now about the things that affect our self-esteem
2. 5 min: Teacher will now draw a t-chart on the board with a plus sign on one side
and a negative sign on the other side. Students will participate in a group activity which
they will brainstorm behaviors that indicated positive and negative self-esteem. Teacher
will write down students ideas on the board as they state them out loud. After, teacher
will go over behaviors that indicate positive and negative self-esteem. Teacher will now
show students Powerpoint slides explaining how self-esteem affects your health and how
to improve your self-esteem. Teacher will explain how those who have high self-esteem
are more likely to take care of themselves and live a healthy lifestyle while avoiding
behaviors such as using drugs or overeating. Learning technique: informing/ group
brainstorming Extension: Have students perform a quick turn and talk to discuss
behaviors that indicate positive and negative self-esteem
3. 20 min: Students will now create their own personal coat of arms by creating
pictures in different sections on a piece of paper. Each picture will represent something
about themselves, such as their favorite sport, favorite movie, their family, future goals,
things they value, and nationality. Students will also write at least five positive character
traits that describe themselves in the margins around their personal coat of arms. Explain
how this relates to building positive self-esteem by recognizing and being proud of your
personal characteristics Learning technique: individual work, assessment Extension:
Students can draw additional things they value that boost their self-esteem in the margins
on their coat of arms.

4. 10 min: At the end of class, students will be given time to share their personal
coat of arms and describe the things about themselves that enhance their selfesteem.Learning technique: individual work, assessment Extension: Teacher will hold
up a coat or arm in front on the class and students will guess whose it is/
List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?
Students participation in the note-taking portion of the lesson of self-esteem will help the
teacher assess if students understand the difference between self-esteem and self-concept. This
will also be assessed during the Q & A during the closure of the lesson. Students completion of
the coat of arms activity will help the teacher assess if students were able to create six drawing
about themselves that boost their self-esteem, in addition to five positive character traits that
describe themselves.
5 min: Teacher will ask students questions related to information learned in lesson such as:
What is the difference between self-esteem and self-concept?
What were some drawings on your personal coat of arms that represented who
you are? How do you think this boosts your self-esteem?
What were some positive character traits that you included on your coat of arms?
How do you think this boosts your self-esteem?
Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve


Name: Michael Grego

Date: 12/8/16

School: Williams Middle School

Lesson #2

Grade: 7

Class/Time: 8:30-9:15

Class size: 20

Unit/Theme: Mental Health

Lesson Focus: stress

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
SWBAT Identify at least three reasons why people might become stressed. (MA CF #5.7)
SWBAT Name at least three physical reactions that occur to the body as a result of stress.(MA
CF #5.7)
SWBAT Identify at least six healthy strategies for coping with stress and six unhealthy strategies
for coping with stress (MA CF#5.7)
Materials/Supplies: 1 whiteboard, 1 projector, 20 student note-taking sheets, 20 student stress
test handouts, 20 student venn-diagram worksheets, 1 teacher copy
Lesson Preparation: Make sure the agenda and objectives are written on the board, print out all
copies and get all materials and supplies ready prior to the start of class. Teacher will complete
stress test ahead of time to get a better understanding of how students might score on it. Also,
teacher will provide students with a teacher copy of the venn-diagram assignment for those who
struggle with the assignment.
Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
Students will be exposed to a variety of teaching tools (pictures, Powerpoint) to help them
understand the content that is given to them during the lesson. Teacher will also walk around and
give individual help to students when necessary during lessons. Teacher will also use teacher
copy of venn diagram to give students individual help during the lesson, or even leave in on the
whiteboard for students to look at as a reference during the lesson.
References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)
Glencoe Hands on Health
Glencoe Teen Health Course 1 & 2
Opening (activator/instant activity):

5 min: Students will participate in opening activity as soon as they walk in the room. Students
will complete a stress test activity. Students will respond to a question by giving it a number 1-4
based on if they experience it never, sometimes, always, or often. Students will then add up all
their scores after completing the stress test. Their score will tell them if they currently have low
stress, medium stress, or high stress (higher scores= higher stress). Teacher will go over the
different questions on the stress test and how they relate to stress (learning technique:
individual work/ assessment)
Procedures Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.
(Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. 5 min: Teacher will go over the concept of stress with students, and the different
stressors that we might experience on a daily basis. Teacher will also be sure to go over
the difference between eustress and distress to explain that although stress is typically
bad, it can provide benefits at times in small amounts. Students will take notes on
worksheet while teacher talks about stress information on Powerpoint. Teacher will now
go over the fight or flight response and the different physical changes that occur to our
body as a result of stress. Teacher will also explain more about fatigue and how stress can
cause both physical and psychological fatigue for the body. Learning technique:
informing with visuals Extension: Have students give examples of things that give us
positive and negative stress
2. 5 min: Teacher will go over defense mechanisms that people might use to cope
with stress, such as denial, rationalization, or repression. This also relates to how people
should properly cope with stress and manage stress in a positive way to live a better
lifestyle. Students will be informed about tips for effective stress management.
Learning technique: informing with visuals Extension: Have students try to think of
examples of each of the different types of defense mechanisms
3. 20 min: Students will complete a healthy vs. unhealthy stress coping strategies venn
diagram with their Boston College sports partners. Students will use all the information they
learned during class to complete the assignment and identify ways people might negatively and
positively deal with stress. Be sure to have students focus on the middle section of the venndiagram, as some ways to cope with stress could be beneficial yet harmful at the same time (ex.
Too much sleep, playing too many video games) Learning technique: individual work,
assessment Extension: Encourage students to come up with at least three ideas for the middle
section of the venn-diagram
4. 10 min: Students will take the reminding time to share their venn diagrams at the end of
class strategy: group sharing Extension: Teacher will write down students ideas on the board as
they state them out loud.
List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Completion of the stress coping venn-diagram will allow the teacher to assess if students met the
objective of writing down six healthy/unhealthy ways to cope with stress. Also, completion of
the stress test will help the teacher assess if students were able to identify reasons why people
might become stressed in the first place. An exit ticket will also be used as an assessment, in
which students must write down at least three physical changes that occur to the body due to
5 min: Teacher will ask students questions related to information learned in lesson such as:
What are three reasons why people might become stressed out?
Name three physical changes that occur to the body as a result of stress
What are six healthy and six unhealthy strategies that are used for coping with
Students will then answer exit slip ticket with the remaining time left in class.
Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve


Name: Michael Grego

Date: 12/9/16

School: Williams Middle School

Lesson #3

Grade: 7

Class/Time: 1:10-1:57

Class size: 20

Unit/Theme: Mental health


Lesson Focus: mental health

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
SWBAT Explain how people are affected by six different types of mental health disorders. (MA
CF #5.7)
SWBAT Identify at least two sources of help for those who have poor mental health. (MA
SWBAT Apply stress coping strategies to todays lesson by identifying at least two ways to help
someone with a mental health disorder.(MA CF#5.7)
Materials/Supplies: 1 whiteboard, 1 projector, 20 student note taking sheets, 20 student jigsaw
worksheets, 20 Chromebooks, 1 teacher copy
Lesson Preparation: Make sure the agenda and objectives are written on the board, print out all
copies and get all materials and supplies ready prior to the start of class. Be sure to have
Chromebooks signed out ahead of time so they are ready for students to use during class.
Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
Students will be exposed to a variety of teaching tools (pictures, Powerpoint, video) to help them
understand the content that is given to them during the lesson. Teacher will also walk around and
give individual help to students when necessary during lessons. Although students will be paired
up by using sports partners, teacher will move students if necessary to make sure each student
has someone who they can work well with
References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)
Glencoe Hands on Health
Glencoe Teen Health Course 1 & 2
Opening (activator/instant activity):
5 min: Students will participate in opening activity as soon as they walk in the room. Students
will respond to the Do Now prompt in their notebooks by answering the question: What are
some examples of different mental health disorders? Teacher will have students share
examples after completing the Do Now activity, then show students a short list of different

mental health disorders (do not explain about these yet, as students will be looking up more
information about these during the activity in the lesson) (learning technique: group activity)
Procedures Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.
(Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. 5 min: Teacher will show a Powerpoint slideshow to students as they take notes.
Teacher will first go over the importance of understanding mental health disorders, and
how feeling anxious, fearful, or sad for a long time could cause someone to get a certain
mental disorder. Students will be provided with note-taking sheet ahead of time during
class. Learning technique: informing Extension: Have a discussion with students about
why someone might obtain a mental health disorder in the first place
2. 5 min: Teacher will now go over concept of suicide with the class and potential
warning signs that they could indicate that someone is depressed to the point of becoming
suicidal. Teacher will also show a quick video of the song Jumper by Third Eye Blind
and have students relate the lyrics of the song to depression and suicide. After, teacher
will inform students about knowing when to go for help and sources of help for those
with severe mental health disorders. Students will continue to take these notes on their
note-taking paper Learning technique: informing with visuals/video Extension: Show
students a picture of the lyrics of Jumper when asking them to relate song to depression
and suicide.
3. 20 min: Students will work with their Notre Dame partners for this jigsaw
activity. Students will get a worksheet with 6 different mental health disorders. Students
will be looking up information related to the six disorders using the Chromebooks. Since
the class is divided into three columns of desks, one column will look up information
related to #1-2 on the worksheet, the next one will focus on #3-4, and the next column
will focus on #4-5. For each mental health disorder, students will describe what it is and
how people are affected by it in addition to how they can use stress coping mechanisms
learned from the previous class to help someone with that disorder. Learning
technique:partner work/ jigsaw, assessment Extension: Students can begin to research
and look up other mental health disorders on their paper if finished early.
4. 10 min: For the remainder of class, groups will now share their information about
the different mental health disorders while the other groups fill in the missing
information. Learning technique: jigsaw sharing Extension: Teacher will show
Powerpoint slide of information so students can write down any ideas that they missed.
List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?
Teacher will use students completion of the jigsaw activity as an assessment for this lesson. This
jigsaw worksheet in addition to the closure Q & A will allow the teacher to assess if students
could explain how the people are affected by the six different mental health disorders. In
addition, this will help the teacher assess if students could incorporate previously learned stress

coping strategies to this lesson, by explaining how they could help people with mental health
disorders. Lastly, a quick exit slip at the end of class will assess students ability to identify two
sources of help for people with poor mental health
5 min: Teacher will ask students questions related to information learned in puberty lesson such
How are people affected by the six different mental health disorders we discussed
about in class? Explain
How can people benefit from using stress coping strategies to help them with their
mental health disorder?
What are two different sources of help for people with poor mental health?
Students will then answer exit slip ticket with the remaining time left in class.
Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve

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