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MS Constitution Questions

Suggested Changes

Location in Constitution

Reason for Change

1. When was this constitution written?


2. What rights are specifically protected?


3. What sort of language is used in this constitution? Is it difficult to

understand? Who is the audience?


PREAMBLE We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God,
and invoking his blessing on our work, do ordain and establish this constitution. ARTICLE 1

DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS SECTION 1. Powers of government. SECTION 2. Encroachment

of power. SECTION 1. Powers of government. ART. 1 The powers of the government of the
State of Mississippi shall be divided into three distinct departments, and each of them confided
to a separate magistracy, to-wit: those which are legislative to one, those which are judicial to
another, and those which are executive to another. SOURCES: 1817 art II 1; 1832 art II 1;
1869 art III 1. SECTION 2. Encroachment of power. No person or collection of persons, being
one or belonging to one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to
either of the others. The acceptance of an office in either of said departments shall, of itself, and
at once, vacate any and all offices held by the person so accepting in either of the other
departments. SOURCES: 1817 art II 2; 1832 art II 2; 1869 art III 1. ART. 2 MISSISSIPPI
SECTION 4. Acquisition of territory; disputed boundaries. SECTION 3. Repealed. Art. 2,
Repealed by Laws, 1990, ch. 692, eff December 19, 1990. [Preamble, const 1817] NOTE:
Former Section 3 stated the limits and boundaries of the state of Mississippi. The repeal of
Section 3 of Article 2 of the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 was proposed by Laws, 1990, ch.
692 (Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 520), and upon ratification by the electorate on
November 6, 1990, was deleted from the Constitution by proclamation of the Secretary of State
on December 19, 1990. SECTION 4. Acquisition of territory; disputed boundaries. The
Legislature shall have power to consent to the acquisition of additional territory by the state, and
to make the same a part thereof; and the Legislature may settle disputed boundaries between
this state and its coterminus states whenever such disputes arise. ARTICLE 3 BILL OF RIGHTS
SECTION 5. Government originating in the people. t. 3 SECTION 6. Regulation of government;
right to alter. SECTION 7. Secession prohibited. SECTION 8. Citizens of state. SECTION 9.
Subordination of military to civil power. SECTION 10. Treason. BILL OF RIGHTS ART. 3, SEC. 5
5 SECTION 11. Peaceful assemblage; right to petition government. SECTION 12. Right to bear
arms. SECTION 13. Freedom of speech and press; libel. SECTION 14. Due process. SECTION
15. Slavery and involuntary servitude prohibited; punishment for crime. SECTION 16. Ex post
facto laws; impairment of contract. SECTION 17. Taking property for public use; due
compensation. SECTION 17-A. Taking private property by eminent domain; transfer to others
prohibited for ten years; exceptions. SECTION 18. Freedom of religion. SECTION 19.
Repealed. SECTION 20. Specific term of office. SECTION 21. Writ of habeas corpus. SECTION
22. Double jeopardy. SECTION 23. Searches and seizures. SECTION 24. Open courts; remedy
for injury. SECTION 25. Access to courts. SECTION 26. Rights of accused; state grand jury
proceedings. SECTION 26-A. Victims rights; construction of provisions; legislative authority.
SECTION 27. Proceeding by indictment or information. SECTION 28. Cruel or unusual
punishment prohibited. SECTION 29. Excessive bail prohibited; revocation or denial of bail.
SECTION 30. Imprisonment for debt. SECTION 31. Trial by jury. Bill of Rights SECTION 32.
Construction of enumerated rights. Art. 3, SECTION 5. Government originating in the people. All
political power is vested in, and derived from, the people; all government of right originates with
the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.
SOURCES: 1817 art I 2; 1832 art I 2. ART. 3, SEC. 6 MISSISSIPPI CONSTITUTION 6
SECTION 6. Regulation of government; right to alter. The people of this state have the inherent,
sole, and exclusive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and
abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessary to their

safety and happiness; Provided, Such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United
States. SOURCES: 1817 art I 2; 1832 art I 2. SECTION 7. Secession prohibited. The right to
withdraw from the Federal Union on account of any real or supposed grievance, shall never be
assumed by this state, nor shall any law be passed in derogation of the paramount allegiance of
the citizens of this state to the government of the United States. SOURCES: 1869 art I 20.
SECTION 8. Citizens of state. All persons, resident in this State, citizens of the United States,
are hereby declared citizens of the State of Mississippi. SOURCES: 1869 art I 1. SECTION 9.
Subordination of military to civil power. The military shall be in strict subordination to the civil
power. SOURCES: 1869 art I 25. SECTION 10. Treason. Treason against the state shall
consist only in levying war against the same or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and
comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to
the same overt act, or on confession in open court. SOURCES: 1817 art VI 3; 1832 art VII 3;
1869 art I 26.

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