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The Drunken Jester

Cody Duvall
University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Creative Challenge #2: "Ghosts"



Do not use the words or any derivative of the words below anywhere in your

paper: ghost, apparition, spirit, poltergeist, phantom, specter



Primarily present tense narration



An object takes on great significance (SIG)



The question must be posed: What time is it? (Please put in bold)



Backlighting must be used (BACKLIGHT)



A reference to a story from long ago (STORY)



three references to the sensation of cold (COLD 1-3)



Fog, Moth and Marshmallow (Please put in bold)



An animal must act strangely (ANIMAL)

10. _X_

A mirror must be described (MIRROR)

11. _X_

A litany (LITANY)

12. _X_

Remnants/ruins (RUINS)

13. _X_

Concept of vacancy must be evoked or referred to (VACANCY)

14. _X_

A description of an object left behind (OBJECT)

15. _X_

Something ordinary becomes strange (STRANGE)

16. _X_

Someone tries to commune with the dead (COMMUNE)

17. _X_

A child/children laugh or sing (CHILD)


18. _X_

Interference (INTERFERENCE)

19. _X_

Wind chimes (CHIMES)

20. _X_

A detailed description of a threshold (THRESHOLD)

21. _X_

Something is locked (LOCK)

22. 22. _X_

Footprints (FOOTPRINTS)

23. _X_ 5 references to lighting or weather (L/W 1-5)
24. _X_ a detailed description of someones hands (HANDS)
25. _X_ 5 references to smell (SMELL 1-5)
26. _X_ 5 references to sound (SOUND 1-5)
27. _X_ 5 references to a texture (TEXT 1-5)
Walter heads across a large courtyard to stable his horse, walking it though the rising
snow Mallow his dog stays on the deck of the estate barking into the falling flakes. Walter has
inherited from his grandfather what was once the most prestigious jester college of the
renaissance. Unsaddling the horse and putting him in a stall, Walter emerges from the barn, he
could not believe how the storm has changed (L/W 1) the snow was almost knee high and he
could only make out the old tree that sits in front of the college. The branches are covered in
wind chimes that rattle against the wind. (SOUND 1) (CHIMES) Walterss progress is slow
stumbling through the snow to his only landmark, he reaches out grabbing the trunk breaking off


bits of the cold bark. (COLD 1) (TEXT 1) He stands behind the hollow to rub his palms
together his fingers feeling burned and appearing a different color. (HANDS) The estate was just
now coming into view behind the timber he could hear the sound of Mallows bark piercing the
blizzard. (SOUND 2) (L/W 2) Noticing the shape of a man standing in the threshold of the door,
(THRESHOLD) the hall had already been lit by a fire. (BACKLIGHT) (L/W 3) rushing to the
door he can barely stand against the wind it is not long before the man comes down and grabs at
his coat pulling him indoors.
Shacking himself off, Walter thanks the stranger, taking a glance around the hall he spots
Mallow lying next to the glow of the fire. Looking back at the stranger he asks who are you?
My name is Giles I am the caretaker of the college I was charged with looking after your
grandfather in his old age, some storm we have?
Yes, it is, I was under the impression no one lived here. Oh no sir I have a small cottage
at the back of the property.
The wind almost breaches the door before Giles takes a large board and braces it closed,
that should hold. The sound of a childlike laugh pulls their attention to Mallow who stands and
howls loudly into one of the dark halls protruding from the main chamber. (CHILD)(SOUND 3)
(ANIMAL) before Walter could ask gills answers,
Old house sir, makes funny noises from time to time, Id though you should know a
journal was found in your grandfathers quarters. (OBJECT) I left it on the desk in the
headmasters office.
Thank you ill retrieve it later.


Very well sir I took the liberty of stocking your firewood, there is food in the kitchen
and wine in the cellar, your grandfather hardly touched it.
Giles collects his lantern heading out opposite side of the estate disappearing into the
dark of the house. Walter gets accustom to his surroundings, the estate is in ruins and smelled of
rotting wood and dirt. (RUINS) (SMELL 1) There is a large marble fireplace decorated with a
pair of crossed marotte scepters. Lighting a candle he follows the direction Giles had left finding
the kitchen the rear window looked like a mirror in the light of his candle. (MIRROR) (L/W 4)
Clasping his hand over his eyes he peers out the window only to see footprints leading away
from the house. (FOOTPRINTS) Walter seizes two bottles of wine from the kitchens cellar
leaving one on the old armchair in the hall, he opens the second inhaling the aroma that
followed. (SMELL 2) The rest of the rooms surrounding the main chamber were arranged like
lecture halls, climbing the main staircase to the upper levels, he quickly finds the office Giles
spoke of. This room far from the warmth of the fire and had an overpowering cold to it. (COLD
2) A heavy coat eaten on by moths hangs in the entrance of the office Walter takes it from its
rack and dons it. The coat has the district musty smell of an old man inserted into its fibers.
(SMELL 3) The room was bare besides an old wooden desk, where the journal sat.
(VACANCY) The tomb is bound in leather, Walter could not know exactly what the material
was but it completely fascinated him. (TEXT 2) There was a brass lock (TEXT 3) (LOCK)
keeping together the covers of the book, Walter could not detect a hole for a key or any way to
open it.
Holding closely the journal he returns to the fire and sits in the lone Arm chair Mallow
repositions himself under his arm to receive a pet. Walter scans the empty room looking for the
wine he left minutes ago. Ignoring the matter and relaxed by the fire he tosses the journal on a


nearby table beginning to shut his eyes falling asleep. His unconscious arm drops off the side of
the chair armrest. An unfamiliar fur meet his hand the hairs he felt were much thinner then his
dogs. Stirring it begins to rises and meets his line of sight now inches away from his face through
his sleepy eyes appears a drenched fool, the monstrosity lets out a frightful laugh reeking of
wine. (SMELL 4)(STRANGE)
Walter wakes up from his slumber to find his dog at his side and the fire almost burned
out. Stoking with fresh wood the hall begins to light up and the crackling of the fire comfort
Walterss thoughts. With the fog like smoke rising up the chimney the smell of the fire fills the
room once more. (SOUND 4) (SMELL 5) Tuning to the chair Walter sees the journal is now
open. (SIG) (L/W 5) The ink inscribed across the parchment paper (TEXT 4) reveals an
admission. Now, it is no part of my plan to repeat the whole confession which befalls the page.
Though it told of why the college had been abandoned. A student who met his end trying to
escape from a barrel of wine, would wander the estate acting as a fool acts, frightening anyone
who drank from the cellar. (STORY) Exhausted form the nights events he shakes himself off
reciting an old litany he falls back asleep.
In the morning he is met by the sound of Giles closing the main door.
Sir are you ok the front door was open when I arrived.
Yes Im fine, what time is it? And where is Mallow?
Mallow sir, I dont know I have not seen him. Walter jumps to his feet opening the door
the cold rushing past him as he screams for mallow. (SOUND 5) (COLD 3) Giles follows
behind offering the suggestion
Perhaps he is in the marsh.


Mallow! Walterss shouts interrupts Giles assurance. (INTERFERENCE) Walking

inside Walter discovers wine stained boards aside the armchair where mallow lied. (TEXT 5)

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