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Step-by-Step Directions

Step 1 Directions
Decide who you want your person to be. What will they look like? How old are they? What stage
in the life cycle are they? Create a life cycle for your person.
Step 2 Directions
Decide when in Michigans history does the person live in. Also determine what is going on in
Michigans history. Remember the name of the event and what is going on during that time. The
event has to be connected to why Michigan became a state.
Step 3 Directions
Create a timeline that includes the Michigan Event that is currently going on in your persons
life, what year it is. Pick to other Michigan Events that helped turn Michigan into a state and
place them on the time line in the correct spots, with their correct years.
Step 4 Directions
Decide what year, month, and season the day is in. Describe the weather accurately based on the
month and season.
Step 5 Directions
Research what the average temperature would be for the month that your person is currently
living in. Decide what the temperature is for that day. Create a graph or data table to represent
those two pieces of data.
Step 6 Directions
Decide what the person is doing in that day, and what times they would be doing them. Figure
out what an analog clock of the times would be, and include them in the presentation.
Step 7 Directions
Create an addition of time word problem that is connected to your persons day. Answer the word
problem in your presentation.


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