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THE FORGE OF FURY Richard Baker Credits Editor: Miranda Horner Creative Director: Ed Srark Cover Tlustration: Todd Lockwood Interior Mlustrations: Dennis Cramer ‘Cartography: Todd Czmble ‘Typography: Erin Dorties Graphic Design: Sherry Floyd, Sean Glenn ‘Art Director: Dawn Murin Project Manager: Josh Fischer Production Manager: Chas DeLong Playtestere: Monte Cook, Brice R. Cortell, Miranda Horner, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Scott Magner, Dave Mendez, Eric Mong, jon Pickens, john D. Rateliff Ed Stark, Jonathan Tweet, Anthony Yalterra, Jennifer Clacke Wilkes, and James Wyatt Based on the original Ducrows & Dsaconst rules created by F. Gary Gygax and Dave Ameson, and the new DUNGEONS & D8AGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker. and Peter Adkison. Table of Contents Introduction. Sidebar: Vision in the Preparation... —— Glitterhame msm Adventure Backgroun Sidebar: Troglodyte Attacks Adventure Synopsis oan Sidebar: Watch Those Claws! Sidebar: The Town of Biasingl Sidebar: Moid and You Character Hooks... : Sidebar: Ropers and Low-Level ‘The Forge of Fury Player Characters: The Stone Tooth w.. : Negoti Sidebar: The Wilderness and Camping Entering Khundrukar... c Sidebar: Dungeon Features Conciusions.. Sidebar: Summary of Defenses : Ending the Character Hooks. Sidebar: Prisoners and Where to Ne... Player Characters Appendix: Statistics tunorean HeAnQuarTeRs sk PCF. ite Cut Seo rng Wh 009 0 Man tied te ay a sn ee pon tor Ded he Ure! See eben dy Ma’ Ps ‘raid adnate tok ten Feist mene y We of beCar ean gin eto Themes ieptest ine beni is themed Ses eric. “Rinpotcts swe ion yh ss pnp snuassere es mt py eer Ea INTRODUCTION IDTRODACTION ‘Two centuries past, the divarven smith Durgeddin the Black carved a secret stronghold from the caverns nid- dling 2 hill known as the Stone Tooth. Laboring ceate lessly im their halls under the mountain, Outfits half (1,838). The Town of Blasingdell MARIE GG!) nod devon them out of thot of homes mote and lonely place, there Hopdelectacsoae % | waits in the caverns beneath the Stone Tooth, south ofthe Store Tooth, a Jour- 21 v0y of tree days on foot orto ays on horseback due tothe sutrounding rigged terain and dense forests. Whit srt cose cough for the player characters to use it as abase camp fr their exploration ofthe it's still useful as a place to pur- chase equipment, stock up on supplies, and rest in between, excursions Into the caverns ‘Welasingdell (large town): Conventional; AL NG; 5,000 gp | Youshould have a copy of the Mayers Handbook, levity Assets $05,000 gp; Pepula- | he Duron Masrexs Guide, ae the Monster tion 2,021; Integrated (human 37, haling 20, elf 1, dwarf 10, | his adventure for your players, you should gnome 7, half 8, halter 3. Authority Figure: Si Miles | supposed to happen. Ifyou plan vo play as a erick male human Ans. Inpeiant Chracter Khel. gan Tolm, male dwarf Exp7 | someone else as the Dungeon Master, and (proprietor of Tolm’'s Superior | when youre done wit thet game, you can get g and Dry Goods) Constable Dars Whitewood, female human War6: Sister | appears in shaded boxes to Alonsa, female human Clr; Sergeant Grendar Kuln, male | summarizes the scene a the (watch-captain) Firt Sarel Bankdown, female half | providing the players with Exp2 (proprietor of The Grif fon’s Nest inn and tavern). Others: Town guards, Ward (2); Milita, Wart (101); Clea (2); Fz (2); Exp3 (2); Exp (66); Arb (2); At (10); Corm Durgeddir's clan forged enchanted weapons for use in their vendetta against the orcs that ‘Durgeddin and his followers are long dead, but the dvar-hold isnot empty. Deadly peril as well ss Durgeddin’s hidden armory of rmaichless weaponry. “The Forgeof Fury a Duxczcnss & Daacons? adventure suitable for four srd-level player characters. Player characters who survive the entire adventure advance to sth level with ‘good play. Lower level characters can handle the early portions of the adventure wit Luck and caution, while you can make the adver ture suitable for higher level characters with some minor modifications itethame, anual o play this vente. Before you ran read through it once to get an ides of what's player character in this adventure, you should: nit read it now—play the adventute first with ready to run your own. ‘You should read or paraphrase text that the players. This information characters fist encounter it, the information their charac- ters gain simply fiom enter- ing the room. In many cases, the characters may discover, hidden treasure or lurking monsters by exploring the area ot greater length. Boxes outside the running text con- ‘ain special information for you, the Dun _geon Master. ‘Areas with monster encounters include a set of “spot” statistics, just ‘enough information for you to ran a combat with these creatures without referring to another source. Extended monster statistics are provided in the appendiv in alphabetical order ach encounter is rated with an encounter level to help ‘you figure out how powerful the encouster should be for your party of adventurers, and to determine experience point rewards, Two centuries ago, the great dwarven smith Dangeddin the Bleck was driven from his home by a horde of fierce cores and trolls. They plundered bis ancestral alls and slewall they could catch Fleing his enemies, Durgeddin Ted the destitute remnants of his clan in search of « new home. Aiter yeas of wandering, the dacves discovered a great caver system beneath the Stone Tooth, which ia rugged, forested hill crowned by a bare rocky crag. There Durgeddin and his fllowere founded the secret strong, hold of thundrukar—the Ghiterhame ‘Aboutone hundred years ago, one af Ducgeddin clans zen was captured by ores during a raid, and a powerful ore tibe learned the secret oftheir enemy's stronghold “The oreish chieftains rased a great army and marched on Khundrubar In a hard-fought siege lsting months, the cores runneled around the dwarven defenses and stormed the place, puting al within tothe sword. The monsters abandoned the scene, carying off wagonleads of boo. Tn the years since the great bate, various goblin o oe bands have oceupied the Gliterhame and used the dwarf hold asa bate for their raide. At other times, the caverne have lain empry except forthe mindless and bloodthirsty monsters thar haunt such places: Today legends of Durgeddins Vengeance, the Smiths War, and the extror- inary blades he forged in anger sil surface fom time 0 tne in te lands near the Stone Tooth, ——ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS ‘he Forge of Fury is a dungeon crawl, or site-based advea- ture, describing the ruined stronghold of Khundrukar. ‘The characters come to tht hidden cache of Durgeddins superior blades. They find the old stronghold inhabited by 2 number of dangerous monsters. The complex consists of five different levels: ‘The Mounlain Door: The entrance to the Glitterhame, the Mountain Doot is the uppermost level ofthe cavern com- plex ei inhabited by a wibe of fierce eres led by a brutal ‘ogre-king known as the Greet Ulf. The Ghiiterhame: The largest level of Khundrukay, the Gliterhame is a broad expanse of beautiful natural cav cerns, Trogledtes and cave-dwelling monsters infest this region, From here, the characters can ascend to the Foundry or climb down into the Sinkhele. The Sthoe: Streams in the Glitterhame descend to an underground river, which includes « corner of the cav ems forgotten by the denizens above. ‘The Foundry: Beyond the Glitterhame lie the dwarven balls of Khundrukar itself, a complex of chambers and pessagevrays carved by Durgeddin’s folk. A small band of Guergar (gray dwarf) warriors curcently bold Durgeddins ball, working to uncover the secret of the smith ancier forge. A great crevasse leads tothe Black Lake. The Black Lake: The most dangerous denizen of the cav ems under the Stone Tooth lis inthe cold, sil waters of the Black Lake. Nightscala a black dragon, discovered 2 pas- sage into the lake through an underwater siphon connect ing toa bogon the far side of the hill The young dragon has claimed the ancient wealth of Khandrukar as the beginning of er own hostd, and she defends her lair ro the death ‘You can place the Stone Tooth and its caverns anywhere you like in your campaign world. the torge of Fury works particularly wel f you pick a remote range of ragged hills or highlands several days from the nearest town. ‘Your next tak isto figure out why your players will want their characters to brave this adventure. How did the party earn about Khundrulcar, and how did they discover its lecation? Pick one of the following options that best suits your game, or make up an explanarion of your own (If you ont know which one to use, go with The Map—its easy) ‘The Map: The party has acquired a map showing the location of a secret dwarven stronghold named Khun- nuke. Perhaps the characters discovered the map during a previous adventure, or maybe a character with a stu ddious bent such asa wizard or a priest discovered the map in forgotten corner of his or her favorite library before this adventure starts. It doesn’t really matter how the characters got their hands on it—they can use the map to reach the Stone Tooth and begin their explorations. ‘A Broken Blade: Bason Althon, « local acbleman, hhites the parry to search for the legendary cache of weap- cons forged by Durgeddin the smith. He shows the charac- ters a broken blade besring the smith’s mark, and tells them cet it was discovered near « rocky hill called the Stone Tooth. Baron Althon provides the party with direc- tions to the Stone Tooth and offers « reward of 500 gold pieces above market value for each blade of Durgeddin’ the patty recovers for him. Captured Raider: In the town of Blasingdell, the char- acters learn that fierce ore raiders have been pillaging iso INTRODUCTION lated farmsteads and camps in the hills north ofthe town. (One ore warrior, lef for dead by his comrades, was placed under the influence ofa charm spell by the towns mage. He then divulged the location of the monsters’ lair, 2 lonely hill called the Stone Tooth, The characters are offered a bounty of 25 gold pieces per ore they slay or cap ture, plus the eternal gratitude of the townsfolk for ‘quelling the threat THE FORGE OF FARY ‘When you're ready to begin play, read or paraphrase the following information to the players. This is what their characters have heard about Durgeddin and his lost stronghold before setting out in search of the dwar lost stronghold. This text assumes that you've decided to use “The Map a¢ your hook for getting the characters to the adventure; that’s nor the case, you might need to change the text ro fit. “The legend of the smith Dargeddin the Black is well known in this region. In exch of the small, scattered towns youve passed through, youve heard stories of ‘wondrous treasure hidden in long-lost dwarven vaults and «pitiless war of vengeance between dwatfand otc “abundred years pas. Durgeddin was a master smith who forged blades of ‘surpassing quality and power. Cencurles ago, Durged din's home was sacked by ores Durgeddin led the remnant ofhis clan roa new stronghold in the moun: tains north of the town of Blssingdell and established a smal, secret stronghold somewhere inthe tackles wilderness. ‘rom his hidden redoub, he waged a decadesiong vendetta «gains all ore-kind, until one day his ene. Iles ciscavered hs fortress and attacked it Durged- din end his lollowers persed, and much wealth was ‘arred away by the conquering hordes: Butits said that che deepest and besthidden vaules and armories ‘escaped the looting, and that some of Durgeddin's ‘exitiordinary blades ull wait inthe darkness for « hand bold encugh to chim one. ‘You've come to Blasingdell, « small mining town on the northern froncier, to see if there’ anything to these stories, Your map shows thatthe old dwar-held lies about three days’ march tothe north of the town, Dah, deeply forested hills rise beyond the towns out skins This is» good time to ask the players if their characters ‘would like to make any special preparations before begin- ning the adventure. Buying equipment end supplies for an expedition into the wildemess might be a good ides. ‘When the players are ready, move on to The Stone Tooth. the trek to the peak passes without event. them to retre side the dungeon, The Wilderness and Camping The tek fom Blasingdet 10 the Stone Tooth is an excelent place to insert an encounter With a monster common t cld foreta See the appropriate sec- tion in the Duncron Masren's Guide for an encounter chart. Daring the inital part af the adventure, the dargers thatthe characters face may cause back outside 0 recuperate. In this case, the characters can fing any number of defensible campeites in the forest near the Stone Tooth. AS long asthe characters keep a vigilant watch, they should have ne problems resting out INTRODUCTION ‘When yout ready to begin play, read or paraphrase the following information te the players. Again, this text assumes thatthe players are beginning with The Map as their hook for involvement and that they have already set {orth on their journey. ‘As you travel, you passthrough brooding pine forests and deep vales several days'travel north ofthe mining ‘own of Blasingdell From where you stand now, you catch sight of al, steep hill that rises to a prominent bare knob of rock—the Stone Tooth. A thin spire of smoke rises from some unseen point high on the kills slopes, and you can make cut a steep, nartow road or track thar runs beck and forth across the face of the mountainside Refer to the map. The characters have three basic options ‘open to them, They can follow the path, they can try to locate the source of the smoke or scout the surrounding sea, ot they can find a place to wait and observe to see if anything happens The Path [At the fot ofthe Stone Tooth, a carefully com structed peth winds up the hillside ro some unseen height above. Durgeddins clan ent the path carefully to conceal its presence as much a pesible, but years of wind and rain have eroded aay its cove, leaving i exposed and visible from the valley floor below The puch climbs dreey co‘The Mountain Door section This is azo the route used by the ores in Great Ulf tribe to come and ge from thei at. Tf someone check the ta for tracks have the player roll « Search check (DC 17) If suc: ceseful the character determines chat patty of four humanoids came down the tral vith the lst day and headed into the forest. This tral seems to dseppear afterhalrs milo: so. Search the Hill Ambitious characters might choose to ignoce the path and scale the Stone Tooth’ slopes This is very hard going, and requires a grat deal ofcare ro avoid dangerovs slips or fll: “The characters must deal with steep slopes and heavy undergrowth, reducing thetr local movement rate 1 1/4 normal (0 fet pee minute, 75 leet per minue,or 100 feet, per minute fora base speed of 20, 30, or 40, respectively), The map scale is 150 feet per square, x0 the characters could easily take hours wo thoroughly explore the hillside If the characters try to climb up to the origin ofthe smoke rising from the hiltop they soon discover thatthe smoke is invisible rom the slopes ofthe Stone Tooth the heavy woods block the view up the slope. To move directly towerd the source ofthe smoke (The Chitaney), someone in the party must succeed in an Intuit Direction check (DC 45}. Ifthe characters succeed, tell the players in which direction the Chimney (the source of the smoke) lies from theit prevent position. Otherwise, ask the players which direction they wish to travel in (north northeast, et.) but dont tell them whether or not they are ‘moving directly toward the smoke, They may head in the right general direction, but without a successful Intuit Direction check, they could find themselves wandering, the mountain for quite some time: A. The Mountain Door: The front entrance to the Glitterhame is located heve. The old dwarf-path leads up toa bare shoulder of rock and then turns into + deep cleft in the hillside. Go on to ares 1 of the Mountain Doot 2B. The Chimney: When the characters reach this square on the map, they can discover the source of the smoke. A natural rock chimney leeds down into the cav- ems below, and a thin stream of smoke rises through it Actually locating the chimney takes bit of work: a party of climbers could pass within 50 feet ofthe figure and net spot it through the dense thickets and boulders covering the hillside. The smoke is dilfased as i comes pp thtough the ground and isnt 2s easy to track down asit sounds, I the characters deliberately search for the source of the smoke, one of them needs to make a Search check (DC 13) to find the rocke chimney. If they pas through this area by accident, allow each character a Spot check (DC 20) to netice the Fseure Should the player characters descend he chimney, 20 fon tothe description of area 7 of the Mountain Door. €. The Ore Tunnel: On the other side of the Stone Tooth,» few hundred yards from the Movntsin Door, the ore army burrowed into the hillside to circumvent the dwarven defenses. Phe runnelis still passable, although is, cntrance is choked with brush and debris. 1f the charac ters enter this square of the map, they discover the orc tunnel with « euccesefal Search check (DC 18) They dis- cover the tunnel curomarically with a more thorough search of thie area; i leads to area 21 of the Glitterhame, ‘The tunnel entrance is about 6 fee: high and 4 fee wide Any charscters who search this area may attempt a Search check (DC 18) co spot old racks passing in and out of the tunnel —numerout large birdlike prints (the troglodytes from the Gliteriame) and the pawprints ofa very argebea D.The Hilltop: An hour or two of hard hiking brings the party wo che summit ofthe Stone Tooth. The lst 100 feet oso ate asheer point of roc, requiring a Climb check (DC 15) tonegotiate successfully The Stone Tooth is about 1450 feet in height, which towers over the neighboring hills by 50 feet or mote. The view is spectacular, but the hilltop is otherwice unremarkable. E. The Dark Mere: The eastern slopes of the Stone ‘Tooth descend inta 2 damp valley where water is trapped by the terrain, A dark tacn nestles under the hills slopes, surrounded by numerous meres and smaller lakes. The lacge lake has ahidden drainage channel deep underwater that connects to the Black Lake. The dragon Nightscale tuses the dark meve as its preferred entrance to its under ground lsir Player characters exploring the area near the lake cant find this underwater outlet unless they conduct extensive dives to plumb the meres depths (Swim DC 10) Remember that every 5 pounds of gear that a PC carries causes him or her ro suffer a1 penalty to the Swim check. Als, failure by 5 or mote points causes the PC to start drowning. “The tunnel is about 40 feet deep, and it liae about 100, feet from the western lakeshore. If any characters ate cepable of diving this deep and conducta thorough search of the lake, theyll discover the passage with a successful Seatch check (DC 23). Naturally, ifthe charscrers can't swim this deep or don't search the lake, the passage remains hidden, Wait and Watch “The characters might choose to observe the path and keep swatch for come amount of time before braving the Stone Tooth. When the characters arrive, two foraging squads of fous ores each are away from the Creat Ules tribe The first patrol returns rwo days after the characters arrive, and the second rerams three days later Creatures (BL 2): Player characters keeping watch from the spot merked “Start” on the Stone Tooth map may encounter the returning orcs. These orcs sleep by day and travel by night, so they arvive in the partys vicinity just before dawn. Ifthe party sets up their camp at least 60 feet from the path, the tevurning orcs pass by them without spotting the camp. Otherwise, the orcs notice the camp swhen they come within 60 feet (or 300 feet ifa campfire is burning) ‘A-sentry whose post overlooks the tral is entitled to a spot check (DC 10) 10 detect the approaching orcs (or Listen DC 10) Characters with darkvision automatically spot the orcs when they approach within 60 feet. Read the "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS following text aloud, adjusting 2s necessary for the circum. stances in which the characters meec the ores. Four hunched humanoids in dirty scale armor approach along the tral, snarling and muttering to ‘each other in « guttural tongue. Yellow tusks jut from. their bestial faces. The orcs charge to attack if they spot a sentry. (The ores roll Spot checks agsinst the sentry's Hide check result, if the sentry chooses to conceal himself.) Ifthe ores come across the camp and arent spotted, they attempt to sneak Upto the sentry and ambush the character on watch, or ‘creep into the camp to attack sleeping characters. Refer to the Helpless Defender rule in the Hayer’s Handbook. As ¢ full-round action, the atacker may instead execute 2 Coup de Grace, This suzomatically scores a critical hit, and the defender must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage deal) or die on the spot. Ores (4): Wp 8,6, 54 Ifthe ote patrol slips past the characters or fights its way through, note that area 14 will be reinforced by any patrol survivors when the characters begin their explo- ration of Khunérukar Captured orcs can describe in some detsil the general arrangement of the Mountain Door. They dont know any: thing about the reet of the Clitrechame, ot that its pos sible to enter through the chimney. A captured ore tries to convince the player cherscters to ransom it back to its tribe, However, the Great Ulfe doesrit actually pay to ransom any of hie followers, and he refuses co allow the "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS | 4 Dungeon Features The fllowing features are true unless otherwise noted in speafic area description. Doors: Unless noted othe wise, average doors have the following qualities: Doors 1 in thick; harcness 5; hp 10; AC 5; brea ois Player cherecters can attempt any number of activities before ‘opening « door, including li tening at it and checking for traps. I characters elect to listen ata doer, checkthe keyed encounter ofthe room beyond to determine if any creatures inhabit the area on the other Side. You may want to set a DC and have the characters check, just to beep the players guess ing. If the room beyond pro= det na instructions other wise, set the DC at 14, and if very soft noises might be heard, set the OC at 2. ight: Once within the con fines of Khundrukar, many rooms are lightless, unless specially noted otherwise ina room's description. A light source is required for charac- ters to see without darkvsion Ventilation: All keyed rooms contain an adequate sr supp, Unless nated otherwise. Thea is renewed from small vents leading te the surface, These vents are individual too small for any but Fine creatures to ravigate characters to enter the Mountain Door to negotiate. ‘Treasure: Each ore carries coinage totaling 4406 spand 1di0 gp Development: Regardless of how much onger the characters wait, no more dun- geon denizens emerge during their vigil, and no more monsters appear after the second patrol returns (use the same statis- tics and guidelines for the encounter with the second patrol). The next step isto find 1 ENTERING ‘Once the party is ready to enter Khundrukar, {g0 to the appropriate area description The Mountain Door As the uppermost level of Khund-ukar, the ‘Mountain Door is a natural cavern expanded and improved upon by Durgeddin’ folk into a series of halls and guard-chambers protect ing the entrance to his realm. The entrance itself sill wel fortified. ‘The caverns and chambers of this dwarven strongpoint are now occupied by a band of ‘orc raiders, led by a powerful ogre who calls himself Great Ulfe. Ulfe’s raiders use the ‘Mountain Door as stronghold from which to hunt and pillage the surrounding area, although they‘e many miles from the nearest settlements and outposts. The fierce tribe has blocked access to the lower levels of Khun- deukat, ond they have no dealings with the other denizens of the cave system. Ulfes rule extends ot far as his reach 1, The End of the Trail The old dwarven path winds up to a cleft in the hillside, wxapping eround a shoulder in the hillside and leading in to the front door of Khundrukas. Two orce stand guard nearby, Read or paraphrase the following text ro the players when they approsch this ares ‘The path climbs up one last steep switchback toward a bare shoulder of rock. The hillside climbs stecply on ‘your right and drops away precipitously on your lef. ‘Debris and rubbish lie scarred over the last hundred yards or so of the path—discarded waterskins, bits of charred bone, and splintered casks or kegs discarded carelessly from the path. Up ahead, the path opens wp ‘onto a wide ledge and then doubles back sharply ino the mountainside. “Two bestial humanoids in scale armor stand watch fon the ledge. They appear to be inattentive and bored with their duty. When the cherscters move around the corner onto the ledge, they may notice arow of clevely hidden arow shits inthe rocky walls about 45 fect overhead. Ack players for a Spot check (DC 18) to notice the sis when their charac- ters move into postion from which they might sce the slois,and lower the check (DC 13) the character deliber- ately examines the eat wall of area Creatures (EL 1): Iwo orcs stand guatd here, though they arert paying asmuch attention t their dutiesas they should. Wark and-Thark, as theyre calle, are currently muttering to each other in the Orc language bout some being name Uilfe. Because oftheir Inxness in duty, they receive at penalty to Spot and Liston check The petty (orthetr advance scout) is near the point marked "X" on the map when they spot the orcs a the pointe marked "O°. Unless the characters have previously encountered or, be sure to deseribe them instead of simply telling the players that they'e orcs. PWarke and Thark (2):bp 5,4 Tactics: If aacked or confronted by more than one character, Wark snd Thark call outa warning tothe ores in area 42s soon as they get a chance to act. They std theit ‘ground against one character, but flee to area 3 otherwise the characters ae disguised as orcs, the ovo dont eal ‘outa waming until thet second action comes up ‘Wark and Thark arent the only enemies hece See area formore details 2. The Dwarf-Door ‘From the ledge at area tthe wall cums south and ascends steeply through a deep cleft or Fssuzein the rock, turning {ng dhe mountainside ins grand entrance of stone Broad, shallow steps lead up « steep Fiesute to the south and turn east into the mountainside. Here, a broad entrance has been carved out of the stone. Marble steps cracked with age and veined with green moss lead up to « strong double door of carved stone, 8 feet wide and almost 10 feet all. Two arrow slits high on the north and south walls command this area. The door may stand ajar, or it could be sealed shut—your call If the ores know the player characters ate coming, they willevenualy shut the door However, the door may be open otherwise. Be warned: I the door isi aja, the player characters wll havea dificult time entering the rmountein thie way the danger to the player characers here is simple: If the ores know the heroes are coming, theyll be pelted wth arows until they retreat or force their way through the door into ares 3. 1 the characters silenced the ors in area 1 and moved pest the oresin area 4 by using stealth ora disguise they find the docr atthe top of the marble stairs standing ‘On the other hand, the characters allow the orcs in area 4to discover their presence and dont move quickly to reach the door, the orcs shut it in thelr faces. Opening the door once it hss been shut ie very hard, a itis barred on the other side. A Strength checic (DC 25) is necessary to "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS force it. knack spel or an Open Leck check (DC 20) can Iifcthe bar much more easily. Development: The characters may be repelled in their auack.If hey Teave and return later two ores from area tt are now in this area, standing watch, while the orc shaman fiom area 9 moves to area4in order add to the firepower ofthe ores on watch there. It doesnt get any easier for the characters to rush the Mountain Door on subsequent tries! 3. The Rift Hall The Rift Hall once served as the last line of defense for Glitterhame's dwarves. ‘The great door opens into a lage hall. You are stand- ett ee eRe Megha eateRC oe ‘ass that cuts the room in two, completely obstruct ing pastage to the opposite side. A dangerous looking, rope bridge, frayed and thin, spans the gap. Water surges and rushes somewhere far below. Two coppe= braziers burn brightly on ether side ofthe door ilue iminating this half of the room. You can just barely make oat the opposite platform on the other side of the chasm. Af any of the characters possess darkvision, low-light vision, or 4 means of illuminating the other side of the room, add In the shadows of the natural rock of the chamber far side, wo porcine humanoids stand watch before another stone door. They snarl a challenge, revealing yellowed tusks, and raise their bows to fire on you! Rope Bridge: Crossing the bridge ie difficult enough to warrant 4 Balance check at DC & (dont forget the check. siodifier for heavy ermor). Each success allows a charac- ter to traverse a distance equal to half her or his Speed as full action, or one-quarter her or his Speed as a partial action, Climbers who fil their checks make no progress. fF they fail by 5 or more, they may fall from the bridge. “Allow characters a second Balance check (DC 18) t9 catch. themselves; otherwise, they plummet almost 200 fees 10 the underground river below, striking the rocky walls along the way. The damage of the fall is 2ods, and the river ‘sweeps away anyone who somehow survives into a light- less, airless torrent of churning water The characters can prevent fatal fill by roping themselves rogether before crossing. Of course, this may be difficult with the ores firing arrows at them every round. Seer! Doors: Two sectet doors on the north and south, walls lead to areas 4 and 4a, The doors are well made (DC 20 for Search checks), although characters who take 20 should eventually find them. Remember, elf characters who simply pass within 5 feet of these doors are entiled ta Search checks to detect them, even if they're not delib- rately searching the area. The doors operate by simulta neously pushing in two concealed stone eee nthe Summary of Defenses |.” Creatures (EL2) To ores gard the | Setting n though the Moun: | catcaniuie ofthe wom they lecvery._ | tin Door may be aif thing inher pow to peventthe cass. | Heve’s what happens i the tera foun reaching theie side, player characters storm in ‘POres (2): hp 8, 6; longbow (1d8/x3), ‘shooting: pentane, 1iOgp t6sp ‘Tactics: The orcs use the rock pillars in | Round O: The characters the room for shelter, providing 50% cover. | meetthe ores in area 1. F. “They use their bows to attack characters | Round I: The orcs sound the trying to cross the bridge, then those casting | alanrn and flee 60 fet south to spells then characters shooting back at them | area 2. swith misnle weapons. The archers guna +2 | Round 2: The ores in area 4 attack bonus when firing at characters on_| fire at any exposed characters theege andthe esonanyDenerty | aes Vf alerted bythe sr bonus to AC. Each hit forces the balancing. tries. Wark and Thark flee churicter to make 2 Balance check (DC 8)or_| through the door into ares 3. risk a fal, justasif hed missed his climbing | Round 3: Wark and Thark check by anmangin of Sor more. cross the rope bridge. The ores fa BC gets two-thirds ofthe way across | in area 4 continue to fire at the bridge, one ore breaks cover to run up | characiersin areas 10r2.1fno and destrey the rope bridge, usingabatte- | characters are exposed. one ore axe to sever the support ropes. The ore | fiom aree 4 runs up to the rust ct two ropes, each with # hit pounts. | secret door leading to area 3 fone i cat the checks to cross the bridge | Round 4 Wark and That slip increases to DC 13, both are cut, the end | through to are § to spread the ofthe bridge phimmers into the crevasse. | glare The third ore fom area Characters on the bridge sustain 246 | 4 moves to the door a area 2 points of subdual damage from the impset | gud stars to shut tor engages and must make Reflex saves (DC 13) ot | hy characters whe ave already Ioee their gripe and fll into the crevasse. | theye Development: Ifthe bridge is destroyed, | "Qeund § The or at the door the Goat Uli followers rebuild isin tare | found Th on st the days. If the characters raid the zooms | '" 2768 2 shuts the coor. The eyondellthe Grew Uf or sf hic fol | STs ormling in stent cone lowers, then rerrea, the tera, The ores in the eastern half of area 3 cut the rope bridge and prepare to defend the door leading to area. tect themselves aguinst future raids. Any cree killed here ate replaced by ores from aah Round 8 The orcs in ares 14 4, The Archers’ Galle: come to area 3 to join in the “The dvaresevedouthischambertopro | #efense of the compley if ‘idea place fiom which archers could rain] wa”ned arrows down on any attackers in the | ¢ Round 12: Great Ulf and the | approsches to the front door of theic trong- | fOUr os from area 11 move to [> hold. Te is impossible to enter this room | fea 5 te resdy + counterattack |) through the artow slits unless dhe characer_| warned teying to wrigee in is 2 fet tll or smaller an can get up 15 fet wo them The characes mus discover the secret daors in area 3 to reach these rooms. Once the characters open the doc, read or paraphuase te following, ‘The secret door slides aside to reveal a narrow pessage descending a flight of stairs to open up into a small chamber below. Light fiom outside slants into the oom through a series of narrow embrasures, posts for archers watching the entrance to the dwarf halls Depending on how the characters fred in area 1 and 2, these ores may have aleeady engaged them in combat, firing through the arow sis ‘he galleries ae littered with debris, cobwebs, and rat droppings. The ores wi stand watch here dont bother 0 keep it clean, s0 poorly cured hide blankets and well- gnawed bones from orc meals are scattered ll over ‘Asceret door atthe northern end ofthe gallery leeds to anes 14 (DC 23 Search checks). The ores are unaware of this passage and so donor wie it Creatures (EL 3) Three orcs guard area 4, the north- em archer’ gallery; one ore guards aca 4o, the southern archer’ gallery These are the same ores mentioned in area 1 and 2,50 ifthe charscters defeat some oral of the hadden arcners in those encounters, there may be fewer orcs let here to fight chem ‘Pores (4: hp & 7,6 3; longbow (148/%3), heavy Hail 1di0e2, cre 12-20), 1440 gp, 4d 5p Tactics: The archer gallery here overlooks the stairs leading up to area 2, and the ores hers ean Fire missles party members anywhere inthe shaded area. They join the fray 1 ound after the ores in ares { all fr help, bet theyre not pariculany vigilant 1 the parry takes care of Wark and Thark quietly he ones in area¢may nor notice them ar all. Characters in dis auise may pasto area ? without danger provided the ores, did not rise the alam. Characters who attempt to snake past the rw of arrow alte must attempt Move Silently checks with a +4 bonus (the orcs arent paying attention). To detect the sneaking character, the ofes in aca 4 mast gual or beat the worst Move Silently result achieved by the player characters A YT) ® OF course, characters could slso run part the slits, in which case the ores definitely notice them and shoot at them as they pass. They fire at the characters in ares 2 they miss the opportunity io fire on them in area The arrow slits provide the orcs behind them with 90% cover against missile fice and make it impossible to reach them with melee weapons (the sits are at least 15 feet off the ground and only about 6 inches wide on the outside) When the characters turn the comer inta area, the ore in area 4a may begin to fire on them, (00, while one of the ores from ares & circles around through the secret door to shut the door from area 2 co area 3. It cakes the ore 2 rounds to reach the door, and a third round to shut it, If the heroes find the secret doots leading to the archets'galleties and attack, the ore archers use their hows on cheracters desceniling the stir, thea switch 10 heavy flails and move up to fight at the bottom of the staits Since che stairs are only 5 st wide, only one character at 4 time can engage the ores in melee ifthe ores cccupy the foot of the sairwy. Remember to keep track of any orcs who are van. aquished throughout areas 2,3, and 4 Development: If the characters defeat these orcs and then withdraw from the dungeon, the ores are replaced by ores from area 1¢ and reinforced by the shaman from ares 9 5. Orc Cave “The second patol,currenily out of the dungeon lis here ‘This chamber ig» natural cave with carefully smoothed walls and floor. Wet stone gleams, and you ‘can discern a: lesst four exits leading off into dark zess. Red coals glow in the darkness ofthe far right hand paccagewsy, and crude wooden cage bare the closer right-hand passageway. The room is littered with orcish sleeping fars, loot, and rubbish, once a masterful piece of dwarf-work tunneling, this chamber was careflly carved out to preserve the neural ‘beauty of che cavern while providing access tothe rest of the complex. The cage door tothe south leads to area 6 ‘where two prisoners langulsh under the orcs indifferent Cate; the prions leap to their fet and rush to the cage door to cty for help when che characters enter the room. ‘Tresstre: The crates and eacks in this toom contain mundane supplies—flour, grain, nails, and s0 on. The total value is about 20 gp for about 500 poundsof material ‘Acddconally af characters are held captive inate 6 thelt equipment rests within an unlocked chest here. Development: When the second ore parol returns (Give days ser the character arrive atthe Stone Tooth) they take up residence bere. Add four orcs to this room after their return 6. Prisoner Cave “The ores occasionally capture miners settlers, and mer chants traveling throngh the forests north of Blasingdell ‘This is where they keep them until they pur the hapless captives to death or ransom them, ‘A row of rough-hewn sapling trunks forms a crude ‘but serviceable cage across the mouth of this small cave. A door locked with an iron padlock secures the room. Inside, you see two filthy prisoners dressed in tattered rgs, crowding close tothe door. “Thank Yon: dalla” the first one cries out. Were reseued!" ‘The prisoners are a pair of travelers named Geradil and Courana. They hail from a small settlement a few miles from Blasingdell, and the orcs have held them captive for almost month now. A parey of ores capeured them with the des of holding them for ransom, but nether’ family could ese the gold demanded by the raiders, and so both are avaiting «terrible death atthe ores’hands PCeradil (Com2): hp 5. ‘Courana (Comt): hp 3 Opening the cage door requires an Open Lock check (DC 13), the key from Old Yarrack’ pocket, oF a sharp axe and alitle time. Geradil and Courana are extremely grote ful for their rescue, but they will not join the PCs in theit quest—neither person is skilled at fighting, and they’ much prefer to slip away while the orcs are busy with the character. 1f the characters ree the prisoners and escort them backe to their homes (a trip of about a day's travel each way) the travelers’ families reward the heroes with four potions of cure light wounds, Taking the time to see Ceradil and Courana t0 safety allows the monsters a chance to prepare forthe characters’next visit ‘Development: Any characters caprured by the orcs eventually wind up in the cage in area ¢, unless they demonstrate that theyre too much trouble to be left alive. 7. The Chimney “The irregular chamber known as the Chimney hotds the ‘main cooking fire ofthe tribe, since a crevice in its ceiling actually winds up through the rock to an exit on the bill topabove ‘Alarge, smoky fite crackles in the center of this room, Battered pots and hetles are stacked all ove, clear, this serves as a crude kitchen, You notice adistinct daft drawing the smoke up through a rough hele in the ceiling of the chamber. Af the characters attempt ro descend the chimney from above, they need to do someclimbing. The shaft is shout {80 feet high; i is irregulae and tough but slippery (Climb C10} Irspossible toanchora rope atthe top of the shaft aad climb down the rope (DC 5). Remember to add in armor check penalties. a character fils his Climb check bby 5 ormore, he may make one Climb check to catch hime self (DC 20) or fll the rest of the way down the chimney, incuring standard falling damage, plus 1d6 due © the hot coals. A careful climber can easily avoid the fire on the sway down, Note thatthe erash of a character into the fire brings any ores in area Sto investigate. “THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS: 8. Orc Commons Haphazard stacks of crates barrels, sacks, and bundles litter this long, narrow cavern. The ores appeared 10 have had some success in their raids of the small ser- tlements and mountain roads inthe ares Yothe north, two finished stone passageways lead east and west (© ‘the south, an old wells ful of murky water. “The stores and plunder filling this cavern consist of high- bulk, low-value materia such 2s foodstuffs, ale, blankets, tools, timber, pitch, nals, woel, and similar goods. The ‘ores fid small setlements and merchant wagons on the toad, carrying off anything they can get their hands on “The pesage leading eat (res) is com- plezely biocked by ughtly packed cratesand cs of flour The ores blocked this of to ‘prevent the sires in aea 10 fiom geting ‘ut the characters move this material out ofthe way, they find that the passage leads another 20 feet the east ending in a ron gate stuffed with saw pallets “The pascage tothe sourheast leads toa secret door, cleverly constructed co resemble the natural roc of che eave_A successful Search check (DC 18) discovers the deo “Treasure: A sal locked stonghox hidden behind a loose sone contains 180 gp and a flask of holy water 9. Orc Shaman ‘Burdug the shaman commandeered this chamber as her private domain, living apart fiom the rest of Old Yarrack’s band with three followers. She makes a grest show of employing her magle ar every opporcuntty, keeping. Yarrick docile and amenable to her suggestions on how things should be run, The secret door leading into area 9 is marked with vari- cous orc hexes and curses on its westfacing side A Seatch check (DC 13) is required to find the hidden door. “The secret door pivots in its center revealing a cham- ‘ber of inished stonework about 30 feet deep and 15 feet wide. The room is cluttered with crude furnish- ‘ngs, and the air is hazy with the smoke of « small cocking fire. Dozens of yellowed skullsare suspended from the ceiling by fraying ropes stcung through hholes punched in the bone. An orc in a ragged black. robe looks up from her work with her face twisted in, an expression of sheer rage! “The door to area 10 is locked, but the key isactually siting in the keyhole on this side of the doot. Burdug doesnt ‘open it because she knows the stcges are just on the other side (she calls them her ‘little stingies" and occasionally ‘captures one to ase in her potions and brews) Creatures (EL 4): Burdugand two ore females attempt to repel any intewlers. Even if the characters have some- how negotiated for passage through the orc-held ares, Burdug does not tolerate interruptions of any sort. Prisoners and Player ‘Characters: I any player characters nave ben kiled earr inthe adveg ture ares 6 is a great place for the est ofthe faity bo fad replacement characters. The res are kneping thelr equlp mentin area ‘Burdug: hp 26; 3 flasks of alchemist’ fire BOres (2): bp 5,3; light mace (ad6-2). Tacties: Burdug orders her two followers to engage the characters while che attempts to wesken the pacty with « sleep ot cause fear spell. After she uses her magic, she'll throw alchemist’ fire at the party; she has three flasks. Ifthe fight goes poorly, Burdug flees into area 10, seiz ing « smoking brand beforehand to ward off the stinges ‘Shell terurn to area 14 and seek help from Yarrack Treasure: Too leather sacks among the clucter (Search DG 10) contain 160 sp each, 10. The Grand Stair ‘The Grand Stair room formerly served ar the main enirance to the Gliterhame, which includes the great nat ‘ural caverns lower inthe hillside. The iron gate blocks entry from area 81s lock is rusted shut; it can be picked with an Open Lock (DC 23), of forced open with a Strength check (DC 45). The orcs stuffed it with blankets and pallets ro make it stirge-proo! I the characters enter the room, read the following aloud: ‘The ceiling soars 30 foot high in the center ofthis Impressive chamber, and the walls ae carved in images of dwarves at their forges. Two large stone dloors exit ro the north and south. Several old skele- tons lie scatired near the northern door. A gate of ‘wrougbtiron stands in te western wal. In the center ofthe floor, a natural sft descends sharply. Dozens of stone steps lead down into dark- ness, om far below you can hea the distant sound of ‘running water, and a carious buzaing sound. If the characters make any sounds, allow the stirges 0 make a Listen check. Read the following aloud if the stirges hear the characters ‘The buzzing grows louder, and then four large fiving things —bieds, insocts, bats ir hard to eay—emecge from the stairwell and arrow toward you! “The door to are is locked fromthe ether side. Chara ters inthis room can pick th lock (Open Lock DC 23), but only by poeking the key out fit (his warns Burdeg that someones coming) “The docr to the novth i a deadly trap. The door is carved in the image of aglowering dwarven face, On tither side of the northern doo eight small spouts shout 10eet above the floor ate carefully worked ito the stene- work design. (The smal irles onthe map mark their location) These spouts are pat ofthe fice tap, but they right be spotted by any character using » Search check (DE 18) on these wal wctions The skeletons are ors led by the tap during the end ofthe old batl;theyte dressed inthe rusted remnants of chain hauberks that show signs of severe scorching Rusted axe heed te neer the bodies, with no sign ofthe weapons Tufts “Tir room leads down to areas Creatures (EL.2): The stirges are hungry for blood. They attack the player characters indiscriminately. Ifa stirge attaches to «victim via touch attack, it causes 1d4 points of Constitution damage per round until it has drained 4 points, and its AC decreases to AC 12, ated stinges Dap off to digest their meal down in area 17 of the Gliterhame. PSeirges (4): hp 6,5,5,3. Large quartities of smoke or fite discourage the stirges and keep them from approaching within § feet of the source of the smoke (2 single torch o: lantern is not enough). Characters set on fire by the trap described below dont have to worry about the strges. -7"Trap (EL 2): Opening the door tothe north triggers 4 murderous trip. When the door is pulled open, « coun- terweight mechanism pumps burning alchemists fie from the spouts, dousing any character standing north of the dotted line marked on the map. Burning characters canbe extinguished by the actions of thet comrades. ‘After the door is opened, the counterweight puis it shu again in2 rounds. Fase-thinking characters ca jam it ‘pen to inspect the small room behind i. The only com {ents ofthe trap room are the counterweight mechanistr, piping for the alchemists fire, and two almost-empty copper drums containing cbout 20 gallons of reagent for alchemis’ fire (the liquids are mixed and then sprayed outyas alchemist fire ignites on contact with st. Piping runs out throagh the small channels tothe southesst and southyves to the spouts overlooking the kill zone ‘To manufacture alchemist’ fire rom the reagertsin the tanks; the characters must fist puncrare and dean cach tank, then combine the reagents safely. This requires shout 2 hours of tedious work end s successful Alchemy check (DC 18) wo recover 344 batches of alchemist fire If the character fails the Alchemy check, the reagents ignite luring the process and burn away. Ifthe character fils by 5 or more, hes caught in the fre and suffers the normal fects for being struck by alchemist’ ft. "Fire Trap: CR > alchemist’ fir causes 4dé points of damage in fst round, then causes 1d points oF damage each round after that unvil 10 rounds pas; Reflex save exch round halves damage first round and negates damage after first round (DC 23), no saves needed after first successful save; Search (DC 23); Disable Device (DC 23) takes 244 rounds. Development: If the characters allow the door to the trap room to shut, the trap resets. Fortunately. i only has ‘enough fuel foronly one more spray U1. Ore Quarters ‘our of the orcs following the Great Ulfe live in this old dwarven guardroom, When the characters open the door read the following: Barrels, crates, and sacks of foodstuffs line the walls of this chamber. Among the loot, four oversized straw pallets and other simple furnishings show that chis toom how serves 28 a bunkroom. Four bestial humanoids with feral eyes are cleaning thelr weapons and mending their gear they spring to their feet and roarin challenge! ‘The supplies stockpiled in this room are essentially the same as those in area 8—low valuc, high bulk trade goods and staples raided from the seitlements to the south over the last few months “The two ores stationed in area 3 lve here when theyre off-dury. Creatures (EL 2}: Unless these monsters were sum- mone by ors fighting in area they're engaged ina vari ety of mundane tasks when the characters appez. ‘BOres (6) bp7, 5, 5,4; beary Mal (444042, ert 19-20), short sword (1d6+2, crit 19-20), javelin, 1dt0 gp. 4d6 sp. “Tactics: These ores fight diet. They team up into ewe pairs one orc in the pair attempts to trip the character the pair is Fighting (a melee touch attach), while the other ore holds its action until after the tip atack so that he can strike ats character whe may have been knocked prone See the Players Handbook for more details on trip attacks and prone details) Note chat an ore can choose to drop his fail fthe defender would tip him instead these ors cam short swords as secondary weaponsin case they disurmed. ‘Development: Ifthe characters raid the complex and depar, roof these orcs will be posted to area 2 to guard the entrance ofthe dungeon against future attacks. “Teeanure: The ores have 210 gp stashed in an old iron cauldzoa hidden under one vermin:infested bed. A stall pouch conceded in another orc bedding contains « topaz ‘worth 200 gpand two ony stones worth 50 gp each. 12. Great Ulfe Great Ulf is a ferce ogre who leads the ores and the ores of the Mountain Door. This chamber once belonged to the dwarf watch-captain, but Great Ulie rules here nove [A short flight of stats leads up toa large, ironbound door. A bloodstained human skull is fixed to the center ofthe door by an iron spike. The door snot locked, but itis heavy and hard to move (unless youre an oe) ‘Wronbound Door: in. chick; hardness hp 25; AC sybreak DC 25. 1 the characers try the door and fill wo open icon the fist go, Creat Ulf realizes he about tobe stacked. He releases the vo wolves and uses aeadied action (apart chacge against the frst enemy to enter the oom). Beyond the door lies a small chamber covered in poorly cured animal ides and ilurninated by smok- {ng torches in bronze sconces. The smell is indescrib- able. A monstrous creature of about 10 fect in height twith wary, brown skin and greasy dark hair steps for- ‘ward, a massive axe in one hand, Two huge wolves strain at chains held closely in the other hand, "You think to challenge the Greet Ulfe?” the creature "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS. ‘booms asitrushes at you. "Vak! Thrag! At them” “The humanoid drops the chains, the wolves spring forward, and the being charges with « roar of rage! Creatures (BE 4): The ogre and his pet wolves arent interested in negotiating and stack immediately ‘Preat Ulfe: hp 44 wolves (2) hp 15, 12. ‘Tactics: The ogre and his wolves pursue the charsctets as closely as possible, fighting furiously Clever payers, right consider retreating back down the stats to force the ogre and the wolves to descend to the passageway outside, where they can be flanked or outmanewvered. Great Ulfe neither asks ner gives quar- ter, but Vak and Thrag arent entirely stupid. If the ogre fll, the wolves run off roving through or over player characters iff necessary (This may provoke attacks of copportinity) ‘Development: Ifthe characters defeat the Great Ulfe but fail to defeat all of the cores, one of the surviving orcs claims lead ership of the tribe. f the characters kill at least thirteen orcs in addition to Ulf, the survivors abandon the Mountain Door and Vision in the Glitterhame Range of vision is important in the PCs! exploration of this level. Human characters rarely carry light sources permitting ‘more than 30 or 60 feet of ilu- rmination, and many of the ‘chambers and passages in the Glitterhame are much larger Don’t tell the players about peril their charactors can't soe from their current location heed forthe ills as soon asthe characters leave this portion ofthe dangecn “Treasure: Crest Ulfe keeps his treasire in two large ‘wooden chess agains the south wall. His hoatd consisis of 40 gp, 1600 sp, a potion of spider dim and a +t mai. (Great Ulfe thinks the rapier is just too stall for an ogre to.use with any dignity) 13, Dwarven Statue ‘The dwarven starue area is another trap 10 discomtit invaders of the citadel. A prossure plate in the floor about 5 feet in front of the statue triggers a gas trep. ‘At the end of this passageway stands the statue of a fierce-looking dwarf in heavy mail armor. The stone warrior holds « sword in one hand and » smiths hammer in the other, The starue stands on a large stone pedestal; che whole structure is about 7 fet tall ‘and rust weigh many hundreds of pounds. 1 any player character approaches fora closer look (and fails to disarm the trap), continue with the text below: ‘Suddenly, you fel a stall click stom the floor beneath your feet The starues bearded face slides open, rather like an oversized nutcracker, and greenish gas billows (Trap (EL2): All of the denizens of the Mountain ‘Door know about the trap and avoid stepping on the pres sure plate. The gas used to be much more debilitating, but ithas lost some potency with age. 7 Poison Gas Trap: CR 2; poison gas creates 20-foot cone, initial Scrength damage of 1d4 points, secondary Strength damage of 14 points: Fort save negates all (DC 13), second save negates secondary damage (DC 13), Search (DC 25): Disable Device (DC 13), 14. Bunkroom Once the principal burk:oom for dwarf guards posted in this pert of the dungeon, this chamber has been appropri ated by Grest Ulfes ores, A total of eleven of the creatures live here, but atthe moment a band of them are out raid ing the countryside nearby, while three are on daty in area 4; only Old Yarrack and four otter orcs are at home This large chamber is filled with rough-hewn bunks, ‘ables, and chairs, and the floor is strewn with filthy pelts Ata glance it appears that perhaps a dozen or so humanoids might live bere. he ores dont know about the secret door in the western wall, but player characters searching this area can discover it with a Search check (DC 20) Creatures (EI 4): Once the characters male che pres ence known, Yarrack and his orcs attack! Old Yarrack hhangs back, trying to avoid the melee while hurling axet he has three of them) at disengaged player characte. 17 the battle seems to be going poorly, he orders an orc to break off and run to area 9 for help. lf the fights going very badly, he sendé an ore to area 11 to summon the ores. , Old Yarrack retrests to ated 12 to cower Olid Verrck caries the key tothe age door in ares 6 Pld Yarrack: bp 22 e3 Ap 6 6, 6,3 Development: In two days the fst puto of four ors returns and reinforces this room. Any ors slain in tea 4 ave replaced by orcs from this room The characters might counter a funy a ine onc inthis rom i they walt twolong before envesing the dungeon Treature: The cron patel chore to ke moe ofthc ‘wealth with ther, buta loose stone on the south wall con- Ceals a sack of 250 sp, 40 gp, and a potion of care light wounds Yarrck conceals a sick of godin area since he {eels cerain he would be murdered by his followers they ever learned where he kept his ueasue. The Glitterhame Below the Mountain Door lies the Glitteshame, a large series of natural caveins in the heart of the Stone Tooth, ‘The caverns are beautiful the walls sparkle and glisten with flecks of semiprecious stone, and millennia of water sculpting have created sheets of fhuted flowstone, delicate stalactites, and picturesque stalagmites. The Glisterhame is a living cave, and water steams down through the cav ems toward the underground river far below. The Glitterhame is now home to band of troglodytes, dangerous reptilian savages that haunt underground places. The troglodytes and the humanoids of the Great Ulfes tribe maintain an unessy peace although short shir rmishes are common. For the most part, the troglodytes use the old tunnel in area 21 to reech the surface and hunt, leaving the orcs alone, In turn, the Great Ulfeé fo lowers rarely invade the troglodytes domain, 15. The Cold Stream ‘The passage leading from area 10 to area 16 is intersected hhere area 15) bya subterranean stream, ‘The narrow crevaste winds down quite long ways, ‘oristing and tusning ‘The floor has been cut into hundreds of hallow steps, but the walls and ceiling ae stil narural rock. About 60 feet down a rushing stceam spills down fom « narrow crack to your left and crosses the stairway, disappearing into a narrow, winding twanel to your ight The ail is only about 2 or feet wide If the characters decide to explore the steeam passage, they have w go singe file The steam drops sharply; the characters must use the Climb sill to descend (DC 49 dle to dhe fast-moving water) Machacacter sips and al, hh drops 210 let, taking normal falling damage Creatures (EL 3): About halfway down the passage es the main scirge nest (area 1S), in a small vertical eave overlooking the stream. The deep fissures a the back of the cave run all the way tothesuriace, almost 150 fet die tant at tis poiar—but only a creature as small ay stoge could craw through Pstizges (6): 5 each The stirges in the nest are sleeping, but any noise or light fom « pasty descending the sueambed wakes them Each round 144 stirges wake and attack, until all the stirges have awoken, ‘Treasure: On the floor ofthe strge cave bes the desic- cated compse of a dwarven explorer who died here meny years ago. A leather pouch on the corpse contains 35 gp tnd a wand of light with 20 charges remaining, 16. The High Cavern The high cavern isthe fist chamber of the Giterhame proper It is haunted by stngos from the nett at area 47. ‘The descending fissure opens up abruptly into a very, ‘cavern, with acetling eally 40 feet ot more over- freth iia uate iy iri dieng Arg nga ledge along the north wal of che chambet. A faremoving stoam bout 5 Feet wide runs across she floor ofthe chamber and disappears under a low stone overhang to the south, while larger passageways exit tothe southeast and the northeast Creatures (EI 2): Four stinges are clinging to the cham- ber walls high overhead. The small monsters spot the pany the moment someone brings a light source into this chamber, but they are very hard to spotin tur: Allow the players a Spot check (DC 23) to notice the small, dark ‘objects clinging tothe wall above. This drops to DC 13 2 player telle you he or she ir specifically looking for danger somewhere overhead. If the stinges spot the characters without being spotted themselves, they have surprised the parry. BStinges (4): bp 7,6,5,3 The Tvag Craw: At the southern end of this cavern lies the entrance tothe troglodytes’ lniz The stream evits the {High Cavern through a passage only 3 feet tall, half filled bby the stream. Those who search this area (Search DC 13) discover numerous teptilian or bidlike tracks (troglodyie footprines) and slither marks around the banks of the steam on this side. Cleary, something crawls in and out of here regularly. In order to reach area 17, characters must crouch and wade or crawl chrough the steam, Player characters trying this path drown their torches and lanterns, as the lowest point of the ceiling is only about inches ahave the surface of the water 17. Troglodyte Cavern “The woglodytes infesting the Gliverhame use this chamn- beras acommon room and food storage aea They defend ‘tagalnst all intuders. Heroes coming from area 16 may have no light and might not see everything at first. Read the following text, adjusting as necessary (allowing for listen and Spot checks): Floundering through the cold, swift stream, you ‘emerge ina lange new cavern. The ceiling must be 30 feet overhead, and the far end of the czve is lost in diriness. A foul stench asauls your nests immedi- ‘ately Someone or something lives here; the remnanis of butchered game animals hang from crude wooden THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS stakes along the cavern walls, and you spor s pair of ‘orc compses treated in the same fashion. Allow any PCin the room to attempt a Spot check (DC 19) to detect the troglodytes before they attace. Otherwise, the PCs will be surprised Suddenly, two grotesque figures—fierce, scaly: skinned humanoids of some sort—leap down from ‘hiding places nearby and hurl huge dart at you! ‘The creatures are troglodytes, The characters cant avoid 4 fight once they enter this room; the troglodytes are very aggrestive in defending their territory. They attack once two characters have entered the room, ‘Ceeatures (EL 2): The troglodytes are hiding at the potnts marked °F” on the map. troglodytes (2): bp 13.2. {Tacties: Both of these rrogladyres are | _ Woglodyte Attacks med withwo veins Tete fstround, | Tetledtes can attack wth wo they hurl one javelin each ar the characters. claws and a bite, one spear and In the following round, they throw their | # bite, ora thrown javelin. second volley. After that, the troglodytes close to attack with claws and teeth Tioglodyces in battle produce a fearsome stench. Any character within 20 feet of a traglodyte in combat must sake a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be weakened by nausea, taking {d6 points of Strength damage for the next 10 rounds. (Smelling two troglodytes does not cause 26 points of Strength damage) The Tngadyte Mor: The troglodytes blocked the southwest passage leading to area 18 with 2 doorplug made of mud vate Its heavy and crude, but stronger than it looks. A Strength check (DC 6) is required to pull it open. This increases to DC 18 ifthe troglodytes secure the dcr fom the other side. The Foo: The stream winds through the center ofthe caver, growing somewiat wider deeper unt it reaches the southeast corner ofthe room. The peo i about 20 feet accoss and about 10 fee deep in the middle. At the eastern tend ofthe poel, a passage leading to area 23 has been blocked up with loose rubbie and mud waite, creating 2 rough stonewall “Treasure: The grisly trophies decorating this room repre sent about two o three weeks of carnivorous fasts for the ttogladye tribe. The ioglodytes like wo lt their meat age a bit before eating, and most of the carcasses here are appallingly decayed. 18, Troglodyte Warren “Most ofthe trezodytes dwell inthis low, dismal cavern ‘The passage opens invoa long, low cavern that quickly breaks up into narrow, twisting passages leading off anto darkness, The ceiling is only about 5 feet in Iheighe, and amorous rock columns meet the stone ‘overhead, The airs thick with troglodyte stench, and the floor ofthis cavern is littered with refuse from the monsters’ meals and gnawed bones of dubious origin. Something scrapes and hisses in the darkness, and you hear the soft padding of scaly feet om rock. UE the characters are carrying any bright lights (torches, lanterns, and so on) or making 2 lt of noise inthe fist cave, the troglodytes of areas 18a and 482 creep up and rush them within 2 rounds, trying to overwhelm the party with « sudden assaule from the cave mouths. Stealthy hheroescan catch the roglodytes unawares 184, West Cave: The west eave is home to two warriors. They are asleep when the cheraciers enter rea 18, but they wake quickly ifthe characters make noise or show lights in the outer cavern. Neither of these trogledytes, are armed, but their claws and teeth are dangerous enough. 18h. The tHatcheryThe large cave marked 10b isthe hatchery. Iropledytes are oviparous, ad the females rise the hatchlings. Six females defend this chember with claw and sooth (they possess the same statistics as war ors, but have only 111 Hit Dice and 6 hit points each). ‘Two dozen hatchlings n this chamber attempt to avoid combat, scurrying sway from intuders and fleeing atthe fist opportunity. they cannot anack effectively and have cnly 2 hit points esch. Ruthless characters may destroy the nest, but they ecelve no XP for doing so. 18. South Cave: Area Ac it home to three wastiors armed with Javelin and longspears These creatures are devouring what’ left of a small deer killed out on the mountain slope. Creatures (EL 5): Two troglodyte warriors lve in area 18 dee liven 18¢; and sic woglodste females andabout saxo dozen hatchlings live in area 18h, The warriors attack flercely and respond to any obvious incursions. The females avoid combat unles the chatacters enter area tsb then they defend the hatchery wo the best of dhetrsbiliy ‘Plroglodyee Waris (3 hp 13 each ong spor and jvelins Piroglodyte Warriors (2)-hp 13 exch; unarmed Proglodytes (6): hp seach; anacmed. PTroglodyte Hatchlings (12):hp 2 each; unarmed. Tactics: If the characters attack one group of warriors the other group responds to the sounds of Bartle, joining the fray foma the appropriate direcion ia the third round of combat. Ifthe characters atic the females and hatch: lings, both groups of warriors join the fray in the thied round of combat ‘As Tong asthe characters arent physically blocking acess toaren 19, the troglodytes attempt to send a warrior away from the fight to suzamon the chieftain. The mes senger and the chief rerurn S rounds after the messenger clsengages fom the Bighe Due tothe low ceiling, any character over § feet tll must stop to fight. This adds «2 penalty to attack rolls 19, Chieftain’s Cave ‘The leader of the troglodytes is a chieftain called Kaarg- hana particularly large and vicious specimen that toler ates no rivale The door to this chamber is another mud- ande-wvartle barrier wedged in place; a Strength check (DC 13) is required to pall it aside, Glowing coals in crude hearth illuminate this lage cave. The ceiling here rises about 15 fect above the ‘oor, and a collection of rubbish and skins marks this place asthe abode of particularly important creature. Allizerd the sizeof a small horse rises and slithers toward you! Ifthe characters make alot of noise or tip off their pres- cence to Kaarghaz in some other way, the troglodyte begins this encounter invisible—cont read. the following tex Otherwise, proceed: Behind the lizard, a hulking, scaly skinned creature easly afoot taller than any of the others you've seen routs in rage and snatches pa spear and shield, clash- ing them together in challenge. ‘This chamber is strewn with the estentitious trappings of power—skulls, bones, and weapons taken from defeated foes, the hides of rivals, and other such things. Coinage and other valucbies are mixed in with the mess. Creatures (EL 5): Kanrghaz attacks any intruders, altbough itis conceivable that a character fluent in Dre conic can open negotiations with the chieftain. (Other troglodytes dont offer to negotiate because they know that Kearghez would kill them if he learned that they were speaking for the tribe or showing feat before out- siders) Ruthless characters might ransom the females and hatchlings in exchange forthe chiefs teesure, but Kaarg haz will slmost certainly try to recover his wealth as soon ashe gets thechance to, rounding up 2 party of warsors to tal the characters and ambush them, PRearghaz: bp 3, PCiant Lizard: bp 25 Tactics: If the troglodyte chief heard the party coming, he casts invisibility on himself, followed by mage armor on his pet lizard (increasing the lizards AC to 19). Kaarghar uses his advantage of invisibility to attack 3 week-looking player characier by surprise. In the follow- ing rounds, he alternates between melee atacks, ming invisible, and cating sleep 10 even the odds, Kearghazs breastplate gives the troglodyte a 25% chance of spell failure Meanwhile, the lizard attacks anyone it can reach, but especially characters who are put to sleep by the chief tains magic. (Remember to apply the Helpless Defender rules!) If the heroes reduce Kaarghaz to half his hit points o¢ less the troglodyte attempts escape invisibly. Hell round up help from any surviving troglodytes and lead 2 war party of the survivors to track down and exact revenge from the player characters ‘Treasure: The characters can find a battered old ‘wooden chest with leather hasps that holds 1,500 sp, plus a small square of black sill hiding a ruby worth 300 gp 20. Lizard Lair The lisad lax is the home of the troglodytes secret \weapon-—a fieshly captured subterranean liza ‘The swift stream passes over a steep slab of bedrock before this eave entrance. The cave beyond is perhaps 40 feet wide and 20 deep, with an uneyen ceiling shout 10 feet high. in the southern end of the room, 2 Jange white-scaled lizard hisses and snaps, but you can see that a sturdy chain on its bind leg tethers it in place. The agitated creature twists in frustration. ‘On the south wall, about 10 feet from the lizards reach, ie « couple of iron chests ‘The chests are marked on the map by the appropriate symbols. the heavily shaded area marks the lizard’ range ‘of motion. The monster can stack any character who sts foot inthis area, The lightly shaded area marks a region just at dangerous the range of the laaedé sticky tongue. CCrearure (EL 3): Unfortunatly, the only wey thatthe characters ean discover thatthe lizard has 3 10faotlong sucky tongue shy stepping within range ofthe arack. At that moment the subterranean lizard does ts best to cap> ture a player character and drag bim or ber within reach ofits deadly jae P subrerranean Lizard: hp +5. Refer tothe description ofthe subrerzanesn lizard in the appendix. Note that che player characters are caught Aaesfoored ifthe lisaide unexpected atvack begins the combat 1f the lizard i fed by undoing the chain arcund the stake (dificult eu whl the ceatue s awake) itimme- diately runt off toward the sinkhole (rea 25), dragging any character in its mouth along with it “Treasure: The 10 chests contain 2.200 spa potion of jump, and a potion of swimming. 21, The Orc Tunnel Abundred years ago, the orcs besieging Khundrukartur- rncled into the dwarven stronghold bere, The cavern is + beautiful natural cave much like the main chamber of the Gliseeshame (area 24), bu it now serves as « guard post and mustering point for troglodyte raiders Read the fol lowing, adjusting as necessary for point of entry Several passages branch away from this large, igh: ceilinged cavern. To the north, a 10-oot wide, square mouthed tunnel shows that someone or something has been at work in these caves. A sirong gate of rough-hewn timber blocks s small passage to the northeast. Three other passageways wind off towards the south. A heavy, animal smell lingers in the eit. The tunnel to the northwest runs about $00 feet and ‘opens up high on the hillide (see Seareh the Hill at the start of the adventure) The troglodytes use this passage to reach the surface for hunting partes and rads ‘rea 21, Bear Cage: A very sturdy timber gate seas the bear pen, anda simple latch holds the gate closed. The bear attacks any character opening the ‘cage door. It doesnt like the troglodytes such, but it knows better than to turn on its handles. “The animal is hostile toward strangers, ‘but someone with the Animal Empathy. skill might change the bear's atsitude. 1f the bear's attitude is improved to unfriendly and ne troglodytes are lef in the chamber, the characters can release it safely (provided no character stends in between the bear and the wnnel exit) Greatures (EL 5): Two troglodytes are hiding in this chamber at the points rarked on the map. With their camouflage abilities, a Spor check (DC 19) is required to derect them, Proglodytes (2): hp 14,13; 2 avelins exch, ‘PBrown Bear: hp 43. One of the troglodytes waits for an ‘opportune moment to attack any intrud: ers, The one at the entrance to area 214 ‘waits for its comrade to begin an attack, and then moves over tothe gate and opens it This releases a young brown bear that the troglodytes have trained to attack intruders. The bear charges 1 round after a troglodyte opens the door. If the t1og lodyte on the east wall cant get to the cage door, its comrade ties to move over and release the bear Note that this encounter isa lot easier if the player characters don't let the troglor dytes open the cape. 22. Fungus Cavern ‘This cave is filled with ¢ large amount of innecucus fangi, and a patch of perticulatly dangerous mold. ‘A ttickle of water seeping down from the hillside above reaches this irregular cavern, nourishing a pro- weird puffballs, call caps, and patches of fuzzy mold in variety of color. A golden ‘brown carper of mold covers anol skeleton in rusted ‘mail in the southern part ofthe room, and a narrow passageway leads 1 another small room beyond tis cone. A surprisingly bright sword gleams in the skele- fusion of fungus tons bony grasp. Nothing in the first cavern aside from the yellow mold on the skeleton, s dangerous, unless a character decides to ‘eat the fungus. The skeleton itself is that ofa dwarf, -¥“Yellow Mold: CR 6; spores disperse in 10-foot- diameter cloud, initial 14¢ Con damage, secondary (1 minute later) 2d Con damage; Fort save negates (DC 15), second save negetes secondary damage (DC 15); Know! edge (nature) or Wilderness Lore identifies danger (DC 23 o DC 13) or Nature Sense (automatic). "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS Watch Those Claws! If the bear hits with its claw | attack, it deals normal damage with the attack, Then it at- ‘tempts to start a grapple as 2 free action without provoking an attack of opportunity (see Grapple in Chapter 8: Combat in the Player's Handbook). No initial touch attack is required, and a successful hold does not deal any additional damage. Improved grab works only against opponents who are at least one size smaller than the bear. Each successful grapple check the bear makes during ‘Successive rounds automat cally deals the claw damage listed. When a bear gets a hold after ‘an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This does net provoke attacks of opportunity. The bear is not considered grappled while it holds the opponent, so it still threatens adjacent squares and retains its Dexter- ity bonus. It can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can at least drag the opponent's weight. beneath the Stone Tooth. Ironically only a hand of the divarves were ever interred here, since most died fighting when the orcs stormed Khundrukar. “The roglodytes have a superstitious fear of this pate of the Glittername and refuse to set fot in this portion of the cavern, They will nct pursue player chatacters or attack them here. IF the player choracters investigate the tombs a greater Ienath, continue with the text below (read the material in italics only ifa character can read Dwarven writing). Twenty-three sepulchres stand in this upper ledge of the great cave. Each consists ofa stone vault of marble 6 feet long, 4 feet high, and 3 feet wide. ‘The lids are carved in the likeness of grim dwerves in armor “The dvarf-runes proclaim the occupants name and the names of his ancestors on the front of the tomb. Empty space below the name is reerved to record the wats deeds and manner of death (left blank on most of the tombs). Finally, dire dwarf curses threaten doom and reribation on any who dare to defile the honorable dead ‘Only three sepulchres appear to have been used: the tombs of Borgol the Old, Gharin Ore-Doom, and Namik the Unlucky. Each ofthese three lissa date of death and describes the dwarf’ fate. Borgol died of old age; Gharin died in battle; and Numik was killed by molten iron in a foundry accident. The upper portion of the great cavern was intended to be the final resting place of Durgeddink clan ‘You gaze out into an extremely large cave faintly it by ratural phosphorescence. It must be 200 0° more feet length, and almost half as wide, witha ceiling 50 feet high in places. Bright crystals glimmer sofily in the cere light. Weird, beautiful lows snd structures of dei- cate stone grace the chamber, The western portion of the greatcave, where you stand now. is divided from the rest by a stecp bluff or drop-of 20 fect high the ceiling here's alfthe eight of theres ofthe chamber ‘A couple of dozen large stone sepulchres line the cavern walls, each painstakingly carved with intecate reliefs and designs. Dwarven runes matk each one Durgeddin and bis followere knew thet their war against ore-kind would ultimately claim them all They built their tombs asthe First step in carving out fortress stronghold “The sord i ctualy a +1 had sed an Mold and You | exchansed weapon bearing Durpedirs mare Yellow mold fs deterbed in | “From the middle ofthe fretchamber ts Despite the dice nature ofthe curses and warnings, Chapter 4 of the Duvcrow | posible wspocasccondckelconin he back there is no danger im this room. Even ifthe charac, FJ Master's Cuide can be| sfthestcondchamber Likethefirs.thisone distur Borgo, Chorin, r Numi ll they find te old FA) creme deudy (086 poms of | ix covered by yelin mold the second ele: bones--no undead ris upto punih them. Openinga BG Con dartgeval lmenychare | ton has no magical srms or armor but it sepuchre requires « Strength check of DC 23 tse BOD caer) so'you right want wo | ear ine vel bene chased with ser, “nt tbe i stam the ployer by emphasis. | which worth 110 gp "Wsepulchre Tid: Gin. thick: hardness 8 hp 90: ACs ing the moldvovere skeletons bretk DC 35, 23, Dwarven Sepulchres “Treasurer The three dorarfe were buried wih ile funerary weslth; Durgeddia’ folk believed in honoring their dead with stone, not gold. Rorgel’s remains include» ring of gold in the shape of a dragon clasping is tall ints mouth, worth 120 gp, and Gharin was buried with a mas teework watham 24, The Glitterhame ‘This isthe central cave of the entire complex, ‘This great cavern extends almost 200 feet in length. The ceiling glimmers with a faint phosphorescence almost 50 feet overhead, and your torchlight strikes Aszaling glints from bright flecks and gleaming stone scructures in the distance. Patches of strange Fungi dot the Door; including capped stalks stnding astall asa haman and glowing puffballs elmost 1 yard wide ‘High ledges rise 15 t020 feet hove the floor on the north, south, and western walls. Narrow passageways lead off to the north and the south, and a flight of carved stone stirs descends from the western ledge 10 4 path that meanders through the center ofthe chamn- keer toward a small, iron door in the eastern wall. The ‘entire chamber sighs with a soft, cool breeze rising ‘toward the surface far above. While the fungal growth may be litle alarming, irs pecfecely harmless. In fact, the stalks are edible, and ‘pulialls can be distilled into an odd greenish liquor that packs quitea wallop. The danger in this room lies in the sick nest overlooking the path at the point macked on the map (Creatures (EL 5): Two gricks wait in the shadows of the steep rockfall spilling down from area 26 to make 2 seal out of anything passing below. They attack with sur pri unless detected by 2 Spot check (DC 21) The gricks stack any cheracterartempring to climb the slope or pass ing by underneath. Its possible for charzcters to reach the Jedge of area 26 without climbing the slope by means of ‘magic, in which case she grices might not beable to inter fere withthe characters’ movement. (The gricks abandon their hiding places and climb up the slope to attack char- aciersin area 26 tf they all desert area 24) BCricks (2) hp 16,12. Tactics: The gricks are wedged into spaces berween boulders, & to 8 feet shove the cavern Floor. This provides so cover and it may plac the monsters out of the teach ‘of Small characters. The monsters’ tentacles are long ‘enough to reach characters standing on the path Gricks have damage reduction of 15/41. This means that they ignore the first 15 points of damage inflicted by an attack, unless the attacker wields a magic weapon of +1 value or better. Ifthe characters dont have any magical weapons at their disposal, they can still beat the gricks— spells and magical tems fanesion against the monsters and nonmagical energy attacks such as fire or acid damage sricks normally. ‘Area 26 contains the remains ofthe gricks’ previous vie: 25. Long Cavern This chamber runs from the troglodyte warrens to a natu- tal rockshafs leading down to the Sinkbole. The under ground stream empties into this shaft in a subterranean truer wile a nacow, winding stairwell leads down to the level below: ‘the thunderous roar of falling water fils this long, low chamber, and s damp, humid spray makes every thing slick and wer. 4 fastushing stream winds through the center of the cavern, emerging from beneath acrude dam or barrier of roland mud inthe ‘ester wall. The stream disappears into a dark shaft at te cavern eastern end. A rough, winding path fol lows the stream toward the east. Slippery Slope: The shaded area on the map is actually guite dangerous. A thin mossy slime covers the smocth THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS cavern floor in this area, which slopes down toward the streams, When a character moves into this area, allow the player a Spor check (DC 23) or Wilderness Lore check (DC 18) to notice the dangerous combination. (Druids can use Nature Sense to see the potential danger) If the check is successful, advise the player that the floor looks very slippery, and the rock floor slopes toward the Characters who miss or ignore the danger must make ulance checks (DC 18) each round they attempt to move in the shaded ares or slip and fall. When characters fail this skill check, they slide quickly dawn tothe stream and ate carried toward the waterfall a a rate of 30 feet per round. 1f characters in the stream try to grab 2 rock of brace themselves o keep from going over the edge, allow Strength checks (DC 13) 10 hold their position for t round. Each subsequent ound, characters must attempt a new checke at 1 DC of 13 61 per round of holding or be washed away (the rocks in the stream are covered with slippery moss, to). ‘Anyone going over the waterfall lands inthe pool in area 28 ofthe Sinkhole after a fall of about 60 feet, sustaining 2ils points of damage and 243 points of subdual damage 26. Grick Lair ‘The loathsome gricks menacing the cavern floor below hive ther lair here, in aside cavern that winds acrth from the ledge. Add the gricks ifthe characters haverit already ‘encountered them in area 24 ‘The ledge sits atthe top of a steep, iregular slope or ‘ockfill about 20 feet high. The mouth ofa side cavern leads into darkness beyond. ‘Treasure: Ihe gricks have simply discarded the inedible portions of their victims in the back of the cave. Anyone rooting through the grisly remains discovers a suit of scale sail (for Medium size humanoids) and a scattered collec tion of coinage totaling 200 cp, 180 sp, and 60 gp. 27. The Iron Door “The entrance to Durgeddin’ halls and forges lies behind this sturdy door Cur into the cavern wall stands a small but very strong looking door of ton plate, about $ feet tll and 4 feet wide, Heavy rivets stud its surface, and a tar- nished silver rune—Dargeddinis smith-mark— slezmson the doors rusted face. iron Door: 21/2 in. thick; hardness 13;hp 75: AC 5: break DC 28, "The door consicts of two pieces of sheet icon bolted 10a strong frame, with a pintle fitted through the door’ inte- ror. No hinges are exposed for easy disassembly. Charac ters can pick the lock with a successful Open Lock check (DC 30). The key to this door isin area 34 of the Sinkhole. The herces can also use a simple knack spel to get through, this obstacle, THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS The Sinkhole “The stream flowing through the Clitteshame descends through the chasm tn area 25 to an even lower level of caverns—the Sinkhole. Here a large, fast-moving under- ground civer races through dark, dank caverns and forgotten dwarven stcercoms None of dhe monsters ving elsewhere in the dungeon regularly vist this pace, sthough the dragon Nightscale somecimes swims through the submerged pertions ofthe ver pasage using this aback door ot ai CChatacters can also enter this ares via the orc tunnel (see Search the Hill atthe beginning ofthe adventure) 28, Waterfall Cavern The stream flowing from area 25 inthe Glitterbame pours down into this chamber, creating a good-sized pool that drains out tothe river in ares 29, ‘Aloud waterfall spills dwn the northwest wall ofthis cavern intoa "hae rocky walls glisten with Pemiad dapat per ical Seen strange Uichens lend an unearthly beauty to ths fot [Another stresm sins south from the poo! st the base ofthe fills, and a narucal passage heads in that direc- tion A ser of narrow stairs cut through the reck wind "pward othe north and two old wooden doors stand ‘na wall of dressed stone tothe east. The pool is populated by an interesting axcay of blind cavefish and white craylish, but nothing dangerous lives inside, The stream leading {rom the pool is about 5 feet wide and 2 to 4 feet deep. Any character knocked uncon- scious or killed by a fall into the pool from the upper levels drifts down the stream to the river in ares 29 in 1d44 rounds, Once in the river, a single round is enough to sweep the hapless character into the airless under- aground channel, never to be seen sgui. 29. River Cavern The dominant feature here is the underground river, which flows swifily from east to west through thie room, ‘his long, narrow cavern is hallfilled with 2 powerful underground river, rcing along at « breakneck pace “The chamber is about 2 to 30 feet in width: you stand ‘on a narrow ledge overlooking one side ofthe iver. A bridge of stone spans the river, leading to a larger ledge on the south side. It looks as if the southern ledge might follow te course of the river some dis- ‘ance tothe east The bridge is sturdy and sound; there's no danger in cross- ing it The stream flows ata rate of about 60 feet per round, Characters who fill or wade into the stream must arempt Strength checks (DC 13) or be washed away, provided they are within 5 feet of one of the ledge-banks. Other wise, characters who fail are automatically swept avy. Characters in the water must atrempt a Swim check (DC 15) each round or sustain 143 points of subdual damage. I characters achieve a success of 18 or berterand there isa ledge within 5 feet, they can pull themselves ‘out. Otherwise, they are swept 60 feet downstream, ‘At the west end of the cavern the ceiling descends sect the surface of the river. Characters swept past th point are in dire peril—they'e trapped in an airless tor- rent of water with no chance of escape. The damage {increases 10 1d6 points ofreal damage each round and the vietim begins to drown (Swim DC 20). Even characters with the ability to breathe water are eventually battered to death The stream runs for about 5 miles before emerging in a large spring on a hillside to the west of the Stone Tooth, 30. Old Stareroom The door to this room has swollen shut, A Strength check (DC 15) is required to force it open. Dargeddint folefor- retly used this large chamber asa storezoom, stockpiling food and supplies here. (Gswollen Door: 2 in. thick baudaess 5; hp 30,AC 5; break DC 18, ‘The door gives way grudgingly, revealing a low- vaulted chamber of dressed stone 30 feet wide and about as long. Two open archways in the far wall show « similar room beyond, and you can barely ‘make out two more archways beyond that. This ‘chambers filled with what appear to be rotten food- stuffs—barrels of salted meat gone bad, sicks of lr or grain covered in rurset-colored mold, runs of cider chat reek of vinegar The room stinks of rot, and the floor under the fst archway gleams wely in the pany light, ‘None of the supplies in here ate slvageable; the passing ‘years have destroyed them all Ifthe characters artemp to search the entire room, they discover that the old store- room holds its own peculiar danger: a gray ooze. When the gray ooze atsacks, read the following aloud, adjusting as necessary: ‘The spot on the loor that looked wer suddenly gains liguid mess and whips out to slam you! Creatures (EL 4): This monster is currently located sn the middle vault of the old storeroom. It looks very much like a patch of wer stone, and i effectively hides (Spot DC 18) Trstrikesat the firs character to enter the middle root, surprising its victims) ifthe heroes fil their Spot checks, BCray Ooze: hp 22. ‘The ooze attempts to grapple a character. IF succeeds in grappling a victim, it constricts its prey. astomaticlly scoring both slam and acid damage exch round, Note that, the pray ooze may destroy the armor of any character it hits in melee, and any weapons striking it may be destroyed. The ooze attacks until the characters Kill t or abandon the scene 31, Empty Storeroom ‘his chamber resembles area 30, but itis emp: The orca broke in and carried off most of its contents during the fall of Khundrlar, leaving nothing behind, Like aes 30, the door is swollen shut and requires a Strength check (0013) 0 open. ‘CSwollen Door: 2in. thick: ardness 5: kp 305AC5; break DC 18. 32. Flooded Storeroom ‘A yeat oF So ago, season of heavy rains on the surface raised the level ofthe subcerranean river to create a minor flood on this level ‘A short flight of stone steps leads down to another ‘wooden door, but thisone is standing halF-open. Dark, stagnant water stands inthe small landing atthe base af the steps and in the doorway, presumably filing the zoom beyond as well The room smells of rot. While the characters may dread the notion of aquatic monsters lurking benexth the surface, nothing here wil attack them. However, wading or swimming inthe water is decidedly unhealthy. The waer is about 5 fect deep and is tainted by a disease organism akin tothe shakes (Gee Disease in Chapter 3 of the Dunctow Masts’ Gude. Every exposed cherscter mast make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or suffer 1d8 points of temporary Dexterity damage one day later Each day thereafter, they mi attempt another Fortitude save or suffer another 1d8 points of temporary Devterity damage. This continues Un alin characters make a successful Forsude sve on two consecutive days, become motionless through loss of _bility points, o ae magically cuted of the disease “Treasure Submerged in the comer ofthe eastern vault lies the skeleton ofan orc champion liled ina squabble for loot a hundred years age The skeleton lies atop a rotted leather pouch containing « potion of water breething and a potion of visit 33. Ropers Cavern “The nstrow stairray atthe eset end of ares 29 climbs over the steam and then descends immediately co a second cavern very mich like the fist, only smaller This isthe home of an extremely dangerous monster, 2 creature known sea roper. 1 the player characters approach stealthily (despite the roper's Alertness feat and Listen check), they discover “The rocky stairs climb steeply, turn north for about 20 fect, and then descend toward che east. You find a cavern very much like the one you just lefe, bat smaller. ledge slong the river continues eat about 60 feet, leading toa door, while the river rushes to ‘your right, separating you from a ledge ox the south- em side There is large, strange-ookingstalagmite in the midle ofthe seuthem ledge, Lf the characters approach without being detected by the roper, continue with the following text Currendy, an unusual stand coming rom the stzlagmite has a thrashing fish {n is hold. As you watch, the strand ‘pulls the fish toward the stalagmite. ‘Then a gaping fang-filled maw opens {nto the rocklike creature, and it dleyours the eave ish in one bite. Even if the characters didn’t succeed at sneaking into this area, allow the characters 1 Spot check (DC 10) to notice that a fish twitches weakly near the bank of the steam, “The roper is located at the spot marked oon the map. Ichas bean here fora couple of weeks, feeding on cavefish in the nearby "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS can handle without hard losses. This encounter is placed here so that you can give the players an important lesson: Sometimes you need to avoid encounters you can't talk your way through. If, despite the warning signs, the characters attack the creature, they should be prepared to lose a party ‘member to the monster I you know that your group of payers will assault the roper it might be best to omit this encounter altogether. f any of the players tell you that theyre looking closely st the stalagmite, have them make Spot checks against che roper's Hide check (DC 28). Characters sho equal or beat the roper realize thatthe stslagmite is + living creature; otherwise, tell the player its just a stalag mite. OF course, this does not apply if they saw the mon- stereatthe fish, ‘The roper attacks if any character gets at least 20 feet {nto the room, ifa least chree characters enter the room, fot (assuming it hasnt attacked already) ifthe characters begin to leave the roora. Natuzally, i xepies in kind ifthe characters commence an attack of their own. The ropet might attack with surprise ifthe characters dont notice ot ignore it. Reed the text below when the creature attacks: ‘he stalagmite shudders and moves} Abruptly, it ‘opens 4 glaring red eye and gaping maw. Then it shoots out long sinewy strendsar you! “Well, wel the ‘monster roars. ‘Dinner has arved" ‘Creature (EL 10): The roper attacks as described in the Monster Monuel, If ie dzags a victim closer with its ten- tacles, the victim is probably pulled off the ledge and into the stream, which flows westward at 60 feet per round. (Characters in the water arent washed downstream as ong as the roper holds them with at leat one strand, but they gain a +4 bonus to theit attempts to escape the strand dus tothe force ofthe water es very likely that a victim will be caught, dragged into the stream, then break free only to be washed al the way back to area 29, This isn't an easy escape; the roper’s ‘Strength drain may make it impossible for weakened characters to drag themselves out of the stream before they are washed into the airless partof the tunnel (see area 29 for details on climbing out ofthe stream). If the characters atiempt to negotiate with the roper, allow player characters to meake Diplomacy checks. Since the roper isrt very hungry right now, it can be satisfied ‘with a simple change of fare (see Tactics). ITADEL AND ENVIRONS PRoper:hp 85 Teeties: Once the coper starts dragging one character to its ledge through the stream, it either settles for devouring that unfortunate soul while allowing the other characters to fee or listens to any pless to save the cher acter. [tint hungry enough to eat a whole humanoid though it would like a snack that doesnt consis of eave fish, Of course, it defends itself aguinst any additional attacks the characters make and continues to fight a8 longas they do. The roper is perfectly capable of conversation and heeds seal for pacley ater thas secured is fire posable victim, Ruthless players might realize that itis posible © Eypass the roper by providing it with « humanoid meal and arranging a shert truce. As long as the mel is alive the oper int picky, 0 an ore prisoner or promise ofadif. ferent creature would do (even something the characters brunt and bring back from outside the cae - You cm allow the player characters co leave if they promise food, but i they return without the food, the roperdefiniely atacks to secure a meal from the ranks of the party members Tressure: In ie stony giasard the roper holds « rng of wizardry (istlevel spells) and six gemstones: a ruby werth 4,000 gp, two emerlés worth 400 gp each; and three ser pentines worth 60 gp apiece. 34, Dwarf Gaol If the characters defect the roper in area 33 (or provide it with a meal, willingly or unwillingly) they can explore thie room, In Durgeddinls day, it war Khundrukar's prion. ‘The door in the north wall sa sturdy dwarven door of iron plate, but it stands open. Inside you see a short passageway with three small, iron doors on the west wall The firstrwo also stand open, but the doot at the end of the hall is closed. teon Door: 21/2 in. thick; hardness 13; bp 75; ACS, break DC 28, The fist two cells ate empey. The door to the northern cell is locked (Open Lock DC 23), but a casual search around this azea (Search DC 10) reveals an old jailer’ key lying in the grime ofthe floor nearby. Inside the northem cell are the skeletal remains of « dwarf in rusted old half-plate armor. This was one of Dargeddin’s chief lieutenants, the ores captured het during the final battle and threw her in this cel fr later interrogation, and the unfortunate warrior vas simply left tostarve. The armor is too corroded 10 be of any valve. but 1 small sille purse uader the breastplate contains 6 pp and 1 key, which opens the Lron Door (area 27) The Foundry Durgeddin’ followers lived and worked ina lage seciesof halls and chambers beyond the Girerhame, carved out of the living roc of the Stone Tooth. Moet ofthis level was thoroughly ransacked in the fall ofthe dwarven citadel c the Mountain Door othe Glitteshatne, which y exits to the surface world, the Foundry is buried so deeply that no monsters dependent on surface raiding would willingly dwell here. the Foundry is not abandoned, though. Undead monsters waitin its darkest recesses, and dwarven traps still work perfectly well, despite their age. Finlly,a small numberof duergxr—evil ay dwarves—have come here co breathe life into Durgeddine old forges and decipher the secrets of the masier smiths work. 1M the characters come to this ares from the Dark Mere ‘see the beginning of the adventure), goto area 38. 35. Chamber of Statues From the Iron Door (ares 27) a light of steep stone stairs climbs 30 feet to this room. ‘The stairs open up into an octagonal chamber about 30 feet across. The floor is inlsid with cracked, dusty blue tiles, and the walls are dressed with polished surble. Large doots of ironbound ak exit to north: ‘west and northeast. ‘Three cast bronze statues almost 10 feet in height stand on the west, nord, and east walls. Each repre- sents dwarven warrior armed for battle; the east and ‘west carty axe and shield, and the center statue is armed with two axes, The ceiling rises in a dome «almost 30 feet above the floor. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the faint singing of hammeron anvil. The sound of the anvil can be localized with a successful Listen check (DC 18): it comes from somewhere beyond the east wall. Any PC elesely eximining the floor netices that the dust is somewhat disturbed. Characters may attempt a Wilderness Lore check (DC 18) to discem an infrequently used tral leacing from the stairs to the stone wall behind the east starue—a dead giveaway thar there right bea secret door present. “f*Trap (EL 1): The obvious exits ae false doots lead ing into blank stone. They're also the triggers ofa deadly trap. either door is opened, the axes of the statues are released to drop across the area justin front of each false door. Any character in the shaded areas is subjected to two srestaxe attacks “7 Statue Trap: CR 1310 48 melee (11242/%3 ext) Search (DC 28}; Disable Device (DC 25), ‘Secret Stairwell:The secret door behind the east statue is well hidden, requiring a Search check (DC 23) to find, ‘Any creature climbing the stairs beyond triggers © ‘magic mouth spell when it steps on the 13:h step. The spel calls out a phrase in Dwarven: “Alert! Alert! Inirud- es appreach!” This warns the duerger guards in area 36 The only way for the characters to discover the epell before it goes offi 10 use a delect magic spell to examine the stairs after opening the door, and then avoid it by using a silence spell ora dispel magic spell, or by stepping over the step—all in all, a fairly unlikely sequence of 36, The Great Hall ‘The door leading to this room from area 36 is another stone door carved with a glowering dwarf face. Forte "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS rately, itis trapped or sealed and can be ‘opened easly. This was formerly Durged- | Negotiating Passage?) din throne room, banquet hall, and center | The duergar begin this en Lathe counter with a hostile attitude, but they'e waiting to se i the characters attack or back down GGhared speaks for the group; suspicious, greedy, and ‘arrogant, but she's not stupid. A succes Dima heck OC 20) may charge thie attiude to Uinfiendly; add » +1 bonus to the check per 20 gp ofered as a bribe (maximum +10) IF the characters successfull engage then in gations, the duergar may—in exchange for golé—tell them several facts: ‘You find a mighty dwarven hall fully 4100 feet in length and S0 feet wide, | sh. lined with ten great pills carved into fantastic images—giants and dragons straining to support the massive vaulted eviling, thirty feet above. Gat- tering orange torches set in sconces 10 feet above the floor illuminate the room, and a mighty throne sits on 4 dais ar the opposite end. The walls ‘were once covered with tlle frescoes, but these are long gone, smashed into ‘tiny fragments and replaced by Orcish graffiti. You can see five doors, not ‘counting the one you're standing in. ‘A small ire emolders on the floor ‘in front of the dais, and a halfdozen sleeping pallets lay empty there, sut- rounded by packs and supplies. Ham- mets ring on iron somewhere beyond the doors to the south. Suddenly a harsh voic the shadows of the pill the way you came! This isthe only ‘warning youll get?” mage. ‘The graffiti consists of random epithets detailing how unfit and bad dwarves are Freel fre to create your oven! Two duergar warriors and the duergar rogue Ghared stand watch here. They're invisible and enlarged, since they were warned of the cherscters' approach by the ‘magic mouth in area 35. Ifthe characters somehow passed through area 35 without triggering the magic mouth, the duergar dont have time to use their invisibility ‘powers and are caught out in the open; the dwarves armored in mail, “The throne is unremarkable; iek simply 2 | enter the dragon's territory. short bench o seat of stone chat might have | Shared will arrange passage ard been decorated at some peint in the past. | Scott the PCs through area 37 The duergar will not allow Creatures (BL 4): The duergar would pref ‘open negotiations with them, ‘PDucrgex Warriors: hp 11, 10;60 gpeach. PChared: hp 19. Tactics: The ducrgar wait 1 ound to see ifthe party retreats, and then they open up with their crossbows, using the pillars for cover. Ghared is behind the second ¥ The doors to the north lead tolls infested with undead and cursed magic FA dragon ives in large lake cavern deep below. The door to the southeast leads into te old kitchens, guarded by more cursed The subterranean river flows from the lake through otter parts of the complex below the Glitterhame. It's fed from a lake on the surface. ‘The duerger evoid telling the characters anything about area 37 01 39, unless they see an ‘opportunity to send the charac ters after the dragen, If bribed, Ghared and the other duergar are willing to allow the party to enter the rooms to the north. The duergar might be persuaded ta escort duergar are emaciated, gray-cleinned | the PCs through area 37 t0 the is Oe chaem in ares 38 in order to ta chase off the party without 2 | the PCs to pass through the |j fight. They give the party 1 round co | 402F to 37 without an escort, retreat down the stairs, and then they | 1: will they allow them to 20 attack ualess the character back down or | to area 39 without a ight. THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS pillar on the south wall; dont forget to make use of her sneak attack and her potion of cure ight wounds. She may use the letter in battle. Jf two duergar fallin battle, the survivor retreats to area 37 oF 3, 37. The Bladeworks The bladeworks was Durgeddin's smithy and workplace. ‘The duergar are currently engaged in forging blades here, hoping to capture a spark of the master smiths vengeful magic. The grear doors lead into 2 barrel-vaulted foundry shout 40 eet across ind 70 long, although the eastern end of the chamber continues into a large, dare cave ‘Astream of water rushes through the center of the room, crosted by two stone bridges. A blast of cold wind moans through this 1oom from the east. Straight akesd, on the other sido of the stream, three lean, gray dwarves are working at a roaring forge, beating 1 ‘white-hor blade into shape on an old amv Allow these busy duerger a Spor check (DC 20) 10 notice the partys entrance. Ifthe ducrgar fail to spot the charac: ters, the party can surprise them, Creatures (EL 5) The duergar are engaged in « oscret project, and they object violently to intruders unless Chared escorts the party, ‘PDuergar Warriors (2):hp 11 each; 40 gp each. Dsmurrevin: hp 18 ‘PBrowngnaw (rat familiar): hp Sourrevin isa ented illusionist. Duergar favor ilu sion magic, since they are largely immune to phantesms and thus can use them in bettle without Fear of distract ‘ng their comrades. As duergar go, Snurrevin is mid as March hare; he constantly babbles and mutters to him self, carrying on conversations with people who arent there and reviewing his plans end plote aloud. Nimira, the duergar leader tolerates him because he is occasion ally aceful ‘Tactics: The duergar warriors move from thelr post: tion by the southern forge to guard the two bridges and use their enlarge abilities. Snurrevin casts shield and uses his invictility ability The rat hider in the dack shadows by the norchwest forge. In following round, Snurrevin uses his olen! image spell to create the image ofa crawling swarm of venomous centipedes twining sround the feet of player characters hanging buck out of the fray. In following rounds, Srurrevin may use the following vactics $ Cast minor image to create images of additional duergar warriors racing up from area 38 $ Cast shocking grasp or chill ouch through bis familar and have the rat dart our from its hiding place to make a touch attack on a PC # Cast faming sphere and then turn invisible in the next round, guiding the sphere’ attacks while staying out of sight ¥ Use clorspmay to incapacitate a player character fighting one of the duergar warriors, potentially seting up an attack ona helpless defender If the bate goes pootly forthe duergar, they use thet invisibility power to break off the coma and try slip the characters, back out to atea 36. I posible, they join Nimira and the other duerpar in area 39. Otherwise, they head for the hill Treasure: Snurrevin has found «lite loot in his explo- rations of che Feundey, inthe cold forge inthe northwest comer of the room, he has stished 320 gp, 1100 sp, 2 gold necklace et with ruby stones worth 900 gp ada potion of sient 38. The Chasm ‘The stream running through the old dwarven blade- ‘works meanders into a natural cavern and frally tum bles into a great chasm, easily 100 feet long and 50 eet wide. You can see nothing but darkness below, although you think you hear the roar of distant waters Cover the shrill scund of the waterfall beside you. ‘rose the chasm, «second small ledge fs prsialy Iuddenby aspur ofrock. Any character unlucky enough tall into the chasm die covers that its about 120 feet to the bottom. (The fall inflicts 124¢ damage, leaving the victim in area 50 of the lack take.) Climbing down the slippery stone beside the waterfall, requites Climb checks (DC 18) Ifa character lowers a rope to clits down instead The climb is easier (DC 8) (chain Zaid: On the northern lege sts an old chain ladder. It's not immediately obvious from the southern ledge ifa character in the soutien prt loks closely at the northern ledge, allow a Search check (DC 8) to make tut the ladder The ladder leads Gown to area 51 of the Black Lake. 39, Council Chamber. Once the council room of Khundrukas, this room now serves asa guard post forthe duergar “The door behind the throne leads into a small audt- cence chamber or council room. A large table consist- ing ofa single stone slab dominates the center of the room, and the remains of old tapestries still cling to the walls A single door in the far wall is carved into the image of the ficree dwarf that you've seen else- ‘there inthis complex, ‘One gray-skinned dwarf in chainmail stands watch by the lar door He silently raises his crossbow Creatures (EL 6): Unless the party is under Chared's protection, the duergar fights 10 the death to protect his Ieader Stealthy characters mey sip part the guard, bt chances are ight wil beacout. ‘insta, the duergarleade, i resting in area 40. LFthe characters engage the duergar guard, she tums invisble clazz: hersell and comes out to investigate in the third round of the bate ‘PDuerger Warrior: hp 14 20g. PNimire: bp 41 Tactics: Nimira fights with a two-bladed sword, Hor combat feats allow her to make two attacks per round, fone with esch end of the weapon; she's murderous in close combat, especially wien using the duergar enlarge power ‘fer guard is killed and Nimira finds herself facing at least three enemies, she breaks off the bale and retests {no aea40, She knows about the secret door and uses 10 scape, circling through area 4 and 42 gerbackeoutto the Grea Hall, ‘While Nimins is an extremely good fighter, she is also willing to megotate—under the right ccumstances. She {s pragmatic and indifferent, and nevershows anger Ifthe characters seem weak, Numi simply atacks Ifthey seem strong, the daes what she can t0 divert them to some ‘ther partof the complex while planning an ambush chat ‘would allow her and her followers to mest the party on ‘qual (or superior) footing 40. Durgeddin’s Quarters Durgeddin prefered a spartan lifestyle, eschewing rich decorations and treases in his personal rooms. Naira, the dverga leader. has appropriated this room for her ‘own use. She knows of the sectet passage tothe east and ‘ses pressed ‘THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS ‘This room appears o be « bedchamber In te far ight comer stands the remains of large wooden sleeping compartment, badly gouged by axe blows and partially ‘burned. A table, bench, and writing desk have been siny ‘lary treated. In the middle ofthe far wall, a space has been ceated for a simple sleeping pallet and a pair of large saichels Two doors exit the room to the north. fthe party enters this room drough the secet door in the closet, or somehow missed Nimira in area 39, she is here, resting onthe pallet. Otherwise, the room is empty. The door in the northwest corner leads to a bathroom, fiteed with two small clay takes for wash water. The north east door leads to a closet containing nothing bur the mildewed remnants of several clos. The satchels contain nothing but mundane supplies— extra clothes, food, lamp oil, and similar stuff. Nimira carties most of her valuables ‘Secret Door The east wall ofthe closet conceals a secret door. The door is not very well hidden (Search DC 13) 41. The Kitchens ‘Accentury ago, ene of Durgeddin’s chief advisors was a high-level cleric of Moradin who prepared many defensive spells in and around the Foundry, One ofthe surprises he left was an animated object—a large tabla—in this room, with ordersto attack any nondwrf who entered. Atthe top of the stars, you find a cort- dor heading south thar opens up inio a large room lined with hearths. Pots, pans, cauldrons and kewles lie scattered throughout the room, and an archway 10 your right leads into a pantry filled with sorted foodstuff. This room once served asthe kitchen for the dwarven smiths. Suddenly, you heara scraping sound, and.a big wooden table shudders and ‘begins to move, heading righ for you! Creatures (EL 3}The clerics exact erders vo the table were: “Artack any nondwarf who tenters this rom, unless dwar tells you to stand stil” ‘P Animated Table: hp 22 .cters can't be hurt by Shurtevin's illusions, but they might waste time and actions trying fight them. A character who attacks a silent image or ‘minor imege can make a saving throw at the spel's normal DC to figure out thatthe ilusion is rot real. fa character realizes the illusions aren’t teal and communicates thie to other characters interacting with the images, those characters gain +4 bonus to their saving throws againet the images The ble has a hardness of §, which means that 5 points are subtracted from the damage inflicted by any attack against it (see Attack an Object in Chapter 8 of the Players Hearahook) ‘The able will not attack a dwarf character under any ci ‘cumstances Ifa dwar character orders two stop, remain ill, co hold still, the table immediately goes rigid and remains s9 for 10minutes or until the dwarf leaves the room. The player of the dwarf character must tell you specifically that he or she is ordering the table to stop moving to command the table, unless by some chance the player speaking in charac: ter happens to shout something that the table might inter- pietas command. (‘Hold sill, darn it" works.) "THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS Treasure: The party can collect dozens of old, rusty iron pots, pans, knives, forks, and other cooking utensils, none of which are particularly valuable 42. Desecrated Shrine Durgeddin made his last stand in this very chamber, laying about with his sword until his ore enemies finally overwhelmed him. The ore war-priests wanted to sake sure that their terrible enemy would never return: they pronounced dire curses over the remains of their hated foe. Then they chose a fierce orc wartior to remain here forever in undeath to slay any who found this place. The door leading oth oom from area 36s inscribed in COrcish: “Beyond this door the Maker of Death is chained. May he gnaw on bis own hate until the sun dies and all things end” “This room was once a shrine to the dwarven gods. The walls are carved in theit dour images, and a low stone altar stands at the western end of the room. Stone benches once stood in even tows on the floor, but the pews have been smashed and thrown askew, and the icons of the gods have been defaced. ‘Atop the alia, arms folded over his chest, lies the compse of an old dwarven warrior in halfplate armor. Bones lie scattered around the alcar's base, and the leathery remains of an otc in half-plate armor crouches at the footof the altar. ‘The wight and skeletons lurking in this room animate and attack 1 around after a character ses oor inthe room, Continue with the following text ‘You sense an evil presence i this room—a cold whis- per of death and dark magic. Then the bones at the altar's foot stir and form into towering skeletons, rising up with bronce maces in theit bony grasp. The dead orc warrior looks up at you and grins evilly, green fire burning in its hate-filled eyest Creatures (EL4): The ore champion is now a wight, an undead moneter hungering for the blood of the living, The piles of bones are two large skeletons, who were ogres slain during the lat batle and later animated to join the ore warrior in his watch, PWight: hp 20. ‘Plarge Skeletons (2): hp 13 exch. The ote champion still weare the half-plate armor in which he was slain, so his armor class is much better than normal for a wight. He and the skeletons attack any intruders relentlessly, alehough they cannot pursue hem outside the room, ‘Remember, any character struck by the wight’ slam attack must add one negative level Reter to the Duncton -Mastei’s Guide for rales on draining levels. ‘Treasure: While his rom was thoroughly lored during the fill of Khundrukar,« handful of adventurers inthe years since have found their way t this room only to fill to the wight's wrath, Ina hidden compartment behind the altac rests aseck with 280 gp anda serll with wb and sider dim 43. The Dwarf-Halls The dwarves of Khundrukat lived in the private 1ooms to the north of the Great Hall. The ore horde pillaged most of these rooms, cutting down all the dwarves they found, and carrying off the treasure. This area, area 46, and all the rooms marked 44 are now the demesne of another undead cdwarf—the cleric Arundil, who now exists as 2 wretched allip, spectre of madness and despair. ‘The door opens into 2 chamber sbout 30 feet toa side A datk pool sits in the ceater of the room, and hall ways lead off to the east and the west. There is 2 strange sound in here—a weird mogning slowly takes ‘on the form of wordsin Dwarven, The moaning grows Jouder, taking on a crazed intensity of gibbered phrases and shouting, as a strange, ghostly creature Aifis tno the room from the hall w the eat! Creature (EL 3): Any character who retreats at this, point may do so safely; anyone remaining in the room ‘must make a Will saving throw (DC 16) or fall under the influence ofthe sllips babble atack, which equals a liyto- tism spell in effect. Each affected character stands and, staresat the allip,taking no sctions for 244 rounds or until the allip atacks that character or the characteris shaken outof it by anally Parundil: bp 24. Characters hypnotized ate flat-footed for the allips firse, attack, after which the monster's hostile action snaps them out of it. turned or damaged, the allip lees and hides in one of the empty rooms (any atea 44 room) for 4144 hours befove emerging again to stale the party. It is possible that the player characters ventured here from the secret doors leading to-aree 46 If this isthe case, then see srea 46 for more information. 44, Looted Rooms These chambers were living quarters, drawing rooms, bat- racks, armories, storerooms, and so on. All of these rooms contain nothing mote than the debris ofthe final attack smashed furniture, ore graffiti, sometimes the skeletal corpse of a dwar or orc. Koll twice on the table below for the contents of any given room keyed ro this number, Loren Room Taste rds Rest 13 Nothing 4 dd xccorpses stripped 52 dwar corpses stripped 6-7 dd pieces of smashed furniture Art object worth 1410810 gp (Search DC 13) A handful of small valuables—cornbs, mirsors jewelry and so on—escaped the general looting. Ifthe roll ind cates that one ofthese is present in the room, the item in question turns up only ifthe characters search the 1o0m thoroughly 45. Skeleton Room ‘The skeleton room once served as a small barracks room, Half dozen dwarves perished and were later animated by Arundil, who was insane with gulef by that point. He frdered them to defend their post against all intruders Just before he died. “Tis room might once have been a bunkroom or bar racks chamber. Six old wooden bunks lean against the walls, burned and hacked by pillagers, and half a dozen skeletal dwarf compses lie here and there on the floor. With clicking and scraping sounds, the skele- ‘tons rise from the floor and advance on you! Creatures (EL 2): These monsters attack any living creatures who enter the room They do not parste anyone ‘outside ofthis chamber. ‘Medium Skeletons (é):hp each Treasure: Another member of the expedition that pes ished bere decades ago lies inthis room. (Her companions ‘ean be found in ates 15 and area 42,)This was the partys thief; her desiccated corpse lies half-buried under ‘wrecked furniture. A masterwork scimitar is clutched in her hand, and a pouch at her belt contains 670 sp 46. Common Room. Once 2 gathering place for the denizens of Khundrakss, this chamber was the site of a pitched battle between dwarves and orcs “Te hallway leads toa second open chamber about 30, feet deep and 40 wide. Three doors open into this ‘room, and snother dark pool waits in a low stone basin in the center of the chamber. This room is littered ‘with the remains of old warriors. No less than seven. ‘dwarven corpses lie where they fella hundred years ‘ago, surrounded by at least a dozen orc warriors. Someone went to the trouble to strip the dead of theit ‘arms and armor, leaving behind a handfal of broken. ‘weapons and shattered shields. 1f the party approzches this room from the secret door to the south, Arundil the allip confronts them here: Refer to the description of the allip encounter in area 43. Other- ‘wise, there is nothing dangerous or valisble in this room. 47. Acundil’s Chambers ‘The leading priest of Khundrukar lived in this spacious room. During the final assault, Arundil used his magic to ‘escape the slaughter, returning later to find all his kinfolk dead. He tried to repsit some defenses for the complex, animating dead warriors and various objects to kill any intruders who returned, and perished a few weeks leter. Surprisingly, this room has not been looted, These ‘were ones the personal quarters of an important dwarf, ‘THE CITADEL AND ENVIRONS decorated with tapestries and furnished comfortably, although age has taken its toll on the rooms contents. ‘A beautiful rug easily 20 feet across covers the flor in the center of the room, and a simple bed and writing desk standin the southwest corner of the chamber Creature (EL 5} This room concedls a deadly perl—a very dangerous snimated object. Arurdil animated the zug and gave icordets co kill any aondwvart who ses foot on it Since che rag covers al of the oam except for as foor-wide ip around the wall any characters investipat- ‘ng this room must walk across the carpet and potentially activate its murderous command. PAnimated Rug: hp4t Chances are good thatthe characters won't have any ‘idea that che rug might attack them, so unless they take ‘unusual precautions, che rug achieves surprise on the first round. The rag sttacks by attempting to grapple up to thee characters currently standing oa top off. Remmem- ber surprised characters are flt-footed and may rot make attacks of opportunity against the grapple. Characters ‘who arent caught fiat focted gain an attack of opportunity when the mug tries to greb them if they hit and score damage, the mg’ grapple fils for that character ony. ‘Any character grabbed by the rag mat then make an opposed grapple check against the rug (the rugs grapple check bonus is +15) Ifthe rag wins the victim is sus tains 24617 poins of damage and is held. In each follow sng round, the rug automatically inflicts 24647 points of constriction damage to each held victim, no check required. Constricted victims mey escape ot ceply at described inthe grapping rales (Chapter 8 ofthe layers Handbook “Treasure: Beneath the bed lies « small wooden chest containing 1,200 sp, 3,000 cp, and « square of alk in which are folded a star sapphire worth 500 gp and a pair of satched blue topaz tones worth 90 gp cacb 48. Looted Armory Tis armory was looted long apo. The door to this room: i sade of roa plate, but the lock wae broken desing the pil Jaging—it can be forced with a Strength check (DC 18) ‘Wiron Door: 2 1/2 in thick; hardness £3; hp 75; AC 5; break DC. Rows of empty weapon racks and a dozen o more stands for missing suits of armor indicate that this oom was once an armory, Some debris litters the floor—wrecked stands and hacked arming dummies, ‘bur nothing of value is teadily apparent. (Creature (ET 2): Anundil animated an arming dummy (man-shaped stands on which suits of armor once were stored) and ordered it to defend the room against any incraders. IPany characters encer the room, the stand an matesand atacks ‘PArming Dummy: bp 1. The dummy is 1 Medium-sire animated object. Its ade of wood, which provides it with « hardness of 5 S points. Each attack inflicts 5 points less amage than normal against thie construct, IF the characters tal to her, = i {dalla checks (or continues 0 | 49, Idalla’s Den heet) to see Fary ofthe cher- | rhe last member of the previous expedition, acters might have good inclina- | cunning and malicious wizard, died near tions by using her detect goed | this spot. Sefore he died, though, he sum. ability. Once she has deter- | rmomed and bound a succubus tothe room mined that « good characteris | with the condition that she is stuck here present (possibly pinpoit until someone of good intenions (meaning ‘which ones are good), she: any good alignment attacks her ori foolish her role as captive tothe hit. | enough to give her verbal permission to she even allows herself to cry | leave. The succubus, who will cal herself and tremble, but only sparingy. | dalle, doesn't know why the wizard sum She can tel the characers the | moned her or that he has since died. Sie following bts oF information: | docs know though, that shes very bored and will do anything to get out of that room, The wizard lives below this | Allow her tomakea Listen checkas the char area She hasn't seen him for | acters approach the room. She can prepare while, though. He wants to | herself better if she knows the group is tse her for a study on pro- | coming. Otherwise, adjust the following longing lie. (These relies.) $ The wizard told her ab of | his som wa once che library of dy the history of Khundrukar | ofa scholar. Bookshelves stand against and the fate of Durgeddin | hells Seyeca piles afboks tat on (see area 42 for details), | | Tadinp abletn the middle ofthe room, which she can pass on. Ghe | Led chernoms necks of moldy paper we hasleamed alte ofthe hi- | Sare'curt'sy the east aadne sour tory from her reading, not | | “°Aulender woman of medium height pen eeteort) and Jong, black hatr sits in achaira the A doppelganger haunts the | Eth Tens euemely tad Her cloth Gittermare. (This ic 2 mai | ing looks well worn, though it does cious litle lie thrown in for | ite go detract from the beauty of het the fun of it. She can use | this to her advantage later, if necessary) A dead dwarf haunts the halls, reduce to a gibbering spectre of madness. F The wizard told her that @ dragon's lar lies below the foundry. (This is another lie, but strangely enough, she's ZH) F The books here are mostly Af the characters look around the Library while interacting with Idlla (Search DC 20) they may find some interesting scrolls (see Treasure) Greature (BL $); If dalla heard the char acters approach, she hat slzeady used her detect good ability to see Fany ofthe charac- tes argo, Se alo immediately um 7 boring, dey tomes about | hogs to be releaed from her mprisonment dwarven histony (The charac- | If she ant quite av prepared, the opening of ters can find nothing but his- | the door gives her a few seconds to change tory books and the scrolls | form where she sits She tries to disitee the listed in Teasure here uress | party with her story while using her delect you with to introduce come: | Pood city thing here yours. daa has | "dalla ells the characters that she isa cap- already tld them the relevant | tive ofa wizard who resides below this level hstorealinforation) She uses all of her abilities to persuade the ccharocters to give her permission to leave the room, (She knows of the conditions of her binding because the wizard who bound her wae litle too free with his thought before he left the area completely.) She ie quite willing to play the part of a captive, even ‘enjoying st the characters allow her to oF wast het, she stays with them for a few minutes, then telepor's, away to sesrch forthe wizard who bound her. She might even try to steal a kiss (and use her energy drain attack) just before she leaves. Remember that ifshe drains achar- acter, the victim must succeed at« Wisdom check (DC 13) tw even notice the drain Just before she leaves, she smirks atthe characters and tells them that not everyone is 28, they appear to be. Her eyes glows briefly as she does 0, though it eequires a Spor check (DC 10) for anyone 10 notice this Prdalla: bp 33 Tactics: Ifthe characters attack Ida in the room, and one of the attackers is of good alignment, Malla plays with them a bit, pechaps starting with a charm person spell, then kissing the charmed target. The moment she takes any damage or has successfully drained one target, she leaves the area with her teleport without enor ability. She uses the same tactics if the char- acters attack her after they have freed her from her bind ing, Groups with no good-iligned characters who attack her inside the room may find themselves in « lot of, trouble. Idalla continually tries to use her charm person, ability to tar party members aguinst each other, and she can inflict quite a few negative levels. 49a, Bedchamber: Area 49a isthe old bedchamber of the