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Br itta n y Br a u n

l 281 S. Melrose Ave l Elgin, IL 60123 l (847) - 293 - 9200 l

I am seeking a career that will allow me to apply the informat ion I have learned while obtaining my
Bachelors Degree in Communicat ions. I am looking to gain experience. I am also seeking
employment that will allow me t o use both my thriving communicat ion and cust omer service skills
to int eract with the public.

Bachelor of Science

December 2016

Carroll University. Waukesha, Wisconsin

Major: Communicat ion
Emphasis: Journalism
Minor: Photography
Related Courses: Int roduct ion t o Newswriting and Reporting, Advanced
Newswriting and Reporting, Digital Journalism and Media St udies, Statistics,
Intercult ural, Communication, Graphic Communication, Mass Mediat ed
Communication , and Feat ure Writing

Exper ience
February 2015 - PRESENT

Mezzohead Media, Columbia, Mar yland - Social Media / Digital Media Intern
Assisted in the development of social media strategy to build brand awareness
Established objectives for social media out reach campaigns, cont ent, and online events
Assisted in the launch of the social media platform known as, Newlybride
Promoted social media campaigns to generat e brand awareness (Facebook, Twitt er,
Generated creatively original media content for the implementation and customizat ion of
all social media accounts
Skilled in how to writ e for Search Engine Opt imization (SEO)
Monitored and evaluat ed new technologies and t rends to ensure Newlybride was cutting
edge in digit al media sphere
Collected data t o evaluat e digit al performance success on Newlybride using Facebook
Insight s and Google Analytics

April 2011 - PRESENT

Dair y Queen, Elgin, I llinois - Assistant Manager

Managed the opening and closing of t he store
Administ rator of t he stores Twitter account
Led a team of 6 people and delegat ed tasks
Managed detailed st ore inventory
Made executive decisions and serves as shift leader
Trained new employees
Assisted cust omers

Volunteer Wor k
Girl Scout s of Wisconsin Southeast
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Stein Garden
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Carroll University Academic Advising Cent er
Waukesha, Wisconsin
St. Vincent DePaul Waukesha County Thrift Shop
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Autism Speaks Conference/ Walk
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Or ganizations
September 2012 - May 2015

Chi Omega Womens Fr ater nity Theta Delta, Waukesha, Wisconsin

Director of Alumnae Relations

Kept line of communicat ion between act ive members and alumnae open by act ing as a
Facebook Webmast er for the Theta Delta alumnae page posting informat ion and events
Led a committ ee of 6 women and delegat ed t asks
Updated alumnae about the Chapt er and events
Execut ed planning, organizing, and holding events for active members and alums t o attend
Sent out birthday, congrat ulations, and thank you cards to alumnae
Managed the Alumnae Relations budget for t he Chapt er

May 2014 - May 2016

Car r oll Univer sity Deans List, Waukesha, Wisconsin

May 2015

Jour nal of Communications Scholar ship Awar d, Waukesha, Wisconsin

December 2016

Lambda Pi Eta I nitiate, Waukesha, Wisconsin - Communication Studies Honor Society of

the National Communication Association (NCA)

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