Sample 2 Emotional Intelligence Workshop

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Workshop on Emotional Intelligence for

By Akeem Todman, Emily Socorro, Hedrick Toussaint, Natalie Santana, Valerie Inghels,
and Zak Gearhart

Define the goals:

The objective of this training is to educate individuals on the effectiveness of emotional
intelligence and how to apply these skills to leadership.

Who will attend:

Business professionals in leadership and managerial positions within their company.
Professionals are encouraged to attend if they are willing to maximize their performance by
increasing self-understanding, understanding of others, as well as emotion reading and
management through emotional intelligence training. For convenience purposes we only accept
groups of 10 at a time.
Location of training:
Our team of professionals can travel to our clients desired locations, or use our own office
space in downtown Miami in the Brickell area.
Follow-up plan:
At the end of the seminar, we will ask you to create a list of goals you wish to attain in emotional
intelligence, based on the results of the test you took. Six weeks after you attend our workshop,
we will send you a questionnaire based on the goals you personally created for yourself. This
questionnaire will seek to evaluate the impact the training had on emotional intelligence. Then
six months after, we will ask you to take the same initial EQ test and compare your results to
your initial ones, to see if your emotional intelligence skills have improved.
Leaders Involvement:
Participants will be required to take the initial EQ Test, which is 15 question test designed to
measure a persons level of emotional intelligence. Then, the participants will be asked to
partake in two short activities designed to highlight the importance and effectiveness of
emotional intelligence in the workplace.



What is emotional intelligence?

It is a set of competencies that enhance your ability to relate positively to others. People with
high emotional intelligence are good at putting themselves in someone elses shoes and use
constructive communication to create a collaborative, cooperative work environment. They
relate well to others, and are able to accomplish more through encouragement and persuasion.
They also excel at guiding and leading others to be at their best. People with high emotional
intelligence tend to be more flexible, adaptive, self-motivated, and confidant.
According to sources such as, emotional intelligence is primarily centered in the
emotional component of the brain rather than the rational and is made up of four core skills:
Self-awareness - you recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and
behaviors, know your strengths and weakness and have self-confidence.
Self-Management - you are able to control impulsive feelings and behaviors, manage your
emotions in health ways, follow through on commitments and are able to adapt well to change.
Social Awareness - you are able to understand the emotions, needs and concern of other
people through picking up on the cues as well as recognizing the power dynamics within an
Relationship Management - you are able to maintain and develop healthy relationships,
communicate concisely and efficiently and work well on teams.

Why is emotional intelligence important?

Research has shown that it plays a critical role in higher productivity, performance, and job
satisfaction. A Harvard research team even declared that people with high emotional intelligence
are twice as likely to be successful than people with a high IQ. Emotional intelligence matters
because people with high level of emotional intelligence are more confident, capable, and earn
greater respect from their colleagues. They are better able to stay calm, flexible, and focused
when workplace crisis hit and panic threatens to set in. Emotional intelligence, unlike IQ, can be
improved upon throughout your lifetime.
Why is emotional intelligence important for leaders:
William Halsey Jr said: There are no extraordinary men just extraordinary circumstances that
ordinary men are forced to deal with. Leaders are constantly put into situations where they
have to be proactive, motivate their employees, manage crisis, and deal with conflict. In these
different scenarios leaders need to be aware of their employees feelings and how their
emotions affect the way they work. An emotionally intelligent leader will be more effective in
assessing how to react to situations, handle employees, and ensure a healthy work
How does emotional intelligence correspond to workplace success?
Studies have shown that emotional intelligence can have a profound effect on a person's ability
to create more rewarding, collaborative, and satisfying workplace relationships. This leads to
greater productivity, reduced stress and anxiety, higher levels of performance, and a greater
sense of teamwork. When companies hire based on emotional intelligence competencies, like
relationship management or self-confidence, productivity levels rise, and profits tend to

Workshop Agenda:
Evaluate your current level of emotional intelligence
Explain the differences between EQ and IQ
Identify your communication strengths and weaknesses
Explain how EQ relates to different fields

Workshop Goals:
Overcome personal beliefs that might be holding you back
Understand how your emotions affect others, and how their emotions affect you
Learn to suspend judgment to effectively engage and motivate others
Improve your overall emotional intelligence
Step 1 : EQ TEST
First, we will ask you to fill out this questionnaire to test your emotional intelligence. The test is
made up of 15 questions. For precise results, please be as honest as possible.
Click on the following link: EQ Test
At the end of the test, scroll down to the Score Interpretation section, and read the comment


During this activity, there will be four to five different pictures displayed on the screen, such as a
picture of a kitten, a sad puppy, an angry baby, and so forth. The pictures very from workshop to
workshop to ensure that the results are unbiased. All the pictures will clearly portray different
emotions that the participants will have to identify and discuss. The leaders will have to explain
what they think the person or animal in the picture feels, and why they are feeling like this. Not
all participants are going to interpret the same image the same way. People have different
perspectives and past experiences that affect the way they interpret someone elses feelings.
The goal of this activity is to make the leaders understand the importance of being able to read
peoples emotions, identify them, seeking to understand why the person feels that way, and
trying to feel for them and put ourselves in their shoes.
Step 3
This is time allotted to reflect on the activity, and explain the impact of emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders in the Music Industry:

Based off of 4 sets of skills discussed previously:

Self-awareness: You are aware of your own emotions
Self-management: You effectively manage your own emotions
Social awareness: You are able to sense the emotions of others and empathize with their
Relationship management: You know how to interact with, influence, and work effectively with
those around you
Csikszentmihalyis multidimensional concept of flow
Flow: the psychological state that has been linked with peak performance and high
achievement in a variety of music settings. Flow has allowed us to bridge the gap peak
performance and emotional intelligence. Flow has also been referred to as the common phrase
in the zone.
Attaining a state of flow during a musical performance insinuates that all levels of control
have been met by the performer. Achieving this state allows the performer to experience high
levels of pleasure and happiness. Naturally, when musicians achieve this level of intense focus,
much like that of all athletes, they wish to return to the flow-inducing action to hopefully meet
greater challenges.

Leadership stems from these activities within the music industry:

Master classes
Staff and business meetings

Board meetings
Mikay Csikszentmihalyis ( Me-high Cheek-sent-me-high) multidimensional concept of
Flow: the psychological state that has been linked with peak performance and high
achievement in a variety of professional settings. Flow has allowed us to bridge the gap peak
performance and emotional intelligence. Flow has also been referred to as the common phrase
in the zone.
Attaining a state of flow during any sort of performance insinuates that all levels of control have
been met by the performer. Achieving this state allows the performer to experience high levels
of pleasure and happiness. Naturally, when any individual achieves this level of intense focus,
much like that of all athletes, they wish to return to the flow-inducing action to hopefully meet
greater challenges.
Who experiences flow?:Professional creatives, that is, individuals with years of experience in
a particular field typically experience powerful instances of flow. As flow is a very captivating
experience to have, professional creatives feel equally powerful levels of frustration when they
are unable to incorporate flow into their work. While instances of flow are able to occur in a
more recreational, laissez faire environment, individuals in this scenario are unable to harness
their maximum potential.
Leadership and Flow: Through proper coaching from leaders, any team is able to balance
many elements and achieve a state of flow. By providing the proper amount of influence and
applying it through sensitivity to the needs of each individual in the workplace, the leader gains
the possibility of facilitating flow in the work environment. By demonstrating the nine
characteristics of flow in the workplace, superiors have their colleagues achieve flow in their
work more often.

Csikszentmihalyis nine characteristic of flow and its application to leadership

1. There are clear goals every step of the way. Goals are an essential part of effective coaching.
Leaders should ensure that the goal of each process is clearly understood by all individuals
involved. This characteristic provides each member's actions with a sense of purpose and
2. There is immediate feedback to your actions. Providing honest constructive feedback on
peoples professional work, aids your team in gauging their progress to the goal. When
delivering feedback to your colleagues, its import to make criticisms appropriate to an
individual's particular workstyle as each member as a singular general criticism may not be
applicable to each individual.
3. There is a balance between challenges and skills. Be conscious of peoples skills and foster
the development of their skills. Remain supportive of the individuals who put forth far too much
effort while challenging individuals who put forth no effort.

4. Action and awareness are merged. Action and awareness coexist in order to create a
cohesive environment as youre focused at a singular goal. Additionally, understand that through
coaching, you are able to address any conflicting factors that are off the beaten path.
5. Distractions are excluded from consciousness. Complementing the fourth characteristic,
you are able to use coaching as a medium for resolving outside issues. If conflicting factors
exist, you can restate the real priorities. Furthermore, if you team is lacking confidence, you can
provide your own motivational coaching. In the leadership mainframe, leaders have the authority
to minimize any external sources that could be hindering the work environment.
6. There is no worry of failure. Coaching operates on the mindset that it is ok to make mistakes
as they are a natural part of human life. Much like characteristic two, positive accurate feedback
lessens the possibility of failures. With positive feedback, your colleagues focus less on their
shortcomings and spend more time pursuing success.
7. Self-consciousness disappears. All individuals with creative backgrounds have experienced
flow at some point in time. The job as the coach is to facilitate this aspect in the workplace and
make it accessible to each individual. Coaches should find triggers and actions that help lead to
the flow state and raise the awareness of workers so they are to experience flow when these
instances occur.
8. The sense of time becomes distorted. Something to keep in your consciousness as a coach
is to notice which individuals seem enveloped in their work versus that of the individuals who
seem off task or are constantly checking the time. As a coach, the goal is not to monitor what
they do with their time, but to examine how self-motivated they are.
9. The activity becomes autotelic meaning it is an end in itself. Autotelic implies that the
work will have an enjoyable and stimulating aspect provided that your team is able to reach a
state of flow. Provided that this is the case, the coaches only job in this scenario is to ensure
that the team is creating the best possible work and exceeding any prior expectations.

Having these characteristic allows flow to occur in the most optimal way and provides us with
a plausible outline to a successful work environment through leadership and emotional

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders in Public Relations:

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important skills in the Public Relations field

Originally people only thought IQ was the determinant for an individuals success but as
more knowledge was gained about emotional intelligence studies showed that a person with
high emotional intelligence had higher success rates.
The Four Traits of Emotional Intelligence and Public Relations

Self Awareness: This is how someone can perceive the emotion of others but still keep a
hold of their own emotions. If a PR person lost control of their own emotions it could lead to a
PR disaster and even ruin accompany and its good name. Especially with things like the
internet where people nowadays can voice their opinion in seconds and it could go viral within a
few hours.

Self Management: It is a skill for personal competence. It is how people will be able to
control their own emotions in a changing environment and still be able to adapt without forming
an issue. PR is a fast moving industry where things are constantly changing and an individual
working in the industry must be prepared at all times to adapt to what is thrown at them and
maintain their temperament.

Social Awareness: PR professionals not only need to understand their own emotions but
the emotions of others as well. This profession constantly deals with other people,
organizations, groups, etc that may not have the same thoughts and feelings as one might
personally have.

Relationship Management: this is how the professional will take all they know to be able
to manage interactions and ensure that things are running smoothly at all times. PR
professionals must be able to deal with individuals, celebrities, the media and many others all at
once and understand how to maintain these relationships since at the end of the day their
career depends on this.

Meditation and Emotional Intelligence

Meditation is the art of being in the present without any judgements or thoughts, by directing
your attention to your breath and the sensations it brings to your body. Our minds are constantly
scattered all over the place, jumping from thought to thought. Through meditation, one becomes
more aware of self. As humans, were constantly evolving; yet we try to maintain an identity.
Meditation provides insight into the deeper innings of your being, giving you a deeper insight
into your emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
By meditating, you are able to access your center during times of chaos and turmoil. By being
mindful of your thoughts, you're able to become a better leader. Many leaders tend to fail at
being able to remain centered under pressure. There are 2 types of pressure:

Good Pressure: Good pressure is a fast paced, but non-toxic environment. Good pressure
fosters growth and leads to one being able to regulate themselves.
Bad Pressure: Bad pressure is a toxic atmosphere. It causes conflict and resentment within the
organization and produce very little to no results.
No Pressure: When one is not experiencing any pressure, they tend to be at ease and content
because there is nothing to push them.
Understanding others
In order to lead others effectively, one must be able to identify and control their own feelings.
Understanding others being able to show empathy, the ability to understand how others are
feeling and why and know how your words and actions have an affect on the individuals around
you. Without empathy, you run the risk of alienating people. It is difficult to lead effectively
without understanding others. Our thoughts and judgments can have a strong effect on how we
feel and treat others. Often, those thoughts and judgments are automatic. It is possible to take

distance from your thoughts and judgments when we are conscious about them in your head
and then move the focus on the breathing and your experiences in the current moment
(Beuningen, 2011).

Influencing others
By being aware of your own emotions you have the ability to understand people and motivate
them effectively. The success and effectiveness is directly related to a leader's ability to get their
team to achieve a specific task they're set out to achieve. Motivating others creates a win-win
outcome. Effective leaders are able to influence others in a way that benefits everyone.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders in Crisis Management:

The intention is to be the leader in the situation and solve the crisis, but the leader may be
masking their emotions, which can impact the way they are perceived by employees. The leader
can also be negatively affected by this, physically and emotionally from anxiety, stress and even
There is also the case of a leader who yells at their employees when there is a crisis or stress.
This can cause a decrease of loyalty or respect from employees, as opposed to a leader who is
in control of their emotions, while dealing with the situation at hand.
As a leader, it is important to develop action through consistent understanding and connection
to the goal. When crisis erupts it is not the time to deviate and make decisions from a state of
reaction. The crisis is temporary.

Leaders can increase their emotional intelligence by using self-help tools.

Observe how you react to people.
Look at your work environment.
Do a self-evaluation.
Examine how you react to stressful situations.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Examine how your actions will affect others before you take those actions.
The key is to practice self-awareness and not cut the feeling of the emotion short. Allow the
emotion to reach its peaks and fade away naturally. Every time an individual creates a
connection to their emotional state they are enhancing their Emotional Intelligence.
The key is operating from this emotionally stable place no matter what is going on in the
surrounding environment. In times of crisis, authentic leadership is required.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders in Advertising/Branding:

How is emotional intelligence incorporated into branding/advertising industries?

Creating a bond between the consumer and the product by provoking the consumers emotion.
Employment of emotional intelligence through branding
Through the practice of building brands that appeal directly to a consumers ego, emotional
state, needs and aspirations.
Human needs such as love, power, emotional security and ego-gratification, which are
subconsciously emotion-based, serve as a foundation for emotional branding and allow
marketers to create a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to consumer needs. People want to
fulfill needs, and advertisers promote the need to fulfill them in a perpetual cycle.
Example 1:
Appealing to archetypes:
Often stories use archetype emotions that tap into universal feelings.
Timberland has created a lifestyle around<w< their brand, one of strength, perseverance and
individual power. [Timberland] make sure it is guy alone in the wilderness, testing his mettle
against the elements. They create a sense of a lone warrior archetype.
Example 2:


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