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CANCEL PICKING LINE (ITEM/S) with Picking List Registration status

1. In Accounts Receivable > Sales Order > All Sales Order, Search and select the
SO Number
2. Open the Picking List Registration form
3. On Lines, select the item to be cancelled (Individually)
a. All quantity of the item
i. Click Functions > Cancel Picking Line
b. Not all quantity of the item
i. Click Functions > Split
ii. Input the quantity to be retained
iii. Select the line with the quantity to be deducted
iv. Click Functions > Cancel Picking Line

CANCEL PICKING LINE (ITEM/S) with Picking List Registration status

1. In Accounts Receivable > Sales Order > All Sales Order, Search and select the
SO Number
2. Open the Picking List Registration form
3. On Lines, select the item to be cancelled (Individually)
a. All quantity of the item
i. Click Functions > Unpick Line
ii. In General, select the Picking Route number
iii. Right-click on the Shipment number and click details
iv. In shipments window, click Show lines button
b. Not all quantity of the item
i. Click Functions > Split
ii. Input the quantity to be retained
iii. Select the line with the quantity to be deducted
iv. Click Functions > Unpick Line


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