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Alexis Rojo

69 Wharncliffe Rd North.
London, Ontario
Tel: 2269199060
December 1, 2016
To whom it may concern:
I am pleased to recommend Heidy Suarez as a candidate for
any position available in your company. Heidy has been one
of the best employees in my business and her professional
skills have led her to excel in every job that she makes. I
know she would do very well if given the opportunity to
continue her career in your company.
She has demonstrated that she is a punctual, organized,
efficient, woman and a person who involves smart strategies
when solving problems. She also establishes good
relationship with co-workers and brings new ideas to her
In overall Miss. Suarez is an excellent employee and
therefore she deserves an opportunity to demonstrate your
company those types of abilities that she possesses.

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