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Noverrrber 21,2076

Re: Re'ference for Kr:llv Thiessen

To whom it ma1, concern,

Kelly Thiesserr has been a student teacher completing his long-tenn practicum in my
second grade classroom since September. He immediatelv dev,eloped a rappor: w.ith the
students, and they were drawn to his enthusiasm and positive energy. He der.eJoped manr
hands-on learning opportunities fbr the students, and kept in rnind the arts integration mandate
of the school. Many t,arents have commented that their children are excited to come to school
to see i,vhat the1, are doing rvith Mr. Thiessen that day, and are disappointed w.hen thel' are sick
and have to stay home.
There are a number of challenges in the classroom make up including trvo special needs
students, many with anxiety, and many who need support with rself-regulation eLnd social
development. Kelly tackled all of the needs in the room. He attended IEP meetings and then
targeted the learning goals addressed in those meetings. he made time for movement breaks.
and dee p breathing aclivities, and spent a iot of time forging clc,se relationships with srudents
and parents. He maintained classroom management tlrrough these relationships, and made his
expectations for behavior cleal. I u,atched him use many differ,:nt ic'rms of assessment during
his time in my classroom: from informal class discussions, to Vlath journals, to games. to
snowbail fights rvith p'aper, to verbal questions. Kelly made sure that each student got a
chance to demonstrate their iearning in the rvay that they were rnost comfortable in.
He was always open to feedback and applied suggestions aptl1'. The other teachers in
our Pod appreciated his help rvith the technological aspect of thr: repofi cards, and he lr'as
alu'ays u'illing to be an extra pair of hands in afls rotations; plaf ing piano or talJng a student
for a br,:ak.

Kelly will be arr asset to any schooi he works

{iee to cail or email me with anv cruestions.


Krista F.utschmann
ASIA - North Poplar
(604) 8:;9-3 1 01

Krista_rutschmann@sd3 4.bc. ca


Our class r.vill miss hirn. Please feel

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