Narrative Plan 1

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Curriculum link: Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways

Learning Intention: For students to be able to create a narrative that engages the audience.
Success Criteria: Your narrative will include; an introduction that includes the setting and the main characters, a hook,
introduce and develop a problem and a resolution. You change paragraphs when there is a change of person, place, topic or




Explain to students that we will be creating narratives over the course of next 1-2 weeks.
Set expectation that this is to be a high quality piece of work that can be displayed in their blue


10 mins

Put exemplar narrative planning sheet on IW. Explain that all students will need to complete a
planning sheet before writing their narrative.
Discuss that the planning sheet follows the hamburger model. Ask students what do all
narratives need? (intro/setting the scene, hook, problem, resolution).


10 mins

Show students various prompts that they could use for their narratives. Picture ones
Put written examples on each table (say that they may have seen these before)

Start of Next

10 mins
5 mins

Hand out planning sheet and allow students to start formulating ideas
Before recess, stop students and ask for people to share their ideas.
Modell to students what a good narratives looks like when published.

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