IT 606L05 Parallel Computing

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Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606L05: Parallel Computing

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4


To give an introduction to parallel computing that studies problem solving using a

large number of inter connected processors.

To develop understanding about the various models of parallel computation and

also gives knowledge about the algorithms for merging, sorting, searching and
Pre-requisites: IT010 403 Computer Organisation and Architecture
Module I (10 hours)
Parallel processing - Control-Parallel approach - Data-Parallel approach - Data-Parallel
approach with I/O - PRAM Model - PRAM Algorithms - Parallel Reduction - Prefix
Sums - List Ranking - Preorder Tree Traversal - Merging Two Sorted Lists - Graph
Coloring - Reducing Number of Processors
Module II (12 hours)
Processor Organizations- Processor arrays- UMA and NUMA multiprocessors
Multicomputers nCUBE2 Connection Machine CM5 Paragon XP/S- Flynns
Txonamy Speed up and scaled speed up Parallelizability- Mapping Dynamic load
balancing on multicomputers-Scheduling
Module III (14 hours)
Classifying MIMD Algorithms Hypercube SIMD Model Shuffle Exchange SIMD
2D Mesh SIMD Model UMA Multiprocessor Model Broadcast Prefix Sums.
Enumeration Sort Lower Bound on Parallel Sorting Odd-Even Transposition Sort
Bitonic Merge Parallel Quick Sort
Module IV (14 hours)
Complexity of Parallel Search Searching on Multiprocessors - P-Depth Search
Breadth Death Search Breadth First Search Connected Components All pair
Shortest Path Single Source Shortest Path Minimum Cost
Spanning Tree.
Module V (10 hours)
Matrix Multiplication on 2-D Mesh, Hypercube and Shuffle Exchange SIMD Models
Algorithms for Multiprocessors Algorithms for Multicomputers Row oriented
algorithm and block oriented algorithm.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books
1. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing The Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill, INC
2. Ananth Grame, George Karpis, Vipin Kumar and Anshul Gupta, Introduction to
Parallel Computing, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003
3. Selim G. Akl, The Design and Analysis of Parallel algorithms, PHI,
4. V. Rajaraman and C. Siva Ram Murthy, Parallel Computers Architecture and
Programming, PHI,
5. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing Parallel Programming In C With Mpi And Openmp,

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

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